The Book of Life


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

We are studying "The Antichrist." This is segment number 15 of Revelation 13:1-10.


The future tribulation worldwide worship of the antichrist will constitute a united world religion. This condition of a world religion will be the pinnacle of the current ecumenical movement. The word "ecumenical" means "gathering together in a unified organization." For many years, there have been organizations like the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches that have been promoting ecumenism, which is the idea of churches getting together into a united organizational structure.

Well, it's quite obvious that you cannot do that on the basis of the Bible. That is the problem. Where the Scriptures speak, we discover that we have a common ground. But what exists out in Christendom, and what exists out in the religious denominational structures today, is a great deal which is in direct violation of the Word of God. So, those who are biblical Christians cannot accept the concept of an ecumenical religious system.

However, when the tribulation takes place, they will realize their dreams. All denominations of liberal Christianity, all of the cults, and all of the world religions will finally be joined together into a single organization. Everyone will follow a uniform system of beliefs and practice, and it will culminate in the worship of Satan by worshiping the antichrist.

The enlightening strength of biblical Christianity will, by that time, have been removed from the world by the event of the rapture. Therefore, there will no longer be voices shouting alarm. There will no longer be voices proclaiming the Word of God. That will no longer be people sending out tapes with true doctrine. They will no longer be literature – articles being written to call attention to what God has to say. The Word of God will simply phase out of the picture. It is already considered an irritating triviality.

"Nightline" this week had one program on homosexuality: "Is it something you're born with, or is it something that you volitionally choose?" Dr. Falwell represented the biblical point of view, and he did an excellent job. They had a lady psychiatrist and a psychiatrist who was also a lawyer on the other side who was arguing that these things are something that people are born with. Dr. Falwell pointed out that the Word of God speaks for God, and has declared this to be a sin. The lady psychiatrist simply could not contain herself or restrain herself. You heard in the background these explosives: "Oh, my goodness;" and, "Oh, my God." I thought at first that somebody had gotten in the wrong line. But then Mr. Koppel explained that Dr. Falwell couldn't see the lady psychiatrist, and she was about ready to explode with what he was saying. What was he saying? He was saying that there is in man a sin nature. Yes, homosexuality is genetic. It's genetic in this in the sin nature, like everything else: like fornication; like adultery; like stealing; like lying; and, like every other sin is in the genetic structure of the sin nature. He made it very clear that, while we do not say that you get over your yearning for adultery, or your yearning to steal, you do get control by being born-again spiritually, and having the empowerment of God residing within you. It was a splendid presentation.

What did the other two people do? They blew it off, just as a nonsensical thing. I'm glad that Dr. Falwell pointed out to them that there are thousands of people who were once practicing homosexuals and lesbians who have now been born again, and have found that, while they may be attracted to the same sex, their volition does the right thing. That's the issue.

When we have our special sessions for you to hear (the tape by Dr. Lorraine Day, an orthopedic physician who is blowing the whistle nationally on the lies of the government concerning AIDS, you will also, in the process (since she had to deal with homosexuals), get a little better picture of what homosexuals do. I tried to brief you on that in a gentle way, and some of you had a catatonic fit then. When you hear her, and I'm going to warn you ahead of time so that those of you who are the gentle souls should not attend those sessions. What these people do, as Dr. Day says, is not an alternative lifestyle. It is a horrendous, debased debauchery.

Well, suddenly, here's this lady, who has the clinical information and the testing, to tell us that the AIDS virus will last seven days alive on a hard surface; 14 days on a moist surface; and, for almost a month in an enclosed context. Within two feet of speaking to a person, they have now established that you can transmit the AIDS virus. So, does the government know this? Oh, yes. She gets the research the same clinical research that the government has, but they don't dare tell you, because the Word of God cannot be imposed to restrain this evil of the homosexual community as we have restrained the evil of the murderers; of the thieves; and, of everybody else.

Here is an appalling example of what it will be like to live in the world of the antichrist, where evil will be called good, and good will be called evil. So, when the enlightening restraint (the irritating restraint) of biblical Christians is removed from this world at the rapture, you can imagine what life is going to be like in the tribulation. After the rapture, the drive for a single world religion will go forward unrestrained, and that religion will be based upon the concept that man is his own God. Those who worship the antichrist will do so because they are ignorant of the true nature of God. The tribulation believers will understand the nature of the true God, and so they will not worship the antichrist. We have now gone into some detail in the last two weeks on the nature of God, and to understand why it is that it will be possible for people to worship a man. The true God is revealed in the Bible.

The Essence of God

It is important that we remember the essence of God (the nature of God), because when we come to a point of crisis, or when we come to a point where we face some very serious consequences in our life – some serious things that are before us, there is nothing more helpful than going through your mind and reminding yourself of the nature of God, to realize that He's right there, and how He is going to deal with you in that frightening situation that may be confronting you.


We have found that the Bible reveals that there is one God, in essence. This one God has an essence that includes, for example, sovereignty. God is sovereign. What that means is that God has absolute authority over everything, and He is free to do as He pleases; that is, He is free to do whatever is compatible with His holiness. Scriptures that indicate this are Psalm 115:3, Ephesians 1:5, and 1 Timothy 6:15. All of these reiterate that God is sovereign. He is the king. The essence of God includes the fact that He is absolute righteousness. God is always totally right. In all that He thinks and all that He does, He can do no evil (Romans 3:22:2, 2 Corinthians 5:21). It is not relative righteousness, as one human being matching his sin nature against somebody else's. It is absolute righteous perfection.


Furthermore, the essence of God includes the factor of justice. That means that God is absolutely fair in all that he does in dealing with evil (Deuteronomy 32:4:7, 2 Chronicles 19:7). With God, you get what you deserve. Sin is dealt with with death. Justice and righteousness are dealt with with blessings.


God is also, in His essence, love. God is totally free from any mental ill will toward anyone. 1 John 4:7-16 says that God is the epitome of love. He is love. This is quite different from all the gods that men create. All the heathen gods are brutal beasts. All the heathen gods are unrighteous. They steal each other's lives. They are guilty of all kinds of immoralities and of all kinds of vileness. They are cruel; they are vindictive; and, they are mean. Every God that man has imagined for himself is made in man's own sin nature image, but the God in the Bible is a God of love. What a relief!

Eternal Life

Furthermore, God, in His essence is eternal life. That means that God has no beginning (a concept impossible for us to grasp), and it means that He has no ending. So, he is the eternal one (1 Timothy 1:17, Revelation 1:8, Psalm 90:2). God has eternal life. When you are born again as a Christian, when you trust in Christ as Savior, His life becomes your life, so that right now you have eternal life. It is important that you understand that. You share the eternal life of God. Even if you die physically, you have the eternal life of God, and I can assure you that you're going to come back, and you'll be better when you come back than you are now in an infinite way.


The essence of God includes omniscience. That means that God knows all that there is to be known first (John 3:20, Proverbs 15:3). You don't teach God anything. He indeed knows at all.


God is furthermore omnipresent in His essence, which means that he's everywhere at the same time. Try to grasp that concept with your mind. Psalm 139:8-10; Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 23:24; and, Acts 17:27 all proclaim that God is everywhere. This one factor in the essence of God would help us control our sinning on many occasions – to know that He is there.


Furthermore, He is omnipotent, which means that God is all powerful without any limits on what He can do (Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37, Revelation 19:6). Nothing is too hard for God. What He determines to do, He can execute.


The essence of God includes the fact that he is immutable, which means that God never changes in what He is (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, James 1:17). You can trust God. He will not double-cross you; He is consistent; and, He does not change. This is in great contrast to Satan who cannot be trusted, and who is always changing.


Finally, God is veracity. That means that God is absolute truthfulness in what He says (John 3:33, Titus 1:2, Numbers 23:19). You can count on what God says. And because He is absolutely absolute truthfulness, that makes doctrine so important. We have to know what he says, and to realize that what he says is absolutely true. That's what's going to come to pass. If God says that something is sin, then it is sin. And I remind you again that the Bible never identifies something is a sin over which you have no volitional control. It is not a sin to be born with blue eyes. You have no volitional control. It is not a sin to be born with some handicap, or with some part of the body missing. You has no volitional control. We see this from the man who was born blind in the Bible. The religious leaders were trying to connect his blindness to something in the way of sin on his part before he was born, or on his parents' part. The Bible calls sin that which is in conflict with the character of God – with His essence.

The Trinity

So, the first thing we have learned about God is that there is one God in one essence. We have further found that the Bible reveals that God exists in a Godhead of a three-persons. God is a spirit being. He is not a human being, as the Mormons say. And as a spirit being, He exists in three persons: God the Father; God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the doctrine of the Trinity. God the Son, at the point in time of His birth in Bethlehem, took on a human body, and then became forever the God-man Jesus Christ within the Godhead. He took on humanity such that He could become the second Adam, and indeed the last Adam, and to pay for what the first Adam did by paying the penalty of death which the justice of God demands toward all of us.

We have shown you that the Old Testament has a peculiar grammatical structure which is repeated hundreds of times. The Old Testament frequently refers to God with a plural name like "Elohim." For example: "In the beginning, 'Elohim' created," but with a singular verb: "In the beginning, 'Elohim' (the Gods) created," But the word "created" is singular. Therefore, this is grammatically in conflict ordinarily. But what is God doing? God the Holy Spirit is expressing plurality and unity. It is interesting that this is regularly done. When we get to the New Testament, we have revealed the specific names of the Godhead – the specific persons more clearly than in the Old Testament, though they are there too, as we have shown you: Father; Son; and, Holy Spirit.

The Antichrist

The antichrist is going to be a false Christ. He cannot be part of the Trinity because he is a human being, and God is a spirit. So, he is not deity. This is why Satan finds the doctrine of the Trinity so irritating. Every other concept of God, of all the religions of the world, can be fit into the world religion of the false prophet, but not the doctrine of the Trinity. A man trying to become deity is what the antichrist is, rather than, as with Jesus Christ, where God took on humanity.

I remind you again that those who reject the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity end up worshiping a false God. Any group that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity, like the Jews; the Muslims; and, the Mormons – they all end up worshiping a false God. All tribulation mankind, then, except born-again believers, will worship the brilliant, charismatic antichrist, because they don't understand the nature of God. These unbelievers will actually refuse to worship the true God, even though they know He exists from the judgments which He is sending upon them. The unsaved will believe that Satan and his antichrist are more powerful than God, and that God is just another human being who has involved, but that Satan has evolved equally well, and will be able to overcome God. The tribulation lost humanity will therefore revert to the ancient practice which is described by the apostle Paul at the very beginning of Romans, in Romans 1:25, when Paul says, "For, they exchanged the truth of God (the truth about the nature of God – one God, and a Godhead of three persons) for a lie. And they worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen."


That characteristic of the human race is again going to be followed in the tribulation period – worshiping what God has made rather than the God who made the creature. It is mankind's faith in evolution, which will be the basis for his rejection of God.

The states of Texas and California have joined together to have a united textbook examination committee to select the textbooks that they will use. Because Texas and California are the biggest purchasers of textbooks, they will determine what textbooks are published that will be used everywhere else in this nation. Texas has now, in its science division, officially declared that evolution is a fact, and must no longer be taught as a hypothesis (as a theory).

It is mankind's fate in that kind of nonsense (evolution) which is going to justify the rejection of God's authority as the Creator of man. God Himself just becomes something that has evolved out of material. It is material that the evolutionist says is what has existed always. He has no explanation for where it came from, but material is eternal. It is, in fact, God. Therefore, whatever is has come from this material source. Since we are material, God must be material. In this way, man makes himself independent of the true God, and he makes himself his own deity. That is the core of Hinduism; that is the core of humanism; and, that is the basic doctrine of the new age: man is a God.

The antichrist is going to be admired and emulated as an example of the highest form of evolutionary development into godhood. To worship the antichrist will then be, in effect, to worship your own potential deity.

Revelation 13:8

In Revelation 13:8, the apostle John has been told that all who dwell on the earth will worship the antichrist. And we showed you that "all who dwell on the earth" is a technical term for unbelievers. We have tried to show you that the reason they will do that is because they don't understand the true nature of God, or they wouldn't be worshiping this man.

Not Written

Then it says something very interesting. It identifies these people more specifically who will worship the antichrist – these unbelievers. These are people: "Whose names are not." And the Greek word for "not" is "ou." You may remember that "ou" is the strong word for "not." So, this is an emphatic, absolute "not" – something which is absolutely not true about these people. That is that their names are not written someplace. Their names have not been written. The Greek word for "written" is "grapho." What he is talking about is that God has a book in which some people's names are not to be found written. This is perfect tense, which means that the writing was done here in the past, and then it continues on forever. And it is passive, which tells us that God does the recording. You don't put your own name in this book. As we shall see in a moment, this is the book of the names of people going to heaven. It is at the point of your salvation in the past that God records the name, and now your name is there for good. So, all the names of all the people, who have trusted in Christ during all the dispensations, have their names written.

The Lamb (Jesus Christ)

As a matter of fact, John is told that these names have been written by an act of God: "From the very foundation." The Greek word for "foundation" is "katabole." "Katabole" is referring to the point of creation: the creation of the "kosmos" – the creation of the world. What an amazing thing! Here's a book that God has prepared in which names have been written from the very point of the creation of the world. It is identified with a technical name – "the book of life of the Lamb" (the Lamb's book of life). It identifies Him as the particular Lamb which has been slain ("sphazo"). This clearly refers to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God who was sent in His humanity to pay for the sins of all mankind.

Unlimited Atonement

This, too, is in the Greek perfect tense, which indicates it happened in the past, namely on the cross. And it is passive. He didn't kill Himself. He didn't commit suicide. He was put to death by wicked and evil men. It is a spiritual principle that God has taken this death, and covered our sins. The Lord Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for the sins of all mankind. Never forget 1 John 2:2 which says, "And He (Jesus Christ) Himself is the propitiation (or the satisfaction) for our sins, and not for ours only (not just for those of us who are Christians), but also for those of the whole world. We theologically this "unlimited atonement." Everybody who will end up in the lake of fire will not end up there because of the sin problem.

While on my trip to Florida, I was talking to a man who has a Roman Catholic background, and I could tell that he was talking about trying to make it into heaven by doing the best he can. I said to him, "Please remember that the Bible makes it clear that sin is no longer the issue between you and God." He almost fell off the chair into his high-priced pool when I said that. And everybody around the table jerked their heads and looked at me, and their eyes widened. What kind of a statement is that? And I enjoyed it so much that I said it again: "Sin is not a problem with God. God has taken care of that problem because nobody else could. You cannot ever be good enough to go to heaven." He said, "Well, yeah, OK." You could see this guy was smart. This guy makes big, big money. He's in advertising. All of you are contributing to his well-being. You know those little coupons you get through the mail? He's there stuffing those in there, and he gets paid big money by the companies, so that you can spend those coupons. So, this is not a dummy.

He immediately grasped, and was willing to say, "I'm just not good enough. I can't be good enough to get to heaven." So, I said, "God put His Son, who was good enough, to cover the price." That's what the cross was all about. He paid for your sins. He was slain. And as far as God the Father was concerned, this was an act done from the foundation (the creation) of the world. It was a settled issue. The members of the Godhead got together; They had a meeting; and, They decided how they were going to solve the sin problem, which they knew was going to arise in the Garden of Eden, because that was part of the decree. God the Son was the one who was going to handle that.

I tried to convey to this man that the justice of God has been satisfied. I pointed out to him that: "God is no longer mad at you. God is no longer angry. The issue is: are you willing to accept what He has done for you? That's the only thing. Are you willing to take the gift of eternal life? It's not your sins that are going to keep you out of heaven. It's your refusal to accept the covering that God has given to you for your sins." And that's unlimited atonement.

So, here's a book with names based upon this unlimited atonement. The issue that every person faces now is: have you validated your name in the Lamb's book of life by trusting in Jesus Christ the Savior? Have you validated your name in the book of Life?

It's like when you go to a place of business, and they give you a parking ticket. You go in, and you don't have to pay a parking fee if you validate your ticket. If you get your ticket stamped, you're out free. This is what God has done with eternal life. He has a book, and he records names. Those names have their sins covered. If you are willing to validate your name in that book, by trusting personally in Christ as Savior, you're home free. You cannot drive out that parking lot, and say, "Oh, I forgot to get my ticket stamped." They will say, "That'll be $3 dollars." You do the validation, or else the fact that there is free parking doesn't count.

The Book of Life

So, let's take a look at this book – this book of the human race. God has a record in heaven of those who are born into His family through faith in Jesus Christ. We have that indicated to us, for example, in Luke 10:20: "Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." The disciples went out. Jesus had sent the 70 out two-by-two on a missionary tour. When they came back, they were euphoric. The results were amazing. The power of the Spirit of God working was something they had never experienced before. They were really in the inner circle of temporal fellowship; their prayers were being answered; and, the decisions that they were making were right. And the thing that awed them the most was that the evil spirits went scurrying at their command.

Jesus said, "Don't get excited over the fact that you can push demons around, as all believers can, but rejoice in the fact that your name is recorded in heaven. That's the thing that's going to carry you through. Jesus was saying, "Don't get carried away with the miracles." This was a very miraculous thing for a human being to do. He said, "Don't get carried away with that. If you get carried away with miracles, you'll be ready to follow the false prophet who is the next great miracle-worker destined to come on the scene of human history.

Hebrews 12:23 also reminds us that God keeps a record of those who are in His family. Hebrews 12:23: "To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are enrolled in heaven. But now, if you will forgive their sin, and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written." Here, God is very indignant with the Jews and their worshiping of this golden calf. He has led them miraculously across the Red Sea from slavery in Egypt. And the first thing they do while Moses is up on Mount Sinai, getting the Mosaic Law system, they're down having a wild orgy around the golden calf that they're calling "Jehovah their God." God says, "I'm going to wipe them out. I'm going to start over again with you." Moses is horrified at this. Moses reminds God that His promise has been to this people: "How can you do this? They do deserve to have that done, but you can't do that."

Then Moses, in intercession, says, "Now if You will forgive me their sin." Grammatically, you can see that the sentence doesn't even finish. They had to draw a line there because he's stumbling over his words. He's so emotionally raw. He says, "Now I You will forgive their sins, or if not, just please take my name out of your book that You have written." What book? The book of those who are going to heaven. The Lord said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I'll block him out of My book."

Aha! So, there's the book in which God records the names of people who are qualified for eternal life, but whose names can be blotted out of that book. There is a roster of names of those who are to inherit eternal life then.

We have this in Philippians 4:3: "Indeed, true comrade, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are in the book of life. So, here is an expression that repeatedly comes in Scripture. It's called the book of life. Paul says that there is a book in which are recorded the names of those who are associated with him.

In Revelation 3:5, that book is referred to again: "He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white garments, and I will not erase his name from the book of life. I will confess his name for my father and before his angels."

So, the book of life, whatever it is, is a book that has names in it, for some reason. And it is possible for the names that are in the book of life to be erased. For one reason or another, a name that is in the book of life can be taken out. Revelation 3:5 makes this very clear.

You cannot Lose your Salvation

Whatever else erasing a name from the book of life means, one thing is quite clear – that it cannot mean that a person can lose his salvation. The book of life does not mean that it is a book of salvation. This would be contrary to John 10:28-29 that make it explicitly clear that you cannot lose your eternal life. Once you're born-again spiritually, you can't be unborn: "And I give eternal life (God's own life) to them (to those who trust in Christ). They shall never perish, and no one so shall snatch him out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."

This is indeed an amazing truth. You cannot lose your salvation. So, the erasures out of the book of life cannot be somebody who is born again, who has now lost his salvation. The book of life is the record of all the living born into the human race. Name number one was Adam. Then it went down from there to Eve. And someplace along the line is John, and here's Gilmore, and here's Christine. There they are – all listed. Whenever you're born, the name comes in. The record is put there. Everybody who sits in this room has had his name recorded in the book of life. All 25 million babies who have been murdered in the womb by their mothers have had their names recorded in the book of life because it's done at the point of your conception. That's when you are a bonafide human being.

This book of life is the record of all living born into the human race. Because Christ died for all mankind, these people in the book of life are all eligible for eternal life. Sin is not the issue. It's the book of life because your sins are already covered. So, everybody comes into the human race. And Peter tells us that God is not willing that any should perish. He records every name religiously and faithfully. This is the doctrine of unlimited atonement, again, of 1 John 2:2.

Those who die physically while they are spiritually dead (that is, who have not trusted in Christ for salvation), and your name is erased from the book of life. And all of these erasures are the names of people who died without Christ. They died in an unsaved condition. Those who are born-again are the overcomers, and they can never have their names erased from God's book of life.

So, Revelation 3:5 does not imply that a believer can be erased from life. It implies just the opposite – that a believer will not be removed from the book of life.

The Lamb's Book Like

In Revelation 13:8, you see that the term is a little different. It is not just the book of life. You must observe that a critical word has been added, and that is that it is "the Lamb's book of life." The Lamb's book of life is the final printout of all those who have been born-again. The Lamb's book of life is the book that includes only the saved. Nobody is ever erased from the Lamb's book of life. That is the Lord Jesus Christ's personal record of born-again people. But from God's book of life, of the living who have come into the human race, your name can be removed from that, because you don't go into the land of the living. You go into the land of the dead, of eternal death of the lake of fire.

In Revelation 17:8 we read, "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss, and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on earth (unbelievers) will wonder, whose names have not been written in the book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and that will come." Unbelievers who are in the book of life are going to follow the antichrist. How can you be an unbeliever, following the antichrist, and have your name in the book of life? These people have not had their name written in a particular book of life – the Lamb's book of life. And Revelation 17:8 refers to that particular one.

Revelation 21:27: "And nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying shall ever come into it (that is, into the New Jerusalem), only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." The only people that come into the New Jerusalem (which is also a term for heaven) are those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. So, here is something very impressive indeed.

Revelation 13:8 is speaking about a record of the names from the foundation of the world. This is a reference here to those who are regenerated: "And all who dwell on the earth (unbelievers) will worship him (the antichrist): every one specifically whose name has not been written, from the creation of the world into the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain." The book of Jesus Christ is those who are born again – the book from which no names can be removed.

In Psalm 69:19, we have an interesting comparison. Psalm 69:19-28 is a prediction speaking about Judas Iscariot, and those associated with him in the betrayal of Jesus Christ. It is speaking about Judas Iscariot: "You know My reproach, and My shame, and My dishonor. All My adversaries are before You. Reproach has broken My heart, and I am so sick, and I look for sympathy, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They also gave Me gall for My food. (This is Jesus Christ speaking on the cross): "And for My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink. May their table before them become a snare." This is their personal prosperity – their table of prosperity: "And when they are in peace, may it become a trap. May their eyes grow dim so they cannot see. And may their loins shake continually. Pour out Your indignation on them, and may Your burning anger overtake them here."

Here, the suffering Jesus Christ is calling for the justice of God upon those who are crucifying Him. May their camp be desolate. May not dwell in their tents. For they have persecuted Him whom You Yourself has smitten. And they tell of the pain of those whom You have wounded. Do add iniquity to their iniquity, and may they not come into Your righteousness.

Now notice verse 28: "May they be blotted out of the book of life, to be erased from the book of living, and may they not be recorded with the righteous." There you have the record of the Lamb's book of life. In this one verse, these who have so treated the Messiah Savior – justice upon them: "May their names be erased from book of life," which were put there when they were conceived: "And may they not be recorded in the final version known as the Lamb's book of life."

So, there is a record from Adam of all who are born into the human race to physical life. There is the record, which remains after the erasures of those who are not born-again into eternal life.

This principle summarized in 2 Timothy 2:19: "Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are His. And let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness." This is behind the Lamb's book of life. God knows those of you who are His, and you're going to heaven.

You can see how much different this is than church roles. The book of life is not the role of the church membership. There's a lot in that book whose names are going to be erased from God's book of life as soon as they die. What God is doing is acting according to His own records. His records begin at the point of your birth, and at the point of your salvation, your name is validated in the Lamb's book of life forever, and never to be removed. If you don't validate your name in the book of life, it is erased, and you never end up with your name in the final record of the Lamb's book of life.

Daniel 12:1 says, "Now at that time, Michael the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people." Michael is the patron and guardian angel of the people of Israel: "Michael will arise, and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred (the tribulation) since there was a nation until that time. At that time, your people, everyone was found written in the book, will be rescued." Who is going to be rescued? People of the Jewish people who are written in the Lamb's book of life.

So, this is grace that you have heard today. Our God does not permit anybody to slip through the cracks. Every child conceived, whether they come to the light of day, is a human being in the sight of God, and his name is recorded in the book of life. This book of the living, then, is the book that needs to be validated by that individual, when he comes to a point of accountability and capacity to do that – to make his decision to accept God's covering for his sin through Jesus Christ. The moment he does that, his name is transferred permanently into the Lamb's book of life, and he is forever secure in that eternal life, because God's atonement through Christ is unlimited. Everyone can come in, but you have to validate your ticket. Have you validated your name in the book of the living, so that you are permanently in the Lamb's book of life, never to be erased? It's a very serious matter. It should be done without delay.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1991

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