The World of the Antichrist


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

As we continue in Revelation 6:1-2, we are in segment 15 of the first seal.

The Tribulation Society

The antichrist is the man of the tribulation era who will unite the whole world politically and religiously. It is natural to wonder, of course, whether such a condition is possible in the modern world. The conditions of the antichrist world are absolutely astounding, and they tend to make us doubt that such a condition can ever come into existence. But we have indications that such a world is imminently being brought upon us.

Tax Exemption for Churches

In the state of California, every local church once-a-year must re-qualify for its tax exempt status. However, on the form that the pastor must fill out to re-qualify his church for tax exemption, he must answer a question that says, "During the past year, have you spoken from your pulpit on political matters such as homosexuality, abortion, feminism, and so on?" If you have, that church's tax exemption is drawn. It's dirt. Now, these issues, you would be inclined to say, obviously are moral issues that the Bible speaks about (which the Bible addresses), and they used to be strictly biblical morality issues until the forces (such as the New Age movement and the government influences that it bears) made them political issues. But they are basically moral issues.

Can you imagine (can you enter into) what that does to a church's ministry and the freedom of its pulpit to proclaim and propagate the full counsel of the Word of God. Can you imagine how stifled would be the relationships to a congregation between the doctrine that it is taught and the implications in society? And that is part of the full counsel of the Word of God. It is clear that the apostles, as they went about teaching in the pagan Roman Empire, were constantly telling Christians, "Here is the doctrinal position that God has revealed. This is the way the world is made. Here's how we operate, and here's how we implement (how we incorporate) that into the society in which we live. You cannot detach the Word of God from the implications in our society, and try to escape discussion by saying, "That's political."

Certainly, this is far different than the early colonial America, where the preachers in the pulpit were looked upon with considerable disfavor and contempt if they were not in the forefront of those who were leading the rebellion against Britain and the resistance to the encroachment of personal freedoms. It was expected of the preachers that they, above all, would know what God had said in giving us freedom, and to be the clarion call to warning the people when those freedoms were threatened. That's the way this country is operated. That's the way that the Word of God expects us to function.

The New Age Movement

So, in California, the pressure is being put on. It is possible to bring about a world in which the Bible and Christianity is completely stifled. That is absolutely necessary to bring about the New Age forces that will constitute the political; the economic; and, the social world of the antichrist. There is little doubt that certain dramatic changes, therefore, must come about before mankind is willing to accept the tribulation world. The New Age movement is a network of organizations and of prominent leaders who are laying the groundwork for this man to come on the scene, who will be empowered by Satan (Lucifer), who is considered the source of enlightenment.

A Cashless Society

So, the question indeed is a realistic one: Is it feasible for us to expect that the New Age movement can indeed establish a society which it calls the Age of Aquarius? That society must have certain things. One: it must be a cashless society operating on computer transfers: the exchange via a personally numbered universal credit card; and, the use of a universal product code at the grocery store checkout counter. Well, that already is upon us. You may have noticed, as I have, that the clerks at the grocery stores aren't having as much trouble adding up your bill from the Universal Product Code on the boxes and the containers that you're buying. Sometimes they used to have to go several times across the scanner, and finally, in desperation, they'd reach up there, and they'd punch the price. But now the laser technology has made a major breakthrough so that it no longer has to read straight. It can read in a curve, so even if the clerk gets the box off a little bit, or the thing doesn't get read quite straight on, it'll still read it. And you may have noticed that the boxes and the containers are just flying through as fast as the clerk's hand can run them through. The computer exchange technology is well established among us.

Global Agencies

You also have to have global agencies to control the distribution of the world's food and other vital resources. These are to be based, therefore, on the system of socialism if everybody is to share in them. One of the things that came as a near miss for us nationally was the thing that's been in the mill for a long time called the Law of the Sea Treaty. This treaty declared that the technology of any nation, relative to seabed mining, must be shared with all other nations. Furthermore, the profit of any nation from seabed mining must be distributed in a proportionate way with all the other nations of the world. The Carter administration promoted the Law of the Sea Treaty, and President Carter intended to sign it and make the American Republic part of that system. By the grace of God, we squeaked by, because when it finally came up for signing, President Reagan, understanding what it meant – that it would put American technology at the mercy of all the do-nothing, non-developing nations of the world, and that would put all of our resources that are available to us through the sea at the call of any rinky tinhorn dictator, the president refused to sign it. American technology has been protected for those who invest the effort and the money to develop that technology – not to be given out to the deadbeats of human society.

A World Government

For the antichrist world, you have to have a world government which unites capitalist and communist countries under the leadership of an intellectually elite and their bureaucrats. Internationalism must be the theme – globalism instead of the individual nations that God has called upon us to maintain. Well, internationalism is indeed well on its way among us, and there are huge numbers of Americans who think that the United Nations is a source of international peace.

A World Religion

You must have a universal world religion which is based on the dogmas of humanism that demands the destruction of Christianity and Judaism, and the total discrediting of the Bible. Few Americans think that the Bible is really the Word of God. Few Americans now think that the Bible is not only the Word of God, but without mistake anywhere in it. Few Americans really know what the Bible teaches. They are pathetically ignorant, and consequently, they are at the mercy of any leader who comes along with some kind of a new doctrine, and a new idea, and some new sense of social morality, and they get carried away with it. They are intimidated that person must be right because they don't know what God has already said.

The Antichrist

This society under a one world religion must be led by "The Christ," who is in fact the antichrist, rather than the Lord Jesus. The main goal is the realization of each devotee that he himself is a God, and thus he is totally independent.

The God of Force

It is learning to manipulate what Daniel calls "the god of force." If you have been a viewer of the Star Wars syndrome movies, you understand what the force is, and you understand the dark and the light side of the force, and you understand this whole Hindu mystical concept which is now permeating as a commonplace thought in American mentality. Well, Daniel told us that the antichrist would be a man who would manipulate "the god of force." That is exactly what we have now.


You have to have a society where people actually believe that the number 666 is a sacred figure which is capable of drawing higher intelligence, and great power to the person who uses it. The people in the New Age movement were taught by Alice Ann Bailey that they should use the number 666 on every occasion that they could possibly use it, in every possible situation, and they would draw to themselves great success and great understanding.


Under a world religious system, you must have the abolition of all Judeo-Christian holidays and the replacement with pagan festivals which are connected with the occult. Well, our Supreme Court is the battleground of how much we can incorporate Christian practices and Christian traditions within the public system.


And finally, Lucifer must be proclaimed as the one who has made the supreme sacrifice for mankind by acting as both the prodigal son and the sacrificial lamb. He is both the dark and the light side of the force. He bears the consequences of both for us, and we are, therefore, indebted to him. That's a world religion.


You must also have a world which is prepared for being impressed with holographic images produced by laser beams. "Holographic" is the whole picture (the whole sign). That is what the word "holographic" means from the Greek word. A holographic means a three-dimensional image which is capable of being projected to a satellite and then beamed back to earth in such a way that one-third of the people on earth can see this three-dimensional image floating out in outer space: whether it's flames leaping up; whether it's creatures out there; or, whether it's people as an army. If you got the March issue of "National Geographic," this little silver square on the front cover is an amazing holographic image. It will catch your breath. You can look, and turn this thing to see the tail of this eagle, and then you can turn it another way and not see it. ...

In recent months, this three-dimensional capacity has made a breakthrough because they have discovered how to increase the power of lasers (with which these images are made) 100 times. They can now make three-dimensional figures go storming across the skies out in space, where vast numbers of human beings will see them. Can you imagine what an instrument this will be in the hands of the antichrist?

The Mark of the Beast

Every person in this kind of a world would be required to be initiated into the New Age society, and branded with a mark, and those who refuse are to be removed to another dimension. They're called the separatists. This kind of a society is among us now. You are not looked upon kindly if you are one of these fundamental separatists who thinks that you know what God has said, and that God doesn't speak with a forked tongue, but what He says is truth, and we can understand it. You are not welcome in a society that wants to counter with that God has said.

The Aryan Race

It has to be a society where there's the promotion of a pure-blooded race of Aryan stock to provide super humans. There must be a campaign, therefore, to remove what is considered the most tainted blood-stock in the human race, which is the Jewish people. They are considered the lowest of the subhuman category. There must be an attitude among people that they want to return to their Aryan godhood and their spirit of power. The New Age movement teaches exactly this concerning the Jews.

It must be a religion where morality will be in total opposition to biblical ethics, based on no guilt for breaking what the Bible condemns. The presence and the respect for the Bible has to be destroyed, and Lucifer must be looked to as the source of enlightenment.

All of this must exist if we're going to have a world religion, and all of these principles must exist if we're going to have the antichrist world. Well, I need not explain to you how most of those are well on their way to fulfillment. We have shown that the primary instrument for the acceptance of the antichrist and the New Age movement is the American public school system.


In the next session, you will get blown out of the water as you find how that system is implementing this new world order. And it cannot be stopped. I hope you don't come to the next session with the impression that it can be stopped. We, of course, can slow it down. We, of course, can make it harder. We, of course, like an army which is on retreat, have a corps who is performing delaying action so that the rest of us can be engaged in the cutting edge of this movement, which is education and the propagating of doctrinal truth. But it cannot be stopped. It is moving us toward the antichrist world.

One of our tapers called me from Alaska this week, and said to me, "What is ahead for us in terms of the immediate future? Where are we with respect to the rapture?" I said, "Well, I don't know the time, but I personally feel that the next election is going to give you a clue. If the party of socialism and state welfare is placed into office, it is going to indicate that the time of the Lord's return is considerably nearer. If that party is restrained, and the party of American free-enterprise is placed into office, then there will be an indication that the Lord's return is delayed, which gives us a little more opportunity to snatch some more people from the burning; to inform people as to what is going on; and, particularly, to preserve our children." So it can't be stopped, but we're going to do an awful good job of fighting a rear-guard, delaying action.

The American people as a whole are so politically naive, and so biblically ignorant, that they continue to dig their own graves, and their own national destruction by the very people they put into office. After all, birds of a feather can only flock with their own kind.

We can Delay

So, exposing people to the realities of the New Age movement will save some with eternal life and blessing. So, on the one hand, we are not to be unrealistic, and we are not to be caught away with some euphoric idea that we're going to charge out there, and we're going to stop this, because we're not going to do any such thing. We know the last chapter of the book of the Revelation. We know where humanity is going to end up, and we see that every trend today is moving toward that final showdown. But we can hold it back. We can delay, and we can secure an opportunity to continue giving people the full counsel of the Word of God. The Lord made it very clear that even He, the God-man, in His humanity did not know when the curtain is going to come down on the last act. Only God the Father knows. In the meantime, we have been told to occupy ourselves, and to keep doing business in God's service.


The change in American schoolchildren's thinking is achieved in large measure by what is called values education. The reason given for using this approach is that parents are not providing proper moral development for their children. Thousands of school teachers, in their college training, are told that this is one of their major responsibilities. Parents are not giving children proper moral training, by which they mean: moral training for New Age thinking. Therefore, the teacher must do it at school. Children must, therefore, be weaned away from the viewpoints of the training of their parents, particularly the ethical principles. Children must be told that they don't have to obey a power source from above themselves like some supernatural God. The youth must be programmed to sacrifice itself for the desires of others.


If a young person is brought up with the idea that God has said that there are some things that are wrong and you don't do them, then He will not permit Himself to be party to that evil. That's the point. If somebody comes along and says, "Oh, we were just made for each other," and wants you to engage in sexual immorality, the teachers in the public schools are being trained to understand that they are to train the children to say that it is an act of selfishness for you to refuse to grant that desire to the one requesting it. That is considered the epitome of morality – to show the love that permits you to give of yourself to those who need you in some way.

Children have to learn, therefore, to sacrifice themselves for the evil desires of others. Children have to be taught to place justice, as they see it, above obeying society's laws – justice above the laws of society. So, you live in a society that says, "You cannot take another person's life. That's called murder." As you remember, the statement of The Godfather movie, when he was giving the orders to have a couple of men sent out to beat up a man who had violated a friend's daughter. Then he warned his son, "But see that you send someone who will not go too far." What did he mean? He said, "I want these people punished. I want them beat up. I want them really cracked up, but I don't want them killed. Then he added the remark: "We are not murderers." Yet, the Godfather was going around knocking people off left and right. And he said in his own thinking, "We are not murderers." Why could he say that? Because to him, he had learned New Age movement morality. He was an executioner of justice, and he didn't kill anybody who didn't deserve it.

Isn't that a great world to live in? A lot of people are going to enjoy the New Age movement when it is in full force, because there are a lot of people they'd like to get rid of, and they can think of a lot of reasons to do it. And most of you, I'm sure, are in the category of people who could think a lot of reasons to get rid of you. Under their sense of executing justice, then they can take your life, and not feel that they are being murderers or immoral.

Six Stages of Morality

A Harvard psychologist named Lawrence Kohlberg devoted himself to this problem of getting children adjusted to New Age thinking morality. Therefore, he analyze that the problem was that everybody in the human race goes through six basic steps (or stages) of morality. He devised a system which taught public school teachers how to take a child from one step to the next until he came to the top rung, which was plain New Age movement morality, or the dogmas of humanism.
  1. A Small Child Accepts Adult Authority

    Stage number one, he said, was that as a small child, that child accepts adult authority and adult values without questioning. Whatever you tell that little one, that little one believes. He learns that he is rewarded for obeying the standards that are given him. He learns that he is punished for disobeying them. This is usually characteristic of a child until he is seven years of age. So, Kohlberg said, "First you're going to have this child on this level. He's going to take everything you tell him. That is his mentality."
  2. Satisfying One's Own Needs

    Then he goes up another rung. In stage two, the child does what satisfies his needs, and sometimes the needs of others, if it's to his benefit. He does something for someone if they reciprocate. That's usually a pre-adolescent era. So, now he comes to where he isn't just doing everything he's told, and believing. Now he is doing something if there's something in it for him. His sin nature is coming up and showing itself just a little more. If he cannot get it openly, then he begins to do it surreptitiously.

    My number one granddaughter likes to pick pencils and pens out of pockets. I have noticed that what she does now, to get my pencil and pen out of my pocket, is to smile at me. This is a little, sneaky, female tactic, inherited undoubtedly from her parents of the sin nature quality. She smiles, and while she's patting you on the face, her other hand is jerking the pencil out of your pocket. Then I notice that she always puts it right behind her. Now, isn't that sweet? She is learning that she can have it, but she desires it, so, she goes the stage two, and she uses a device (a subterfuge) to attain her ends.

  3. What Pleases Others

    However, people go on from there to stage three. Stage three, Kohlberg said, was behavior which is governed by what pleases others. Now the child is older (in those older teenage years), and he is a slave of his peers. He wants to do what other kids are doing. He doesn't want to do what the other kids will disapprove in him. That's when you really have to have parents that call the plays, because this kid is going to come home and want to do something that you as a parent know is not good for him to do. And his arguments to you, for permitting him to do it, will be that: "Johnny's father and Susie's mother permit them to do it." What that child is saying is, "Please, show me the coral. Tell me where I can operate from, and beyond which I cannot go." Then the kids might school say, "You have to be home at 1:30 in the morning?" But they'll be able to say, "Yes, that's the way my parents are," and the burden of responsibility can be taken off the child and put on the parent. That's the peer pressure group. Pity the child who cannot find parents who come in and make decisions. The child says, "I don't want to go to a Christian school anymore." The parents say, "OK," and then they bring the child back to us when he's a basket case.

    Years ago, I discovered what that was doing to our classes and our teachers. We established the rule that once you leave Berean Christian Academy, unless it's for a financial reason or some reason beyond your control, you are not eligible to be enrolled. I've had parents stand with tears in their eyes; wringing their hands; and, saying, "It's really terrible out there." And the child is saying, "I don't really want to be out there. Can I come back?" And I'm not about to take that burden of responsibility, with what they bring that child back with: the deficiencies and other problems; and, put it upon our teachers and say, "Here, now you get stuck with what these ignorant parents have permitted this child to do." It's a bad rung of the ladder when you don't have parents who know how to call plays.

  4. Obedience to Constituted Authority

    Then they go to stage four. Stage four is obedience to constituted authority. This is more of an adult level. The person operates on a sense of what is your duty. You operate on the sense of certain fixed rules of moral conduct. You operate on the sense of responsibility for social order. It is what we called the law-and-order phase of early adulthood. Kohlberg said, "Therein lies the problem of our society. In a normal American home, a child starts up here, and he gets to level four, and that's as far as they go. Because of the training of the home, they won't go beyond that law-and-order concept stage. What we in the education system must do, in order to bring them up to the New Age (we are bringing together the Age of Aquarius) is to break this bottleneck, and to cause them to go up one more step – to go up to the fifth level."
  5. What One Believes is Right

    The fifth stage is the stage where the individual does what he believes is right, and if he believes it's right, it takes priority over the laws of society. He is ready then to engage in revolution to correct what he views are governmental injustices. He will become a revolutionary to force on society his sense of justice. He agrees that nothing is sacred if he deems that it is unjust. And he is ready to use violence in executing his sense of justice. He is ready to use violence against society. As a matter of fact, violence becomes a policy of his. So, the fifth stage here is the stage where you not only have your own personal beliefs, but you do your own thing, and you impose your own thing on everybody else. If somebody stands in your way, you cut them down. But that's not enough. Kohlberg says, "You must go up one step more, to stage six."
  6. Governed by Your Own Conscience

    Stage six is the stage where everything is governed by your own conscience. You know that in the early history of the human race, in the pre-flood era, that is exactly the condition that existed. Humanity had come to this stage where they were at the sixth rung of the ladder. And the Bible says that everybody did what his conscience led him to do. It resulted in a world of such violence and turmoil that God wiped it out in the Noahic flood. At the sixth stage, the individual feels called to secure justice as he sees it. The laws of society may be freely broken if the individual sees those laws as unjust. The individual, furthermore, acts as his own judge, and he executes his own sentences. This is the mafia level of functioning.
That is the objective of the New Age movement. This is the program that I will not take time to go through with you in this session. But it is a program that has taken in the Tacoma, Washington schools. For example, they have a curriculum guide in literature for 14-year-old children. They are studying The Pearl by John Steinbeck. And they're just studying the story. But you would be amazed how the curriculum takes the content of that story, and then shows the teacher how to bring attack against free-enterprise; against biblical morality; against privacy; against personal responsibility; and, against all the things that are characteristically the American biblical heritage. It's just the thing that you would read, and you would say, "Well, this is a story that Steinbeck wrote. It can't be bad for them to study that at school." But what they do with it is what is bad. Some of that you will find out in the next session.

So, the goal of the moral reasoning approach of Kohlberg of Harvard is to move children to the sixth level. Most American adults get hung on rung number four, and he wants them all up at number six. The call of humanism for situation ethics, and maximum individual autonomy, cannot be realized until people rise to level six of morality. The child is placed in a variety of imaginary dilemmas from which he cannot find any answer. So, he says, "There is no right; and, there is no wrong." And out of these comes his own condemnation of his own moral code. So, the system is in full operation, and the world is being prepared for the antichrist rule.


Now, the question arises: Is it possible for such a man, in spite of all of this, to come to the forefront, to be in a position of power and of influence. In recent history, we have, in a small microcosm example, a tremendous illustration of how this indeed is possible. That is what took place beginning in the 1930s in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. The word "Nazi" stands for National Socialism. Adolf Hitler in Germany was a dry-run attempt by Satan to establish the new world movement, and he came frightfully near succeeding.

Let's start off, to begin with, to be aware of the fact that we're talking about the German people. We're talking about a nation of cultured, intelligent, technologically advanced human beings. We are talking about the people who gave us the Protestant Reformation. We are talking about the people who, from that reformation, could, with a united voice, rise up and sing forth Martin Luther's song "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott", "A Mighty Fortress is our God." They meant it. That's the people we're talking about. We're not talking about some back-alley group of ignorant barbarians.

Nazism came on the scene under Adolf Hitler. What was amazing was that, while people in power in strategic places in the world at that time knew about it, particularly during the war years, it was not public knowledge that Nazism was rooted in the mysticism of Hinduism and of the occult. Alice Ann Bailey, the high priestess of the New Age movement, revealed that "The Plan," or the New World Order under "The Christ" would have to be established upon a world that had been traumatized by a devastating war. This was well before World War II came along. But Alice Ann Bailey, threw her demon communicators, was told that there must be a traumatic war to prepare people to accept this kind of world. Hitler provided that condition. It has been since World War II that the New Age movement forces have been moving into high gear.

The New Age Movement

The New Age movement today is, in all practical effects, the revival of Hitler's Nazism. The visions of Hitler and the New Age movement are identical. I cannot take time to document all this by reading the statements back and forth, but I'll give you a quick summary just to show you that it is not unthinkable for even Christians to be deceived by a movement such as this. Many sincere people and political leaders today create the objectives of the New Age movement as humanitarian without seeing its tie-in to the occult and to Nazism. Hitler himself proclaim that National Socialism was the new religion which was destined to rule a new age of mankind. Hitler himself became the god of National Socialism, who was virtually worshiped by this intelligent, cultured, historically powerful, and inventive German people. He was viewed as one who could do no wrong. The people were drawn to him as steel to a magnet.

Adolf Hitler became acquainted with occultism (demon power manipulation). When he was a schoolboy, he was reared in an area which was a hotbed of medium activity and of séances, and he got involved with it as a youth. As an adult, he joined the occult Thule Society, and was initiated personally into black magic by the dedicated occultists Master Dietrich Eckart and Karl Haushofer. Those are big names in the occult world. If you were acquainted with what goes on in the occult world of demonism, those names stand out as outstanding leaders. They were Hitler's teachers.

Hitler himself became impatient with the Hindu system of mysticism as the means of communicating with demons, so he turned to drugs to speed things up, in order to establish his meditations with Lucifer. Amazingly, Hitler himself was a comparatively ignorant paper hanger. He was a comparatively inept man who was comic in his appearance, and yet was able to hypnotize a whole nation with his messianic vision. He could stand up before a crowd and speak, and they were captivated. And when he was through, he would fall back in exhaustion, just like a medium does who has been in communication with the spirit world. Hitler himself said that he had been chosen by what he called "the unknown master" for a great mission in the world.

He claimed that, at the age of 30, while he lay wounded during World War I, he had a vision calling him to save Germany. This was his mission. He considered it very significant that that was the same age at which Jesus Christ began his messianic mission. He survived the assassination attempt at his Wolf's Lair in a conference with his generals, an attempt that was only foiled by the fact that the explosive was placed on the other side of a heavy leg of the table, so that when it exploded, the impact was taken by the heavy oak table, and Hitler, standing by, was preserved. Immediately, he pronounced to the German nation that this was a demonstration that providence had preserved him to complete his mission, and that Germany would be victorious.

Aryan Purity

What mission was he talking about? The mission that he claimed to have been given in the vision to him from the unknown master – to lead Germany back to her Aryan purity? The Aryans, who are viewed as Asians, descended from the Hindu god, the purest of all the human family. And Germans, therefore, would be the master race. Hitler said that they were going to restore the Germans first physically, so that you had an acceptable human being whose hair was blond and whose eyes were blue. Then they were going to restore the German people to their consciousness of their godhood, and of their great occult powers.

The Third Reich

Hitler's guides led him to seek to establish a millennium that the Scripture speaks about, and that's why the Third Reich was spoken of the 1,000-year Reich. It was not without reason that he used the figure 1,000 years. He was the substitute millennium that the antichrist himself is going to try to establish.

The Swastika

From his involvement with Hinduism, Adolf Hitler secured the sacred sign which became the national symbol: the swastika. The swastika is a symbol of power; and, the swastika is a symbol of communication with the demon world. The leaders of Nazism themselves were all involved in the exercise of occult power. Hitler had libraries stocked, even on trains, so that his officers, at every moment, could be reading occult literature, and could be training themselves and indoctrinating themselves in Luciferic principles. They established telepathic communication with the demonic masters of wisdom. They used various techniques. They visualized themselves, in certain situations, in communication with the demon powers, and then, through visualization, found themselves taken over by those powers. Hitler himself revealed to his associates his own terror of the forces which controlled him, and which were giving him his success, and his power over people.

His associates described how Hitler would wake up in the middle of the night, crying out in fear, and how he would stand in the middle of his bedroom, quaking and shaking and pointing to the corner and saying, "There he is. There he is: the God-man," as he would point to the invisible Lucifer who was in his presence. This is exactly the kind of world that the New Age movement is bringing about, and it's doing it through the power of public education.


Adolf Hitler declared that his ultimate mission was a universal world society ruled over by masters – the same masters of wisdom that rule in the New Age movement. His hatred of the Jews was part of his involvement in Hindu Aryan mysticism. Hinduism is the epitome of the occult system. Satan has created this system to oppose biblical Christianity. Hinduism seeks to refute the salvation that comes through acceptance of the sacrifice for sins by the Jewish Lamb of God, the God-man, Jesus Christ. So, in Hinduism, salvation comes by purifying one's own blood via the evolution of many reincarnations. It is the basis of the Hindu caste system in India. You are in a certain low caste because you deserve it by your karma – by the way you have lived in a previous life. And you're going to purify your blood by coming back again in a higher caste if you behave yourself this time.

The Jews

However, Hitler planned to shorten the blood purification process for the German nation by destroying the most polluted, tainted bloodline at present, which was the Jewish people. This was right out of Alice Ann Baily's doctrinal instructions – that this is the problem with the Jews. They are a contaminant upon the human race. And her antagonism was that the Jews were separatists. They hang to an idea that they are God's special chosen people, and they cling to the biblical concepts of where they come from and what their destiny is. Therefore, they are uncooperative.

So, Hitler picked that up – that this tainted blood must be removed from the human race. Therefore, he created the movement, for example, which was a breeding program. It was considered a great honor for an unmarried woman to have a child for the Führer. Then these children were culled like cattle, to pick out the blond-haired, blue-eyed ones for further breeding when they grew up. Hitler himself knew exactly what he was doing under the leadership of his demon masters. Hitler said, "Creation is not yet at an end; man is becoming God; and, man is God in the making." What he meant by "God in the making" was blue-eyed, blond-haired Germans. Hitler's payment to secure German godhood was the blood sacrifice of the Jewish people.

The whole Nazi secret police system under Heinrich Himmler was an order of black magic practitioners. You wonder why we weren't told more of this during the war. But it is also common knowledge that Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt both were participants in the occult, and both called upon mediums to give them direction as to where the war was going, and what moves they should make. One wonders if there was a certain sympathy with a compatriot like even Adolf Hitler, who was in the same thing. But the whole Nazi secret police system was black magic practitioners, and they were trained in all the beliefs and practices of Eastern mysticism, and how to control occult powers. They were given yoga exercises, and they were taught how to carry on Eastern meditation; visualism; the doctrines of karma; reincarnation (their expectation of being raised to godhood); and, the unity of all life under a universal mind.

It is not without reason that the SS officers wore black uniforms with the skull and crossbones emblems on their lapel. It was their way of declaring that they were black magic practitioners. When you became an officer in the SS, you were inaugurated into your office at a very mystical midnight ceremony.

It was a Hindu religious order, and it was seeking to trace the German origin back to the Aryan supermen believed to have originated in India and Tibet. And exterminating the Jews was a glorious religious act.

That's why the antichrist will have no problem. People have said, "Well, if the antichrist does that to the Jews, particularly double-crossing them, he'll look so brutal." Don't you kid yourself. By that time, people will have received this kind of indoctrination, and they will view (just as the Germans did) that to kill the Jews is an act honoring to God. And what did the Lord Jesus say to His followers? "The time will come when they will believe that they are serving God when they kill those of you who are following My word and propagating My truths." That is precisely what happened.

To the SS, individual death meant nothing, because with the doctrine of reincarnation, it was just giving you a chance to come back with a better bloodline. The same principle is followed by communists today. To be executed (death) means nothing, because it's purifying the national bloodline. The SS was really the high priesthood of the Nazi movement. It is hard to understand how a cultured people such as the Germans could have gotten carried away with it.

Well, why didn't Hitler win? He was a dry-run antichrist. He did everything; he had all the goals; and, he had all the objectives that the biblical antichrist will have. Well, it wasn't the right time. His National Socialism and occultism succeeded in Germany beyond his fondest dreams. The New Age movement, which he served, however, is today alive and well. Hitler did not have the total control of society via the computers that he needed. He did not have the total control of humanity via television, and he did not have the condition where the church was removed so that God the Holy Spirit was not here holding back and restraining evil. But now the time is right. The antichrist, who is probably alive this very moment, now has the computer age almost in place; the television communication system refined more than ever; and, the church immediately to be removed.

So, Americans are now ready for this kind of an age because Americans will accept socialism. Americans will accept the welfare state, and consider it a moral responsibility to do so. Americans now are willing to look to the government treasury for their personal benefits and even their luxuries. Americans now are ready to oppose biblical morality and to practice biblical immorality. Americans now are willing to dispose of the Bible as being the final authority from God. The era of the antichrist is indeed possible in the United States and in the whole world, just as it was (almost) in Germany.

The Lord Jesus, in speaking to His disciples, made an interesting comment in Matthew 24:37 that we can close with: "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." The Lord is saying that the conditions that existed just before the Noah flood will again be the conditions that exist just before He returns. What were the conditions? The number one condition was occultism (demonic activity). The pre-flood world was a world of enormous demonic activity. This was the era when demons cohabited with human females, and produced the race of super creatures (god-demon creatures), which have been memorialized in ancient mythology as the products of God and humans. This is the era when the earth was so filled with evil that the mental attitude of people, the Bible says, was continually evil, and therefore violence was expressed everywhere, because everybody was doing his own thing, which is the objective of the New Age movement. This was the time when anything that God had to say was scoffed at and cast aside.

That old world is still preserved by ancient writers in the descriptions of an island called Atlantis out in the Atlantic Ocean, which is described as the epitome of human civilization – the greatest height to which human civilization has ever risen, but which sank into the seas and was destroyed. That's the ancient mythological explanation of the Noahic Flood. They point back still that that decrepit, demon-possessed society of pre-Noahic days was the epitome, and they bemoan the fact that Atlantis sank into the sea. It is the same kind of culture that we have today.

The doctrine of Aryan superiority is basic to the New Age movement. That doctrine is in total conflict with the Bible that says that all of us are made of the same blood through Adam, and there are no super human beings. The New Age proposes, therefore, to exterminate you Christians first; and, when they get through with you, to exterminate the Jews. And the antichrist intends to do just exactly that.

So, as we come to a close of this rider on the white horse, who is bringing in a world, it's a lot more complex than those simple two little verses would lead you to believe. It is an event which is on the horizon, and I hope that you have a better idea now and a better understanding of the ground upon which that event is based, and what is going to bring it about.

What are we going to do? Roll over and play dead? No, we're going to keep doing business. We're going to keep sounding the truth. We're going to keep sending out tapes. We're going to keep propagating doctrinal instruction. We're going to keep fighting the good fight of the Christian school movement as long as people are willing to listen, until the power of government has silenced us. And we'll resist that as far as we can. And we look forward to the day when the Lord takes us home and we stand before His judgment seat, and He says, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Here are the rewards for the divine good production and for your faithfulness in the battle you fought. And for some of you, because you were so consistently superior in staying in fellowship, and using your lives with storing treasures in heaven, you have a special Medal of Honor to receive as well. That is what is ahead for us. Don't forget that that is part of the last chapter. We're the winners, not the losers.

The New Age movement is going to have its moment, but it's going to be just as fleeting as was that of Adolf Hitler. Those of us who lived through that era lived through an era where no one could believe that Hitler could ever be brought down. But again, by the providence of God, he was brought down, just as will be the antichrist. And we will be the ones who stand in supreme command of that new age, the real new age of the millennium, when Jesus Christ rules this whole earth and we as His associates.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1982

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