Abortion, No. 3


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

Our subject is "Seven Angels with Seven Plagues." This is segment number six in Revelation 15:5-8.

John's visions, recorded for us in the book of the Revelation, have brought him to the very end of the seven-year tribulation era. The world at that point in time will be ruled by one man, the antichrist, who will be heading up a revived Roman Empire. At the same time, there will be a world government and a world religion which will be led by the false prophet, which in effect will be exalting man as god. The Jewish people, such as are left at that time, will be under intense persecution worldwide, and, largely, they will be exterminated. Evil at this point of every kind will have reached its climax, and the world system that Satan has organized will finally be ripe for God's final wrath and destruction.

I remind you once more that we are not speaking of things in the distant future. We are not speaking about these things as they did in New Testament times, with centuries and millennia ahead. We're talking about things that are going to happen in your lifetime.

One man on the phone this week who, having heard my confident declarations of the period in history in which we are living, wanted to know if I was going to be living at the time of the rapture. I told him that there are some limits to my omniscience, and that is one of them. It is my hope that that shall be, and that would be a great experience to go into God's presence without dying. When he asked that, I thought of something like almost four decades ago, in a moment of time in the other auditorium, when we used to meet there, when I was speaking of prophetic matters and the rapture was the subject. For some crazy reason. I said, "It is my opinion that I am going to go up in the rapture, and that is what I am planning to do." I thought, "Why did I say that? Was that a prophetic utterance? Is that a preview of things to come?" I hope you are here to see whether it happens or not.

In any case, we're not talking about the distant future, people. We're talking about that which is immediately on the horizon of our own lifetimes. At this point in time, at the end of the tribulation, God will no longer be available. His judgment will be inevitable upon the world at that time. That is symbolized by the fact that the tabernacle in heaven is filled with smoke, and no one can approach God. God's moral laws are violated, and society tolerates that violation in the extreme during the tribulation. People then (as now) will live as if God doesn't exist, and as if He has not made clear to us His moral laws on the one hand, and His laws of governmental establishment on the other hand. All nations at that time will be guilty of leading people against God. It will not be just that there are individuals who go against God. It will be that all nations are guilty under their leadership of going against God.

God's wrath will in large measure be due to the shedding of innocent blood, which today is widely done in the United States by the process of abortion. People justify this brutal act by arguing that there is no human being to be murdered until after birth. The argument is that there is no human being before birth, and that there is no person before birth.

In the last session, we took you through Psalm 139:13-18 and Job 10:8-12. I think that those passages alone (and there are others) make it clear that what God is producing in the womb is a person in the image of God for whom He has designated a life span. Let's say for the sake of argument that a person becomes a bonafide human being in every sense of the word (that is, that he receives his soul) when he takes his first breath. The issue is that from the moment of conception, he was destined to be a creature of the image of God, and could not be destroyed without an act of murder being committed. You could not have anywhere along the line said that Jesus Christ was not a human being, and that you could have aborted the child in the womb of Mary. Neither could you have ever said that about John the Baptist, who was designed by God for very great purpose. Those are two great examples of the fact that of what we've been taught in Scripture, that God plans every life. You could not have aborted John the Baptist, and said that you had not aborted a human being – something that was a nothing. That's simply not true.

We saw in the previous session the terrible practice of ancient Israel in shedding the blood of its children as it moved into the sacrifices and the worship of the Baal system. So, Americans today are sacrificing their children through abortion to the god of Baal. The sad thing is that those who lead the United States government must be the nation's champion of God's moral laws, or they lead the people to national destruction, as did King Manasseh over Israel (whom we looked at in the previous session also. That is incumbent upon the divine laws of government establishment – that those who are an elected authority over a nation must be the moral examples of a nation. It doesn't take too high of an IQ to say that if someone is not much of a moral example to begin with, he should not be elected to public office. Anybody who is an enemy of God is not an example of morality for the people to follow, and should not be elected to public office. Who is an enemy of God? Anybody who is either ignorant of the divine moral code and the divine laws for the role of government, or someone who doesn't care, even though he may know it.

This is serious business, and our lives and our republic are at stake, as was true for the lives of Israel and the theocracy of their day. If America does not repent of its great moral evil in the act of abortion, and cease this brutal practice, God will move to destroy this nation. You can count on it. And it is a brutal act. I thought the two little girls on the front row in the previous session were going to faint and fall on the floor before our eyes as we gave you just a little picture of what happens in the dissection of a child in the womb in the process of abortion.

So, God makes it clear that He is in charge. Men do not push Him around, and He is clear on what He will do to those who disobey His code of morality. It is God who determines that a society gets the leaders that it deserves. That's a doctrinal point. God puts over a society the leaders that that society deserves. If the people are practicing the kinds of things that the Hollywood TV industry (that we described for you in the previous session) practices, then that people has forfeited its right to be honored and to be blessed by God.

In Daniel 4:17, as God was pronouncing the seven-year curse that He was putting on Nebuchadnezzar, for daring, as the leader of a nation, to rise up against the Creator God in arrogance, and to exalt himself above God, God said, "I'm going to turn you into an animal for seven years, and you're the ruler of this great worldwide empire. In Daniel 4:17, we have this dramatic sentence: "This sentence upon Nebuchadnezzar is by the decree of the angelic watchers, and this decision is the command of the holy ones, in order that the living may know that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes, and sets over it the lowliest of men." I like the King James translation (the Elizabethan English translation): "God sets over it the basest of men."

So, when a society turns its back against God, and thumbs its nose at the Word of God, God gives them lowlife political leaders. It's axiomatic. Turn your back upon God, and you get lowlife political leaders. God sees to it that that happens. He sees to it that a nation goes crazy and berserk, and puts upon itself that which will bring its own destruction.

This is what happened to Israel when it turned its back upon God. It was a theocracy where God was the ruler, and you could go to God directly through the priest and get direct answers. What an arrangement! The people said, "We don't like that." They drifted so far off into the Canaanite practices. They said, "We want to be like all these other nations around us." Samuel said, "That's terrible. If you do that, the time will come when these kings will take your sons and daughters and send them off to battle and kill them. They'll take your daughters, and they may use them as slaves. They'll take your young men, and they'll force them to labor for the government. The king will take away the fruits of your labors in order for him to carry on the projects that his magnificent royalty will want to pursue." Would they listen? No, they didn't. They said, "We have to have a king, because we want to be like the other churches. We want to be like the rest of them.

So, God said, "OK." He gave them their king, and all the destructive things that God warned them about came upon them. God will give you, as a nation, what you deserve, if you know better from the Word of God, and do not act upon it.


So, this practice of abortion is a terrible, terrible thing. I stress it in connection with being cut off from God, as is the example that John sees in Revelation. The time is finally coming when God says, "That's enough." And the Word of God throughout, from the very first death of the murder of Abel, God makes it clear that that innocent blood cries out to Him for vengeance, and He listens to it, and exercises vengeance.

Conception is Always a Sovereign Act of God

Let's take a look at this concept of abortion for a moment. First of all, in discussing the subject of whether it is alright to stop the life of a child in the womb, we must point out that the Word of God has made it clear that conception is always a sovereign act of God. Human beings cannot bring about conception. You can have the most ideal conditions for conception, and it never happens until God makes it happen. That's under any condition. I don't care whether it's rape; whether it's incest; or, whatever the condition – there is no conception apart from an act of God. Let's get that straight up front. This is clearly demonstrated a variety of Scriptures.

Genesis 4:1, at the beginning of the human race, before there were any children, says, "Now the man (Adam) had relations with his wife (Eve), and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. And she said, 'I have gotten a man child with the help of the Lord.'" There was no question in Eve's mind that there had been a relationship between her and her husband Adam, and nothing happened. And suddenly, something does happen. Suddenly, there is a conception (after so many experiences), and she has no question in her mind that this is an act of God. And she was certainly on target.

When a woman could not concede, the Old Testament also makes it clear that that is an act of God as well. That's the other side of the coin. For example, in Genesis 16:2, Sarai understood clearly that the Lord had restrained her from conception. Genesis 16:2: "Sarai said to Abraham, 'Now, behold, the Lord has prevented me from bearing children." Then she makes this dumb human viewpoint suggestion to which her husband, dumbly (and by human viewpoint) acceded, to go into Hagar, her maid, and to obtain children through her to fulfill the promise of God.

I never cease to marvel how absolutely spiritually disoriented people who are children of God can become. There's nothing more frightening, and nothing that makes my hair stand on end more than the concept of reversionism. And anybody who's been around Berean Church can list the historical chain of people who were bright pennies in the work of God; in the service of God; and, in the blessing of all of us who are now dull, copper, cheap coins, because there came a day when they slipped into reversionism, and they left the fruitful ministry in which they were engaged, and they ceased feeding upon the Word of God. And now they're eating husks with the pigs out there, like the prodigals, and thinking they're having a wonderful time.

Sarai understood that God had restrained her conception, and she should have left it there. She should have kept her hands off of it, knowing that if conception was going to come, it had to come from God. She should not have tried to bring it about some other way.

In Genesis 17:19, Sarai's opinion was confirmed when God said there would be a time when He would give her conception. Genesis 17:19: "But God said, "No, but Sarai your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac;" that is, "laughter." Isaac was called laughter because when his mother was told that she, in her nineties, was going to bear a child, she burst out laughing, and this was God talking to her. With God, nothing is impossible. So, God always reminded her of that, whenever she called her son: "Come here, Laughter. Laughter. Laughter. Come in, Laughter. It's time for lunch." That was a grim reminder.

God said, "But no, Sarai your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name 'Laughter.' And I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him."

In Genesis 29:31, we have again this clear stipulation that God is the one who brings conception. Here is the case of Leah, who could not conceive: "Now the Lord saw that Leah was unloved (the first wife of Jacob), and He opened her womb. But Rachel was barren." Rachel was the wife that Jacob truly loved. He didn't care for Leah too much. He got tricked into marrying her, because they always had a big veil on the people they were marrying. And usually you lift the wife's veil, and you say, "The Lord is good." When he lifted Leah's veil, he said, "Good Lord." The whole thing was horrible from the very start. This was a shock. He had been tricked into marrying the wrong girl. So, he wasn't too cordial toward her.

However, God said, "OK, I'm the one who decides conception. Leah gets a baby, and Rachel does not." However, it was in the plan of God, eventually, to change this, and Genesis 30:22 indicates that, in time, God remembered Rachel also: "Then God remembered Rachel, and God gave heed to her and opened her womb." It is no secret that it is God who gives conception, and God alone.

This was the case also in the case of Ruth in Ruth 4:13. Here again, conception comes from God.

So, what we are saying is that conception of a human life is something that only God does, and only God can bring about. And He does it under varying circumstances. I cannot explain to you why. Under certain situations, you would think that it would be better not to have a conception, when God, in His sovereign plan, brings one about. But that's irrelevant to this issue. He brings it about, and He alone brings it about. And what He brings about in that womb, as Psalm 139 and Job 10 make very clear: God Himself, with His hands, is weaving together that child in the womb. So, only human viewpoint would declare that the work of God can be interrupted by man. Only God brings about conception.

The Legal Justification for Abortion

The second point you should observe is the legal justification for abortion. Some of you may not be entirely clear of how this terrible tragedy has come about in our day on the American public. It was a decision of the Supreme Court, the Warren Court, which was a very liberal court, was packed with liberals from top to bottom. And abortion is the natural home of liberals. A woman from Dallas said that she was raped. We have subsequently found that this was a lie, and that her conception was something that she had brought about by her own conduct. But out of that suit, to secure abortion (to make it legal) came this terrible decision. I'd hate to be in that girl's shoes when she meets God. She's in as bad trouble as all those Supreme Court justices.

They based this on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. This was an amendment that came about at the end of the Civil War to make slavery further impossible in the country. The first section is the section that is pertinent to this, on which they operated. I want to read it to you. It says, "All persons born, or naturalized, in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which will abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law."

They had a real problem because this article clearly says that you cannot take a person's life away without due process of law. What these "wise" judges did, by their intricate and arbitrary interpretation, was declare an unborn child as a non-person. That's all they did. They said that this article says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States:" "All persons born." They said you cannot be a person until you were born. That clearly was not the intent of the Congress back in 1865 when this was passed by Congress. Congress never intended to say that an unborn child was not a person. It was simply the fact that he was a person. He was a person in the womb. And if he is a person that is born within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, he's an American citizen. This is why people from Mexico want their children to be American citizens, so they come running across the border to an American hospital, so that their children can be born here. Now they're American citizens, and immediately to have American welfare and American privileges.

All this said was that a person who is born in the United States cannot have his life taken without due process of law. So, they simply arbitrarily said that a child in the womb is a non-person. As a non-person, the unborn child has no right to the protection of his life under this amendment. This was precisely the legal device which the Nazis used in Germany preceding World War II. This is how they legally were able to simply murder millions of Jews. They simply passed a law, and said Jews are non-persons. And non-persons are not under the protection of German law.

The Supreme Court never denied that the unborn child was destined to be a human being. They would not have even denied that he was destined to be a human being in the image of God. They did not deny the humanity of the developing child, even at the point of conception; that is, that he had a human soul. They didn't deny any of that – that he was not a human being. None of them argued that he was going to be a dog or a pig or rat. What they denied was that he was not a person.

The conditions were thus established to justify the killing of unborn children. It is murder: plain; pure; and, simple. There was nothing in this article that justified that kind of a decision. You have to understand that this was the basis of it – simply declaring that these children were not persons.

Dr. Nathanson

Originally, the court had testimony brought before it where people said that at the point of conception, it is not a human being. Then they gave various stages: after so many weeks, it was now a human being. That's an arbitrary decision. Now, with modern technology, they can see how quickly a human being develops in the womb. Dr. Nathanson was the chief surgeon who testified before the congressional committee, and said that the baby in the womb is not a human being initially, but that it was just formless cells, and that there is nothing there related to being human. Now he says, "That was the most terrible mistake I've ever made in my life." He is in the forefront of the anti-abortion movement now, but upon him rests the horrid, horrid responsibility, because it was his testimony, first of all, that gave that court (which was just itching to do this) a justification for declaring the children to be non-human.

The conditions under which God's sovereignty causes conception is up to God. But once that conception is in progress, to terminate it is an act of murder.

The Justification of Reasoning for Abortion (A Woman's Body)

The third point that I think we should consider is the justification that reasoning brings for abortion – the justification that people bring. There are assorted problems and agonies indeed that are often associated with a pregnancy. Nevertheless, what is taking place in the womb is being put together by God. The Bible is clear on that. And it is being made in the image of God from the moment of conception. The argument by reason is that a woman has the right to decide what to do with her body. She has a right to control the use of her body.

This is a false argument because it divides conception and childbearing into two different roles, and that's not true. It's an improper separation of functions, and it is purely human viewpoint. Conception and childbearing are not two different things. They go together.

Once a woman accepts conduct which makes conception possible, her decision-making option (her control over her body) is over. Once she has engaged in conduct that may makes conception possible, she no longer has any options over her body, and she certainly has no options of control over the body of that unborn child. Whatever arguments you may have for control over her body, you cannot extend that to control over someone else's body. The condition of pregnancy is the time when a woman's choice is over. And unfortunately, once she is pregnant, that is the worst possible time for her to be able to make a decision on the issue of abortion. It is a brutal act.

I have not been able to get my courage up to put the posters up for you that I have in living color of abortion, and the results of abortion, and what is done to an infant in the womb, and to see those remains after they've been brought out of the womb. I put them on the bulletin board out there one time, and then I took them back down. It is a brutal act, and it is so traumatic to stand and view it, that I didn't know whether our kids could take it. And yet, our conflict is that our kids need to see it. Don't you kid yourself that there are not Christian women who are above going for an abortion? And one of the things that I think would be helpful in that is to see what that brutal act actually involves.

This is why that group of women in the feminist movement, who want abortion to be maintained, become so infuriated when people are picketing abortion clinics, and speaking to women, and saying, "Do you know what they're going to do to you? Do you know what the result of this is going to be to what is growing in your womb? Do you want to see that? Do you really want to make that kind of a decision? These women, who are appropriately called feminazis, because the Nazis wanted to murder people, are determined to murder unborn children, and they go into a frap if anybody is talked out of it. Why is that? Because they are so disoriented that they think that they can show men that they are in complete control, even to taking the life of the child they have conceived. A woman is not able (she is at the least emotional state capable) to make a decision about an abortion once she is pregnant.

Emotional Issues

There are certain consequences of an abortion which are never certain. There are some physical consequences in the future that one is always potentially there, and you're never prepared for. And some of those are very sad, as many women who have aborted children have found out. There is an effect upon conscience later. You can imagine what a woman must feel like, having aborted a child, and then she becomes a believer. Now she's in the light, and she knows what she has done. And now she goes through life waiting to get to heaven, to see that little boy, or that little girl, whose life she snuffed out, because she listened to a godless society.

There's a problem with the effect on other children in the home to learn, as they grow up, that their mother has aborted a potential brother or sister. When they become thoughtful (a little older) children, they realize that it could have been them that their mother would have killed. That creates a lot of problems.

Who has the right to decide to terminate another life? It's only a short step from disposable babies to disposable people. You can easily extend the justification for taking life to your political enemies, as the Nazis did; to people whose coloring you don't like; to people whose religion you don't like, which is the way the Muslims have done; and, to people who are of certain categories, like the aged, whose quality of life you don't think is worthy such that they should continue. There's no end of people in categories that you might say, "We don't really need these people." Who has the right to decide that they should not live? Once a conception takes place for any reason, there is no option as to whether a divine gift is to be received. You already have a divine gift. You already have a human being. The question is: will this divine gift be spurned, or will it be accepted as what it is – a gift from God?

There are indeed some occasions for an abortion. God does that. God, in His wisdom, for whatever reason, brings about a miscarriage. That is a divine abortion, and that is a legitimate thing done by God. I think there is, on that basis, the legitimate qualification that if a mother's life is in danger, which is not very often at all, that the mother should live, and the child should be sent to heaven. That is my personal opinion. Anybody who is in that condition must make that same decision. Indeed, God uses doctors in such a case to perform His act. Instead of God doing it by miscarriage, God would lead, I think, to use a doctor to do the same thing.

There are certain bad side effects to doctors practicing abortions. You can't make anybody in any hospital perform abortions. The dominant party in Congress now is just itching to be able to pass a law, which they now have in motion, and which has been voted on. I'm not sure where it stands at the moment. But the purpose of this law is to force all military hospitals to perform abortions. Wouldn't that be interesting? Only a part of the United States government (military hospitals) would be forced to perform abortions without any choice in the matter. So, here again, the United States government becomes part of the killing machine.

Who's running this country? What sets of values are guiding us now? What madmen have we chosen to put in authority of powers of levers above us, because we don't understand the principles of God's Word; the sanctity of life; and what is happening under our authority. It is a terrible thing for a doctor to get used to taking a life. Some doctors have not been beyond killing a baby that was supposed to be aborted, who managed to survive.

There was a sad story in one of these religious magazines a couple of years back, of a little girl who was in a kind of a cerebral palsy condition, and she was living with a foster, mother and somehow she put two and two together. She had found that her natural mother had wanted to abort her. The doctor proceeded to abort her. He did all the terrible things, including the saline solution procedure. But the child live, but it damaged the brain. And this little girl looked up into the eyes of this foster mother and said, "Mama, Am I like this because my mother tried to abort me?" What a poignant moment! What a moment to tell this child, "Yes." And the kid was smart. She had a delightful personality. She was a joy to have around. But she had limitations, and would have them all her life because a woman has a right to choose, to quote Senator Gore. A woman has a right to choose to kill a life that God has given. No, she doesn't.

Terrible things have been done in the process of claiming this right. We as believers cannot be any the less determined to leave no stone unturned to stand in the breach as those who speak for God and sound forth with everything in us against this terrible crime.

There are side effects indeed, and there are gross reasons for which this sort of thing is done: "We need a new TV, so we can't afford a baby. We want to take a vacation trip to Hawaii, so we can't pay for this child. Do you know what a person looks like when they're pregnant? My figure is very important to me. This would restrict my social life. What would I do? How could I carry on my social life if I were pregnant?" You can make up your own reasons, but the human nature has no lack of them.

Murder contaminates a country and brings divine judgment. Our country is drenched in the blood of these innocent children, and God is going to bring about population decimation in time because of what has been done to our children.

Today the status of the United States is that we have national leaders who have abandoned the Bible and its God. Our national degeneracy is in full swing on all fronts. We showed you a little bit about that as reflected in the entertainment industry. One of the signs of how far we have come in national degeneracy is the principle of doctrine that God says, "I have established an order between the sexes – an order of authority. When a nation goes into degeneracy and into rebellion against me, then I reverse the order in order to humiliate that nation, and to bring degradation upon them.

Genesis 3:16 establishes this principle: "God said to the woman (Eve, following their sin), 'I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth. In pain, you shall bring forth children, and your desire shall be for your husband. You'll find fulfillment in your husband, and he shall rule over you." The apostle Paul, in writing the book of 1 Timothy, explains that Scripture in a little more detail, particularly that phrase, "He shall rule over you." Why? Because he's smarter? No. In 1 Timothy 2:12-14, Paul says, "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." Paul is speaking here under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and his conduct of local church ministries, and of organization of social relationships, is the result of divine guidance.

Please do not make a stupid statement such as former President Carter did when he read this Scripture and said, "I don't agree with what the apostle Paul says," as if the apostle Paul were acting out of his own sin nature, saying things that were not true, and God the Holy Spirit slipped them into the Bible to deceive us. There is arrogance in the highest realms of authority in this nation: "I do not allow women to teach or to exercise authority over man, but to remain quiet." Why? "For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve." There is an order of priority. Furthermore, it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman, being quite deceived, fell into transgression.

So, it is very clear when God says, "The order is for male authority and male leadership." If you try to change that, and you try to reverse that, in social context, and in society, then you're asking for trouble, but God does reverse it. When he raised up the prophet Isaiah, he made it clear to the people of Israel that they had become so degenerate that He was going to humiliate them now by reversing this doctrinal principle.

Isaiah 3:12: "All My people, their oppressors are children." God said, "You Jews have come to the point where your kids are your oppressors. Your children are suing you and attacking you. Your children are dominating over you. And women rule over you. I have brought you to the point where your kids dominate you, and where your women are in positions of authority over you. They hold public office. All my people, those who guide you, lead you astray, and confuse the direction of your paths. I have put people over you because that's what you deserve, because of your rejection of My principles and moral code, and what I have given you for the establishment of government. You deserve this. You have people who are teaching you, who are making policy for you, who are leading you astray, who are leading you into your own enslavement.

Do you know that 1992 is the year of the woman? I just wish I knew what year this is in China. They always say things like, "This is the year of the monkey," or "this is the year of the baboon." I just wish I knew what year it was over there. But here, it was the year of the woman. And women all over this country are running for public office in the government. In California, indeed, that land of sunshine, flowers, fruits, and nuts, has both senatorial offices up for election. Two women – real brassy, pushy, feminist types are running for those senatorial offices, and they're leading in the polls. That's what you'd expect in California. But California is the place that sets the pace for the rest of us. Things that are unthinkable anywhere else in the country begin in California, and then they spread over the rest of the nation. And these women are riding high.

California is also devoting itself to exalting the practice of homosexuality and lesbianism. Some of you received the October 1992 issue of Dr. Dobson's "Focus on the Family" letter. And I want to read you a P. S. that he has put in there, after having spoken about the issue of abortion in the body of the letter: "P.S.: You may have heard about two recent developments that have relevance to the battle to preserve the family. The Democrat-controlled California legislature has joined hands with Republican Governor Pete Wilson to pass a so-called gay rights bill. The homosexual community has fought for this legislation for years. Indeed, they went into a violent frenzy last year when Wilson vetoed a similar measure. Violence was threatened again this fall if the gay rights people didn't get their way, proving that their fascist tactics work in the present climate.

"It is now illegal in California, for a profit Christian radio station, Christian bookstore, or Christian businessperson to refuse employment to an openly active homosexual; nor can such a person be fired, even if their sexual activities are flaunted within the business setting. I share this with you because this same type of legislation, or similar provision, will soon be debated in your state or city. A tidal wave of homosexual activism is spreading across the country.

"On another matter, you may have heard that the American Bar Association voted on August 10th to oppose any legislation that would restrict a woman's right to an abortion throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. The implications of this action are monumental because the ABA has historically been asked to endorse or oppose candidates for the United States Supreme Court, and other appointments to the federal bench, we can now assume that only individuals who favor abortion will be sanctioned.

"Second, since the ABA officially accredits law schools, it is assumed that only those institutions that support the right to abortion will get their approval.

"Third, in some states there is no bar examination. Successful completion of law school is tantamount to an individual being licensed to practice law. Thus the ABA can virtually eliminate pro-life attorneys in those states by accrediting only schools that support abortion rights.

"In these three ways, the American Bar Association has forfeited all objectivity, and positioned itself to fight for unlimited rights to kill babies for any reason, or for no reason. That would include, of course, the horrible practice of sex selection abortions by which many female babies are sacrificed for being of the wrong gender. Thank God for 844 ABA members who have already resigned to protest this terrible decision. I hope thousands of other lawyers will do the same. If there ever was a time to pray for our nation, it is now."

Indeed. 844 Christian lawyers thus far were enraged by this attempt to push a moral issue on the American Bar Association, and they have cut loose their association. May God increase their numbers.

So, what we face today is women ruling over men. We face an enormous degeneracy, and a promotion of the abortion issue. We find socialism is widely accepted by American greed and envy on the one hand, and all in violation of the United States Constitution. And you would be surprised, as I read just recently, how many members of Congress are socialists? There's only one member that openly says, "I am a socialist," but everything that he stands for, you have scores and scores of members in Congress who are socialists. And people put them in charge of our government.

Big government today is tolerated to maintain a welfare state which requires monstrous taxation of the producers. You realize that two-thirds of our national budget today was the whole budget in 1985? And as one of the presidential candidates that you never hear about, but who is the one who should really be elected (Phillips, of the American Taxpayers Party), has pointed out very wisely that what this nation needs to do is to repeal the federal income tax law, because we get only one-third of all of our income (for all of our budget) from income tax. What we need to do is put the country back to just 1985. The two-thirds of our budget now would cover everything that we need to have done. You could eliminate the IRS; the secret police; all of the forms; and, all of the agencies. And do you know what would happen to every family? Every family would on the average have $500 to $600 dollars more a month to spend. And do you know what they would do with it? They would spend it. And when people spend, prosperity mounts. Isn't that simple?

However, have you heard that from any of the present candidates? No, because this nation is so far gone into big government that it would think you crazy to say, "Let's get rid of the income tax system." Big government is tolerated. Government programs are the worst thing to me. I sit and I shake my head, and wonder why I'm so out of touch with the world today, as I hear politicians speaking about programs to solve sin nature problems – problems that are the result of the sin nature in man, and the solution is a government program. Child abuse is a violent expression, but a direct relationship to abortion. As abortion came about in this country, child abuse began mounting precipitously. The two are connected. So, we're going to solve a sin nature problem by having a government program. That is madness to the extreme. Government cannot solve the sin nature problem.

That's what makes these people so angry when I say that what we need to solve government problems is more people like fundamentalist preachers, who can point people in the right way, in God's way, in the orders of the Word of God that they sneer at, and that they hold in contempt. If people were to turn back to God on the basis of what we once used to be as a nation, this nation would be everything that it once was.

So, Americans today have lost an enormous amount of freedom as politicians and government violate God's laws, so the tyranny runs amok in our republic. Nevertheless, the time has come for us to take heart, for God is working out His plan, and we have our personal ministries to execute in the time that is left to us.

I've taught you these things this day to alert you to the need for urgency to carry out your mission. Whatever it is, whatever your capacity is, don't wait. If you got the money, start spending it on this ministry. If you've got the time, start investing it in God's work here. If you got the skills, start taking the time to work them into this operation. If you have the talents, get them operational here. Above all, you do have a spiritual gift. Get with it. Always balance the fact that you have an immediate need and an objective. All of us are going to face that tomorrow morning. I'll go to bed tonight, and I'll wake up in the middle of the night, and I'll still be thinking of what I'm going to do in chapel tomorrow morning. I have to shift gears real quickly, and I'm on duty again. But the most important thing is not that immediate thing that faces me, but the long-range thing that faces me of alerting our society, so that when I stand before God at the Judgment Seat, I won't be asked, "Why didn't you tell people what you knew? Why didn't you explain to people the Word of God, so, at least, when they turned against Me, they had the chance to know better?" He'll ask you the same thing.

Whatever it is you have, now is the time to get with it. God is moving ahead, and He is going to do that which is in His purpose to do. Enrich yourself now with your eternal rewards. Now is the accepted time, and I hope you'll believe me.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1992

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