
Nahum 1:1-8

In about 700 B.C., the prophet Nahum prophesied against the ancient city of Ninevah, and the entire nation of Assyria. This is the same Ninevah where Jonah had preached about 100 years earlier, when the people repented and turned to God. However, during those next 100 years, Ninevah again turned away from God through sin. Yet, even though God would judge the city, God's own goodness is evident in the sentence he applied to Ninevah. God is slow to anger, taking those 100 years to bring judgment upon Ninevah. However, since He is a God of justice and righteousness, He did indeed need to enforce his wrath upon the guilty people of that city. Also, it is upon this same justice that the entire earth will be judged during the end times. None will be saved except through faith in Christ Jesus.

Nahum 1:9-15

Ninevah would be totally destroyed, and the entire nation of Assyria would be buried. These prophesies did indeed come to pass just as Nahum predicted. Again we see the justice of God in destroying a sinful people, but also his goodness in offering them the gospel message of salvation.

Nahum 2

Nahum paints a picture of a hammer held by God, as He used the Medes and the Babylonians to totally destroy the nation of Assyria, as a matter of historical record.

Nahum 3

The Avenging action of God was justified. Ninevah had become a people of lies, and who enslave those of other nations. They were a cruel nation of slave traders. God hated this about them, and other nations also hated them. Ninevah refused any spiritual healing, and they refused to turn to God. Although God is slow to anger, His immutability, His truth, and His justice will not allow Him to simply clear the guilty. They had to be punished and destroyed.