Murder and Abortion


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

Please open your Bibles to Revelation 8:7 through Revelation 9:21. Our subject is the "Trumpets of Doom." This is section number eight.

The sixth trumpet judgment, which we are now considering, which God sets forth upon the tribulation world, has released an army of 200 million horsemen. These horsemen have been released by four demon angels which have been holding them back at the Euphrates River up to this point in time. The riders on these horses are human, though they are under demonic control. The horses themselves are demon-possessed, and they have an unnatural appearance. The demonic horses have, we are told, mouths like the mouths of lions, from which they dispense death to the humanity in the tribulation world. They do this by means of fire from these lion-like mouths; by means of smoke (asphyxiating people); and, by burning sulfur (brimstone) – a poisonous gas. Furthermore, we are told, the horses have tails that have serpents' heads at the end, with which to inflict injury and suffering.

This army of Twilight Zone-like creatures inflicts death upon one-third of mankind which is still alive on the earth at this latter part of the tribulation seven-year period. That means that since the tribulation era has begun, 50% of all humanity has been executed by God. Part of the process at that time is that God is beginning to flush believers off from the planet earth, in preparation for beginning the Millennial Kingdom, when all who are alive on the earth at that time will be believers.

The survivors of this latest divine execution on the earth, however, do not learn their lesson. We're told by John that they refuse to repent, and to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. In fact, they deliberately continue to worship their idol gods, which they have made for themselves. Of course, while worshiping those idol gods, they are, at the same time, of necessity worshiping the demon power which is behind every idol God. Vast numbers in the tribulation will openly be Satan worshipers. So, this will not be an uncommon thing for people to be worshiping idols and receiving the power from the demon of that idol. The current popularity of Eastern mysticism in our day is preparing Americans and people of the world for this tribulation time of the worship of demons.

As we pointed out, the heavy metal rock groups are a major promoter of demon worship and of personal wickedness of the vilest kind. Rock music is not just a simple, innocent, little preference that some people have. There is no such thing as Christian rock. Rock music is a definitive form of expression devised by Satan, and it is accomplishing the preparation for a degenerate society. It does that by the monotony and tastelessness of its music; by the emphasis of its jungle-like beats; and, by the corruption and degradation of its lyrics.

They do not Repent

The tribulation sinners simply refuse to abandon their evil ways and, in fact, they proceed to flaunt it before God and His angels. So, we come now to Revelation 9:21, where, we read, "Neither repented they." We come again to the word "repented," which is the Greek word "metanoeo." The word "metanoeo" means to change one's mind about something. This is in the past tense, which means that at no point here during this sixth trumpet plague do these people change their minds about what they're doing, and about their attitude toward Jesus Christ. It is active voice, which indicates that this is a personal refusal that they have made a decision about. It's indicative. It's a statement of fact.

Four Sins

Specifically, now, he points out that they do not change their minds about four grievous sins that they're engaging in, that they simply refuse to cease and desist, even in the face of what is happening in society at the time, and even, as we have previously been told, they're well aware that it is the God who has made it all, who lives in heaven, who is doing these things to them, and who has clearly demonstrated his omnipotence. They will not see these four sins. They grit their teeth, and they say, "Yes, I'm going to go down doing these evils no matter what God has to say about it.


The first one that he names is "murderers." This is the Greek word "phonos." "Phonos" is a word which refers here to first-degree homicide. We're talking about murder. During the tribulation, murder will be freely practice as the means for solving human conflict. This was the same thing that happened before the Noahic flood. Genesis 6:11 tells us that the earth was filled with violence. People before the flood had become so degenerate and so corrupt, similar to the condition that will exist during the tribulation, where it was not uncommon for people simply to settle their differences with the violence of murder. So, in effect, during the tribulation, society is going to become the object of one big contract killing.

As God's law of capital punishment is abandoned by godless people in our society today, the result is that there is less restraint upon the evildoer. In fact, we have come to the point now where the murderer is not blamed for what he does, but his act is attributed to something that was imposed upon him by society. ...

So, with no fear of the death penalty today, in many circumstances, murder is more easily resorted to, and justice is prostituted. For this reason, we remind you that a godly biblical Christian will make this a touchstone concerning people who want to go into public office. You should never, as a Christian, vote anybody into public office who will not forthrightly say, "Murder is wrong by the moral code of God, and should be dealt with by the appropriate penalty that God himself has ordained; namely, the murderer paying for his crime with his life." If you find a politician who is against capital punishment, you will know automatically that this is a man or woman who is destined to threaten the freedom of your society, and to threaten the freedom and the well-being of your nation. With God, murder is a very serious thing.

As family life is destroyed in the United States, and as we get these increasing horrible statistics about the large number of single parent families, you can just expect that the children who are being reared in that atmosphere, unless by the grace of God they have an overriding influence either in grandparents or a Christian school that they're in, those children are going to grow up without the sense of understanding, both of salvation and of God's moral code. Their hatreds that will be flowing from their sin nature will very naturally express themselves in murder.

So, we pause here to take a little look at exactly what the Bible has to say about the illegitimate taking of a person's life – killing which is not legally constituted. Way back in the moral code of the people of Israel, in Exodus 20:13, we had a very short statement. In the Hebrew, it's just two words. It simply just says, "lo ratsach." That says, "You shall not murder." This is one of about ten Hebrew words that there are for "killing," and I point out to you that this word used here in Exodus 20:13 in the moral code of the Ten Commandments is a word which means only premeditated homicide. It is a Hebrew word that exclusively means "murder."

Legitimate Killing

So, it's very clear when God says, "You shall not 'ratsach,'" He's not saying simply you shall not kill (as, for example, our King James translation has it, and gives a lot of misconceptions). It is saying, "You shall not murder." God was very explicit that human beings are not to take each other's lives, either in a premeditated way or an unintentional careless way. This word is not condemning the authorized taking of a life such as in war or capital punishment. Or if someone is attempting to take your life that you have, you have full authority, and it is your duty, to take the other person's life instead (self-defense). This word has nothing to do with that kind of legitimate killing.

Murder, of course, is the ultimate threat to human freedom. It permanently denies a person the exercise of his volition. And that is what's happening in the tribulation – people denying others the free exercise of their wills. Satan, of course, is the father of all murder. The Bible tells us this in John 8:44. He is constantly going about to see whom he may destroy in the human race. Among the people who are on the top of Satan's hit list are of course, believers. The more oriented you are to the Word of God, and the more oriented you are to Bible doctrine principles and actually practice them, I can assure you the higher priority target you become for Satan. If it were not for the protective hand of God, many believers would indeed be destroyed by agents of the devil. It is his intention to go about, the Bible says, "As a roaring lion, seeking whom he may destroy." He is out to get believers. He wants to silence them. He, as a matter of fact, would like to destroy the whole human race, so that there would be no human beings for God to be able to establish a millennium on the face of the earth. 1 Peter 5 tells you about that intention of Satan to seek those who he can murder.

Capital Punishment

This commandment, of course, as we said, deals with someone who is who is guilty of the crime of first degree murder. This excludes capital punishment. That has been instituted in Genesis 9:5-6. After the flood, God said to Noah, "From now on, what happened before the flood is no longer going to be tolerated. Before the flood, people were going around murdering each other left and right. If anybody does it now, Noah, I now establish you as an agent of my government, and you are to execute that person." This has nothing to do with the Jewish code, though this is included in the Jewish code. This is a general statement to the human race, following the flood by the ruling living God. This divine rule was necessary in order to preserve the human race during the period when Satan controls the world. The Bible authorizes and demands the execution of murderers upon proper conviction of proper eyewitnesses. You may look that up in Numbers 35:30-31.

Execution of a person under properly constituted civil authority is enforced against murderers within a nation by the police and the judicial powers. It is also enforced against murders externally to the nation by the military forces. When a country comes to attack your country, they are murderers, and for that reason, they are on the list of execution by God's judgment.


Governments which are not under the control of the citizens of a nation always devolve into murder. This is clearly demonstrated, for example, in communist countries. It is the norm in communist countries simply to murder people that get in the way of the government. When people no longer control what their government does, then the government is free to remove those who irritate that government. Those of you who lived through World War II, and those latter years of the 1930s saw it all unraveling on the world scene in Nazi Germany, where the government became totally independent of the control of the people, and there was no problem for the government to systematically remove everybody that did not like. Nazi Germany was one of the great all-time murderers that has ever lived on the face of the earth.


So, this moral principle is essential to enable people who have sin natures to live with each other without tearing each other to shreds. It is a basic rule for all human freedom. It is the basis of stability in a society. The specific actions which are condemned by the sixth commandment, and the reiteration of that in the New Testament, are, first of all, overt murder, and this is extended in the New Testament to an attitude of hatred. The Bible tells us in 1 John 3:15 and Matthew 15:19 that the external act of murder begins with an internal hatred. That is easy for us to understand, because all sin externally begins with what you think first. Therefore, the Lord Jesus pointed out that to hate somebody is to already been guilty of murder.

Superstitious Fasting

Another facet of murder that is forbidden by the commandment of God is deliberate abuse of one's body so that it leads to death. There is, for example, superstitious fasting, or fasting for both religious and health reasons. Every now and then, you hear about somebody that has gone into a fasting situation that has ended up in destroying his body.

Maintaining Physical Health

It is forbidden in the Word of God, therefore, for you to neglect your health. It is a sacred duty to give concern for your physical well-being, and to maintain it as much as you can in Satan's world, where Satan is out to destroy you. Satan is ready to bring your Christian down. Those Christians who live a lifestyle that is downright unhealthy are those who have opened themselves to Satan's destruction, and thus have, in fact, opened the door to the murder of their own bodies.


There are some people who have brought themselves to the point of death, by the way they punished their bodies in order to be more spiritual. Of course, suicide by any means is overriding the prerogative of God. God gives life, and only God has the right to take life. You may say, "Well, this poor person is dying. There is no hope. The illness is terminal. I love this person so much that I'm going to help this individual commit suicide." If you do that, you are guilty of murder. You may put whatever dignified descriptions that you may want on it, but the Word of God says that that is in the category of murder.


There is certain intemperate conduct which will make you guilty of murder. Need I mention drunkenness? We've just seen what that has done to 27 young people in a church group in Kentucky who were coming home from one of those happy occasions that a church sponsors for its young people. A drunk, who was out for a weekend of a good time, and who has the audacity to drink and then to get into a motor vehicle, and ends up driving on the wrong side of the road, and setting a bus on fire.


There is, of course, the intemperate conduct of gluttony that is very destructive to the human body. The human body is designed to carry, for your frame, a certain level of weight. When it goes over that, you are inviting physical disaster.

Drug Usage

There is dissipation of every kind that is also leading to your own self-destruction. There is certainly disorderly conduct that may bring about your destruction. In our day, the drug scene has become a major area of personal suicide, and thus of self-murder.


There is, of course, the careless use of lethal instruments such as guns and cars and so on.


Of course, there's no better instrument for murder than a violent temper, which is turned on to white heat by the sin nature, which, in a moment of passion, is ready to snuff out a life.

Satan is very clever, and Satan is a murderer. Recently, there was the lady who walked into a second-grade classroom, started shooting up kids in the classroom. You may listen to those idiots who are the psychologists and psychiatrists, who are trying to analyze why the person would do this. The reason the person does this is because the individual has a sin nature under the control of Satan, the all-time great murderer, and who is now executing people through anybody that will be willing to permit that.


Of course, if there is any area of murder that the United States is guilty of (and we could not pass this here without touching upon this), it is the murder which is committed through abortion. Yes, I know that there are politicians, and some of whom are preachers, who seek to escape the implications of what the Word of God has to say about the matter of abortion because they want to get elected. So, the politician will say something like this: "I personally am against abortion, but I wouldn't think of imposing my will and my views on the general public." That's interesting, isn't it? "I personally am against murder, but I certainly wouldn't want to oppose my views and my personal attitude toward the general public. If the rest of you want to go around murdering, who am I to say, 'No, you can't do it?' I personally am against bringing prostitutes into a public high school (or into any student body), in order to teach children how to have safe sex. But of course, if you want to do that, who am I to say, 'No,' and to impose my views?"

Do you see where that goes? There's no end to the insanity. Any time you hear that (especially from somebody who is supposed to be a preacher), you know that you are certainly listening to someone who has a forked tongue. He is lying, because he does know better if he's ever read anything in Scripture.

For example, let's look at Exodus 21:22. Here we have two men who get into a fight. A pregnant woman is standing by. The child is well on its way in development. What is it that actually exists in the womb of this woman? Is it a piece of non-essential protoplasm flesh nothing – just a glob of living cells? Exodus 21:22: "If men strive, and hurt a woman with a child so that her fruit depart from her (that is, that they precipitate a premature birth), and yet, no mischief follows (that is, that the child does not die, and the mother's life is not destroyed), He shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine."

In this case, if the child has survived and the mother has survived, they will have a judgmental action brought against this man, which is satisfactory to the woman's husband, in the matter of a fine. That's all that will happen.

However, verse 23 says, "If any mischief follows (that is, the baby dies, or the mother dies), then you shall give life for life." If the mother or the child dies, then the soul of the guilty one is given for the soul of the victim. We have here an abortion that has been precipitated. So, what does this tell us about an unborn fetus? It is very clear, here in the Old Testament moral code, that what existed in the womb of that mother was a bonafide human being, and to kill it, even unintentionally, was an act of murder. Accordingly, the matter would be dealt with in that way.

Abortion is Murder

We have to go back to what conception is all about in order to get a clear picture on this issue of abortion. My point in all of this is that during the tribulation period, abortion will be one of the primary areas of murder that is taking place. And when John says that these people who knew that God was bringing judgment upon them, but they would not cease from their murders, one of the things that they will not cease from is abortion, which is murder. It is the hope of many Christians today to try to have political influence, and to change this horrible, destructive practice which has been imposed upon us by the evil men of the Supreme Court of some years back. I personally don't think that that will ever come about – that this evil will ever be removed. It is accepted in an evil society – a society that does not know what God has said on this subject, and therefore, they are free to pursue this kind of murderous action. In the tribulation, they won't give it up, so I think it is true today – that the evil of our society is so deep that Americans will not give up the murder of their unborn children.

Conception is a Gift of God

It is a principle of the Word of God that conception is a gift of God, and that's where we start. Conception is a gift of God. Don't talk to me about incest; don't talk to me about unwanted pregnancies; and, don't talk to me about any kind of exceptions. The basic principle of the Word of God is very clear: No baby is ever conceived except by an act of God. For this reason, the Bible makes it clear that children are a gift from God. Psalm 127:3 says, "Lo, children are a heritage from the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward." Parents do not possess the power to ensure conception. Medical techniques can do something to make it easier to conceive, and to encourage conception, but only God can bring it about.


We have this demonstrated in several historical facts which are recorded for us in the Bible. When Eve gave birth to the first child ever born in the human race, Cain, she declared in Genesis 4:1 that she had received this baby boy from the Lord. Because she was a doctrinally oriented woman, she knew exactly what had taken place. A life had been created within her womb by an act of God.


Sarah believed that God had restrained her from conception (Genesis 16:2). Sarah said, "The reason I can't have a child is because God has restrained me from conceiving. That was true. Sarah's opinion was further confirmed to her husband Abraham in Genesis 17:19 when God told Abraham, "Yes, she has been restricted from conceiving a child, but I'm going to change that. She will, in her old age, indeed become a mother."

Leah and Rachel

We were told in Genesis 29:31 that God opened the womb of Leah, but he kept the womb of Rachel Barren. Jacob's favorite wife could not conceive. Why? Because only God controls this. Later on, God opened the womb of Rachel so that she conceived (Genesis 30:22). And she clearly understood that this conception was an act of God.


All of you remember the romantic story of Ruth. Ruth, when she lived in Moab, was married to an Israelite man, and for ten years she was married to Mahlon before he died. And for ten years, Ruth was barren. Ruth comes back to the land of Israel. There she meets a near kinsman named Boaz, and Boaz is led by the Lord to marry Ruth. Ruth 4:13 tells us that this woman, who could not conceive for ten years of a previous marriage, now, by an act of God, was given a conception. And the statement of Ruth 4:13 is very clear that God gave the conception.

So, my point is that conception of a human life is something that only God can bring about as per His sovereign wisdom, and He has a design when He does that. It is not left to the will of man to destroy the design of God. Furthermore, it is very clear that when God gives that conception, God is also guiding the development of that life that He has brought into being. Therefore, to terminate that life at any point, I reiterate again, is a pure act of murder. And I'm not going to try to soften that because somebody might say, "Hey, you might be talking to someone (or someone might hear this tape) who has gone through an act of abortion, all in the sense of ignorance." Well, our hearts must go out to someone like that, but I can tell you that you will someday get into heaven, and you will discover that there's a child waiting to greet you as the mother who had aborted that youngster.

The Development of the Fetus

God not only brings conception, but he guides the development of the baby, indicating that He has a part in this, too. And abortion is a murder which is interrupting what God is doing. In Job 10:8-12, we have Job talking about his own conception and birth in poetic expressions. In Job 10:8, Job's says, "Your hands (speaking to God) have made me." A fetus is a work of God through the natural laws of God. The word "made" means "formed:" "Your hands have formed me and fashioned me together Round about." "Fashioned me together" means "You have perfected:" "You have brought me to maturity, and yet, You destroy me."

You see, Job thought that he was going to die. His suffering was now so intense that he didn't think he was going to survive. So, he's now talking to God and he's wondering, "God, why are You doing this? After all, You made me." Now, that's interesting. When did God make him? In the womb. That's where God came into the picture. He brought about a conception, and then very definitely developed the child from that conception.

Verse 9: "Remember, I beseech You, that You have made me as clay;" that is, God molds a shapeless fetus. And when you do look at a fetus initially, it is very shapeless. But as clay can be molded by human hands, so this fetus is molded by God's hand. And it takes place without the knowledge or cooperation of the fetus. It is the work of God alone. It is not the work of the parent. Job says, "Remember, I beseech You, that You have may me as the clay, and will You bring me into dust again?" Job says, "I, as a baby, was the result of divine power and wisdom. Oh God. Are you going to send me back to the dust?

Verse 10: "You have poured me out as milk." This is a poetic expression referring to the sperm of the male which is involved in the conception: "And curdled me like cheese." Watery cheese was now curdled, and began to take substance, and this referring to the forming of the fetus into human shape.

Verse 11: "You have clothed me with skin and flesh," describing the process of the development of the embryo to a full grown infant: "And has fenced in with bones and sinew." The word "fenced me in" means "You have woven me together." Who has done this? It is the work of God. So, when you walk into that abortion clinic, you're bringing in with you (within the womb) a work of God which is in progress. It is a life appointed by God for a certain purpose and a certain destiny. You cannot terminate that life without an act of murder being committed.

Verse 12: "You have granted me life." As a matter of fact, the Hebrew here says, "You have granted me lives:" plural. "You have given me spirit, and You have given me soul: "You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit." It is the care of God which protects the human spirit of this child. The human spirit which indicates that it is a bonafide human being.

So, here is a picture which that makes it very clear that what is happening in the development of a child is an act of God.

King David

Another very emphatic statement is in Psalm 139:13-16. This is an expression by King David. This is one of the classic Scriptures on the issue of abortion, and what is being aborted. At this point in time, when David writes this psalm, he is surrounded by men who are threatening his life. He realizes that God knows all about this, because God Himself formed and supervised his development from his mother's womb. And he takes great comfort in remembering that he is surrounded by the omniscience and omnipresence and omnipotence of God.

So, David says, "For You have possessed my inward parts. You have covered me in my mother's womb." "Possessed my inward parts" means "You have created my emotions – You have given me emotional reactions." Remember that when the mother of John the Baptist came into the presence of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the child John leapt for joy within his mother's womb. How could he do that if he was not a human being with a soul? A soul is necessary for you to be able to have emotions.

So, here David says, "I have emotions." Verse 14, says, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows right well." Indeed, the creating of a child is an awesome thing – that it takes place in such precise procedures.

Verse 15 says, "My substance was not hidden from You." "Substance" means "bones:" When I was made in secret, and intricately wrought in the lowest parts of the earth," which is a poetic expression for the womb." "The lowest parts of the earth" is referring to the womb. "Your eyes did see my substance, being yet unformed." He says, "When I was but a fetus in the process of development, You saw me:" "And in Your book, all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned." God has written a plan for this life of this baby. He has written in His book a plan of life for every fetus. Now, that's a powerful statement. Every child that has ever been aborted has been denied the plan of life that God has written down for him: "In Your book, all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."

So, abortion is the destruction of the work which God is performing.

There's one other psalm of David that is worth our considering when we look at this issue of abortion. This is a hot potato in the political realm. It is it is evaded in a variety of ways. And it is always evaded on the justification that the Bible doesn't say anything about this, and that we don't really know what is going on. But we do know what is going on. In Psalm 51:5-6, David says, "Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin my mother did conceive me." David said that he was sinful from the moment of his conception, which indicates that he was something more than just a body, since the body is not evil in itself. Why was David sinful even before he was born? It was because he had a human nature, and human nature is sinful. The old sin nature was right back there in that little fetus.

Notice verse 6: "Behold, You truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part, You shall make me no wisdom." Even in his fetal state, David says that the moral law of God was present with him. How? In his soul. "The inward parts" and "the hidden parts" are referring to the mother's womb. The words "the covered over parts" are referring to the bottled-up place (the hidden part) – that which was hidden within the womb.

Mental Capacity for Learning

So verse 6, in effect, says, "Look. Truth you desired in the inward parts, and in the secret part, wisdom you were teaching me." That's very fascinating. David says. Even when I was still in my mother's room, you were teaching me. I was learning things. David had a mind. David had the capacity, even at that point, for learning. So, if someone were to have taken David's life, it was not just a mindless piece of flesh or of cells. It was something that already had thinking capacity. He did have a sin nature. In his state, he was already a sinner.

So, Psalm 51:5-6 is strong evidence that the image of God is already present in the fetus, and that the living soul is there.

When we look at the practice of abortion, there are a lot of justifications for it. It is always associated with some kind of problems and agonies with a woman who is pregnant. However, the Scriptures we have shown you must lay this basic principle before us: Whatever the problems are of the one who is pregnant, what she is pregnant with is a life made in the image of God. It is a bonafide human being. Whatever else you do about it, you have to start with that understanding.

A Woman's Right to Control he Body

Abortion is justified on the basis of a woman's right to control her body. But the Word of God does not separate conception from childbearing. And that's the trickery of the logic of the abortionist. He tries to separate conception and childbearing into two functions. Once a woman accepts the conditions which would make conception possible, she no longer has any option over the consequences of that action. That is the biblical point of view. You may take action to prevent conception, but once you have chosen to allow the conception to take place, then you do not have the so-called control over your body, because now you are dealing with another person's body. This has been covered over by the brutality of the murder of infants.

So, the consequence of a conception that God has brought about is for that child to be born. Abortion itself is a tricky business. It often has some very serious physical consequences. I can assure you that I've had enough agony with dealing with people, such that it has a very strong conscience and soul consequence of people who have done this, not realizing what was involved at the time. Can you imagine the effect on children who grew up in a home, and find that a mother says, "Before you, I had two other babies that I aborted?" She won't use the word "murdered." This child might say: "You might have done that to me." That's why I say when you talk about abortion, just think of one of these little kids we have running around here, and understand that that's what you would have destroyed. That puts it in clear perspective.

The murder which is involved in abortion also has the serious problem of: who is to decide who can terminate another person's life? When you have disposable babies, it's only a short step to disposable human beings. That is where we are coming in our society today. It's easy to dispose of your political enemies by rubbing them out. It's easy to dispose of people that you think are the wrong color by killing them. It's easy to dispose of people who are the wrong religion. It's just easy once you have accepted the principle that abortion is acceptable.

So one's conception takes place, whatever the reason, it is an act of God. It is a gift from God, and you cannot spurn it by executing what God has given. The sad thing about this is that doctors, who once were sworn to preserve life, and to maintain life at any effort, are psychologically conditioned now to be willing to take a life?

I remember a few years ago when they passed the law that you could turn right on a red light. Previously, when I saw a red light, I had always been used to stopping and sitting there, just like all of you had been. Then, when it turned green, I would go. Now, I found, after I overcame my initial resistance to turn right on the red light. On subsequent occurrences, it was easier and it was easier to turn right on a red light. One day, I was driving along, thinking about something. I looked up; saw the red light; and, drove straight through it (not a right turn). And I said, "Now why did I do that? I don't drive through red lights." Then I thought to myself, "It's because you've become acclimated to moving on a red light. Up to now, red light meant stop, but now you can turn right. After turning right so often, now you think it's all right to go straight through it.

A doctor who has been geared to saving life now finally accepts snuffing out lives. Then you wonder how, farther down the line, he's not really particular about your life when it needs his best, and it needs is a little ultimate effort to preserve it.

There are many gross reasons given for abortions, and I need not remind you of those: "We need a new TV set. We need the money for a vacation trip, not a baby. I need to preserve my figure, and babies are murder on figures. It's going to restrict my social life." Evils of the worst kind are used to justify the murder of children.

Capital Punishment

The worst part about this getting (back to the judgment that's going to come upon the tribulation people because they will not give up their murders) is that murder contaminates a country, and it brings divine judgment upon that country. God brings destruction upon a nation that will not punish murder. This has been characteristic throughout history. When a people choose to reject capital punishment, then they have accepted murder as a way of life. God has said that you will not take the life of a human being that was made in My image improperly without justification, and when someone has taken another innocent life, he is to pay with his life. You may argue against capital punishment, but when you do, just be sure you understand you are arguing against God. That's why I say, "Never elect a person to public office who opposes capital punishment." That is a touchstone key to a person who is disoriented to divine viewpoint thinking.

One of the things that God says that He hates worst of all is taking innocent lives. He says, "I hate the sin of murder, and I will bring judgment upon a society, and destroy it, because the blood which is shed will scream out from the very ground for justice. And I will bring justice if the people of that society will not execute that justice. ...

I want to close with reading Numbers 35. God was trying to teach His ancient people of Israel the consequences to them if they did not execute justice as per His pattern of capital punishment for those who are guilty of murder, and if they did not protect people from murder, which included the abortion of the unborn child. In Numbers 35:29, God had this to say to his people, and the principle is still in effect for us today: "So, these things shall be for a statute of your judgment unto you throughout your generations in all your dwelling. Whoever kills any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses. But one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die." It's not enough for one person to say, "I saw him kill that person." That person might be lying. The Bible says, "You cannot execute capital punishment on the basis of the testimony of only one eyewitness:"

"Moreover, you shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of death, but he shall be surely put to death." You will not take a payment instead of the punishment. You will not give a substitute punishment for murder one. That is what the Scripture is saying. The only punishment is the death of the murder.

Verse 32: "And you shall take no ransom for him, who has fled to the city of his refuge, that he should come again to dwell in the land until the death of the priest." This was a provision of the cities of refuge in Israel for those who were guilty of manslaughter (the inadvertent taking of a life). They had a refuge city that they could go to until the high priest died.

Here is the point, in verse 33: "So, you shall not pollute the land wherein you are, for blood defiles the land, and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Therefore, do not defile the land which you shall inhabit wherein I dwell, for I, the Lord, dwell among the children of Israel." What the Word of God is saying here is that your land (your country) is defiled when you do not deal with murder as the heinous crime that it is. God says, "There's only one penalty that is justified for first degree murder, and that is the death of the murderer."

The modern view of society is that someone else is guilty, and you can blame them for what you do. That view is at fault, and is not justified by the Word of God. But when the act has been clearly established by competent eyewitnesses, then that's the only answer. You cannot argue and say, "Well, it's not going to keep other people from committing murder." Perhaps not, but it will most certainly keep that person from ever committing murder again, and that is the point that God is making. God is saying, "I will see to it that this individual cannot ever again be guilty of such a heinous crime."

So, in the tribulation, murder will be rampant, and the blood of people will be crying out from the land, many of them martyred believers who will be screaming out to God for justice. And God is going to bring that justice in a terrible way. It is amazing just to read that these people will not cease from this evil act, when we realize how clear it is that what is happening is the work of God who is there. By that time, you would think that they would have had enough sense. But then we, as a nation, have had a great and wonderful Christian heritage. Why don't we have enough sense not to permit such a thing as the abortion practice? It is a paganistic, crude, offensive act imposed upon us by the evil men of the Supreme Court, in spite of the fact that most of the people in our society were repulsed by that concept, and whose Christian heritage made it clear to them, as we have read here in the Scriptures, that indeed a child, from the moment of conception, is a bonafide human being, and therefore, to take its life is murder of the first degree. And God help us to sound forth the caution to those who will listen.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1984

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