
Should We Tithe?

Christians aren't commanded to tithe. Tithing was a law for the Jewish people during ancient times which was similar to an income tax (Leviticus 27:30-32, Deuteronomy 14:22, Leviticus 27:32). In fact, in some years, the Jews were required to give multiple tithes (Deuteronomy 26:12), sometimes resulting in up to one-third of their assets instead of just one-tenth.

However, Christians are freed from the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament that the Jews were required to follow as a daily way of life. As Christians, we don't live under the law, but rather under grace (Romans 2:12-27, 3:19-31, 4:13-16, 5:13-20, 6:14-15). Romans 6:14 says "For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace." Although everything exists by the grace of God, through that grace He gave the Jews the Law as a way of life. Although He manifested Himself to them by grace, He still demanded that they keep the Law as rules for their daily lives. They were required to offer sacrifices, offerings, and tithes, to rest on Saturdays, and to obey hundreds of other moral, civil, and religious laws. We Christians are freed from the law, and now God not only reveals Himself through grace, but he wants us to live according to grace as a way of life.

For Christians today, God tells us in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 how we should give. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

According to this, it would be wrong to give any certain percentage. We should give what we feel the Holy Spirit is leading us to give. Otherwise, if we feel somehow compelled to give, it's not a grace gift. This might be less than ten percent, but it also might be more.

Owen Weber 2009