Outcome-Based Education;
and, the Roman Catholic Church


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

Our subject is "Ecclesiastical Babylon." This is segment number eight in Revelation 17:1-18.

Spiritual Blindness

As I think all of you well know, the unsaved person has a terrible problem which is known as spiritual blindness. The old sin nature within him perverts all reality so that he cannot, in any way, reason his way to God's viewpoint. Yet, most of the people that you will be associated with this week (most of the people that you are engaged with in one way or another) think that they can think their way to what God thinks. That is not possible. The scales are upon their eyes, and their sincerity cannot overcome that blindness.

What unbelievers esteem, as they reason their way toward God, interestingly enough, and what they will tolerate as acceptable conduct, is usually an abomination to God. In Luke 6:14-15, Jesus made one of those strong statements that He periodically made to those who were carrying on with religious pretenses – the hypocrites that are always there, the people claiming to be something they were not. In this case, it was the Pharisees. The Word says, "Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things, and they were scoffing at Him." The context previously speaks about just stewardship of the material things that God provides to those who are in the family of God. Jesus was pointing out to them that their love for money kept them from investing in the work of God. His insult to them was, "If you can't do such a simple thing like handling the money properly that God has giving you within the will of God, how can you carry on the pretense of being spiritual leaders? How can you as Pharisees stand up and say, 'We are the rabbis who are in the know; we can guide you?' You can't even guide yourself with such a simple thing as money."

So, in verse 15, Jesus said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men." The Pharisees always took care to keep up good public relations, so that they looked good in the sight of men: "But God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable (abominable) in the sight of God." That's a very important principle for all of us to remember, and not to forget that when we want to put on airs; and we want to rationalize what we're doing which is not right; and, when we want to make ourselves look good before men in something that we should not be doing, just remember that you're not kidding God. God looks upon the heart. While you may look good outwardly to people, God says that what you're doing is often to Him and a great abomination.

Well, we have seen that, as a counterfeit religion of Babylon, a religion of human reasoning, spread throughout the world, it left behind it a trail of moral abominations among the spiritually blind followers of the religion of Babylon. Against such conduct, God says that, in time, He will exercise His great wrath. And we have looked at numerous abominations listed for us in the Word of God.

The Bible is very clear about the fact that the high moral ground is the ground upon which all human beings are called to stand. The way up that hill to that high moral ground begins, of course, with faith in Christ, and personal salvation. But once you have been born again, a place that you are to live is not down in the valley with the scum balls, but you are to live on a mountain top of the high moral ground of the Word of God. People in their spiritual blindness often feel that they know better than God on what is desirable conduct.

The lady who called me the other day also brought up the question of a woman being a minister (a pastor), standing up there and conducting a church, as is the custom with charismatics. I pointed out to her that the Word of God condemns that. I said, "In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul very explicitly says, that he does not permit a woman to teach, meaning to be in charge of a mixed group of men and women, instructing them in spiritual things as the pastor-teacher of the local church. The Word of God is very clear. And she said, "Does it say that?" And again, I'm thinking, "Who's listening out there?" And I said, "Yes, and you will find that people who reject that, those who are the feminist compromisers (as the men who grovel at the feet of feminism) are very consistent in the fact that they understand that the Bible is a problem."

I said, "Several years ago when Jimmy Carter was president of the United States, running around with his Bible in his hand, he on one occasion, in speaking about the Bible's instruction about women, said, 'The apostle Paul expressed some views that he disagreed with,' and he did not agree with Paul's views, meaning views such as women not leading in spiritual things, and all those other restrictions that were upon him." President Carter was at least consistent in recognizing that this is what the Bible says. He had attacked the Bible, which is what he was doing indirectly, for he was saying that the apostle Paul had been permitted to interject an error into Scripture. He got around the blind side of God the Holy Spirit, and slipped that in. President Carter, who was the fountain of wisdom in many ways, as you know, recognized that this was a falsehood, and therefore did not agree with the apostle Paul. He was reasoning himself to the mind of God, and he was dead wrong.

Spiritual blindness leads a person to believe that he knows the truth better than God. But they're going to find out that God's moral code is the way God works. That's the high moral ground, and His strong wrath will eventually strike out against violations of that code.

When the city of Rome became the headquarters of Babylonianism, the filthy practices of the harlot religion permeated all levels of society. From the emperor, who was the Pontifex Maximus and claiming deity, down to the lowest citizen, all were increasingly corrupt and lawless. This is what was the internal dry rot on the inside that finally brought the Roman Empire down. It was the rottenness from within of its morality because of the practice of the religion that justified these things. Finally, when the Germanic tribes in the north came sweeping in upon the Empire, they still had the Roman legions; they still had their tactics; they still had their weapons; and, they still had their armor, but they didn't have what General George Patton said is the basis upon which all battles are won, and that is the condition of the soul. They no longer had the soul capacity to meet an enemy with courage and with determination, and to secure victory, even snatching it out of the face of defeat.

So, the empire went down. It was that gross. One of the Romans empresses, Messalina, sank to the level that she served incognito in the public brothels in Rome as a part of her religious duties.

Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

I told you in the previous session about the sacrifice of our children in terms of the sacrifice of their mentality with what is now sweeping the educational realm in the public school. That is a thing called OBE (Outcome-Based Education). The idea of OBE is to determine what kind of a child you want in his thinking; his emotions; and, his values, and that's what you concentrate on. What he knows about reading, writing, and arithmetic is irrelevant. It is to change this child so that he becomes an agent for restructuring society for the New Age, and off the base of its Judeo-Christian origins.

I'd like to quote to you from "The New American," August 23rd, 1993. The article is "Outcome-Based Education: Skinnerian Conditioning in the Classroom." This is preparing children here now to receive the harlot religion. This is education to prepare for life, in fact, in the antichrist's world. Here are the features of this educational system which is being implemented widely in California, and will be making its way across the country.

  1. Higher-Order Thinking

    "Rather than being taught facts, information, concepts, and essential skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic, children are engaged in supposedly higher order thinking skills, ignoring the self-evident truth that it is impossible to employ higher order thinking without a base of factual knowledge.
  2. The Affective Domain of Manipulating Feelings, Attitudes, and Values

    "Next, the curriculum is tilted heavily to the affective domain in order to manipulate and change feelings, attitudes, and values. An outcome listed for grades 9-12 and Oklahoma's OBE states: 'The student will develop communication skills, including to be able to talk to one's actual or potential partner about sexual behavior.' In the first grade: 'The student will identify different types of family structures so that no single type is seen as the only possible one,' meaning the Bible's type.
  3. Politically Correct

    Next, behavioral objectives are loaded with vague terms geared toward producing politically correct outcomes. Examples from the Pennsylvania state OBE: 'All students make environmentally sound decisions in their personal and civic lives. All students develop interpersonal communication; decision-making; coping; and, evaluation skills, and apply them to personal family and community living. All students understand and appreciate their worth as unique and capable individuals, and exhibit self-esteem.'"

    Here you have Vice President Al Gore's obsession with the environment – the environment which is the goddess mother, and which is now being used as the instrument to bring greater government controls on our society.

  4. Subjective Thought

    "Next: even in the curriculum's cognitive domain (areas of thinking), emphasis is placed on subjective thought rather than objective knowledge. Students dabble in all manner of heady problem-solving and decision-making, even though they cannot read or compute. Thus, the National OBE program called "Roots and Wings" tells us: children in 'Roots and Wings' will negotiate the future of the South American rain forest; manage an African kingdom; write a new United States Constitution; sail with Darwin; and, plan a transportation system for their own country. Innovative performance-based assets will measure students' progress toward world class standards."

    Some of the older folks may say, "Well, this used to be called 'progressive education.' That's basically the same starting point. Never mind learning facts and skills: just change the attitudes, except this one is more refined and more deadly.

  5. Phonics is Excluded

    "Another principle in teaching reading: phonics is excluded. The whole language and look-say methods that are responsible for our pandemic illiteracy are used."

    What is happening in the public schools in Irving? Look-say. You look at a word, and finally, you look at it long enough that you learn what it is, and you can say it. But to pronounce a totally new word that you don't know – you can't do that. It is amazing – this resistance to phonics in the educational system.

  6. No Report Cards

    "Next, traditional report cards with grades for individual subjects are abandoned in favor of check marks on a list of behaviors, attitudes, and skills – dumbing down everybody."

    You wouldn't believe the flak that I have had to take, and Berean Academy takes, because our standards are too high so that some students cannot achieve certain honors and plateaus of accomplishment. And we're told, "Your grading system is bad, and your standards are wrong." Here it is. OBE is saying the same thing: "Get us down so that no child has to reach up."

    It used to be like Dr. Lewis Johnson, my Greek professor at Dallas Seminary, used to emphasize in Greek class. He said, "Never put the cookies of the Word of God on the lower shelf. But put them way up high where the people of God have to stand up straight and stretch to reach them. That way, they will come to their maximum spiritual development." Don't make a bunch of hunchbacks.

  7. Multi-Age Groupings

    "Next, children are grouped in multi-age groupings ages: 6-to-8 years; 9-to-11 years; and, so on, rather than the traditional grades of 1 to 12." That way, somebody doesn't have to say, "I didn't get promoted to the next grade."
  8. Cooperative Learning

    "Next, cooperative learning is stressed by organizing virtually all learning activities into group activities. Individual excellence is discouraged as the group is allowed to progress only as a unit when every child has mastered the stated behavioral goals. Group-think is in. Individuality; competition; and, personal striving are out."

    A few years ago, this was implemented in the public schools, and these things have always been pushed and snuck in. Now, OBE is a complete bringing together of all these individual things in an organized fashion. A few years ago, the word was "open classroom." Do you remember that? My son Steven was our principal at the time, and I said, "Steve, they've just built a school over here with open classrooms for open classroom education. Let's go look at it. We walked into a room the size of this gymnasium, and there were all kinds of grades all mixed together in this one classroom. And there was all this teaching going on. Some were talking here, and there was a group here listening, trying to pay attention to their teacher while this one was talking here. There was this whole mass of classrooms and different classes carrying one, with some of them doing different things.

    I remember the lady who was assigned to escort us around said, "This is a very different technique of teaching, but I know it is the best one that has ever been designed." And I thought, "Dumb, dumb, dumb. It isn't that at all." In fact, as we walked through, we saw places where teachers had piled up extra books, and pushed chairs, and stacked stuff up. And if they had a little portable bulletin board, they shoved it so they could separate themselves from other classes. Here they were trying to build these little walls around themselves to create some sense of entity so that a child could do what? The very thing that they didn't want him to do – to look at this teacher and say, "This is my teacher. These are my classmates. We're a unit. We're a team. We're a group. And down the corridor is another teacher and they are another group, and we don't know whether we like them or not, or what they're doing, but this is our team."

    When we left, I said, "Stephen, you have just seen a demonstration in the public school system to promote socialism. That's why they were doing open classrooms – so that there was no individuality. You were just part of this great big beehive machine. That's exactly what OBE is after.

    Well, open classrooms went down the drain because nobody could learn. Finally, they had to give it up, and they had to go back in and put walls in, and chop up all those huge open rooms that they had built.

    So, the competition is going to be out, and you are going to be put into a great mass of kids so that nobody is better than anyone else.

  9. A Permanent Computer Portfolio for each Child

    "Next, a permanent computer file or portfolio is established for each child, complete with detailed school, health, medical, and family records.
  10. Student in Computer-Driven, Behavior-Modification Curriculum

    "Next, the student is trapped in a computer-driven, behavior-modification curriculum. Each student's progress on learning outcomes ..."

    Did you get the name? "Outcome-Based Education." The outcome is the key thing. It is not whether you can read; not whether you can write; and, not whether you can perform any compositions. It's how-you-think, politically correct, emotional attitudes. It is all about how you are going to fit into this new world society.

    "Each student's progress on learning outcomes is tracked on the computer. If the student gives an incorrect response for either cognitive or affective (that means feeling-based behavioral outcomes), the computer automatically recycles them again and again, like Dr. Skinner's pigeons, until he exhibits the correct behavioral response."

    I should not this reference to Dr. Skinner. B.F. Skinner was a psychologist who was the one who was behind this (who laid the foundation for Outcome-Based Education) – that children are like animals who can be programed by certain behavior responses. Skinner was very successful with doing this with pigeons during World War II. He trained pigeons to trigger (with electrical impulses) explosives that had been placed to actually carry explosives to submarines. A pigeon could recognize a submarine; lay it on a critical part; and, blow itself up. They had trained the animal. They could do the same thing now with human beings. Wrong. Human beings are made in the image of God. Therefore, they don't respond automatically.

  11. Teachers in Computer-Driven, Behavior-Modification Curriculum

    "Next, teachers are likewise trapped in the computer driven behavior modification curriculum of their own, which they must successfully complete in order to maintain their teaching credentials. Those teachers who do not regurgitate the correct responses will be weeded out of the profession.
  12. The Carnegie Units Required for Graduation are Abandoned

    "Then, in high schools, the Carnegie units required for graduation are abandoned. Instead of completing traditional four units of English; three units of math and science; two units of American history; and, so on, students are required to demonstrate ambiguous and subjective learning outcomes that cannot be objectively measured.
  13. Full Day Care and other Services

    "Government schools are expanded to provide full day care, clinical health care, psychological counseling, employment service, etc."

    They are doing anything they can to separate the child from the home and the influence of the parents, especially Christians.

  14. Parenting Classes

    "The schools become much more closely linked with the home, as teachers; daycare providers; and, social workers become partners with parents, and parents are required to take effective parenting classes. Schools become lifelong learning centers, providing continuous job training and career counseling for adults.
  15. Community Service

    "Community service is required for both children and parents.
  16. Global Citizenship

    "Finally, training for global citizenship is established as the primary purpose of all education."
So, remember, you heard it first – Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is sweeping from the West across the country, and it is another evidence that the Lord is on the horizon, as society is going to be shredded from its Judeo-Christian roots.

A Mystery

In Revelation 17:5, we read about this woman, "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the Abomination of the Earth." This is called "a mystery," which, as you now know, is a secret that God kept hidden in ages past, but now makes known. This divine secret here is that there was to come upon this earth a single false religious system begun by Satan on the Euphrates River under the guidance of Nimrod in the city of Babylon, which would in time expand into a worldwide religion which would be received by all mankind. Such a thing had never been revealed in the Old Testament, and it was a staggering idea. Babylon religion became the mother source of all spiritual and faithfulness, and it was built upon the concept of idolatry. Nimrod said, "We don't have to be afraid of God that we've all heard about. We have other gods, and we will be faithful to them." His system was to show people that they could have a good time going to their religious exercises, and not be afraid of God. The religion of Babylon, consequently, gave birth to all the spiritual abominations we have spent two sessions looking at in all their loathsome details.

This particular secret has to do with the unbelievable depth of the vileness and the evil of the Babylonian system. This system expanded rapidly throughout the world. The headquarters of Nimrod's religion, after Babylon was conquered by the Medes and Persians was moved to Pergamus. In time, the king of Pergamus yielded his title of Pontifex Maximus to Rome, and the headquarters of Babylon religion moved to Rome. When Julius Caesar became emperor, he assumed the title of the high priest of Babylonianism (Pontifex Maximus), and thus the chief bridge-builder between man and Satan in the religious realm also was head of the civil government. The two were now combined.

Under Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, the first so-called Christian emperor, and we all have some doubts whether he really was a Christian, but he did make Christianity the state religion. He brought Christianity into the system of the state Babylonianism (the state's Babylon religion), and he proceeded to have a hierarchy of religious leaders integrate. What evolved was the Roman Catholic Church.

In time, pagan temples became Christian churches; pagan gods became the Christian saints; pagan religious festivals became Christian holy days; pagan rituals became church practices, like the Mass; the mother goddess (the queen of heaven – Semiramis) became the virgin Mary; her son Tammuz became the child Jesus; and, the mother and child cult of old Babylon was put into full operation, centered around Mary and Jesus.


Gradually, the trappings; the rituals; and, the doctrines of Babylonianism became part of professing Christianity in the Middle Ages. You had the mother and infant child worship, and you had purgatory. You see, a Catholic never knows whether he's done enough to merit the merit of Christ. He doesn't know whether he's done enough to clean up his sins. He doesn't know whether he's done enough time (temporal punishment) for his sins so that he can now benefit from the death of Christ. For that reason, they came up with the doctrine of purgatory.

I don't have to list all of these things here. I've put them on tapes, where I've gone through the fact that these things did not happen immediately under Constantine. As the transition was taking place, this took place over a period of several hundred years. The Roman Catholic Church was always proud of identifying itself as the true church because it's was the church which never changes. But the changes are enormous. Over the years, these things were gradually incorporated from Babylon. Purgatory had to be invented so that a person had someplace where he could go to finish paying off his temporal punishments.

Holy Water

They have holy water for purification. You go into the Catholic Church, and there's that little bowl of water, and you sprinkle yourself.

Ringing Bells

They have the ringing of bells in the rituals. I was in a service in China at a Sunday morning worship service. The chaplain was an Episcopalian (kissing cousins of Roman Catholicism). I had never seen this before, but at one point, after going through several rituals, he walked around the side into a side room in this meeting place that we were in here in China, and we heard a tinkling of a bell. What that told us was that he was alive and well, and God hadn't struck him down there, so that we still had a priest for access to God. This is pure Babylonianism.

Burning Candles and Incense

They have the burning of candles; the absolution from sin by a priest; and, the burning of incense. I always loved that. I remember hearing of this church one time who wanted to add some class to its service, and they used to have the leaders walk down the aisle as the church service began. They said, "We should have an incense pot. One of the leaders should have this incense pot as he is coming down, leading the procession in, with the wafting of this smoke. Wouldn't that be sophisticated? Wouldn't that make an impression? That's great."

So, they appointed this man to carry the incense pot. As they were going through their ritual of responses, and back and forth, the pastor noticed that the man who was supposed to be carrying the incense did not have it. So, working it into his liturgy, so nobody would notice, he said, "Where is the incense pot?" And the man who was supposed to be carrying it said, "It got so hot that I dropped it in the aisle." And they just went right down with the ceremony, and they didn't know what to do. So, if you bring in these incense pots, and you never know where you're going to go, but it was part of the system of Babylon.

Absolution from Sin by a Priest

They also have absolution from sin by a priest. Mr. Gitchell was teaching his class in Bible for boys' week of summer camp, and he touched upon the doctrine of confession of sins. He said, "Do you boys understand the principle of the confession of sins?" And one Roman Catholic kid raised his hand and said, "Yeah, I know." And he gave us the whole explanation of how you go to the priest. He sits on one side of the wall, and you sit on the other side of the wall. And you start off with some of those good confessions, but here is this kid telling us: "And then the priest says, 'OK, I absolve you from your sins, but for what you did, you must perform your penance so that you pay the price; otherwise, you're pay in purgatory. You must say 50 'Hail Marys' and 40 'Our Fathers.'" He assigns you some punishment – penance.

The Celibacy of the Priesthood

There is the celibacy of the priesthood. This began in Babylon.

Infant Baptism

There is infant baptism through the sprinkling method to introduce the child into the mystery religion.

The Mass

They have the Mass, where you ate your God.

The Dedication of Virgins

They have the dedication of virgins to the temple service, which evolved into the system of the nuns.

The Sign of the Cross

They have the sign of the "T" in the name "Tammuz:" head to chest; left to right; the "T." It's called the sign of the cross. It was done in Babylon in honor of Tammuz. The Catholics converted it to the sign of the cross of Jesus.

Prayers to the Dead

There are prayers to the dead. Catholics are always praying to dead people, mostly to dead Mary. They consider this a way of access to God like they consider the sign of the cross a little bit of magic.

Pontifex Maximus

Well, the title Pontifex Maximus passed from emperor to emperor until the time of Emperor Gratian, who became a genuine Christian. In 375 A.D., from Christian convictions, he recognized that this was a pagan title, and he rejected it, and refused to be called Pontifex Maximus. So, they assigned it to the Bishop of Rome. Damascus was the bishop at that time. In 378 A.D., he became Pontifex Maximus, and the Roman popes have carried it since. So, the Roman Catholic pope is the successor of the high priest of Babylon, the harlot religion. That's why the word "pontiff" is used in referring to the pope, as it was to the Pontifex Maximus in Babylon.

The Roman Catholic Church then is clearly one of the religions (not the only one – that would be a mistake), that have been the inheritors of Babylonianism with its substitute for sound doctrine, with a hierarchy of priests instead of a personal relationship to Jesus Christ. What the Roman Catholic system does with his mongrel religious system is that it clouds the way by which men can escape hell and enter heaven. It directs them in on the wrong path. The Roman Catholic Church is one expression of the harlot religion of Babylon.

The whole intoxicating wine of idolatry, with its moral abominations, was bottled centuries ago by Nimrod in Babylon. This deadly drink continues to be dispensed to this day to nations, kings, and citizens in a variety of ways. The primary distributer today, I think, of the harlot's wine is the Roman Catholic Church. Babylonianism is opposed to God's moral laws because it's master is Satan, and Satan is a rebel against God's rules. Anytime you have a rebel against God's rules, you will have these snide remarks about fundamentalists; about Christians; and, a variety of expressions of people who are true simply to the Word of God. But the Roman Catholic expression of Babylonianism, which is as vile and corrupt as the harlot woman's drink, we have seen, is filled with filthy things, the Bible tells us, and with the abominations that she has covered the earth with. This has had an impact upon the Roman Catholic Church itself. It has, in fact, had a great impact upon the Roman Catholic popes at various times, in the Middle Ages especially, who claimed to be the Vicar of Christ on earth, which means the representative and the spokesman for Christ here on this earth.

In a book Exploring Revelation, on pages 219-220, there is a quotation from a Roman Catholic priest, Father Chiniquy, who has written a book called 50 Years in the Church of Rome. He was high up in the hierarchy, and that book is an eye-opener. He was a man who was at the heart of Roman Catholicism, and saw it as the outsiders never see it, and who himself then became a genuinely born-again Christian, and now recoiled with horror with what he had been a part of; made the connection to Babylon; and, wrote this terrific book on his years in the Roman Catholic Church.

Quoting from one section: "The woman described as being morally filthy. When Father Chiniquy, a most successful Roman Catholic priest was a young vicar, he was greatly troubled by the evils of the church, and took his doubts and disillusionments to his superior. His superior admitted that once his friend, Bishop Plessis, had been plagued by similar misgivings. He told Chiniquy how the bishop had revealed his uneasy feelings to him. He had opened before his bishop the pages of the history of the church, written by Cardinals Baronius and Furrie, pointing out to him the names of more than 50 popes who had evidently been atheists and infidels. He read aloud the lives of Borgia, Alexander VI, and a dozen others who deserved to be publicly hanged for crimes of adultery, murder, and debauchery of every kind which they had committed in Rome, Avignon, Naples, and elsewhere.

"He read to his bishop the record of the public and undeniable crimes of several of the Alexanders, the Johns, the Piouses, and the Leos, supposed successors of the apostles who had sunk deep into the abyss of every kind of iniquity. For five hours, the reading had gone on as Chiniquy's superior had read to his bishop the sad catalog of crime and crises had passed. Now the priest, grown old and gray in the service of Rome, was confronted by Chiniquy, his own young vicar, troubled with similar doubts.

"Turning to the young priest, he said, 'When Satan tries to shake your faith by the scandals you see, remember that Steven, after having fought with his adversary, the Pope Constantine II, put out his eyes, and condemned him to die. Remember that other pope who, through revenge against his predecessor had him exhumed; brought his dead body before judges; then charged him with the most horrible crimes, which he proved by the testimony of scores of eyewitnesses; and, got him (the dead pope) to be condemned, to be beheaded, and dragged through the muddy streets of Rome, and thrown into the River Tiber.

"'Remember that more than 12 popes have been raised to that high and holy dignity by the rich and influential prostitutes of Rome with whom they were publicly living in the most scandalous way. Remember that young bastard, John XI, the son of Pope Sergius, who was consecrated pope when only 12 years old by the influence of his prostitute mother Amaurosia, who was so horribly profligate that he was deposed by the people and clergy of Rome.'

"Then concluded the age of priests to young Chiniquy: 'If our Holy Church has been able to pass through such storms without perishing, is it not a living proof that Christ is her pilot; that she is imperishable and infallible because St. Peter is her foundation?'

"Do you see what he said? If our popes have been guilty of such vileness, and yet the church has survived, doesn't that prove that God is taking care of us? No. It proves that Satan is taking care of his own. Chiniquy remain unimpressed by this summary of vileness. When the priest was exhibiting to me the horrible, unmentionable crimes of so many of our popes, to calm my fears and strengthen my shaken faith, a mysterious voice was repeating to the ears of my soul the dear Savior's words, 'A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruits. By their fruits you shall know them.'"

Chiniquy has written a very sobering book, and it is filled with documentation of the kind of violence that is characteristic of Babylonianism, and is rampant in the Roman Catholic Church system.

There is one other mystery that we have not touched on, which I have saved for this point. It is in the Word of God called the mystery of lawlessness, and it is closely associated with the harlot woman and with the abominations that she has created. This mystery of lawlessness, you'll find in 2 Thessalonians 2, has to do with an unprecedented secret that God has kept of the extent (the enormity) of vileness that will sweep across this earth. 2 Thessalonians 2:7: "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work (it was in operation in Paul's day), only he now restrains will do so until he's taken out of the way."

The Mystery of Lawlessness

We're encased in a passage of Scripture here. For the context, we have to go back to verse 1 to set the scene for verse 7 – the divine secret now revealed about the final phase of Babylon as a world religion, and the secret of unmitigated; unrestrained; and the most extreme, vulgar, deep-running lawlessness. These two mysteries are connected. They are part of the climax of Nimrod's Babel religion on the earth, and they tell us how the two come together in the tribulation era. Please join us at our next meeting for the exposition of the mystery of lawlessness.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1993

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