666, the Illuminati, and the CFR


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

We are studying "The False Prophet." This is segment number 12 in Revelation 13:11-18.

Religion in the New World Order

At the same time that the political aspect of the Roman Empire is restored in the tribulation era, the religion of the ancient empire must also be revived. The former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, made a special trip shortly before he resigned – a trip to Rome, to have an audience, of all things, of reconciliation with Pope John II. Here is the head of the only nation in history that has ever had atheism as national policy. Even the pagans of the ancient world believed in gods. And one of the things that was brought in accusation against the Christians, because they would not worship the pagan gods, especially the emperor god, was that the Christians were accused of being atheists, because they worshiped a God that could not be seen, and a God which they said was superior to all the gods, and in fact, the only real God.

So, here's an amazing thing in our day. You should not let that slip by you indifferently. Gorbachev, in effect, knelt before the Pope, and made reconciliation which with this leader of 80 million Catholics. The world's leaders of both the East and West are expressing the belief that religion must play a role in the new world order. The communist countries of Eastern Europe, which have broken free from the communist system – the leaders of those countries, amazingly, have almost uniformly made the statement, as Václav Havel of Czechoslovakia did, that unless we have a spiritual ground for what we are doing, we cannot build a society or a government.

Spiritual Unity in the End Times

The Pope himself is calling for a spiritually united Europe, and even evangelical biblical Christian leaders are rushing to support this effort by his holiness the Pope. However, you should not be deceived. Be aware of the fact that neither Gorbachev nor the Pope have any use for born-again biblical Christians. The Pope on several occasions has explicitly warned Catholics not to be deceived by born-again evangelicals. Gorbachev has no patience with that group either. But the Pope has no hesitancy of pursuing a dialog for the objective of religious unity with the religions of the world – actually, the religions that are not evangelical, but the religions that will compose the world church in the end times.

The Religion of Ancient Rome

I suspect that indeed the Roman Catholic Church will be the core of the revived religion of ancient Rome. After all, the Roman Catholic Church is an amalgamation of biblical Christianity and the pagan concepts and doctrines of the Babylonian mystery religion, which was the religion of ancient Rome.

The origin of the antichrist's religion is going to be this ancient faith that Rome had. Rome, as you know, tolerated all religions except biblical Christianity, because Christianity centered upon the person of Jesus Christ, and a salvation that was apart from any human effort – a grace gift from God. Christians, because they had the written Scriptures, were able to say to the emperors of Rome, "We have a basis on which we may judge whether you are doing right and wrong." And that was totally unacceptable to the Roman emperors.


But when the fourth century came along early in the fourth century, along came Emperor Constantine. He, in order to try to bring together what was now a disintegrating empire, realized that he had to have some religious unity (some religious cement) that would hold the empire together. The old gods were now bankrupt. People were disillusioned with them. They had lost their confidence in the system. So, Constantine saw a vision from God that told him to conquer the final claimant to the throne of the emperor that stood between him and the throne. He was to conquer in the sign of the cross, and the religion of Christianity went into battle with the sign of the cross emblazoned upon the shields and upon the breastplates of his soldiers. He won the battle at the Milvian Bridge, and became the sole emperor of the Roman Empire.

The Perverted Christianity of Roman Catholicism

Constantine pursued immediately his objective of an ecumenical religion – one which could unite what had become a powerful force of biblical Christians within the empire, and indeed one that he found respectable and reliable; one that acted with integrity; and, one that was a great asset to the empire. However, this group would not be accepted by the pagans with their Babylonian mystery of religion. Therefore, he proceeded immediately to create an amalgamation of the two systems, and he set it in motion. And in the centuries which followed, that joining was completed. Pagans needed a perverted Christianity which they could comfortably join. Concerning many of the doctrines of Roman Catholicism, you might be tempted to say, "Why do they teach something like the Mass, or something like infant baptism, or something like purgatory? None of that's in the Bible." No, it isn't. But it all was in the Babylonian system of religion begun by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel.

So, these things were brought in. The multiplied gods of the pagan system were replaced by a multiplicity of saints. But to approach them, to worship them; to venerate them; and, to seek their influence and their aid was brought into the Roman system. At the core of it, of course, was that which was at the core of the Babylonian system – the mother goddess and her infant child. Obviously, the mother goddess became Mary, and the infant God-child became Jesus.

So, Constantine, in 312, issued the decree that Christianity was now a legal religion. He returned the property which was taken from Christian groups, and their church buildings, and in 325, Constantine declared that it was officially the religion of the empire. Now, if you wanted to be anybody; if you wanted to go any place; or, if you wanted to pursue any career within the empire (within the context of the Roman government) you better be a Christian.

The Pontifex Maximus

However, Constantine retained for himself the title of the chief pagan priest under the Babylonian system; that is, Pontifex Maximus (the high priest – the great bridge builder). He was the head, and remained the head, of this hybrid religion that he was creating, that became Roman Catholicism. Today, the Pope bears the title of PM (Pontifex Maximus). If you visit the Vatican in Rome, you will see the "PM" and the Pope's symbol emblazoned everywhere around you. You'll see it embedded into the marble on the floor. Everywhere you are reminded that he is the chief access to God, because that's what Pontifex Maximus meant. It was the chief crossover from this realm to the gods. The builder of that bridge was the high priest.

Constantine kept a balance. He proceeded to build both Christian churches and pagan temples. He was the civil head of the church organization. Therefore, the Pope today claims that he not only the religious head of the world, but that he is also the civil head of the world. In fact, he is the head of the underground of the abyss of the demon world.

The Vicar of Christ

So, Christianity, in a perverted form, became the religion of the empire. Ecclesiastical positions were very quickly sold. Roman Catholicism, having no spiritual orientation or anchor, became extremely corrupt. A number of popes were killed as a result of being caught in bed with somebody else's wife, and quietly replaced by a successor. The Pope assumed the title of Pontifex Maximus, the Vicar of Christ (the representative of Christ on earth). To be called the Vicar of Christ meant that when you opened your mouth and spoke as Pope officially from your throne, you heard the voice of God coming out of his mouth, and what he said was absolute law then.

The Bishop of Bishops

He also took upon himself the title Bishop of Bishops. All of these titles were once held by Constantine and the Roman emperors. But when the empire came apart, finally, under the assault of the barbarians surrounding them, then these titles were taken over by the Roman Catholic hierarchy. The medieval popes were indeed corrupt. We had. Only to mention the Borgias and their habit of eliminating their enemies by inviting them to a banquet, and opening the rings on their fingers, and slipping the poison into the cup of wine which they were passing to them. The Pope's claimed apostolic succession back to Peter, though this, of course, is not found anywhere in the New Testament. They were sexually indulgent, and in many time, as with the Borgias, they were inhuman monsters.

The Papacy

The thing that Constantine did accomplish for this new system was that he, by decree, ordered that the Bishop of Rome would be the chief bishop over all the churches of the empire, and thus began the concept of the Pope. The papacy was not an idea in the first three centuries. It was a thing that developed as the result of Constantine's decree in the fourth century.

The religion of Rome, of course, as we say, was based upon the ancient Babylonian mysticism. When the empire fell to the barbarians, it was held together by the religious system of the Roman Catholic Church, an ingenious blend of paganism and Christianity.

The Mark of the Beast

This is the religion that we are reading about here in Revelation 13. This is the religion which the false prophet is going to restore, along with the restored empire. It will again center around a figure who will be viewed as a god, as the emperor was, and the antichrist will be assisted in his religious system by the false prophet in organizing and directing that which will be a world religion. All mankind in the tribulation must be a mark of allegiance on their bodies to the antichrist – a mark either on the forehead or on the right hand. Without it, there will be no selling; no buying; and, no action in the marketplace possible for an individual unless you have the official seal. To refuse the seal is to invite death.

The Name of the Beast

Revelation 13:17 closes with the statement: "The name of the beast or the number of the name." This is referring to the one who has the mark. Here it explains the mark. It is either the name of the beast or the number of the beast. The mark of the beast will be in the form of a name – the name of the antichrist. Some kind of logo design will be put together which will be the stamp to indicate loyalty to the antichrist, because it will actually be his name. Or it will be what the Greek calls the "arithmos," the number. That's where we get the English word "arithmetic." It'll be in the form of a number. The number is in some way related to the name of the antichrist. So, the mark of the beast may be either a logo of his name, or it may be a number related to his name.

The Number of the Beast

In Revelation 13:18, the apostle John says, "Now here is wisdom." This is the Greek word "sophia," and it means discernment of truth. He says, "Here is an ability to relate facts properly and to reach a right conclusion." That's what the word "wisdom" means. And he says, "Those who have understanding should proceed to calculate the number of the beast – those who have the capacity; those who have the means; and, those who are in a position to calculate the number of the beast.

What John is saying is that people are to use their brains to do some figuring with this number to identify the antichrist when he comes on the scene. The word "calculate" is the Greek word "psephizo." "Psephizo" is telling the people to use their heads to identify the antichrist. This is at some point in time when they consider this. This is to be done personally, and interestingly enough, it's imperative mood. It's a divine command. What they are to do is find the significance of the number of the beast.

The Beast's Claim to be Deity

What they will discover is that his number indicates something about his claim to be deity. That's the first point here. The number of the beast that they will be able to calculate from the name of the beast will indicate something about the beast, and that is that he is a man. And it doesn't use the Greek word for "male," but the Greek word "anthropos." "Anthropos" is the word for "mankind." So, what we're being told is that the number of this man is going to reveal that he falls short of deity, and in fact, he is nothing but a human being claiming to be God, and parading under that claim.


The number of his name reveals that he falls short of divine perfection. Then it tells us what his number is. His number is 666. All of you know that, in the Bible (in Bible numerology) seven is the perfect number. Seven is the number of completion. There were seven days of creation. The number "seven" repeatedly come crops up, indicating something that is brought to an end and it is completed. The number "six" falls short of perfection, and therefore, it indicates that it is not divine. Seven would be true of God. Here we are told that the number of this beast is three sixes: 666.

Now that may refer to the lack of perfection, which is to be seen in the false trinity that Satan will have put together for the tribulation, where you have Satan; the antichrist; and, the false prophet as a false trinity for Father; Son; and, Holy Spirit. Since 666 would indicate a false trinity, if you wanted to give a number to God, it would be 777, which would indicate the perfection of the Trinity: the perfection of the true God – his absolute deceit.

Numbers in the Ancient World

As you may know, in the ancient world, they did not use numbers as we do. What they use for numbers were actually letters of the alphabet. As you may know, my name is "John." And let me show you how this works in the Greek language. The name for "John" looks like this: "Ioannes." This name has a number. And if you know what numerical value each letter has, you can come up with the number of this name. In this particular case, the "I" equals 10. It's the number for 10. The "o" ("omega") is the number for 800. The "a," understandably, coming at the beginning of the alphabet, is the number for 1. The "n" is the number for 50. The second "n" is also the number for 50. The "e" ("eta") is the number for 8. Finally, the "s" ("sigma") is the number for 200. If you get your calculator and add all this up, you'll find that this comes to 1,119. So, the number of my name from the Greek language is 1,119. Or you may address me as simply 1,119. When you see me, you may address me as Dr. 1,119. And those of us who are in on the mysteries of all of this (the secrets – the inner workings), we will know who 1,119 is around here. ... Anytime you find somebody with the name "John," just call them 1,119, and you've got him identified.

On one of the walls in the city of Pompeii, somebody put some graffiti, and it's still readable to this day. What it says is, "I love her whose name is 545." Who is 545? Well, he and his girlfriend knew by her name that her name total 545. So, he knew, and she knew. ... So, he could just scribble on the wall, "I'm in love with 545," or "200 is in love with 545."

The Antichrist

So, when we come to the end, the antichrist's world will understand this system of numbering – letters which have a numerical value. And whatever the name is of the antichrist, it is going to total 666. The antichrist will probably come to power by coming up through the political ranks in the world. He will undoubtedly, I think, be known on the world scene before the tribulation begins. He won't just be some provincial local politician. He will be somebody whose name worldwide has become somewhat of a household name. No doubt, he will be one who will impress people as a man of great ability; a man of magnetism; and, certainly a man of great compassion.

His philosophical base will be evolutionary humanism, and that will make him very attractive to the younger generation, which has been educated in schools that train young people in the philosophy of New Age thinking, which is: "Man is his own God. There's potential deity in man. We are tied to the universal mind, and all you have to do is look deep within yourself, and you will find the answers."

I have been in groups where the leader has said things just like that, and it's kind of creepy. I knew what he was talking about. I knew where he was coming from. I knew what he was saying. He was teaching us old Hinduism under the new guise at the New Age movement. This concept of great powers within man (potential deity) is made a great deal of by American corporations. They bring in these groups (these mind-science groups) that specialize in that concept. They bring it in to train their employees and to train their executives in order to enable them to be able to have mind over matter victories.

Satan's Temptations of Christ

One thing that will certainly be true about the antichrist. Old 666 is going to have an enormous lust for power to control the lives of people. And he will indeed make a deal with the devil to rule the world. This is the same deal that was offered to the Lord Jesus Christ on the Mount of Temptation. And as you know, the Lord rejected Satan's offer. That was not an empty boast that Satan made to Jesus: "I can give you the kingdoms of the world." He was telling Jesus, "We'll bring in worldwide rule. Isn't that what you came for? Didn't you come up to set up the kingdom of David over all the earth? You know that. I know that. Let's get on with it. Right now, I'm in charge of all the nations of the world. I put political leaders up. I take political leaders down. Only God overrides me sometimes. But by and large, I'm there to operate on my own. Jesus, You can have it all, and You don't have to go through the misery of the cross."

That was a very tempting offer, and it was the enormous pressure on the second Adam to now face the same kind of temptation, in a variant form, that was given to Adam and Eve. Thank God, the second Adam did not break, and did not become victim to that appeal.

So, believers who are living in the tribulation will understand this cryptic identification. It will be clear to them who 666 is. There'll be many politicians on the scene, especially in the first three-and-a-half years, and they will be able to clearly identify the one who is up and coming.

The Number of the Name of Jesus

It is interesting that the name of Jesus can also be analyzed, and we would be curious to what His name comes out to: "Iesous." "I" equals 10. "E" ("eta") equals 8. "S" ("sigma") equals 200. "O" ("omicron") equals 70. "U" (upsilon") equals 400. "S" ("sigma") 200. Total it up. It comes to 888. Isn't that interesting? The number of the name of Jesus is 888. He is not only perfection in 777, but He is also a new beginning. Eight is the perfect man beginning again. How appropriate that the second and last Adam, who came to undo the terrible thing that the first Adam did to us, should indeed have maintained His perfection, and moved one step further in the direction of a new beginning – a beginning that has enabled Him to fulfill His mission as the Savior of all mankind.

Who is the Antichrist?

Who is this person? It is profitless for us to try to identify 666 today. Throughout the centuries, this has been done again and again. You can come up with some very interesting figures. Incidentally, one of them was Henry Kissinger. Henry Kissinger's name comes out to 666, but all that is nonsense. They have even found that Nero's name comes up to 666. That's where the idea comes from that Nero is going to be resurrected from the dead, and he will come back and be the antichrist. None of that is true, and we cannot identify this person today.

The apostle Paul makes it clear, when writing to the Thessalonians, that the antichrist will not be revealed until the church is gone. The antichrist will not be revealed until the great apostasy comes – the great falling away of the tribulation. Then this man will come on the scene, and then people living then will be able to identify him by the number of his name.

This man is going to bring to a conclusion a great conspiracy that has been afoot by Satan since the Tower of Babel. And in closing this session, we will give a little summary on that.


There is considerable evidence that there are invisible manipulators in this world. The world's rulers are not the people who are the hereditary aristocrats – the kings; and, the queens. They are not the people who are elected to public office. Behind the scenes of human government are the people who really manipulate the levers of power by Satan's consent. And every one of them thinks globally. That's where this expression came from – that students are taught: "Act locally; but, think globally." The pressure has been on all along. This was Nimrod's objective: "Let's get a global situation. Let's go for internationalism, and ignore God's directive for us to break up international entities."

Material Wealth

Material wealth is the motivation of these secret rulers, and because of their enormous possessions, they are able to run the world governments. They can make governments rise, and they can make governments fall.


You may have seen recently the series on TV of the intelligence agencies of the United States. It was fascinating and informative. And this is exactly what was unraveled in that series – the power of just the United States government to cause a leader in a foreign country to rise or to fall. One example was given when the prime minister of Iran, Mosaddegh, came to power. He was a quite nationalist, and he determined that the natural resources of that country (and I'm sure it was probably in the area of oil) was not to be under the control of foreign companies. He announced the policy deliberately that he was going to nationalize the possession of these American and British companies in the field of oil. And he was going to bring this benefit to the people of his country.

The intelligence agencies of the United States were put on alert, and were directed to bring this man down. And could you believe it – that the American government, through its agents, was able to hire men who would get crowds together; who had set things in motion; and, who would inflame and create riots? The riots continued, and they got greater in intensity until Mosaddegh had to resign. Then the Americans brought in the Pahlavi family, the Shah of Iran, and put him on the throne, and they made their deal. The foreign-owned company in one of the Central American countries (I think it was Guatemala) was going to do the same thing: "The fruit is ours. These companies should be controlled by our nation. We should be the beneficiaries of this natural resource," and they were going to take over the companies.

President Eisenhower set in motion the intelligence agencies that brought about the downfall of the leaders who were going to do that, and the United Fruit Company remained in American hands. Material wealth is the motivation of those who are the secret, behind-the-scenes rulers. These world rulers can use any form of government to their advantage. It doesn't matter whether it's a capitalist or a socialist system. I have watched David Rockefeller on TV, in an interview with the late Tito of Yugoslavia, holding his hand and saying to him, "Premier, the world needs you. We need you. America needs you." And here he is blubbering over this butcher in Yugoslavia. And as he said, as long as we lend money to these countries, and they pay their bills, we have no problem in doing business with them. Indeed, that's exactly what they've been doing since Lenin began communism; took over Russia; and, was going down the tube until the American bankers and the elite were given the word: "Finance Lenin, and keep him afloat. He was very important to the objective of these world rulers – the objective being a socialist world.

The super-rich and the super intelligent have teamed up to use the unwashed masses of the world who are oblivious of the machinations of these clever men. These insiders always avoid the public eye. They work secretly through front men, but indeed they can make governments and government leaders rise and fall.

The Illuminati

We do know that these men belong to certain organizations because gradually information has come out. The original one was the Illuminati, begun by Weishaupt.

The Council on Foreign Relations

Then there was the Council on Foreign Relations (the CFR), following World War I.

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission is a recent invention of David Rockefeller, bringing together the powerful men of Japan, the United States, and of Europe.


These men control broadcasting, banking, and publishing. When they call out a play, it is executed. We'll give you just a little example. We don't have time to go through this in very much detail, but here's the CFR. The Rothschild family is at the head. Another family is the Milnor. They have created these round-table groups, out of which came these discussion groups. You have names that are famous names in the world of finance, like Rockefeller; Baruch; and, Morgan. You have various foundations: the Rockefeller Foundation; the Ford Foundation; and the Carnegie Foundations, who are related to the Council of Foreign Relations. These foundations have enormous sums of money which they can direct tax-free to support causes that they favor – mostly socialist.

Here are banks and financial houses. They are names that you hear all the time. Here are corporations: Standard Oil; IBM; Xerox; Eastman Kodak; Pan-American; Firestone; and, US Steel. All of these have boards of directors that are interlocked with the CFR. All of these have men who are on the Council of Foreign Relations who run these companies. You have NBC; CBS; Time; Life; Fortune; and, Newsweek – all of these publication companies. And you have institutions that study; make policy; and, advise government: the Rand Corporation; the Hudson Institute; the Fund for the Republic; and, Brookings Institution, and every one of them is tied to the Council on Foreign Relations.

You cannot have a president of the United States that has an administration that is not loaded with members of the Council on Foreign Relations. When Reagan was running for the presidency, he exposed the group. He pointed out how many of these men were loyal to this organization. And their meetings are always secret. They have the rule that if anybody reveals anything that is said in their meetings, he is to be expelled from the organization immediately. And he'll be through as a national figure; a political figure; a military figure; a banking figure; or, whatever he is. Their information is secret, and they operate as behind-the-scenes manipulators. These are powerful organizations. Who can stand up against people who can publish; who can write; who can use television; who can get up; and, who can replace the institutions of our society. These men are in positions of great power.

This is what we're talking about. This is the kind of thing that the antichrist is going to put together. There was an occasion when a man who was the head of the Ford Foundation spoke to a man who was researching the objectives of the Council of Foreign Relations. He brought him up to his office in New York City (the Ford Foundation), and he said, "We have the directives from the highest echelons of the American government that we are to remake American society. We are to work through the schools. We are to work the various agencies. We are to rework the attitude of the American people to get them to accept socialism, and government dominance, and government care over them, so as to bring the United States as close as possible to the Soviet Union system, and eventually to join the two." The man who was investigating was shocked by this. I forget his name. He said, "Will you state this publicly?" The head of the Ford Foundation said, "Absolutely not. If you say I said that, I'll publicly deny it. And as soon as I deny it, we have all kinds of forces that will rush in to ridicule and to belittle what you have said, and to discredit you."

These are powerful people. And any suggestion that they are part of a conspiracy, or to expose them, will bring you down because of the power that they have. And this is gone over generations. Each step of success has been met with great satisfaction by those who have been able to pull the levers of power, even though they didn't live to see the ultimate goal that they were after – a global world socialism. It will take the antichrist to bring that about for them. But in the meantime, they did enjoy the benefits of enormous wealth and of enormous power.

The Illuminati

On May 1st, 1776 which is May Day of the year in which the United States came into being, a Jewish man, Adam Weishaupt, was a professor of religious law at the University of Ingolstadt, Germany. He was into the occult, and he formed the organization which is known as the Illuminati, which means "those who are in the know." His objective was to supplant the socialist world which would be ruled by an elite body of men. This was 70 years before Karl Marx came on the scene with his idea of socialism into communism. The Weishaupt organization was intended to penetrate all levels and institutions of society.

A man named John T. Robison, in 1797, was a professor of natural philosophy at the University of Scotland. He was associated with Freemasonry. And as he would go around visiting the largest of Freemasonry, he discovered to his surprise that their objectives had changed dramatically. The objectives of Freemasonry from its original founding, although it had an occult association to begin with, had a definite different direction. Lo and behold, Weishaupt invites Robison to become part of the Illuminati. When that happened, Robison said that he discovered why the Freemasonry lodges were changing. For they were permeated by elite men of power, and the direction of the lodges was to make a global socialist world.

Weishaupt was finally exposed: He had documents of secret papers which outlined some of their plans. He had delegated to a messenger to carry them to another place, and the messenger was struck by lightning, and he was killed. The papers were found. They were turned over to the Bavarian government. The objective of Weishaupt and the Illuminati was to replace the hereditary aristocracy (kings who were born into their kingdom) with an intellectual aristocracy – men who can make a decision for the masses that the masses cannot make for themselves.

The French Revolution was permeated with the Illuminati, and its plan of terror was designed to bring down the aristocracy. It is interesting that the American founding fathers, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were all acquainted with the Illuminati, and they were adamantly opposed to the objectives of the organization, and they publicly went on record that the Illuminati were not to have a part in the United States.

In 1966, the great exposé came. There was a professor who had been a professor at both Harvard and Princeton. His name is Carroll Quigley. He was one of the insiders. He was totally in sympathy with the conspiracy. He was totally in sympathy with a world socialist system. But he got impatient that the leaders were being too timid. So, he wrote a book, Tragedy and Hope: A History of Our Times, a large volume of 1,300 pages. And in it, he named the secret power groups. In it, he laid out their secret objectives. He felt it was time to go public. The heads of these groups would not, so he did it for them.

It is amazing that when the book hit, you can see that the fur hit the fan. Almost overnight, the book disappeared. It was rapidly brought up from all bookstores; the publishing rights were bought up; and, the book was killed. People had to get foreign publications that happened to be bootlegged out of the country before they could get it. The reason for this was that Quigley revealed too much. He revealed how the financial institutions were being brought together to create a world control, and they were going to do it through central banks like our Federal Reserve System. They were going to dominate every political system when they could dominate the world's economy. The world's economy would be controlled by a cooperative system of central banks in each nation, and they could make prosperity or poverty – whatever they chose.

As you may know, our Federal Reserve banks are not owned by our government. They are a private institution owned by certain bankers who receive the benefits of the billions of dollars of profit that they make by lending money that they create to the government. Who owns the banks? The banks are owned by the great family dynasties.

The Rockefeller Dynasty

One of those, for example, is the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller dynasty is enormous. It owns Exxon and Chase Manhattan. It is related to the Federal Reserve System and Citibank. Anytime you see the word "Citi" in the name of the bank, like "Citibank," the word "Citi" is a code name for a Rockefeller possession. They're into cars; they're into insurance; they're into corporations; they're into an enormous number of banks; and, they're into the news media. They were the ones who saw to it that the United Nations had to be placed in this country, and gave the sight for it in New York City. They are related to the Club of Rome; the Trilateral Commission; and, the Bilderbergers, which is an organization in Holland that is another one of these elite groups that meets regularly in secrecy, and decides what their policy will be in banking and in the political realm. They even own seminaries. They're into education. And, of course, they're into foundations; oil; and, airways. This is a powerful group. And this is just one family. And they own enormous, powerful banks.

The Rothschild Family

At the head of all this, from Weishaupt's time, has been the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds were originally in Germany, but they spread through other countries, and they own the central banks. They control them. They are in touch with our Federal Reserve System by interrelation with families – even marriage. They have great influence on our Federal Reserve System; the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are largely funded by the United States taxpayer, which gives money away to third world countries and people whom it thinks need it. They are also under the control of the Rothschilds.

These banks make enormous sums of money off the unwashed masses of the world. That cannot be an accident. That has to be a calculated plan. That has to be a calculated purpose. Some of you have enjoyed the 007 books of Ian Fleming. He used to be in the British Secret Service, and he ran into these conspiratorial organizations in the process of his work as an agent of the British government. And in his books, he has organizations like SMERSH and SPECTRE, and what they are, in fact, are a reflection of the powerful organizations of powerful men who move nations; who move countries; and, who move leaders in and out.

Let me read you a quote from Quigley, the Harvard professor, about the internal network – the aim of these family banks. In his book Tragedy and Hope Quickly says, "This network, which we may identify as the round-table groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20 years, and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records." Quigley was the only one who has ever gotten into the secret records of these organizations.

"I have no aversion to it (he was in favor of what they were doing), or to most of its aims, and have, for much of my life, been close to it, and to many of its instruments."

Quickly goes on to say that the insider network wishes to remain unknown. He summarizes the grand plan in these words: The aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country, and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."

Now this, folks, describes the Bilderbergers; the Council on Foreign Relations; the Trilateral Commission; and, the Club of Rome. This is exactly what those men do. They meet secretly; they lay out plans; they pass the word along; and, then things begin to happen in societies; countries; governments; and, financial institutions all over the world.

Winston Churchill on Black Thursday

Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who was on the team of President Kennedy, tells how Bernard Baruch, a man of considerable influence in our country in World War I, actually brought Winston Churchill, an up-and-coming politician in London to teach Winston how the system works. Galbraith, who is no dummy, and a man of great prestige himself, a Harvard economist, said that Baruch brought Winston onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on October 24th, 1929, and he told him to witness what was going to happen that day. Do you know what happened that day? That was the day that they pulled the plug on overpriced stocks; the nation's economy collapsed; and, the Great Depression was ushered in.

Now, was that an accident? Well, you couldn't just get a plane and fly over. They had to get Winston on a boat. They had to get them over. They had to get him set in New York City. They had to bring to the stock exchange. They had to work all these details out to have them there that morning when the bell rang, and the stock manipulations began for that day. Billions of dollars changed hands that day because the insiders knew what was coming. For example, incidentally, the Joe Kennedy, the Father of the Kennedy dynasty, divested himself of all of his stock, and divested himself of all of his holdings. The insiders knew what was coming. As a result, they stood there with the money, so when everything crashed, they went around buying things up – the expensive remains at 10 cents on a dollar. Billions of dollars were transferred.

So, what did this do? It created a condition in the United States, in the Great Depression, which wouldn't go away, and which the insiders kept going because of the Federal Reserve Bank, until finally we got a president in Franklin Roosevelt who brought in the socialist system that has now taken over 50% of the American government's policies. It was the New Deal to socialize the United States. People were ready to accept it because they were hurting.

The control of nations is done by indebting those nations to the bankers. As Lord Rothschild once said to Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, "I care not who rules a nation, as long as I can control the economy." And that is exactly right.

There is one more remark from Quigley that I think is interesting. Quigley says, on the issue of the front men of the banks of Europe, "It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries who had raised them up, and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of those investment bankers, also known as international or merchant bankers, who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance, which was more private; more powerful; and, more secret than that of their agents in the central banks."

Abraham Lincoln knew what was going on. The bankers of his day were pressing him to establish a central bank through which they could control the nation's economy, and through which they would then issue the money. Abraham Lincoln refused to go along with them, and secured from Congress the directive for Congress to carry out its constitutional authority to issue the money. So, the greenbacks were printed during the Civil War. Shortly after that, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. These men can put people up, and they can put people down.

The Illuminati Stamp on the Dollar Bill

After World War II, the United States was easily carried into the international United Nations by the elite conspirators, and their stamp from the earliest days (from the founding days of the United States) is on that dollar bill. Every time you turn it over and you see the unfinished pyramid with the capstone missing. And there you see the all-seeing. That was the sign and symbol of the Illuminati – those who are in the know. Their mark (their stamp – their seal) is upon every dollar bill you handle to this day.

I give you that as a little bit of a background. There is much more that we cannot go into. But this perhaps will give you a little frame of reference of how the antichrist is going to bring something to a head, which has been centuries in the planning. Isn't it nice that when it's all over, you and I as Christians are going to be there as the consorts of Jesus Christ to pick up the pieces, and put the world together in a Millennial Kingdom where righteousness and peace and prosperity will reign, because the system will finally be put together in the right way, and Satan's hand will be taken out of it, and only the hand of Christ will be governing this world.

You people have a tremendous future, and a tremendous burden for you to carry someday. In the meantime, get ready to do it. Learn the Word; be true to Christ; stand by the moral principles; and, invest your time; your talents; and, your treasures so that you can take them with you into eternity by placing them into God's work now when it's needed.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1993

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