

© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

We are studying the "The False Prophet." This is segment number four in Revelation 13:11-18.

World conditions are ripe for the arrival of the antichrist as Satan's false Christ. This is true because man now has the capacity with nuclear weapons to exterminate himself from the face of the earth. Secondly, computer networks make it possible to control all personal economic transactions. Thirdly, the widespread acceptance of occult practices has prepared mankind for a world religion that actually worships Satan. Fourth, the nations of the world are euphoric over the illusion that world peace is at hand, and will soon be realized. All four of these facts have been clearly delineated in Scripture as events that would be true immediately before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Never in the history of the world, I need not tell you, have these four been true. They are today. This tells us that we should be anticipating on the horizon of world history the return of our Lord, which means that seven years before that event, we're on our way into His glorious presence.

The essential precondition for the world to accept and to worship the antichrist is the apostasy of Christendom. Truth, as objective in the form of Bible doctrine is going to be replaced, as it is in the charismatic movement, with how you feel about things, and the experiences you have. There is a great desire, therefore, for miracles. Psychics and human potential for godhood have replaced Bible doctrine and the sound preachings of the Word of God.

The false prophet of the tribulation will easily establish a unified world religion once the antichrist becomes the head of the world government. The mood today is to release mankind from the restraining authority of the Bible. It is held with some contempt.

Vice President Quayle

I didn't see, I'm sorry to say, the interview by Barbara Walters of Vice President and Mrs. Quayle this week, but I have been told that she asked them about the fact that they were religious, and the Quayles didn't take issue with that. They just said, "You might say that." ... Finally, it led up to, of course, the big question: "Do you believe that the Bible is a literal book?" And the Vice President and Mrs. said, "Yes, we do." Barbara Walters said, "Well, do you mean that you believe that there was a man like Jonah that got swallowed by a big fish?" They said, "Yes." She said, "Do you mean that you believe there was a man like Noah who built this big ark that saved all the animals of the world in a huge worldwide flood – that that really happened?" They said, "Yes, what's wrong with that?"

I wish that he had followed through and said, "If God is almighty, that isn't a problem. And if He's almighty, He can give us a book that accurately records what He has done." The attack is always: "There is not God like that, and there is no book that can tell you about those things. So, the next time that Barbara Walters interviews you, be aware that these are two things that you ought to shove right under her nose.

The result was that she was somewhat taken aback. But Mrs. Quayle was reared in a Bible doctrine church down in Houston, Texas. Her parents have been tapers of a very fine tape ministry down there of a fellow graduate of Dallas Seminary. Therefore, she is in the know, and the Vice President is in the know.

I was told that Barbara Walters asked him, "What were the two most momentous times in his life?" He said, "Well, first, I must say, when I met my wife. And secondly, when I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior." That's no way for a politician to talk! Where is that going to lead? What happens if this guy becomes president with ideas like that? This is unheard of for anybody in the political realm to publicly talk like that, and really mean it. They weren't putting this on for votes, obviously. This was a true expression of a conviction.

If all government leaders were like that, the false prophet would have a terrible time of getting the world's religions together. But they're not like that, and once the rapture takes place, and the Quayles are removed with the rest of us, the false prophet will have an open field to bring it all together without any restraining influences on him. All religions are viewed as equally valid with God, so all we need to do, the ecumenical movement says, is to bring these religions together in a super church.

It is no secret in the Bible that Christendom is going to degenerate. The visible church is going to depart, the Word of God tells us, from biblical truths. Some of you have backgrounds in denominations that you yourself can testify to – that there was a time when they were sound denominations. They believed the Bible; they had the true Word of God, and now there are horrendous liberals that have rejected everything. They are prime examples of what the apostle Paul was telling Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1, where he said to Timothy, "But the Spirit (God the Holy Spirit explicitly) says that in later times, some will fall away from the faith;" that is, from true biblical doctrine, paying attention to deceitful spirits (demonic spirits) and doctrines of demons." That is exactly indeed what has happened.

When Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, he stressed this same factor again, if where organized Christianity was going to go. In 2 Timothy 3:1, the apostle Paul says, "But realize this: that in the last days, difficult times will come." And verse 5 explains those difficult times – that people will be holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power. Avoid such men as these." What Paul was saying was that they're going to have religion, and they're going have they rituals, and they're going to have their procedure, and, as I showed you in the previous session, the charismatics are going to be doing their witchcraft, in one way or another, and you shouldn't have anything to do with people like that because God is going to bring them down.

In 2 Peter 2:1-2, the apostle Peter gave us the same warning as to where organized Christianity eventually will go: "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves, and many will follow their sensuality. And because of them, the way of truth will be maligned. And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words. Their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." Talk about a biblical description of charismatic TV evangelists! You've got it right there. Their greed exploits people with false words. Those people are going to have a real sorry time when they stand before the God of judgment.

Well, once the true church is out of the picture at the rapture, then all that's left is the apostate part of the visible church. Millions of unsaved church members are going to be left behind. They'll pull things together, and they'll continue with their form of religion without biblical Christians now bugging them. This apostate church will come into fruition as the efforts of the ecumenical movement, as it goes into the tribulation period. The Lord Jesus Christ, in all of this, is going to be left standing on the outside. You have that picture in Revelation 3:20, of the Lord locked out, trying to knock on the heart's door to get attention, but they're not paying attention to him.

The Worldwide Church

I want to call your attention to Revelation 17, which we shall come to in time. It is the chapter which speaks about the great harlot religious organization. She is called an adulteress, which is the word for sexual unfaithfulness in marriage, which is used in spiritual things when one is unfaithful to God. It is particularly an expression of idolatry, where one is joined to a false god instead of the true God. Turning to a false god, or a religion, is condemned in the Word of God as harlotry. In Revelation 17:1, there is the announcement of tribulation judgment upon this ecumenical worldwide system: "And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls, came and spoke with me, saying, "Come here, and I'll show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters."

This world church is going to dominate the whole world. That's what it means by "sitting on many waters." Verse 15 explains that. This church will cover the same area as the western confederacy of the antichrist, and, in time, the whole world. The term "great" indicates that this is going to be a supremely false religion, but it's going to be the only religion. It will be the union of all of it.

In the early part of the tribulation, the first three-and-a-half years, this church that God calls a harlot is going to dominate the antichrist. She is pictured in this chapter as riding his back. Well, when he becomes the world ruler, during the second three-and-a-half years, he's not going to need this organization anymore. And he is going to throw her off. That does not mean that he does not need a religious organization. All political entities must have some of a philosophical base. They must have some kind of a church. That is why, in many countries, the Roman Catholic Church is the base of society upon which the government builds. What the antichrist will do is he will get rid of this church that has dominated him, and with the false prophet, he will create his own church. And she is described in Revelation 17:4 as being clothed in purple and scarlet – the colors of royalty, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She is not going to be poor. And she will have in her hand a gold cup full of the abominations of the unclean things of her immorality.


What is her connection? What is her background? Verse 5: "Upon her forehead a name was written, "Mystery Babylon the Great: The Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth." So, what we are immediately seeing is that the church that the antichrist comes up with, with the false prophet, is not going to just come out of a vacuum. It will have a historical. It will come full circle, right back to Babylon again. It will come right back to the religion begun by Nimrod. It will come right back to the phallic cult basis of Nimrod's religion, "Mystery Babylon" – that religious system was predominant in the Roman Empire. It was the religion of the empire. When Constantine, the emperor in the fourth century, became the victorious emperor and made Christianity the state religion, he amalgamated Mystery Babylon (and "mystery" means secret doctrines of the Babylonian system) with biblical Christianity, and it produced this harlot church, which is the Roman Church in our day.

World Peace

What the world is pursuing is the establishment of political peace. But you cannot have political peace until you have religious peace in the world. Peace among nations demands peace between these conflicting religions of the world. For example, the doctrine of Islam called the Jihad, the doctrine of the holy war. This justifies war against nations to carry out the will of their god whom they call "Allah," which is a demon spirit. The concept of the Jihad has to be dealt with in Islam, or you cannot have political peace. It is this principle and this doctrine that gives terrorists their justification for what they do in the world.


These is, of course, the basis of conflict between Jews and Arabs. What is the political conflict between Jews and Arabs except a religious conflict? The Arabs say that Ishmael was the son of promise, and that Ishmael was the son that Abraham laid upon that altar in obedience to God's direction. The Jews say that that's not true at all. The Scriptures give us very clearly the truth that the son of promise was Isaac, and it was Isaac who was laid upon that altar. This is the point of friction between these two. If Isaac is the son of promise, then the Arabs are out. But if Ishmael is the son of promise, then the Jews are out. You can't bring them both together. Muhammad came along and said, "God has revealed to me the truth. It was Ishmael. It was not Isaac." That's a lie.


This is the same sort of thing that Joseph Smith says. God revealed to him the truth of Masonry. The real meaning of Masonry was corrupted, but it was God's system. I want to tell you that Masonry goes back to the phallic cults. It is sex cult-originated system. Joseph Smith claimed that Masonry was perverted; it was originally from God, which it certainly wasn't; and, he has the truth. That's why what they do in the temples of masons around the world is the masonic rituals. This is exactly because Joseph Smith was mason.

Sometime you may attend a funeral of a man who has been a mason. You will always see, on a pedestal, an emblem with a "G" in it. What do you think the "G" stands for? Well, you thing it stands for "God," but in this mixed audience, I can't tell you what it stands for. The masons have two prime symbols. All carpenters know what a square is. And carpenters and others know what the compass is. Until you get up to about the 16th, 17th, or 18th degree of masonry, where you are taken into the inner mystery secrets, you don't know what that stands for. You think it has to do with craft. This audience precludes me from telling you what it is. But I remind you that it's a phallic cult system, so maybe you can figure it out for yourself.


Yet, we have the justification for Christians being in Masonry. Mormonism is a lie that is a dishonor to God, because Masonry and its rituals are horrendous to Christians. Most masons never get past what's called the "Blue Lodge" – that's the first three steps. And they're never told what they really are connected with when you're up here at the top. They're never told what the background is. So, Dr. Criswell at the First Baptist Church in Dallas has never been informed, because every now and then, I hear him talk about the wonderful beliefs of Masonry.

Religious Peace

Religious peace, between what Satan has created religiously, and these conflicting religions, and God's true religion of Christianity, has to be established before you're going to have political peace.

The Roman Emperor Constantine

So, what the false prophet does is very important. The efforts to establish religious peace actually began in 325 with Emperor Constantine. Emperor Constantine realized that he has to have a philosophical or a religious base for peace in the empire. Things were beginning to come apart. The barbarians in the North, the Germanic tribes, were probing and feeling the defenses of the Roman Empire in the North. They were coming across the major rivers, and Constantine knew that he had to bring this empire together to resist the inroads of the barbarians, or the empire was going to fall. And he knew what he was talking about, by the way. And indeed, it wasn't very long after him that it did come down. But he realized that he had to have peace religiously. And the first thing he found was that there was a lot of conflict among the bishops about the person of Christ, because some bishops said that He was just an ordinary man. Other bishops said, "Oh, no. The Bible teaches that He was also God (and man).

Ephanaseus, the great proponent of the deity of Christ, who stood and spoke to those bishops, and explained the Scripture, and stood against Arius, the heretic, who said that Jesus was just a man. This was the conflict. So, we must give Constantine credit, that in 325, he called the first ecumenical conference – the Council of Nicea. And when they finished, they settled the fact that Jesus Christ was true God; very God of very God, and he was true humanity.


Constantine needed this kind of unity so he could create a powerful church to reinforce, in the minds of the people, the political peace that he wanted to bring in the empire. Communists have found this. If communists were not able to find an accord with the Roman Catholic Church in powerful countries like Poland, the communists knew that they were in trouble. They had to have peace religiously with the Catholics, or they were not going to have peace with the people politically.

So, the church is to be used to influence the citizens in Constantine's empire.

Roman Catholicism

Today, it is interesting that the current Roman Catholic Pope, John Paul II, is traveling around the world promoting peace and unity among the world's religions – not among Christians only, but among the world religions. Most of you probably don't know that, because the Vatican isn't standing up and sounding this out. The Pope speaks to the World Council of Churches (WCC), this ecumenical organization that is playing right into the hands of the antichrist. The WCC represents 400 million Protestants. On one occasion when he spoke to them, he said, "From the beginning of my ministry, as Bishop of Rome, I have insisted that the engagement of the Catholic Church and the ecumenical movement is irreversible.

So he stand before the World Council of Churches, this Protestant group of liberalism, and says, "I'm with you boys. We are together." The Roman Catholic Church now teaches that those who are outside of the Catholic Church can go to heaven. There was a time when they didn't teach this, relative to salvation. There was a time, when I was growing up, when you were told forthright that if you are not part of the Catholic Church, you're not going got heaven. And it didn't take me long to realize, as a teenager, that if I was part of the Catholic Church, I was not going to heaven. And since I lived in a powerful segment of Roman Catholicism in the city of Chicago, that's what I would say. When they said, "If you're not part of the Catholic Church, you're not going to heaven," I would say, "Because you're part of the Catholic Church is the reason you're not going to heaven. You don't have the story straight on how to get to heaven."

However, the Roman Catholic Church has changed its ways. It now teaches that those who are outside of the Catholic Church, like all the religions of the world, can be saved: if they are ignorant of the church's claim to speak for God; if they are ignorant of its seven sacraments which are your stepping stones to bring you into heaven; and, if you are sincere in your own religion. If you're religion is to chop off the heads of your enemies, in order to pour out their blood like the Aztecs and the Mayans did, but you were sincere in it, and you didn't know about the sacraments, and you didn't know about the legitimacy of the Roman Catholic Church's claim to speak for God, you're still going to go to heaven. Boy, some of you guys have really had a sigh of relief! That's as satanic an idea as you could come up with.

Mother Teresa

For this reason, Mother Teresa, which all of you have heard about, with her human good works for the horrendous needs of India, never attempts (she makes clear), to convert Hindus to Jesus Christ. Her message is this: "If in coming face-to-face with God," she said, "we must accept Him in our lives, then we become a little better Hindu, a little better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever you are. What God is in your mind, you must accept." That's Mother Teresa.

I have great reservations when I hear some people lauding Mother Teresa for all sincerity, and her good works, and her works of mercy and kindness. There's no doubt that the people of India need that. The religion of India is a bestial religion that brings nothing but suffering and degradation to people, but notice what she is saying: "Yeah, I'm going to feed you. I'm going to put clothing on your body. I'm going to give you some shelter. But I'm not going to give you the information you need to go to heaven." She doesn't it anyhow, but nevertheless, this is an issue that she's not even going to deal with. Isn't that interesting? All you have to do is look in yourself. That's what Kenneth Copeland says: "Look in yourself, folks, and you will find the truth."

So, what is she saying? She is saying that the Hindu worship of false demon gods does not concern Mother Teresa. And with that, she denies Christ, and she promotes a false doctrine of salvation.

What Roman Catholic leaders actually do no, in the ecumenical age, is recommend the accepting of the wisdom and practices of Eastern mysticism to gain spiritual insights. Now, that's very juvenile. That's what you do when you're young.

I remember when Mrs. Danish and I were students at Baylor University, we went by the book room, and we saw a book entitled, The Wisdom of the East. We were inspired just looking through the window of the book room, and we went in and bought it. That's why we are so wise to this day. The Wisdom of the East is a bunch of bunko, because the wisdom is made up by a bunch of sincere people who think they're gods, but who in fact dummies.

However, here the Roman Catholic leaders are recommending that you gain spiritual insights through the wisdom of the East. This, of course, is easily done by Roman Catholicism because of its mixture with Babylonian mystery religion to begin with. Hinduism worships idols, and that means they worship a demon who is behind every idol. And what has that brought to India? Cruelty; suffering; and, karma. If you see some poor character dying of starvation on the street in India, in intense pain, you don't go over and help him. He is working out his karma from his previous bad conduct of a previous life. And if you help him, he's got to come back and go through the whole thing again. So, in India, their religion says, "Kick the guy off the sidewalk into the gutter, so that the traffic-way is clear."

The religions of the world that the ecumenical movement is trying to bring together, as the false prophet will, are uniformly denying the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the God-man, and as the only way into heaven. And no matter what they say, John 14:6 is still true. Jesus says that He is the way, and no man comes unto the Father but by Him.

Roman Catholicism; Hinduism; Islam; Confucianism, Buddhism; New Agers; Judaism; and, all of their ilk are following Satan, and not God. And we make no apologies for saying that. These religions have no spiritual insights to offer the born again believer, and especially those who have been taught in the doctrines of Scripture.

The Roman Catholic Popes and the cardinals have, in fact, often met with the heads of other religions in their pursuit of their reunification. If the Catholic Church wants reunification, don't make the mistake of thinking that they want reunification on any other basis except as the Pope as being the head of whatever is reunited. What they're telling the religions of the world is, "You made a serious blunder when you left us, and we'd like you to come back. We do want to get together." But they want to get together under their leadership. The leaders of the charismatic movement have been wooed by the Popes, and the charismatic leaders respond to it. The ecumenical movement is based on a fundamental false concept: the Fatherhood of God; and, the brotherhood of man. God is not the Father of everyone. He is the Creator of everyone, but he is only the Father of born-again people. I'm a brother with every other human being only in the fact that we're mutually human, and we have a common humanity. But they are my brother in a relational sense, unless they are born-again believers.

The unity of all religions, especially under the Pope, is seen to be essential to world peace. And the Pope is at the head of getting religious unity for the purpose of world peace. In 1986, the Pope gathered the leaders of 12 world religions in the Italy. He gathered them to pray to their own deities for world peace. Isn't that a wonderful ecumenical time together? They should have recoiled from that. He should have recoiled from that if he were a true Christian.

I remember several years, I received a notice from a United Methodist here in Irving, in which our congregation was invited to join them and other churches in an "ash ram." An ash ram is the Hindu practice where you get together and you worship your deities. Here is a church in this city asking other Christian churches to come together for an ash ram. What they meant was, "You come together with your views, and we'll come together with our views. We're not going to get together on doctrinal grounds, but we're all going to be good friendly Joes. The held a worship service in this gathering that the Pope had called together, and each of the religions contributed something to the service, as an expression of their unity.

The political leaders have also gotten together with the ecumenical movement. They have done this in an organization called "The Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival." They met in October, 1985. The purpose of gathering of political and religious leaders on this occasion was to explore ideas for ecological salvation and world peace. Ecology is the current vehicle, you should know, of convincing people for the need of world government to save the earth.

Governmental Control in our Day

A few years ago, the rage was as asbestos: "You must get out all of the asbestos in your building." Berean Church was socked for over $5,000 of taking out linoleums. You couldn't do it yourself. You had to pay these high-priced, government-approved people to take it out. You couldn't remove anything. They found asbestos in our sheet rock, because they used to have it in all kinds of stuff. Suddenly, we received a notification from the government that the hazard is not as great as we thought it was. And they are changing and lowering the demands. They didn't give us our $5,000 back, but now they're not so sure that it's so bad.

There is a whole town in Missouri that has simply been shut down, and it has a wire fence around it because of dioxin. Dioxin is the chemical that they gave rats. They gave it in an amount that is 50,000 times greater than what any human contact ordinarily would come into contact with. Now, they did you should not give your rats dioxin because it does cause cancer in them. So, be careful not to do that.

What is coming out now? The very man that said, "Government, shut this down – dioxin caused the cancer," has now, on further studies, said, "We were too hasty. It's not really a problem at all." And the government has several billions of dollars' worth of houses in the whole town that they closed down, because it had dioxin in it. Does that make any difference? No, the Serra Club boys and the environmental freaks say, "We don't care. We just have to have an issue in order to alarm people so that they will see government coming in to save them.

Alar on apples – is it hazardous. No, but boy, did it make a good scare? It really knocked the props out from the apple industry, and it got the government in there to stop the use of Alar.

This is the point. The ecology and environment is the greatest vehicle that world government people have found. Deliberate dangers are being proclaimed which time-and-again are being proven false.

They are now finding that the hold in the ozone is opening and closing like by some natural process. I've started using my hair spray all the time again. It has been picking out that hole, because they told me that this chemical (whatever it is) in hairspray creates all this problem. Now they're having second thoughts on it.

This is a world under Satan's guidance which is cleverly moving toward what it needs. It needs a powerful government that's running things, and it needs a base of religious unity to hold people together to that government. The linchpin of globalism is now the preservation of the environment. Isn't that interesting? We have already learned what God is going to do to the environment when He starts hitting it with the plagues in the tribulation. How do you think that's going to make the antichrist feel when he comes to the epitome (the peak) of environmental protection, and God turns the oceans into blood? Now, somebody has to change something, folks. Our oceans are going to blood. Our fresh waters are going to blood. We don't even have the same amount of daylight. Something has got to be done. The antichrist is going to be climbing the wall, as God is sitting up there smiling, and kicking, and with another environmental disaster.

Well, the Global Forum had another conference in 1988. They held this one at Oxford, England. They had religious and political leaders this time from 52 countries, and they deliberately sought to put in motion programs which would join religious and political systems for the purpose of global survival based upon the oneness of humanity. All the groundwork is being laid for the false prophet.

The latest Global Forum conference was in January, 1990. This time, it was held in Moscow. They had 1,000 delegates this time, from 83 countries. This thing is picking up speed. And what did they want? They called for a new planetary perspective, and a new spiritual and ethical basis for human activities on earth, meaning government controls of what people do to preserve the earth from destruction.

This kind of an ecumenical partnership between religion and political leaders is absolutely essential for the rise of the antichrist. We've already mentioned Freemasonry. Freemasonry openly says that all religions are equal before the Supreme Being. Every Mason has to agree to believe in the Supreme Being or you cannot be a Mason. But it doesn't matter who he is. All Supreme Beings are equal. And all Masons go to that Supreme Lodge in the sky. They even say it that way. I've looked into this matter, and I'm sorry to say to them that the Supreme Lodge has been located a little lower down. And they're going to get a big surprise because the heart (fundamental) doctrine of Masonry is what? A life determine the character; and, a characters the destiny. What a clever lie of Satan! How you act, and how you behave yourself, will determine what kind of a character you have, and God will send you one place or the other on the basis of your character.

When you open the door for every religion, you cannot talk about Jesus Christ as the only way into eternal life. Originally, the Masons were the worshipers of the great Supreme Being which was called Lucifer. But you have to go way back to their original writings of men like Pike who were prominent in the founding of Masonry, but the average joker in Masonry just thinks they're a bunch of boy who are having a good time, and you get social advantages, and so on, and financial business advantages. They don't realize what they are associated with. Masons believe in any deity. So, what are they going to do? They're going to end up worshiping Satan. And because they have members in all kinds of prominent, strategic, important places of society, the concepts of Masonry, with its origins in phallic cults, is very powerful.

We don't want to get off into the secret oaths that I could tell you about that taken, especially in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree of the Blue Lodge, all of which have signs like cutting your throat, and all of which promise that if you reveal any of the secrets, that you want your throat cut; you want your stomach; you want your bowels thrown out; and, things like that. The first one says, "I want my chest cut, and the heart taken out and put in the sands of the sea where the tides ebb and flow every 24 hours." These are brutal oaths, and I must tell you that you end up, as you hold your hand, and say, on the Bible, "So help me God." You're not joking now. But you don't know what the oath is unless you have heard it someplace else before. That's for the first time.

However, the 31st degree of the Scottish Rite branch of Masonry offers a prayer at the beginning of the ceremony. Here's what it says: "Hear us with indulgence, O infinite deity. Let the great flood of Masonic light (huh, that's a joke) flow in a perpetual current over the whole world, and make Masonry the creed of mankind. Masonry is just not a benevolent society. Masonry is a major factor in the ecumenical movement (a world religion). I can tell you that the false prophet is going to make a great deal of it, and use it. How can a Christian, knowing this, be a part of Freemasonry when you know what signs (the symbols) really mean?

James 4:4 makes it very clear to us that the positive-thinking ecumenical movement is the enemy of our Lord Jesus Christ: "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." What world is he talking about? He's talking about the world that Satan runs. Is God helpless? No. Satan runs the world because of God's sovereign permission for Satan to have his day. Adam made that decision. Adam said, "I want to cooperate with Satan. I don't want to cooperate with God. I want to function with Satan in this world. I don't want to function with God." And then he found out the consequences of that decision, and they were horrendous. But Satan runs the show, not because God is helpless, but because he allows Satan to have his day.

So, any of you who want to be friends with the world system, be well-aware that God says, "You are My enemy." The apostate church system, that is described in some detail in Revelation 17, is called a mystery because its secrets are only known to the insiders. And the secrets that were involved in Babylonian pagan religion were the sex worship systems. All the ancient religions were connected in one way or another with Nimrod's system. This system, originating in Babylon, now, in its primary expression in Roman Catholicism will be the basis of the false prophet's world religion.

At our next session, we will look in greater detail at what God means when He says, "Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots" – spiritual adultery. We are not making this up.

The Evidence of Ancient Writings

On another occasion, I remember several years ago, speaking about this, and a man came up after the service and said, "Is there evidence for this?" He could not believe what mystery Babylon was all about. And I said, "Of course, we have ancient writings. We have the writings of all kinds of Greek and Roman authors who wrote down in detail for us these religious systems: what they did; and, what they meant. It was these authors who explained to us the concept of what is now the Roman Catholic Mass, and how the phallic cults ate and drank the blood of their god with bread and wine. It is these writers who tell us how they washed away the sins of their babies by sprinkling them with water. It is these writers who tell us that those who thought they could not make it by being good enough, were given a second chance by a place called 'purgatory,' so that they would have a second chance to make it out. All of the horrendous, religious holidays that recognize pagan deities, in fact, came out mystery Babylon. And once you know this, and once you understand this, then you will see what's going on."


It's like when you know what Halloween really is all about – that it is the high religious festival, and it is on the day before that occasion is celebrated, November 1st, that all the evil dead have their chance to come out of the underworld to do their worst. Yeah, we used to think it was very cute, when we were kids, to go around Halloween singing the little ditty: "This is October 31st. Spooks, you may do your worst." It used to scare the girls terribly. The problem is that this is serious business. ... Halloween is not a joke, but Halloween is part of the whole mystery Babylon system. It was just another way of worshiping the demonic world. We will look at that in more detail next time.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1993

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