The National Education Association (NEA)


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1993)

We are studying the first seal. This is segment number 14. Our text is Revelation 6:1-2. The New Age movement, as it is called, is an extensive and intricate network of powerful people and organizations in American society. It is Satan's vehicle for establishing his control over mankind under the antichrist, which the book of the Revelation describes. Here in Revelation 6, he is presented as the rider on the white horse.


The goal of the New Age movement is to establish a world government based upon socialism. The American foundation of Judeo-Christianity, therefore, is to be replaced by the religion of humanism as expressed in Humanist Manifestos I and II. As such, they stand for certain specific things. Briefly, they are these:
  1. There is no personal living, sovereign God and prayer is a useless practice. All humanists believe that.

  2. Matter is eternal, and its present forms are the result of evolution – not creation, by a supernatural deity.

  3. Religious beliefs are not the product of revelation from God as recorded in Scripture, but they are the natural result of human experiences.

  4. Man does not have an eternal soul which survives after physical death, so he is to seek the good life here and now.

  5. There is no salvation for heaven to be sought, or punishment in hell to be avoided, since neither place exists.

  6. Principles of morality do not originate with a sovereign God, but with the consensus of society.

  7. Mankind is to be guided solely by reason and intelligence, and the revelations of science, because man can expect no help from beyond himself.

  8. Sexual conduct is not to be restricted by biblical rules, but left up to the individual and society.

  9. The family is to be a democracy with children voting their wills rather than the structure under the authority of the father and parents.

  10. Socialism, governed by an elite group of leaders, is to replace private property and free-enterprise capitalism.

  11. A world government is to replace the independence of separate nations.

  12. The world's wealth is to be redistributed and a world government to be placed in control of all of the world's resources.

  13. Man is to be viewed as the lord of creation rather than a supernatural Creator God.

  14. Abortion of unwanted pregnancies is to be accepted – also the right to suicide; and, ultimately to euthanasia.
Those are some of the basic viewpoints of humanism, and they are very serious about them. One humanist suggested that the euthanasia should not only be an option available, but should be a requirement in order to control the world population; and, a suitable dividing age would be 65 for automatic extermination. Some of you are already in bad shape today if those dudes have their way. Others of us can breathe a sigh of relief. But somewhere down the line, it's waiting for all of you.

Yes, you say these people are insane; they're crazy; they're wild; and, they're way out of it, but they are deadly serious. And they have a program, and they have established a network in the New Age movement which is so interwoven ... that you won't believe it, and it cannot be taken apart. Satan has done his homework, and he has put together something that is going to carry the human race right into the tribulation.

Public School Education

The primary means being used to establish the New Age, based on the doctrines of humanism, is public school education. The public schools are agents now to bring about social change in American society (since the inception of the John Dewey progressive education concept) by changing the beliefs and values of students.

The National Education Association (NEA)

The most powerful agency (we indicated) promoting the New Age of humanism in the public schools is the labor union, which is known as the National Education Association (NEA). The United States Department of Education is dominated by the NEA and its humanist objectives. All of the things which are basically wrong with American public schools are directly the result (virtually in toto) of the NEA policies which are pursuing social change and values clarification instead of the traditional American Judeo-Christian values, and the gaining of academic skills and knowledge.

The Objectives of the NEA

So, the National Education Association endorses presidential and congressional candidates as per the agreement of those candidates with the policies for which the NEA stands: the dogmas of the NEA; their goals; or, their objectives. So, when you hear that the national education has endorsed a political leader, you will know something about that political leader, and why these people are endorsing. Here briefly is what they are:
  1. Federal Control of Schools

    First of all, the NEA opposes local control of public schools. They want federal control by the Department of Education so that it may completely influence what is done in the classroom. Local control enables Christian communities (and Bible-respecting communities) to have an adverse influence on the education of their children, in the view of the NEA.
  2. Federal Funding

    The NEA opposes local financing of public schools. It wants federal funding, so that all schools will be under control of the federal government. In France, Francois Mitterrand has brought the private Christian schools (largely parochial Catholic schools) under tax credits. He has brought them under a voucher system where the government pays parents who want to send their children to parochial schools. Everybody was delighted. Then he let the second shoe fall, and he has now brought all those private Christian schools under the national government of France. Now it is the national government that dictates curriculum, teachers, and everything down the line to those schools. They got their national money, and they got the national control with it. That's what the NEA is out to do.
  3. No Supervision of Textbooks

    The NEA opposes parental supervision of textbooks. It prefers that to be a professional educator's role. It does not like parents poking their noses into textbooks, and discovering what their children are being taught.
  4. Classroom Behavior Modification Techniques

    The NEA supports classroom behavior modification techniques – brainwashing to change values from biblical rules. It calls this "values clarification." You'll be a smart Christian if you know that those are codewords for meaning change – to clarify means to change from Christian values to humanistic values.
  5. Planned Parenthood

    It supports Planned Parenthood. This is a very big item with the National Education Association. Margaret Sanger's movement is behind Planned Parenthood. She is the originator. I will not go into the life and customs and habits of Margaret Sanger, but they were something less than a biblical exemplary standard that one would want to pursue. This program of Planned Parenthood is supported by the federal government to give sex education without moral standards. Abortion is sacred to Planned Parenthood. It's the way of handling the result of this program, which, in effect, promotes sexual promiscuity. Margaret Sanger herself felt (in the back of her mind, and on occasion she would put it in print) that there were certain races that weren't fit to continue existing, and that there were certain ethnic groups that weren't worth propagating. Part of Planned Parenthood was genocide, to get rid of people like that. God puts them together, but Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood have made the decision that they don't have the quality of life, and should be eliminated.


    So, remember that that's part of Planned Parenthood – to see that birth control is applied to undesirable elements. However, it is designed to break down the child's condemnation of biblically immoral practices, and of sexual perversions. Planned Parenthood is, by government edict, authorized to dispense birth control pills to teenage girls without notifying their parents. And mind you, that this is the same girl that has to go home to her parents and get a signed statement for her to participate in athletics, or to go on a field trip. But she can be given birth control information and paraphernalia in secret from her parents. Statistics now show that this program of Planned Parenthood has not achieved this purported goal of decreasing unmarried teenage pregnancies. In fact, it has increased them enormously. That's why abortion is so depended upon to solve the problem. What they have done is instigated a program among immature youth to experiment with violating biblical principles of morality. Kids aren't equipped to handle that.

    Sex Education

    Furthermore, they explicitly support sex education from kindergarten through grade 12. A kindergartner is 5 years old. What kind of sex education does a 5-year-old need to make it in life? But, worse than that, this training program is, in its content, degrading. It is worse than what the kid can pick up on the streets in the gutter. As a matter of fact, that is the battle cry of the NEA. "We're going to give sex education in schools. Do you want your kid picking this stuff up in the gutter?" However, ... what they are getting in sex education came directly out of the gutter. And I mean gutter. But parents who have any sensitivity are enraged to have their children treated like animals. That's what sex education is about to do. And it does it. It's designed to free your child from all of those Christian inhibitions that you've taught him toward sexual immorality and its perversions. The student is bombarded with obscene and vulgar words to desensitize him like you wouldn't believe.
  6. Zero Population

    The NEA supports zero population. President Carter's "Global 2,000" report indicated that the world's resources would sustain only 2.5 billion people, not the current 4.5 billion people that exist in the world today. So, the "Global 2,000" report recommended using various means to roll back world population to 2 billion by the year 2000. This is the basis for all those campaigns you've been hearing about concerning zero population – discouraging people from having children, and encouraging women to get out of the home and to go to work instead of being at home as mothers. For this reason, abortion has been promoted. This helps roll the population back. Since abortion was legalized by the Supreme Court, we have murdered 15 million children. That is 15 million Heathers, or 15 million Ryans. That is 15 million of all these little children you see running around here. That's what we've done. That is more than we have killed in all of the wars we have fought as Americans.

    In China, they practice zero population in China. The only social security, however, that you have is that infant son. Every family now is told, "You can have one baby, and that is all. If you come up with another pregnancy, it is not uncommon for the authorities at certain times to sweep through a village and pick up hundreds of women who are pregnant, who already have one child, and to take them to clinics and abort them. But because social security is that son who can grow up and take care of the parents in their old age, the baby girls are slaughtered. The rivers are constantly filled with infant baby girls, because if you can only have one child, it has to be a boy. So, the practice is now common in China that, at the point of birth, the midwives will have a bucket of water standing by. And if the child is a girl, they'll immediately drown the infant, to give the mother a chance to have another child, and hopefully to get that son to take care of them in their old age.


    Homosexuality is also accepted for this reason, because homosexuality does not grow by reproduction, but by recruitment. That's why suddenly homosexuality is an accepted element in our society. This is one way of bringing the population down.


    Drugs, alcohol, tobacco or popularized in advertising because they are physically destructive. They are death-dealing.
  7. A Global Society

    The NEA supports a new international global society instead of national entities. That provides control over biblical truths. It is God's will for societies to exist as nations. That's why the Bible says that God set them out as nations and appointed their boundaries, because an evil international control can stop the flow of doctrinal information to everybody. But if it's just evil within one nation, that nation is cut off. But the access to the Word of God is still available.
  8. The NEA supports the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). You should understand that the Equal Rights Amendment is not after equality with men, but to establish a matriarchy in American society. The major drive behind the ERA is a spiritual objective, not a political objective. It envisions women becoming aware of their deity – their goddesshood, and ruling in the tradition of the ancient goddesses. The power of female sexuality is derived from their relationships to the great mother goddess, which is called Mother Earth or Mother Nature. Colleges now offer women's study courses which are designed explicitly to awaken a woman's awareness of her unity with nature as a goddess creature. And everybody knows that that unity with nature is plain, old-fashioned witchcraft. The pursuit of superiority to men, and independence from male authority, has consequently produced an enormous divorce rate, and then one-parent families. The ERA movement, seeking a matriarchy, neutralizes the divine institution of marriage, and it neutralizes the divine institution of the family. Therefore, it reduces parental influence over their children, and the incorporating of biblical values and beliefs in those children. So, Satan thus has created a way to take away human freedom.
  9. Homosexuality

    The NEA is pro-homosexual so that you cannot deny homosexuals access to teaching in school. And in fact, as one church in California discovered when they found that the organist they had was a homosexual and sought to dismiss them, had suit brought against them, and they couldn't do it.
  10. Social (and Anti-Capitalism)

    The NEA is pro socialism and anti-capitalism.
  11. Marijuana

    It is in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana for the simple reason that spaced-out people are easily enslaved.
  12. Humanism

    They subscribe to the dogmas of humanism. Christianity is always the barrier to liberalism, and to the concepts of humanism as subscribed to by the NEA.
  13. The United Nations

    They favor support of the United Nations. They actually have an Office of International Relations to coordinate with efforts to establish a global community. The United Nations, of course, is a sounding board (a forum) for communism and socialism. Free nations like the United States carry the brunt of the cost. But the whole point of that is, again, to destroy national entities. The NEA is all for that.
  14. Students' Rights

    The NEA champions students' rights over against parental rights. They believe in family democracy: one person; one vote. You don't do anything as a family unless your children vote as well. If they vote down the parents, the parents have to obey, or else the child can sue the parents. And the American Civil Liberties Union is right there at hand to help any kid sue his parents.
  15. Daycare

    The NEA calls for federal funds for daycare centers in which to influence children of working mothers.
  16. Forced Busing

    They favor forced busing away from neighborhood schools so as to destroy local pride and loyalties.
  17. The Department of Education

    They favor federal control of education via the Department of Education. That's why they are violently opposed to the termination of the Department of Education, and President Reagan hasn't been able to do it.
  18. National Environmental Policies

    They promote national environmental policies. They inhibit technology in order to reduce the American standard of living. If Americans keep enjoying the standard of living that they have now, they are not going to be inclined to be part of a world community, so that they can all become equally poor. We have already discussed some of these environmental attacks. The oil non-crises was invented in order to strip down Americans' freedom and ability to live up to the standards that God has blessed us with.
  19. The Declaration of Interdependence

    They favor the 1976 and Declaration of Interdependence, which is a call for a world government.
  20. A Nuclear Freeze

    They favor a nuclear freeze. They propose cutting the defense budget, which will undermine our national independence. However, there are no demands for mutual action on the part of Russia to cut her defense spending.
  21. Gun Control

    They favor gun control in order to reduce the criminal element. I saw an interesting sight a couple of years ago in Switzerland. On one of the interstates, there was a man who was riding a motorcycle, and he suddenly whipped around our bus and pulled in front of it. And as I looked, he had a submachine gun on his back. When I mentioned it to the driver, the driver says, "Oh, he's probably going to his local training session." Everybody (every home) in Switzerland is issued a weapon by the government. That is their national defense. Can you imagine a country where, behind every kitchen door, you not only had your mop, but your machine gun? And who has the lowest crime rate in the world? Switzerland. That is because that little old sweet patootie housewife has something more she can haul out from behind that door than just her broom, if you get ugly. That is terribly discouraging to evil – to know that you might pay the price immediately. So, you can see the nonsense of: "Let's control the guns so that we can control the criminals. In public schools in the United States, teachers are attacked mostly with knives and clubs. But the NEA has no position of penalties for anybody possessing a knife or a club. The totalitarian world of the NEA requires a citizenry which is powerless to resist its elite masters. So, they are for gun control.
  22. The Metric System

    They favor immediate imposition of the metric system on Americans. This is an important feature of making the United States part of the world community. It's another way to help impoverished Americans – by the billions of dollars that it would cost us in conversion. I go out of my way not to drink anything that is sold in liters; or, to buy it, if I can get it any other way. If I can get it on the black market in ounces, I'll buy it there. This is the imposition (this insanity) that we Americans have to be like the rest of the world. We don't have to be like the rest of them. They're the ones who are dependent upon us; not we upon them. It is no advantage to us. In reality, it is really impossible for us to convert to a metric system. It would take a century or more probably to even be able to do that. But it's an awful imposition. There is an awful lot of confusion and cost in the meantime, simply to keep the United States from being able to be the impact that it has been in the world.
  23. Public Prayer and other Christian Customs

    It opposes the free exercise of prayer on public property, and all Christian customs such as Christmas and Easter.
  24. Communism

    The last point is that it opposes the United States' effort to resist the sustaining and the spread of communism as in Nicaragua and Central America. The NEA never condemns Russia for its aggression and its conquests.
So, there you have a picture of what the NEA stands for. When it supports anybody, it supports that person because that person says, "I'll help you to achieve those goals." That is pure New Age movement. That's the antichrist world. And that is permeating our American educational system.

Now, here's the program of the National Education Association. How do they go about doing these things? In February of 1983, the NEA had a conference. The conference theme was "Teaching the Right Stuff – the Great Classroom Invasion." One of the workshops of that conference was entitled "When the Righteous Rule," meaning the adverse influence of Christians and groups like the Moral Majority who insist on promoting biblical viewpoints within the public school system. Of course, the goal of this conference was very clear – to get Americans to equate what is legal with what is also morally right. Christianity frustrates this completely. A federal government can say that something is legal, but it is not morally right if the Bible condemns it. And if there are people who are going to listen to the Bible, they're not going to go along with the federal viewpoint. So, what you must do is try to disassociate people's thinking from what the Bible says, so that if the government says it's legal to do something immoral, you won't hesitate to do it.

Now, how are you going to do that? Through the children. And there lies the problem –, parents. The NEA has made it very clear that this is the primary hindrance to preparing children for the new age of humanism and globalism. That is because parents and still their children with Judeo-Christian values, and consequently, these children come to school with certain ideas about morality; free-enterprise; private property; personal dependability; personal responsibility; antagonisms toward being a charity program of a welfare-state operator; pride in country; and, pride in the forefathers of the country. All of those things are viewed by the NEA as undermining what they're out to do. This is very clear in Christian the family.

We've just come off of a tremendous campout. In Fredericksburg, we visited the Nimitz Museum of the Pacific War. They have a terrific portrayal of the step-by-step events of that great effort that God gave us victory in, in securing and preserving, again, by spreading the graves of brave American men around the South Pacific who preserved our freedom. Back in the campground, we studied the Bible doctrine of warfare. It was interesting to me, as we would bring up questions to see how many of those kids were alert; bright-eyed; and, on their toes with the answers, and with analyzing a situation that I present with them in putting their finger on what the biblical answer is. They were, I'm happy to tell you, very often, your own children who attend Berean Memorial church regularly. They call it some biblical doctrinal understanding, and they reflect it. The kids are influenced by what you tell them at home.

The NEA says, "That's bad." The humanist educators contend that Judeo-Christian values and principles do not fit the modern world. So, they say that a child is confused, and he urgently needs "values clarification." Now, you know that means "change." In 1983, "The Humanist" magazine called for public school teachers to override parental influence, and to lead their pupils to the new faith of humanism and a global community. Pastor Sullivan was struggling with the state legislature in the state of Nebraska to operate a Christian school with teachers that were qualified by a Christian frame of reference, but not having to be qualified from the humanist frame of reference of the state. On one occasion, he had one of the Nebraska senators sit across the table and say to him, "Fundamental Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their faith. We are preparing them for the year 2000 when America will be part of a one-world global society." That is a beautiful summary of exactly what the NEA is after, and what the New Age movement intends to bring in to your society. And it's going to do it through your children.

So, the NEA association views children who come to school with Judeo-Christian values as actually being mentally ill, and that's what they call them. They call them mentally ill and they determine that they need psychotherapy to reorient them. Of course, this is an old hack right out of communism. Anybody who doesn't want to live in the misery of the worker's paradise of Russia is considered insane. Anybody who would rather live in the United States is considered to be right off the banana tree. So, they sent him to psychotherapy (to the insane asylum).

These people are serious. Let me read a couple of quotes to you. Here's one from a leading humanist, Dr. Pierce of Harvard University, who was speaking to a group of teachers on one occasion at a conference in 1973. Here's what he had to say: "Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with allegiance toward our elected officials; toward our founding fathers; toward our institutions; toward the preservation of this form of government that we have; patriotism; nationalism; and, sovereignty. All of that proves the children are sick, because the truly well individual is one who has rejected all of those things, and is what I would call 'the true international child of the future.'" They are serious when they say, "Your children are mentally ill," and they proceed to heal them in the classroom.

Here's another one: The NEA conducts a national training laboratory. In one of their publications, they said this: "Although they appear to behave appropriately, and seem normal by most cultural standards, they may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes or beliefs." This is speaking about your children, who need to be changed so that they won't be in conflict with a New Age society.

Also, I will read from a government report which is put out by the Department of Education: "The child of suburbia is likely to be a materialist, and somewhat of a hypocrite. He tends to be a striver in school; a conformist; and, above all, in being nice, polite, clean, and tidy. He is often conspicuously self-centered. In all these respects, the suburban child patterns his attitudes after those of his parents." And there lays the problem. So, the public school looks at your children (under its NEA inspiration) and says, "These kids are sick. They think in terms of old American values." And it proposes, therefore, that classroom teacher should view themselves as clinical technicians who are in a medical practice. They're securing social change rather than instruction in skills and knowledge. That's why the progressive education of John Dewey did not do too well in teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic. They didn't care about that. They were making changes in the value system of your children to prepare them for a global society. The goal is to secure "value clarifications" which enable a child to accept any violation of God's moral code, and to discard the Bible as an authority for personal conduct.

These changes are urged as early as possible before the child's home training is set. The earlier you get a child, the better. If you have children, you probably will have noticed that amazing quality of being able to understand a language that they themselves cannot verbalize. They go around grunting and pointing and making funny sounds. But if you tell them to do something, they respond; and, you wonder: how can this kid understand English, when we've got them in our academy in the eighth grade who don't understand English, and are unable to use two sentences correctly? What is there about that brain that stands around and just absorbs a language like a sponge?

Well, that's the way God made that child. And if you put somebody who spoke different languages around that child, he will just sponge it all up like that, and he would have to look at you to know which language to use to you. It would be no problem. These people know that. The same thing happens with your values, with what you teach your children from the earliest days. So, we are having a study in the state of Texas concerning how to improve public education. Do you know what the current conclusions are? Here are some of the things that currently are being recommended. All of them are designed to do one thing – to keep your child away from you as much as possible during his waking hours. That is the bottom line.

Therefore, the recommendations are to extend the school day two more hours – extend it to nine hours. They recommend to begin the school year two weeks earlier or more. As a matter of fact, they want to extend the school year to include the summer months, and really undercut family time. They want to lower the school-required entrance age immediately to four years old. Any child who is four years old has to go to school. Eventually, they want to get it down to two years old. They now want to make kindergarten not just a half-day class as an introduction to school and acclimating to classroom procedures and basic learning skills, but to make kindergarten all day. They want to establish daycare centers for children from six months old and up – daycare centers in which these things will be taught. They want to extend the school supervision to after school activities in the community so that the kid isn't even at home for his playtime.

So, the goal is to influence the child with the new age concepts of globalism and humanism during his earliest years, when his mind is a sponge, soaking up all these basic impressions, values, and ideals. And the undermining of the American economy has made it necessary for so many mothers to have a job (or at least think it's necessary for them to have a job), that it removes them from the influence of those early years of the child. It is God's plan that, in those earliest years, that child's most influential teacher is his mother, even more than his father. A child spends probably 75% of his time away from his father, who works. But as a youngster, he spends all of his time with his mother. She is the primary teacher. The whole idea is to get the child away from that Christian-oriented mother, and thus to prepare for a new sense of values.

You know what the current promotion of computers in public school training is. Computers are going to be there are left and right, and they're going to be there in order to bypass the teacher. The idea is to prepare a New Age humanist curriculum under the National Education Association. The Department of Education has announced that it is planning to have every school child on computer training by the end of the 1980s. Furthermore, by the year 2000, the Department of Education has announced that it plans to have eliminated textbooks in public schools completely. All you will have will be microchips, and computers that talk to you. Therefore, the education of your child will be completely controlled, and you, as parents, won't be butting your noses into that child's textbook at home for you to discover some of the things that they are teaching him at school. You won't know what's going on, because it'll all be controlled from on top. Your child will be programmed to beliefs of internationalism, and to a science which increasingly is mixed with the concepts of psychic powers, and thus to resist all parental authority. That is the objective. That is the program of the National Education Association, and it permeates our schools today.

The Interview

Here are some of the techniques that they use to clarify values. One is called the interview. The child has stood up before the whole class. The teacher then proceeds to probe the child with questions concerning his personal, intimate beliefs. A child will be asked," What do you think about having sex before you're married? What do you think about having sex as a homosexual, or a lesbian? What do you think about abortion? What do you think about deceiving (covering up)?

Now, the child will face ridicule against his old-fashioned beliefs in a normal classroom situation? Most of the kids who grow up on television programs that you see today will have been so morally jaded and degenerated that they will laugh at a child that will come out with biblical answers: "Why are you so different?" And the child, in his immaturity, is not able to cope with defending the values that his parents have given him. The child is right in his values, but he is not mature enough to be able to come up against a clever teacher or the peer pressure of the whole class. So, doubt is cast in his mind upon what he believes. In this way, his beliefs have been "unfrozen" from what his parents instilled in him. Once the beliefs are unfrozen, then he is shown the potential rewards from his peers and his teachers, if he will "refreeze" with new values. The child then is given somebody as an example to follow who has the practices of a barnyard animal that he may associate with, and that he may pattern himself after as a role model, and thus develop the habit of doing evil.


Another technique to values clarification is exploring and keeping a record of your emotions. You keep a diary about your feelings: when you want to punch your father in the mouth; when you want to kick your mother someplace; what you think about your home; and, what you think about your country; your friends; your religion; discipline; sex; and, all of your most intimate thoughts. You write them down. And the child is told to give expression to any of his emotions, and his hatreds, and his envies, and his loss. But he is carefully warned, "Don't let your parents see your record." But the teacher sees it, and is a guide to the teacher on how to deal with what this child believes in order to change him from biblical values.

Another technique is survival games. Children are forced to make life and death decisions on the basis of the quality of life that other people have. They'll take chairs in a circle, and they'll all be given a role: you're a prostitute; you're a very valuable craftsman; you're a mother; you're this; and, you're that. And now we're in a lifeboat. This lifeboat has three people too many. Three of you have to be thrown overboard to die. The children are asked to make the decision on who should die. They're told to make the decision not on any moral basis, but on the quality of life. They are psyched to think that they can point at a person and say, "You're not worth living; you're too old; you're too ugly, or, you're too something else. I've decided that you shouldn't continue. Children learn to play God.

There is also a scenario at the fallout shelter. Everybody rushes into a little enclave of chairs, and they find that there are too many people for the food in the water. They go around again, in the same way, and decide who's going to get thrown out there to die. These decisions are made on the basis of the person's social worth under the guidance of the teacher – not on the fact that they are in the image of God, and it's a quality of life that God has given them, and God decides who lives and who dies. You share the shelter; you share the food; you share the water; and, you go as far as you can. Then each group is programed to this kind of basic brutality. There are no moral issues involved.

Furthermore, the child is conditioned to impose death on someone in order to bring about good. Romans 3:8 condemns that principle: "I'll do evil in order that I may achieve good." The Bible is very explicit: You never do some evil thing in order to achieve a good thing. But children are acclimated to this kind of decision-making, including accepting death. Do you realize that in public schools some of the writing exercises are to have children write their own obituaries? They are also shown how to conduct a funeral service. They practice running a funeral. That's kind of fun for kids. I remember when I was a junior, I had a pet crab (one of those things with claws), and the thing died. So, I went out in the backyard, and I dug a little square hole. And I got a little square matchbox, and I filled it with soft stuff, and laid this dead crab in it. Then I closed the coffin lid on him, and devised a little system with ropes across a hole, and I laid the box down there, and I gradually lowered him into the hole, just like they do in the big time. Then I shoveled it in, and had a little funeral service for that crab.

Kids find that to be kind of fun to do, but they're also learning something, because I have them lie on the grave, and learn how to die. The whole point is that death is not all that bad. In an age of totalitarian government, you have to be ready to have people to be willing to let other people be killed left and right, and for nobody to squawk about it. You have to eliminate any rebellion. And like the communists like to say: "In order to build a paradise, you do have to break a few eggs."


Another way of changing values is through role play. A child is placed in the role that he would normally recoil from practicing himself. Let me read a few of them that come actually from public school textbooks in the state of Maryland. For example, in the 7th grade English class (that's 12-year-olds): "Being drunk and coming home to find your parents sitting in the living room with friends. How would you get past them without them knowing?" Can you imagine a kid in a classroom pretending that he's drunk, and staggering in there: "Hi, Mom," and getting by without them knowing it?

Here is one from the 10th grade biology classroom. That's 15-year-olds: "Coming home at 4 A.M., when you were supposed to be home at midnight. How would your parents react?" Can you imagine all the kids showing how their parents would storm, and yell, and fume, and pound, and make the parents look like fools, because they didn't think you should be out at 4:00 in the morning? Well, if you're a 15-year-old, and you're dating, they are fools, unfortunately. That's one thing that some parents aren't smart enough to learn – that dating is for mating. And dating is a game that you play when you become an adult – after you get out of high school, not before. But you can invite all the trouble in the world if you want. I've noticed that the minute the juveniles begin dating, they always lose their interest in enjoying their boyhood and girlhood, and doing the things that they'll never be able to do again at the age that they are now, because they want to play little miniature adults.

This is one form an 8th grade English class. This is 13-year-old: "Your mother finds marijuana in your bedroom. Now what do you do? And they act out how to act in front of the mother. They might play dumb: "Marijuana? What marijuana? I didn't see any marijuana. Who put that marijuana in there?" And they carry on, and just act it all out.

Here's a 10th grade home economics class. This is 15-year-olds. "A boy with several years of schooling ahead of him is confronted by a girl he has been dating. She tells him he could be the father of her expected child, and she demands he marry her. If neither professes to love the other, what should they do now?" Now, find yourself some 15-year-old around here, and take a look at them, and ask yourself how much justification there is for having that kind of role-playing in discussion.

How about Dungeons and Dragons? You people like to play those games. Dungeons and Dragons is a popular game in which players compete to summon demon dark forces to defeat their opponents. The child pretends that he's using mystical, dark forces to win battles, and thus to exercise occult powers. Children thereby are engaged in playing deity, and in having their awe and respect for God to be neutralize, because they can be gods themselves. This is called by the NEA group: getting the God-syndrome out of children. The latest version of Dungeons and Dragons now is an electronic game. It is very fascinating. All of these creatures come flying out, and you call these people up from the dark recesses, and you get them to conquer the enemy that's attacking you. Now you can do it on a video screen. It's a subtle introduction to the occult world.

Or they'll have the kids play the United Nations, and to play it in such a way as to convey the idea that the United Nations is a peace-keeper, and that it is a humanitarian agent to help backward nations with the resources of prosperous nations, and that that's a good thing to do.

Role-playing is psychotherapy which uses drama to change the values of children. It brainwashes them to separate them from their traditional biblical and American values. The object, of course, is to create faith in an all-powerful state instead of the Creator God. And the child is then led to abandon the views that his parents have put into his mind. The school system says, "He's come to them mentally ill with those, and these are the techniques which are used to detach him from those beliefs. The basis of morality then is reduced to how you feel, devoid of divine guidelines. The principle then becomes: "If it feels good after doing it, then it's good. If it feels bad after you've done it, then it's immoral." So, truth is equated with your pleasure, not the Word of God. You can experience a feeling then of relative morality rather than to be restricted by absolute standards from the Word of God.

I realize that public school teachers often deny that their schools are doing this, and you should be prepared for that. They deny that their school is incorporating the New Age of humanism. And in certain parts of the country, that is, perhaps, more true than not. But the problem is that even those teachers themselves don't recognize what is being done sometimes, because they're not alerted to what they're doing, and very often because each teacher only gets one little speck of it. So, it slips by. It's not such a big impact at one time. So, a teacher may be teaching math, for example, and you wonder: "How can you incorporate these things in math?" Well, unless you're on your guard, the way they incorporate them is in the word problems that are used. The frame of reference of that word problem suddenly impacts the value clarifications. Unless you are on your guard (and the average teacher is interested in teaching the skill – not in analyzing a textbook in that way), it slips by. So, in every classroom, the kid gets a little here, and a little there. The teachers only give a little at a time, but the youngster gets the whole ball of wax.

So, this is the thrust of Revelation 6:1-2, and the rider on the white horse. He's bringing a New Age – a New Age that will set the scene for the antichrist as a perverted ruler of the whole world, empowered by Satan – something which is impossible as long as a people are associated with Christian values and dedicated to biblical principles. The change has to be made gradually. The only place you can make it is with that sponge-like mind of your children, which will absorb these new viewpoints. Then, suddenly, to your horror, you discover how distorted and perverted their thinking has been, while you entrusted them to a system that you thought was going to prepare them in the highest traditions of American public school education. Thank God that there are Christians who are standing in the breach, and who are informing the rest of us. Be sure that you play your part as well.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1982

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