Inerrancy; and, Education

© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1977)

Once more we are in Romans 4:13-15. We have read the first part of that verse, which says, "For the promise that he (that is, Abraham) should be heir of the world." We're looking at the fact that Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, was given a very tremendous promise. The purpose of this promise was for God to establish His authority upon this earth in what we have been referring to as the Kingdom of God, in contrast to the authority of Satan, which is now upon this earth in which we have been referring to as evolutionary humanism.

Evolutionary Humanism

Today, all the world functions on this human viewpoint of evolutionary humanism. Satan, as the ruler of mankind, is building the kingdom of man in rebellion against God and His authority, the kingdom of God on this earth. Satan's world is organized according to his human viewpoint concepts, and it is organized specifically to oppose God and His divine viewpoint principles. The Bible, therefore, in our society today is simply dismissed as having any final authority over mankind. The reason for this is that the Bible very clearly condemns the position of evolutionary humanism.

Satan apparently believes in the eternity of matter, and thus of evolution of angels; of people; of animals; and, of plants. In this process of evolution, Satan apparently has included both himself and God. For this reason, he feels free to challenge God's authority, and expects to be able to remove God from that position of authority. He simply sees God as a personality who has evolved ahead of him. In this way, he probably explains the miracles that God is able to perform.

Satan can Perform Miracles

As you know, Satan is a great miracle worker. Satan will receive the tribulation world with the miracles he performs. Therefore, it is no problem when Satan watches God create a world, and called out of nothing something into being. Satan looks upon that, and that doesn't really disturb him. That doesn't really lead him to think: "Well, God must be something more. Maybe He didn't evolve." All that Satan sees is that God has evolved farther along the line than he has, because he knows he can perform miracles. In time, he anticipates that he will develop the capacity to perform the kinds of miracles that he sees God performing.

So, Satan very definitely, I think, believes in the eternity of matter, and the evolution of conscious life out of matter. For that reason, to him, it makes a lot of sense to think that he can dethrone God. And he is proceeding to this day to try to do that very thing.

Communications from the demonic world confirm that this is the view of Satan. You could say, "Well, the demons are lying to us." They were lying to Edgar Cayce, as in some of those communications we read last time. But I think not. I think that this is a representation indeed of what the demonic world believes about the origin of the universe and of God.

So, the kingdom of man is being built by Satan, and it has evolution as its cornerstone doctrine. This eliminates the authority of God, and frees man to be independent and to be autonomous. Evolution, of course, also serves Satan's great goal of being worshiped. That's the thing that he is after.

In Revelation 13:4, we read, "And they worshiped the dragon (that is, Satan) who gave power unto the beast (that is, the antichrist). And they worshiped the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?'" Here, in the tribulation period, the time will come when society will no longer be worshiping Satan only in little pockets here and there that we consider kooks today. But all of organized society will be worshiping Satan knowingly and deliberately, and will be giving honor to the antichrist, the man who is obviously Satan's man, and who obviously carries Satan's power.


So, materialism leads to pantheism, we have shown, and pantheism leads to Satan's goal of being worshiped. The principle is that if God is in everything, and part of the material world, then when you make an idol, that idol has God in it. Indeed, behind that idol stands demonic power so that people who worship an idol do find powerful results from that worship. They're not getting it from that dumb piece of wood or stone or metal, but they are getting it from the demonic power behind it. So, materialism leads to the concept that God is in everything because (as the demons told Edgar Cayce) God came out of material things. Therefore, pantheism leads to the worship of Satan.

The final expression, of course, as we've seen, of Satan worship will be through the antichrist in the tribulation. We have this described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 and verse 11, and in Revelation 13:6 and verse 8. Today, our country, and countries around the world, are on a runaway train toward this business of worshiping Satan, because we have had in recent times the tremendous resurgence of the interest in and the practice of astrology; occultism; drugs; and, perverted and immoral sex, all of which are always associated with Satan worship. These things are very much encouraged in our society today. There are television programs now that are on the air such that all you have to do is watch just the opening announcements, and you just feel a wave of revulsion and of degradation before you ever get into the program itself. You're wise not to let it go beyond that point.

This is being blatantly put out by Satan himself, and it is leading to ultimately Satan's goal of dethroning God. This is a very serious thing that public television is permitted to put on the kind of morally degrading programs that they are permitted to put on, because it serves the goal of evolutionary humanism, which serves the goal of pantheism, which serves the goal of Satan worship.


Today, the primary hindrance to this deception of mankind is the Bible, because the Bible claims supreme authority over mankind. If the Bible is indeed a supremely authoritative book, then it clearly undermines everything that Satan is trying to do. The Bible, for example, exposes evolutionary humanism as a big lie. Therefore, it is understandable that Satan leads the kingdom of man to attack the inerrancy of the Bible very, very vociferously. The reason Satan does that is because if the Bible is not inerrant, then the Bible is not authoritative. I hope you have now learned that principle – no inerrancy; no authority. The moment you say, "Yes, the Bible, as it came from the pens of the original writers, did include mistakes in certain areas, you can forget the Bible as a book of authority.

You may say, "Oh, I'm not going to say that. I'm only saying that I feel that I must say that there was a mistake in this number; there was a mistake in this historical fact they recorded; or, there was a mistake in this scientific opinion they expressed. But I don't think there are mistakes about spiritual things. I don't think there are mistakes about salvation." That's nonsense. The God who wrote the Bible is the God who wrote the Bible. And if He writes mistakes in some parts of it, then we cannot presume that He would not make mistakes in parts that deal with our eternal welfare.

So, all of our social institutions today ignore the Scriptures because they believe that the Bible has mistakes in it, and therefore, human reason feels free to judge the Bible, and to bring it under evaluation as to what is to be obeyed and what is not to be obeyed.

The opponents of inerrancy are twofold. One: they are the unbelieving liberals. They say it's shot-through with mistakes, not only on non-salvation issues, but also on salvation issues. They very clearly say that the Bible is wrong when it says, "Jesus Christ was God." They say, "He wasn't. He was just a fine man." They say the Bible is wrong when it suggests that Jesus Christ was born in a different way than other human beings are born – without a human father, and so on. All the basics of the Christian faith are denied by the liberals, and they are very vociferous and very adamant on the fact that there are mistakes in the Bible.

There was a man several years ago who came from a Methodist family. His father was a Methodist. This man wrote a book called One Foot in Heaven. It was a very clever and entertaining book. It was a book describing his life as a preacher's kid growing up in a preacher's home. But it was at a day in a time when Methodism, as it originally began, was very true to the Word of God, and when Methodism held to an inerrant Bible. The son in time deviated from the viewpoints of his father toward the Word of God. In a national magazine, one day, there appeared an article by this son, the title of which was There are 50,000 Mistakes in the Bible. This was a very impressive remark and title. After you read the article, you discover that the 50,000 mistakes in the Bible were the fact that we have manuscript copies of the originals, and we have variations of a word or a letter here and there, and that sort of thing.

Lower Criticism

Scholarship has what's called lower criticism, which is an analysis of the text itself. Scholarship has devised principles by which, when they find two manuscripts, and they have a variant word or a variant spelling, they have a way of determining which was in the original. So, even liberal scholarship today would say that in the New Testament, you have half-a-page of words that we're not sure were actually in what Paul and Peter and John wrote. That's nothing; and, they're insignificant words.

So, this man was obviously being very deceitful to write an article entitled There are 50,000 Mistakes in the Bible. Why was he doing this? He was doing it in order to undermine the authority of the Bible, because he had come in his life far from the ground of his father. And he no longer wanted to be subject to the viewpoints; to the morality; and, to the principles of the Word of God. And the only way he could deviate from that, and justify it in his own mind, was to destroy the authority of the Bible. He was very clever. How did he do it? By attacking the inerrancy of the Bible. If he could establish that the Bible had 50,000 mistakes in it, man, he was home-free after that to do anything he wanted to do, because his reason could bring judgment upon anything that the Bible condemned in his practice.

So, the first opponents are these unbelieving liberals.

The second opponents of inerrancy are the believing, evangelical fundamentalists. These are people who are in our camp today. These people say that the Bible has mistakes in non-revelational areas, but it does not have mistakes in revelational areas. It does not have mistakes in spiritual areas, but only in areas that are peripheral.

Well, the single greatest debate today, consequently, among theologians is over the question of the inerrancy of the Bible. The decision that they make is going to determine the flow of Christianity henceforth. The problems, actually, of discrepancies and errors in the Bible are only apparent discrepancies. As we have shown you, they've been resolved time and time again.

Why do we always have to treat the Bible as if it is, first of all, a book of deception? Why do we have to treat the Bible as a book that has to prove that what it says is true? We will read the writings of some nonentity, Egyptian king from some ancient dynasty, and we'll fully believe what he says, without questioning whether he was telling us the truth. Many times those Egyptian pharaohs were lying through their teeth. Some of those pharaohs would look upon an obelisk which a previous pharaoh had erected, and in which he had chiseled out his marvelous exploits as the pharaoh, including his name; and, it was not beyond some of those pharaohs to order their men to go up there and chisel out the name of the previous pharaoh, and put their name in it, so that they were credited with all these exploits, when they had nothing to do with it whatsoever. There are lots of deception in ancient writings, and scholars immediately take them as being credible. But we come to the Bible, and we treat that as having no credibility at all.

Well, the reason for this, of course, is the effect of sin on the human mind. And the results of our decision on errancy or inerrancy are going to be very definite. We could draw a little diagram where we have the Word of God upon a mountain peak. If we say that the Bible is errant (that is, it has mistakes in it), then man, will go down one side of the mountain which we could call the kingdom of man. And over it will hang the cloud of human viewpoint. If we say that the Bible is inerrant, as it claims to be, then man will go down the other side of the mountain, which is the kingdom of God, and over it hangs the happy cloud of divine viewpoint. This is why this is an important theological debate today. Christianity will go one way or another. You as an individual will go one way or another.

Though, at a certain point, you may not descend too far in the denial of Scriptures or of the basic doctrines of Scripture yourself, I can guarantee you that the people you have taught inerrancy, who come after you, will keep descending and descending and descending until they go down into the deepest valley of unbelief. Anytime an institution, or anytime an individual takes the position that there are errors in the Bible, he's done for. His life will go down. The people who listen to him, whom he teaches, who are influenced by him, will go even further down than he will. Whereas those who take the position of inerrancy will lead people to the best that God has for them.

Defending Inerrancy

So, that, of course, brings us to the question of: how are we going to deal with the people who are the opponents of inerrancy? This is a serious error. It is no problem for the liberals. They've already gone from Christianity. But it is a problem for those of us who are in the evangelical, fundamentalist camp because we are the last bulwark against the kingdom of man on earth today. We are the last bulwark hindering Satan's fulfillment of his plans. So, basically, here is what you should do with people who are opponents of inerrancy, who believe that the Bible has mistakes in it.
  1. Remove Them from Teaching Positions

    Remove them from teaching positions, whether in the local church or in institution: Bible schools; seminaries; or, colleges. As a matter of fact, if you were a man and a woman of honor, and you were teaching in an institution that says, "We believe in an inerrant Bible, and we believe that the Word of God is without error," and you change your position on that, you'll go to that group and say, "I can't be associated with you anymore. I can't teach in this school." And you would get out. But there is a strange thing that the people who go toward the side of errancy in the Scripture always go as well to the side that lacks integrity. They reflect a lack of personal integrity. They do not mind playing a deceit.

    Many, many times, men who have been even in theological seminaries have signed a statement annually (that usually seminary professors are asked to sign) in which the school says, "We believe in inerrancy," and they signed it with mental reservation. There is something about the people who challenge the absolute truth of all parts of the Bible that causes them to be willing to be a little bit deceitful; and, as they go along, to be more deceitful. And that's why they don't resign. They just keep their peace and keep signing the statement. But if you're a man of honor, and if you're a man of integrity, then you're going to say, "I can't be in this school," and you remove yourself.

    If you're teaching in a Sunday school, and you believe that the Bible has mistakes in it, and that church has the position that the Bible does not have mistakes in it, then get out of the Sunday school teaching. That's all. There are plenty of Sunday schools around that are quite willing to take teachers who believe there are mistakes in the Bible, and who are quite willing for you to teach that. I just can't understand these people – why they hang on with a group that has a position that they cannot subscribe to, and yet they hang in there, instead of getting out and finding themselves a group compatible to their viewpoint.

  2. Withhold Financial Support

    This next one is a very important one. Do not give financial support. I guarantee you that this is what Satan is doing with us – those of us who hold to theistic creationism on every aspect of our work and every expression of our work. One of the things that Satan is doing (and sometimes he does it very beautifully) is to restrict funds from flowing to us – even funds that are already committed that we can't get to. The devil is very adept at this. Why is he doing this? Because he knows that restricting funds restricts the outflow of the declaration of the Word of God. If a group holds for inerrancy, he knows that that group is undermining what he stands for. So, I say that when you find a group that does not hold to the credibility of the Bible that it claims for itself, then don't give financial support to that work.
  3. Read their Publications, and Act Accordingly

    Read the publications of these men with reservation, and don't even buy some of their books when you know that the point of view that they're putting in that book is false on this issue of errancy or inerrancy. Just don't finance them by buying their publications.
  4. Do not Attend those Churches

    Do not attend churches where the pastor holds to errancy. As a matter of fact, don't call such pastors to your pulpit to begin with. Just do not attend a church where the pastor cannot unequivocally, without hedging, say, "Yes, I believe that the Bible is free of all error." If he cannot look you in the eye and say that, then just don't have anything to do with that congregation. He will poison your spiritual life. He is a very dangerous man. Have nothing to do with him. And that means to have enough divine viewpoint stability such that, just because he is a very gracious, sociable, so-called loving man, and that you just like him so much because he's just such a nice person that you keep going there anyhow. That's the devil's work. A preacher who is a nice, wonderful, sociable, attractive person that you like is someone that you probably can't trust. I never have problems with that.
  5. Disassociate Yourself with such Institutions

    Disassociate yourself from institutions which tolerate the errancy viewpoint in its midst. There are many para-church groups – groups that work with college students; groups that work with high school students; and, groups that work with this group or that group. They're para-church groups. Many of them will tolerate people on their staffs who believe that the Bible is not free of error. If you find a group that will tolerate staff members who do not believe in inerrancy, then get rid of them. Don't have anything to do with them. Disassociate yourself from them. Now, that's strong language. I even go further. I tell you that if a group that tolerates charismatics on its staff, wash your hands of them. Separate yourself from that. That's a satanic movement. Have nothing to do with them.

    I heard a man on television two days ago that was in a charismatic group. He was telling of a great healing that he had just been participant in. And a man asked him, "What work do you do?" He mentioned one of these para-church groups that you know very well right there on national television. I'd find out from that group what they did when they discovered that man. Did they say, "OK, buddy, that's it? You're out. You're off of this staff. You're speaking in tongues. You're playing the healing rackets. Out!" If they did not do that, then I'd wash my hands of that group. It's very difficult for these para-church groups to do that. They cannot be automatically true to the Word of God unequivocally, over the board, right down the line, because they have too much financial support that they are getting from these groups, so they can't cut themselves off.

    However, if you're smart, and if you want to protect your eternal welfare and your rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ, then disassociate yourselves from institutions of this nature.

  6. "Fundamentalists" or "Evangelicals" or "Bible Christians"

    You should make it clear that those who reject Biblical inerrancy can no longer call themselves fundamentalists or evangelicals or Bible Christians. These groups traditionally hold to an inerrant Scripture. Inerrancy protects the basic doctrines which are held by these groups. Therefore, if you give up the inerrancy of Scripture, you no longer can hold the doctrines that these groups hold to.
  7. Academic Pedigrees

    Do not be impressed with a teacher's academic pedigree, but note his attitude toward the Bible's claim to inerrancy. That is the issue. It is not his academic pedigree. He may be very impressive. He may have all kinds of doctorate degrees. But you look and see what he thinks about inerrancy. The Bible claims to be inerrant because the Bible claims to be inspired.
  8. The Trustworthiness of the Bible

    What should you do about the people who oppose inerrancy? You should stand tall and firm for the complete trustworthiness of the Bible, and God will honor you with eternal rewards beyond your fondest dreams. The position of inerrancy is the position that lends itself to the production of divine good works for which God can reward you.
You have to look at our society and say, "Well, where is this poison toward the Scriptures, and where is the poison toward all the concepts that we've been reviewing here under the title of evolutionary humanism, and the concept of evolution itself, which is the cornerstone of this viewpoint – where is this poison primarily coming into American society? How is it that people all around us are contaminated by this? How is it that it's not just adults, but it's down there in our kids? They function on these same principles of evolutionary humanism.


Well, the answer to that is education. Education is the key feature that Satan uses in building the kingdom of man. And the public schools and the secular universities are the primary forces indoctrinating people in evolutionary humanism. They are atheists in effect. They say they're neutral, but to be neutral is to be an atheist.

So, students in these public schools and in secular institutions are taught that man is the highest product of evolution. They're taught that man's reason, as a matter of fact, has so evolved that he can now further control his own evolution. So, man can actually improve the problems of man. Man can actually solve the problems of man. The reason politicians claim this; the reason the sociologists claim this; and, the reason psychiatrists claim this – the reason all these people are suggesting that man can solve his problems is because they believe that man's thinking has so evolved that he can now control his further evolution.

Dr. Henry M. is a highly respected scientists in the field of hydraulics. He's a creationist, and he is an educator. He has written some excellent books. One of his latest is entitled Education for the Real World. In this book, he has this quotation, which comes from ... a book called The Brave New World. Here's what this humanistically oriented scientist says in his book that Dr. Morris is quoting: "We no longer need to be subject to blind external forces, but can manipulate the environment, and eventually may be able to manipulate our genes. Thus, unlike any other species, we may be able to interfere with our biological evolution."

What this man is saying is that man can now direct his own evolution so that he is solving his problems. He is refining out the problems that are in human nature. That's what socialism thinks it can do. Certainly communism thinks it can create the new man. The idea is that man is independent. He's responsible only to himself because there is no Creator.

Here's another quotation. This one is from one of the founders of the American Humanist Association, Sir Julian Huxley. Here's what he says: "I use the word humanist to mean someone who believes that man is just as much a natural phenomenon as an animal or plant – that his body, mind, and soul were not supernaturally created, but are the products of evolution; and, that he is not under the control or guidance of any supernatural being or beings, but has to rely on himself and his own powers."

Sir Julian Huxley has very ably stated the point of view of the humanist society (the humanist viewpoint): Man has evolved to the point where he can handle his own problems, and he has no one else out there to look to except himself. The humanist objects to the teaching of creationism in public schools on the ground that creationism is a religious viewpoint. But the truth of the matter is that humanism is also a religious faith. As a matter of fact, the humanists themselves make no bones about that.

Here's another quotation from the American Humanist Association's promotional brochure, which Dr. Morris quotes in his book: "Humanism is the belief that man shapes his own destiny. It is a constructive philosophy, a non-theistic religion, a way of life. The American Humanist Association is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, incorporated in the early 1940s in Illinois for educational and religious purposes. Humanist counselors can solemnize weddings; conduct memorial services; and, assist in individual value counseling."

So, let's not kid ourselves when we talk about humanism not being religion. And our public school system is based upon the concept of evolutionary humanism. That's their religious system from which they teach your children. And they say, "We mustn't teach the other point of view of creationism. They become very adamant about that because it's religion. Yet, they themselves, in their own literature, view themselves as religion. You have to have some kind of a religious relationship if you can perform wedding ceremonies. That has to be a religious expression. Evolutionary humanism is a religion, and that's the frame of reference of our public schools. And because it is the religion of the state, it can be taught with tax money.

John Dewey

As a matter of fact, one of the great influences upon public school education, as you know, was John Dewey. John Dewey's explicit purpose was to teach evolutionary humanism in public schools at the expense of the taxpayer as the frame of reference from which all education was to proceed. And he succeeded magnificently in doing that.

So, the humanists insist, therefore, that Satan's idea of evolution should alone be taught in the public schools. They have no hesitancy about making that statement.

Another quotation from the American Humanist writings is this: "There are no alternatives to the principle of evolution with its tree-of-life pattern that any competent biologists of today take seriously. Evolution is therefore the only view that should be expounded in public school courses on science."

So, evolutionary humanism is taught in public schools today, not only as a religion, but one which is definitely the only true religion, and thus opposed to Christianity and to the Bible. The best that most leaders in public school administration can say is that they're neutral toward the Bible. And to be neutral toward the Bible is to be against it.

So, public school education always lays emphasis upon the humanist viewpoint that man is autonomous, and man has the ability to solve problems. They see man as evolving upward. The public schools therefore promote a man-centered world political economic system. It expresses itself in international relationships such as socialism and communism. Yet, evolution is repudiated by all principles of true science. That's the pathetic think about that. Only creationism fits with the principles of proven science.

So, what I'm saying is that the public schools are the greatest source of teaching the religion of the kingdom of man evolutionary humanism, and the public schools are the greatest source of developing this kingdom on this earth. Public schools humanism, however, leaves man without any satisfaction for that internal consciousness he has that God is out there. He cannot escape from the fact that he is made in the image of God. He cannot escape that. And humanism has no answer for this. And that's why people turned to spiritism; transcendental meditation; drugs; astrology; witchcraft; these emotional experiences such as in the charismatic movement; Satanism; the Eastern religions; cults; and séances.

They even give credit in some universities for courses that they are teaching, in which they teach these things – a course on witchcraft, for example. And students don't know why they seek this, but the reason is because that yearning for God (because were made in His image) is reaching out after they've said, "He's not there, and He has not spoken." So, they come up with substitutes. Satan really is giving them substitutes. Evolution is applied in the spiritual realm, so people think that they're moving forward in greater degrees of consciousness; of reality; and, of themselves.

So, the modern human viewpoint intellectual rejects the supernatural today just as much as the ancient philosophers did on Mars Hill when Paul spoke to them in Acts 17:32-33.

What are we saying? We're saying that God is out there, and He is not silent. The public school says, "We don't know whether He is out there or not. We really don't care. We're neutral about it. And we don't know whether He has spoken or not. We really don't care whether He has not. We're neutral on it." So, in effect, the public school says, "God is not out there, and He has not spoken."

Public School Education

The folly of evolution is absolutely something monumental and unbelievable. I want to bring together some of the results of what your children get the result of their public school education.
  1. Humanism Always Leads away from God

    Humanism always leads away from God. It does not lead to God. In 1 Corinthians 1:19-21, the apostle Paul says, "For it is written, 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" And while they think they're coming to God, God says, "I'm making that foolish." Humanism always leads away from God.
  2. Humanism Comes to Nothing

    Humanism ultimately comes to absolutely nothing. 1 Corinthians 2:6 says, "However, we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor the princes of this age that come to nothing." The wisdom of this age is evolutionary humanism, and God says, "It comes to nothing." But that's not what your kids learn in school. Your kids learn in school that the things that they're being taught there from the frame of reference of evolutionary humanism are going to get them everywhere. They're going to solve their problems. They're going to move them toward solutions. God says, "It's going to get you nothing."
  3. Humanism is at War with God

    The next characteristic of the folly of evolutionary humanism is that it is at war with God. In Romans 8:7, Paul says, "Because the carnal of mind is enmity against God. For it is not subject to the law of God; neither indeed can be." The natural old sin nature mind despises God. It's at war with God. It's antagonistic to God. You don't have to read the evolutionary humanist very long, and you don't have to read John Dewey (the heartbeat of public education today) very long before you find that he is at war with God. He is completely antagonistic to God, and the whole idea of God. The folly of evolutionary humanism is that it is utter foolishness with God.

    1 Corinthians 3:19-20: "For it is written, 'You take the wise in their own craftiness.' And again, the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain;" that is, the wise in terms of this world system. It is utter foolishness.

  4. Not Searching for the Truth

    The folly of public school evolutionary humanism education is seen in the fact that they are not searching for the truth. They claim to be searching for the truth, but that is not what they're doing. The Bible, in Romans 3:11, says, "There is none that understands. There is none that seek after God." If you're not seeking after God, you're not seeking after truth. The Bible says that the knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you don't start with God, you're not getting anywhere with truth. They're not really seeking truth.

    Notice that Romans 1:19 says, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them." God has given us information about Himself. Notice verse 21: "Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God; neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." They're not really really seeking God.

    As a matter of fact, I want to read another statement to you from the American Humanist proponents. This is by Adolphus Huxley, a philosopher of our day. Adolphus Huxley was the grandson of Thomas Huxley, who is the brother of the famed evolutionist Julian Huxley. Adolphus Huxley in our day was one of the early advocates of drug culture and of sexual permissiveness. Do these people look for truth? The Bible says, "They do not really seek truth. They do not seek God. Therefore, they do not seek truth. Notice what Huxley himself says about their seeking of truth as humanists:

    "I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption. The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics. He is also concerned to prove that there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do. For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system, and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom."

    This is from an article entitled "Confessions of a Professed Atheist." Adolphus Huxley makes it very clear. He says, "Yes, we wanted to find meaninglessness. Humanism says, 'There is no meaning.' Humanism says, 'There's no God out there, for there's no meaning except what man makes.'" He said, "We really wanted that, even if it wasn't true." That's what he's saying, "Because that would give us what we really wanted – the permissive indulgence of our natures in every way that we wanted to indulge them. We didn't want any restrictions upon us."

    The folly of humanism is that it does not search for the truth.

  5. Partial Truths that Deceive

    Its folly lies also in that it presents partial truths so as to deceive. In 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Paul says, "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works." That means that you have men in the pulpits who are deliberately deceiving with partial truths.
  6. Man's Reason is Fallen

    Man's reason is fallen, so he cannot obtain real truth. That's again the foolishness of humanism's assumption that man can arrive at truth such that he is not hindered in this. Ephesians 4:17-18 say this: "I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord that you henceforth do not walk as other gentiles walks, in the vanity (the emptiness) of their mind; having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness or the hardness of their heart." The hardness of their mentality, and their hardness toward God, has made them spiritually ignorant.

    So, how in the world can a public school administration give your child enlightenment in spiritual things to educate him in truth, when their minds are incapable of truth until they have been given direction by the Word of God? What you may have is individual Christian teachers in a system like, but the movement of the overwhelming system is away from an understanding and a respect and a subjection to God.

  7. Ignorance

    This thing is absolutely, utterly unmitigated ignorance. In other words, it's just dumb. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." Evolutionary humanism is dumb to begin with, and it seeks to be dumb because it has rejected the only source of truth.

The Christian School

Well now, in contrast to this, just to tie this up, we come to the Christian school. The Christian school is based on theistic creationism, and it's the only true basis of education. Everything that we have said about evolutionary humanism education here is just the opposite of what can be said about the Christian school. It is the Christian school that's got its head screwed on straight. It is the Christian school that alone can salvage mankind from Satan's lie of evolutionary humanism. Obviously, education is necessary.

What did God tell Adam, and thus to every man who follows Him, to do? God, told Adam, "Subdue the earth." So, we study things like physics and chemistry and geology and the technologies associated with them. That's why we have to study those things. We have to learn about those things. God also told Adam to be in complete dominance over the lower life forms. So, that means that we study things like biology and geology and the technologies associated with them. It is necessary. God has told us to search and to learn in these areas of study in order to fulfill the mandate of being dominant over the creation that He has made.

Social sciences originally were not in God's plan: psychiatry; psychology; criminology; and, all these inter-human relationships. These were not in God's plan. That became a necessary area of study after sin came in. Now we have to learn how to deal with crime. Now we have to learn how to deal with all these legalities that are involved in interrelationships of people with one another, and all the sociological factors. Those things came in because of sin.

So, evolutionary humanism has distorted all of these studies of truth. And though they are necessary in the divine mandate (the cultural mandate), yet they have been provided. And that perversion is no place more evident than in art; than in music; than in drama; and, than in literature. So, the Christian school is compatible with the Kingdom of God on earth because it is based on theistic creationism. The principle of that is submission to God and to His divine viewpoint. Rebellion against constituted authority is what is built into the evolutionary humanist public school education concept.

I want to read one more thing to you. Some of you will remember when you were in school that you used to read a little paper called "The Weekly Reader." It's published by Scholastic Magazine. The Church League of America wrote this comment concerning an edition of "The Weekly Reader" which is an informative news-type of paper, which goes to students in the classroom. I want tell you right now that we don't use it in Berean Christian Academy, and we won't use it, and we never have used it. But this is a news informative type of paper (a newspaper) to students in various grade levels.

A few years ago, one week "The Weekly Reader" came out with an article by a Ms. Desko. This was for students in the upper elementary grades. In part, she said this in her article to the students sitting in public school under that religious viewpoint of evolutionary humanism, expressing what was compatible with that viewpoint, and teaching children. It's a teaching tool. That's the point. It's not just entertainment. These are to upper elementary kids: fifth grade; sixth grade; and, so on. Here's what she said:

"You can wear your hair as long as you wish. You also may wear whatever you want. Your desk and your locker are yours, and they are private. Teachers and principals have no right to search them. Students should be able to publish their own school newspapers that say what they want in the way they want to say it. What you write is up to you, and you have the right to distribute such in the hallways and on the school grounds without being stopped by the authorities."

Fourth- and fifth-graders are further advised by Ms. Desko) that: "They have the right to call their own assemblies, and get up petitions to be signed on the school grounds, and are instructed to get legal aid or other counsel if they are being expelled."

Also, the students are told that: "They do not have to salute the American flag or repeat the Pledge of Allegiance to that flag. They can even leave the room during the flag ceremony if they wish."

That, friends, is evolutionary humanism in one of its finest and most characteristic types of expression. That is the thing that you and I, as believers, are struggling against today. But the Christian school is the place, and that is the instrument, that God has raised up to give value and meaning to life. That is the only instrument that's alive in our day now in our country to enable a youngster to grow up functioning on true truth. And when your children are in the public school system, they are subtly influenced with all of these concepts that we've been describing. The devil is behind it. He's not going to be open. He's going to be subtle, and he is.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1977

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