The Campaign of Armageddon


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

Please turn in your Bibles once more to Revelation 16:1-21. Our subject is "The Seven Bowls," and this is segment number 16.

The First Six Bowls

Before John sees the seventh and last bowl judgment, he is given a set of short parentheses. God has systematically been going through a series of judgments upon the world of the antichrist. He has struck the saltwater areas by turning them into blood. He has poured malignant sores upon people all over the earth. Seawater turns to blood, and freshwater areas turn to blood. The sun intensifies probably seven times its heat, so people are in enormous agony. The headquarters of the antichrist is struck with darkness which spreads over the whole world. The Euphrates River dries up, and out of it come three frog-like demons to bring a message of final deception.

There is one final bold judgment yet to come. But before this last, horrible, devastating judgment comes upon the earth, a set of parentheses is inserted. The purpose of this is to give some additional background information on this moment in history which is yet in the future – a moment just before Jesus Christ comes the second time from heaven.

The false trinity has gathered together in the form of Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet. Each of them has spewed out of his mouth a demon in the form of a frog. This is to indicate the loathsomeness of these demonic creatures and of their message. The frog demons are given power by Satan to perform miracles to accompany their message. This is a counterfeit of the way God works. God has used miracles to confirm His message. Now the counterfeit message of Satan is to be confirmed with miracles that he produces, so the political leaders of the gentile nations will believe the message of these demons. The demon message is very simple: Go to war. Move toward the Middle East, and have a confrontation here at this point in time to decide exactly who is going to control the world government. Here, near the end of the tribulation, things have become very disrupted. Things have started to come apart, and the hold of the antichrist is now weakened.

Before this event happens, in this set of parentheses, we also have the Word of the Lord Jesus comforting the tribulation believers, reminding them that his Second Coming is at hand, but that it will still be unexpected (thief-like) in the night. In view, however, of His near return, these suffering saints are told to clothes themselves with temporal fellowship as they stand waiting for the return of Christ. To be in carnality (that is, to be with unrepentant and unconfessed known sins) is to stand spiritually before an antagonistic world. That's what Jesus meant in Revelation 16:15 – that we have these garments of temporal fellowship about us, so we don't walk naked in where men see our shame. It was the Lord who told us that the world hates Him, and it was the Lord who reminded us that were going to hate His followers. They are going to hate the followers of Christ when those followers are at their best. Can you imagine how they hate us when we are hypocrites, and when we live in a way that counters the things that we supposedly believe and claim to stand for? That is the point here.

Why does this happen to these tribulation saints? Because the temptation of compromise is going to be very great. The pressure is enormous. They're paying a terrible price. They don't know whether they're going to live from one day to the next. They don't know how they're going to provide for themselves since they cannot buy and sell. So, the believers are going to be highly tempted to go along with the antichrist's program, and to go along with the concepts of that society instead of being faithful to the doctrines of the Word of God. Jesus says, "Do not compromise. Do not give in. Stand in the toughest of times. He will carry you through. The end is near."

Liberal Humanism

There are not to compromise with what is going to be the ultimate expression of liberal humanism. The liberal humanism that is now rampant in our day will find its ultimate fruition in the time of the antichrist.

The Laodiceans

Laodicean believers have shut the Lord Jesus Christ out of their lives, and yet they think that they have everything that they need. There's a principle for us. The Laodiceans were mistaken that they had everything. Yes, they were financially well-off. They had good clothes. They had lots of food. They were well thought of in the community. But the one thing they didn't have was temporal fellowship, so the Laodicean letter says, "All of you are standing naked because God sees us as we are.

So, the point to the tribulation saints is: don't desert the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on Him at the worst of times. Be loyal to Him throughout.

With the seventh bowl judgment immediately now to be poured out, the time of God's longsuffering, and of His grace, has also come to an end. The gentile nations of Satan's world system have built a house of cards, and the kingdom of man built with that house of cards is about to be blown down by the wrath of God. All that liberalism has built on its religious foundation of humanism is ready to be destroyed by God. Make no mistake that the problems we have in our country today are entirely the result of the concepts of liberalism with its concept of humanism, which makes man his own god, and which operates on the premise that man is capable (sinner that he is), in his own capacities, to solve human problems as long as he has the power of government to do the job.

So, what has liberal humanism done to our world? It's turned it upside down. Let me read you a few cogent comments from Pat Buchanan in an article which he wrote called "Our World has been Turned Upside Down." Pat Buchanan, you may remember, is not only a terrific ability to write, but he's a perceptive thinker. He is described by the liberals as being mean-spirited, and harsh, and so on. When a liberal tells you that you're mean-spirited and harsh, it means that you're turning the searchlight of truth upon him, and it makes him mad, because it exposes him for what he is. There's nothing harsh or mean-spirited about the truth. Pat Buchanan does not present it in a harsh or mean-spirited way. He does indeed follow the biblical principles to proclaim the truth in love.

In this article, he says, "To Christians, Easter is the most important day of the year, as the first Easter was the greatest say in history. On that day, the Son of God rose from the dead, demonstrating His divinity after His death on the cross on that first Good Friday. Standing before the Roman procurator who would sentence Him to death, Jesus said, 'My mission is to give testimony to the truth.' 'What is truth?' Pilot replied – a question of all ages. That the Man standing before Pilate was truth (God Himself) is the belief that created Western civilization from the Sistine Chapel to Chartres Cathedral to Westminster Abbey, this was the spark. The Portuguese, Spanish, British, French, Austrian, and Russian empires were all built by men who believed theirs was the true God, and hence their civilization was superior to those of non-Christian peoples, and they had a duty to spread the faith. And though Christ had said to Pilate, 'My kingdom is not of this world,' by the opening of the 20th century, Christian nations ruled the world. Christendom, then, was simply a byproduct of Christianity.

"Where was that world derailed? Long before World War I called into question the superiority of a civilization that could butcher its own with such abandon, seeds of doubt had been sown, among others (Darwin, Marx, Freud), and as the Christian God was supplanted by the gods that failed (Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Nazism) our century produced the most murderous massacres in all history. Now at our century's end, the taproot of our civilization is being severed. Christianity may remain the professed faith of most, but it is viewed by our dominant elite as less a progenitor of culture than a bigoted superstition. In the new lexicon, 'Christian' is becoming a synonym for 'intolerant.' Can a moral order survive if its religious roots are cut?

"We are in the process of finding out, for in this final decade of the 20th century, de-Christianization is almost complete. All references to the Bible and Ten Commandments have been removed from public schools. Christmas carols are prohibited, as are graduation prayers. Christian symbols have been taken down from classroom walls as in former communist countries. Christian holidays have been secularized. While most of our private colleges and universities begin as centers of Christian learning, few survive as such. That Christians stood still for all this is a mark that our faith was not so strong as the faith of our fathers. And a transversion of values is taking place. In the 1950s, school kids smoked, but promiscuity was a mark of low character, and abortion was an abomination and a crime. In the 1990s, however, smokers are segregated, and sin taxes are for cigarettes. But condoms are handed out in high schools; homosexuality is a lifestyle we are commanded to respect; and, abortion is women's liberation and constitutional right. Our world has been turned upside down.

"Wednesday of Easter week, D.C.'s City Council voted to legalize sodomy. 'This abolishes the family standard, and permits people to legally disobey God's word,' declared Reverend Moses Jackson, president of the D.C. Committee on 100 Ministries. But God's word is irrelevant to a city council that depends on gay liberation for campaign funds.

"America is engaged upon a great experiment. She is trying to erect a new moral order while surgically excising the core beliefs of the old moral order; that is, that Christ not only died for our sins, but He taught us how to live.

"How goes our experiment? Not well. America's culture is a running sewer. Our public schools turn out illiterates; our universities, trousered apes. Much of modern art, painting, and sculpture is shock art or schlock art. While technically advanced, our movies are morally retarded, chaotic, and nihilistic. And by every social indicator (drug abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, murder, robbery, rape, teen pregnancy, suicide, abandonment, mental disease, divorce), we seem to be going downhill.

"The videotape of history seems stuck on fast rewind, as our post-Christian era comes to resemble the pre-Christian era – material affluence amid moral decadence. 'When men cease to believe in God, they do not believe in nothing,' the critic wrote. 'They believe in anything.' With the death of God, we see the rise of new Messiahs, from Jim Jones to David Koresh, and new religions from Santeria to New Age. Even Satanism is making a comeback. If, in the first half of our (the 20th) century, the Christian empires fell apart, in the second half, society itself seems to be falling down. 'The cult dies; the culture dies with it,' Christopher Dawson wrote. He appears to have been right.

"But let us return to that first Good Friday – that first Easter: 'My kingdom is not of this world,' Christ said. He did not die to save the Roman Empire or restore the Roman Republic. He died to open the road to salvation, eternal life for all men through Him. And in a time of despondency and despair over the hubristic of our republic, His road remains open. We had the truth. We can find it again. Hope endures as long as life endures. ... He has risen."

That is well-put. Our society has been turned upside down, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the only thing that will resolve it. It will not be reversed. It's not going to get better. Liberal humanism is going to demonstrate its insanity every day of our lives from here on out, and believers are going to come under the gun. All that liberalism has built, they hate in Christianity. Humanism exalts sinful man to godhood, it arrogantly assumes that it is capable of creating an earthly millennium with a force of government while excluding both God and Scripture. When you hear people speaking with contempt and anger about those that it refers to as "the Christians" ("the extreme right, the conservatives, the fundamentalists"), they do this because those biblically oriented people oppose the evil goals and programs of liberal humanism, that liberal humanism is going to discover that it is out of touch with reality very very soon.

God is going to gather the gentile nations on the field of Armageddon for His final judgment. Gentile government leaders will think that they have made the decision to move to the Middle East, and to move toward the field of Armageddon. That will be mistaken, because God, in fact, sovereignly, will have moved them through frog-like demons who will have given them the false message or the false trinity. It will drive them to their own deaths, and of all things, confirm the message with false miracles.

So, all will be set at this point in time where mankind will have come to the point of no return. There'll be no return from human rebellion against the Bible and against the God whose truth is revealed in Scripture. It is a sobering thing to think of a God who comes to the point where there is no more grace. He does that today. He did that in the time of Noah. Finally, after 120 years, one more day clicked off, and then there was no more grace. Nobody then could make a change of mind. If we persist in the line of action that is condemned by the Word of God and our conscience, there comes a time when there will be no more grace.


So, we come to Revelation 16:16, and it says, "And they gathered them together." "Gather them together" means that a point near the end of the seven-year tribulation period is done by these three frog-like demons, and "them" refers to the leaders of the gentile nations. And they have gathered them to a particular place, which means a geographic location – a place which in the Hebrew language, we're told, is called by a certain name: "Harmagedon." This is the only place in the New Testament where you'll find this word. This is the only place where this particular geographic location is referred to by this name. What it actually means, as we can tell readily from the Hebrew "Harmagedon," means "Mount of Megiddo." Megiddo is an ancient city on a hill (a mount) about 60 miles north of Jerusalem. Between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea is this mount. It is 60 miles north of Jerusalem.


This was a fortified city in ancient times, and it overlooked the main caravan routes from Egypt and Africa, to the ancient Mayans of Phoenicia, Babylon, and Persia. So, this was a very important travel route right through the field of Armageddon – through the valley of Megiddo. The city actually overlooks the plain of Megiddo on the west and on the east. It overlooks the plains of Esdraelon, or the Valley of Jezreel real on the northeast. So, we're talking about a real place that actually exists to this very day. The Valley of Esdraelon itself is 14 miles wide and 20 miles long. That is what we mean by the field of Armageddon. If you ever visit Israel, as I had the opportunity to do, you will climb Mount Megiddo, and will stand on that mount. And you will look out at this huge valley lying below you, 14 miles in width and 20 miles long – what Napoleon referred to as the greatest battleground in the world.


Megiddo itself is located in the middle of a natural land bridge that connects Africa, Asia, and Europe. This is why Israel, at this particular point (geographically), is so important. This is why it is the focus of so much conflict, in part. This land bridge extends considerably. It begins at the Bosporus, which is a narrow waterway passing through Istanbul to the Black Sea. The bridge extends southward through Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and the Sinai, down to the Suez Canal. So, this is a tremendously long bridge.

A Place of Warfare

This land bridge has been a place of warfare from 4000 B.C to 400 B.C numerous times. Cities located there have been completely destroyed, and new cities then built on top of them. The Middle East conquerors have constantly fought to possess this strategic land bridge. He who holds this territory controls three continents. In John's day, therefore, Megiddo was also already well-known as a place of conflict and turmoil. And God, in the past, has used the field of the Megiddo as a place where He judged the armies and the enemies of God.

It was here, for example (was just to give you a few) where Barak and Deborah defeated Jabin the Canaanite. In Judges 5:19, this is pointed out to us: "The kings came and fought, the kings of Canaan fought. At Taanach, near the waters of Megiddo. They took no plunder in silver," because they Barak and Deborah conquered them.

Here was the place where Ahaziah was slain by Jehu.

And here was a place where King Josiah, who was one of the rare good kings of Israel, would not listen to God as God's message was coming through him through the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Egyptian Pharaoh was going to help the Assyrians, which had become a very weak empire. And the Assyrians were under attack by the Babylonians. And Pharaoh Necho feared the Babylonians more than he feared the Assyrians. So, he decided to go help the Assyrians against the Babylonians. He had to do this by crossing through Israel's territory. Josiah decides to go to battle against Pharaoh Necho. Pharaoh Necho says, "Josiah, I have no argument with you. I am not here to be in any conflict with you. I have no dispute with you. I'm on my way through, and I am going," he said, "at the guidance and the direction of God," and in truth He was. Josiah was out of touch with God, and the result was that he did not take Necho's warning, and the good king Josiah ends up being killed here on the field of Megiddo.

2 Kings 23:29: "In these days, Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, went up to the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates, and King Josiah went to meet him. When Pharaoh Necho saw him, he killed him at Megiddo. Because Josiah would not back off, Pharaoh Necho had no alternative but to kill Josiah. And that was a great loss for the Jews – to finally have a king who was godly.

In 2 Chronicles 35:22, this is also referred to: "However, Josiah would not turn away from him (from Necho), but disguised himself in order to make war with him." He went into battle disguised like Ahab did: "Nor did he listen to the words of Necho from the mouth of God." Isn't that interesting? Hears is Pharaoh of Egypt speaking the Words of God: "But he came to make war on the plain of Megiddo. Here again is this ancient battleground.

It was here on this battle ground that Gideon was victorious over the Midianites. You may read about that in Judges 7.

It was here that King Saul died in battle.

It was here that Samson triumphed with the jawbone of a donkey over the Philistines.

It was here that David slew Goliath, and Israel destroyed the Philistine Army.

So, this field of Megiddo has been historically very famous, and it has been a place where God has brought judgment upon His enemies.

The Campaign of Armageddon

Well, Armageddon, as such, is described as a war. The Greek word "polemos" actually means a series of battles. And for that reason, we refer to Armageddon as a campaign rather than simply as a battle or as a single action. It is a series of actions (of conflicts) that culminate indeed on the field at Megiddo.

The King of the South (Arabic Nations)

There are various troop movements that are involved here in the combat that climaxes on the field of Armageddon, all of which constitute the campaign of Armageddon. It begins, as we have already pointed out to you, with the king of the South deciding to move against Jerusalem. He is joined by an Arabic force of armies: Saudi Arabia; Jordan; Syria; Iraq; and, Lebanon. All of these join together and come at Israel from various directions.

In Psalms 83:1-8, you may read about this in detail yourself. This passage is talking about the fact that God will not remain silent, and that the enemies of God will not be permitted. Verse 4 says, "Come, let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel will be remembered no more." That's exactly what the Arabs want to do today. That's exactly what the Arabs say on their radio: "Let us wipe out the name of Israel so that it be remembered no more." They almost quote these very words. This is finally what happens with that attitude. They move against Israel.

This also was prophesied by the prophet Daniel in Daniel 11:40 – this attack on Israel by an Arabic force: "And at the end time, the king of the South will collide with him (that is, with the antichrist, and the king of the north will storm against him."

So, today the stage is set. The Palestinians are stirring up trouble constantly with Israel because they want to repossess the land that they lost in the wars when they attacked Israel, and when they abandoned their country. The Arab nations feel it is a matter of great honor for them to destroy Israel as a nation. Israel is still a nation destined for destruction. They haven't accepted it. The Arabs have not settled down and said, "OK, we're going to let them live." And Islam is on a murderous rampage of terror to recapture Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock Mosques which are now under Jewish control. Islam is seething with indignation over that great insult.

A missionary who is a student at Dallas Seminary recently told what is happening in Nigeria, where Islam is rising in popularity, and Islam is systematically killing off all the Christian preachers and all the Christian peoples. Muhammad taught his people to spread their faith with the sword. That's why Islam is a bloody religion. But since Islam is a religion of Satan, it is understandable that it is a bloody religion, because Satan is a murderer from the beginning.

The King of the North (Russia)

This is followed by a second action. ... Scripture then tells us that in the second move, as we read a moment ago in Daniel, Russia and her allies from the north moved down with a two-pronged attack, basically upon Jerusalem. Russia will probably also attack the oil fields here at the Strait of Hormuz which is at the choke-point of the Persian Gulf. They will probably hit that in order to control that area.

So, Russia comes down with her allies. ... Also, the Russians will make an amphibious attack on the shores of Palestine, probably at Haifa, which would be a natural landing site, and is, interestingly enough, a natural gateway into the field of Armageddon. So, these assaults are coming at Haifa to move inland to the point where the field of Armageddon lies – between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. Russia and its allies move against Egypt, and they get some bad news. When Russia makes amphibious landings, it also moves down against Egypt. These nations are all struggling against one another at this time to decide who's going to be the ruler of the world government that has finally been brought about. This is the world government that you're hearing all the talk about today – the new world order that President Bush referred to.

Russia is bad news from north and the east. The Western and the oriental armies are heading for Jerusalem. So, he returns to Jerusalem, and there his army is destroyed by God. Joel 2:20 and Ezekiel 39:1-6 describe that – how their eyeballs melt in the sockets. This is probably some fire and brimstone nuclear type of action from God.

The Western Confederacy

So, the result is that this part of the campaign begins to come apart. The Western and Eastern nations also come on the move. The ten nations of the revived Roman Confederacy come in, because the antichrist moves in to defend his position in Israel (in Jerusalem), where his temple is set up, and where his worship is set up.

The Eastern Confederacy

At the same time, coming from the other side, are the armies of the Eastern Confederacy, which are coming over, across the dried up Euphrates River so that they're zeroing in on Israel. All these armies are moving by the hand of God, and the deception of those demons, toward the field of Armageddon.

The Western nations arrive, and the orientals arrive. The gentiles face each other off on the field of Megiddo. And you want to remember that we're talking about 200 million men from the oriental armies. They're probably going to be 300 million men on the site. The field of Armageddon would not be big enough to hold them. Armageddon itself could not sustain them. So, what this becomes is actually the focal point of what goes all up and down, for 200 miles of the Jordan Valley. These armies spread out, and this becomes one giant staging area before they move out. They arrange themselves up and down that valley. It is this valley that, when God moves on them, is going to be filled with blood up to the horses' bridles, in giving you a frame of reference of height. So, the field of Armageddon itself is just the focal point of this battle. But it rages up and down this 200-mile staging area, including Jerusalem itself.

These gentile nations probably come to Harmagedon, the plain of Megiddo, for a variety of reasons. Some come to make a final destruction of whatever Jews are still alive. That will be a powerful motivation. Some will come to once more try to destroy those who are professing believers in Jesus Christ. The 144,000 are immortal. They can't get them, but anybody else they can kill. They probably come to settle national conflicts and ambitions, and they certainly will come to decide who's going to run the world government, because they're sick of the antichrist by this time. The plagues of God through the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls have torn society to shreds. Where are all the environmentalists now? Where are all the economic socialists now? Everything – the house of cards has come crashing down.

So, the ultimate motivation, however (whatever the human level may be), is going to be that God Himself is drawing them there to meet their doom. As they position themselves at the focal point of this battle on the field of Armageddon, suddenly there will burst out in outer space a tremendous illumination of light, and soldiers all up and down this valley (300 million of them) will look up. There they will see Jesus Christ riding on a magnificent white horse, surrounded by people dressed in white clothing – you people who are sitting here, the saints of the church age, coming as the host of the most high God, along with the angelic brigades. And there they will realize that their real and final enemy is Jesus Christ. He's been their enemy all along. It is Jesus Christ who is the enemy of liberal humanists of every political persuasion today. That is why they dislike Him, and dislike even more those of us who are true to Him.

So, the result will be that they will form a quick alliance with one another on that field, and they will turn to fight Jesus Christ. It will be a useless effort because Christ, with His spoken word, will destroy them all. The blood will burst from the veins in their bodies like explosions. I've had the experience of standing by in a hospital trauma room, and seeing blood vessels exploding, and blood shooting toward the ceiling, and the doctors grabbing that, and pinching those off. When blood starts spewing, when the blood pressure is still there, it flows out very rapidly. And the result is going to be that what Christ does to them will finish them off.

It's strange that these people don't use nuclear weapons. Probably the antichrist does not want to destroy Jerusalem. He does not want to obliterate the temple, his center of worship. And they all fear using this upon one another, so what gathers here is heavy armor, and weapons that are short of the nuclear.

That's behind this verse 16. God gathers them together in this way by a series of movements (a series of actions) that constitute the campaign of Armageddon. Finally, they come, and there they stand now on the place called (in Hebrew) Harmagedon; and, in Greek: Armageddon.

The Seventh Bowl

Verse 17 then brings us, at this point, to what the final angel steps up to do. That angel comes forward, and he pours out the seventh and final bowl of the wrath of God: "The seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne saying, "It is done." This is the last bowl of the wrath of God. It is the final plague which is now to be set in motion. This bowl is poured out upon the air. It is emptied into the atmosphere around the earth. Previous bowls have hit the land areas; the salt seas; the freshwater bodies; the sun; the government headquarters of antichrist; and, the Euphrates River. Now it is hitting the air, and when it hits the air, it spreads all around the world. Whatever it is will completely envelop the earth.

The contents of the bowl will create an enormous atmospheric disturbance. It will create a disturbance upon the mantel of the earth so that the earth convulses with earthquakes. Striking the air is one of those ironic things that God does. He always has an edge of humor when He does something. Striking the air is the final insult and humiliation to Satan. The Bible tells us that Satan is very proud of the fact that he is the prince of the power of the air. Ephesians 2:2 says, "In which you formally walked in trespasses and sins, according to the course of this world (Satan's world) according to the prince of the power of the air."

So, here is Satan, very proud of the fact that he is in charge of the first heaven – this atmospheric envelope that surrounds the earth. Suddenly, he is helpless in keeping the atmosphere, and the natural forces associated with the atmosphere, under control, so as not to be disrupting the lives of his subjects. I need not explain to you what happens when the atmosphere, by natural processes, goes amuck with tornadoes, and storms, and violence of various kinds. The result is devastating, and it happens just like that – in a few moments.

A couple of years ago, I flew into Boston. As we were coming in for the landing, nearing the city of Boston, the pilot said, "We have some bad weather over Boston. We have been diverted to an adjoining city to let it pass. So, we circled a while, and then the pilot came back and said, "We've been cleared now to return to Boston to land." And when we landed, Boston was torn up. Trees were all over the roads. The place was shredded just in a few minutes. Fortunately, they caught that plane and got it out of there, and put it someplace else for a moment, while that wind and devastation went through. When the atmosphere gets torn up and goes awry, it is extremely devastating. That's what God is going to do.

This devastation, after all the tribulation people have suffered – Satan can't do a thing about it, in his own particular personal realm – the first heaven. Society is in turmoil now, along with the violence in nature. The devil himself, I suspect, will be in great panic because he knows that this is a signal that his end is near.

The voice that is heard speaking from the heavenly temple is particularly identified as the voice from the throne, which identifies it to us, therefore, as the voice of God. No one has ever seen God, but many people have heard his voice. I remind you again that any time the voice of God is heard, it is understandable. God never speaks in gibberish. Only Satan speaks in gibberish. And only people like the charismatics think that God speaks in gibberish. When God speaks, it's always in understandable language. The voice that comes out from the temple, comes out from what is, in the Greek language called "naos." There are a couple of Greek words for "temple," but this is the word which tells us that this is from the inner part of the temple which is the holy of holies, not from the holy place. This comes from where the ark of the covenant is sitting, and the top of this ark is the mercy seat, and that is the throne of God.

The earthly temple of Moses was patterned after everything that is in this heavenly temple. So, out of this heavenly temple (the holy of holies), from the throne itself – the mercy seat covering the ark of the covenant is heard the voice of God, and God's voice says, "It is done." The word is "ginomai." This word "ginomai" actually means that something has come to pass. It means that something has been brought to a completion. Something which God has ordained has now been finished. What has He ordained? The judgments of the seals; the judgments of the trumpets; and, now the judgments of the bowls. All of that has now come to pass. The seventh bowl is about to be poured out, and God is saying, "It's all over."

Mankind has for centuries had a field day thumbing its nose at God with its liberal humanism. At that point in time, God's patience and grace, which has delayed judgment, will now come to an end. God has been gradually increasing the pressure, hoping that people would change their minds and come to repentance. Now, all of that passes. With the seventh bowl, the judgment plan of God is finished. That's what God means when He says, "It is done." Therefore, the time for the arrival of Christ is at hand.

This word is also used in Hebrews 4:3, to give you a little perspective on how it's used in the Bible: "For we who have believed entered that rest (the rest that God has provided for believers), just as He has said, 'As I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter into My rest.'" Because the Exodus generation would not believe God and enter the Promised Land, they did not enter the rest that God had for them. God says, "Although His words were finished from the foundation of the world." There's the word "finished." It's the same word "ginomai" – "done." Although God's creative work had all been brought to a completion, so that everything was lined up for their blessing: the land was there; the fruitfulness; and, everything was provided, and God said, "I'll take care of those huge giants that live there." But they wouldn't believe Him. So, they never entered His rest. But this word is used to indicate God's completion.

This word is also used at the end of the Revelation in Revelation 21:4-6: "He said to me (Jesus saying to John – here speaking of eternity), 'It is done." There is the word. It has all been brought to completion: "I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I'll give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost." Here Jesus is saying, "Eternity is ready to begin." Here the word is used to indicate that all has been completed here at the end of the millennium. The time has come to remove all sin from the universe. So, a new heaven and a new earth are created, and Satan's destiny is forever imposed in the lake of fire. So, here again, the word means God's program brought to a completion.

So, Satan's evil world is going to be judged here, and the millennial earth of saved people is about to begin. That's what God means when He says, "It is done." The judgment is over. The millennium is at hand. We're going to have a world that starts off with saved people, and God's righteousness ruling everywhere.

In contrast to this completion of tribulation judgments on mankind is, of course, the completion of God's judgment on Jesus Christ for the sin of the world. In John 19:30, we had that famous statement of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross just at the point of His death: "When Jesus, therefore, had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished,' and He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." This is a different Greek word that is used at this point, but it conveys the same idea of bringing to a completion. Here the completion, with the spiritual and physical deaths of Christ, is the finished of God's program for the sin of the world. The Greek word is "teleo." It's in the perfect tense, which means to bring something to an end. It means that the payment for sin has been completed. It was done in the past by the decree of God, and now it comes to present reality. It is in the passive voice. Sin did not resolve itself. I want you to notice this.

When Jesus says, "It is finished," it is passive voice, which means that sin didn't finish itself. Your sin nature; your human good works; and, your efforts cannot finish the problem of sin for you. It is a finish that only God could do so that His justice would be satisfied.

So, it is interesting to note that as Jesus Christ finish the work of salvation on the cross, so now, here in the book of the Revelation, God finishes the work of His judgment on those who have rejected the finished work of Christ on the cross. If they would not take the finished work of the cross, they will receive the finished work of these horrible judgments of the seals; the trumpets; and, the bowls. And now they come to that final moment of time.

This will be the fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel 2:31-35, where Daniel describes Nebuchadnezzar's dream to him of an image of the nations of the world (the empires of the world): "You, O King, were looking, and, behold, there was a single great statue. That statue, which was large and of extraordinary splendor, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome." Liberal humanism is glamorous: "And the head of that statue was made of fine gold (Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon); its breast and arms of silver (Medo-Persia); its belly and thighs of bronze (Greece); and, its legs of iron, and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay (the Roman Empire). You continued looking until the stone." And here we are, in the book of the Revelation: "A stone (the Kingdom of God) was cut out without hands. It struck the statue on the feet (of iron and clay) and crushed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, the gold (that is, the kingdom of man) were crushed all at the same time. They became like chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away, so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue (the kingdom of God) became a great mountain and filled the whole earth."

Do you see how easy it is to understand the Bible? Daniel was talking about the millennium, and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ was going to be set up to destroy all the previous empires and their culmination at the end of the tribulation era, and they're going to be like nothing but sand (chaff), which is blown away by the wind.

Daniel 2:44: "And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will be left for another people. It will crush and put to an end all these kingdoms, but it itself will endure forever." That kingdom begins in the millennium, and it will continue forever – the Kingdom of God, the Davidic kingdom: "Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands (a supernatural event), that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God is made known to the king (that is, Nebuchadnezzar) what will take place in the future."

So, the dream is true, and the interpretation is trustworthy. With this kind of information, and with the excursion into negative volition that Nebuchadnezzar did, and then came back to reality, it is no wonder that you will meet him in heaven. It is no wonder that Nebuchadnezzar finally got the message, and he accepted the great respect for the true kingdom which is the kingdom of God, and that all of humanity is now being prepared to enter.

When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, everything that has been shredded is going to be brought together. And just before the final bowl judgment is executed, God says, "It's over." It is done, and mankind is now on the threshold of its golden age. And wonder of wonders, you will be administrators in that golden age. That's why the yo-yos who stay at home, and do not come to these church services to be instructed, are going to be the latrine cleaners in the millennial kingdom. But you people who have prepared yourself, and we who have prepared your children in the academy, and we who will prepare your children socially in the youth clubs are going to be the people who are going to be the administrators of this kingdom. When God finishes, it's finished.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1993

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