Abandoned to Evil, No. 2

© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1975)

Please open your Bibles to Romans 1. We are studying the effects of the condition of God abandoning a human being to the consequences of his negative volition. We have indicated that the mind of a human being, having rejected what comes into the learning side (the perceptive side) results in a darkness in the directive side, so that the madness actually descends upon that person, and all of the decisions that he makes, and all the opinions that he expresses, are the experience of a fool (the Bible says), and of a madman. This can be true of anybody, no matter what his human IQ is. Usually the smarter you are, the harder it is for you to have an enlightened mentality, because you have great confidence in your human thinking.


These consequences involve descending into vile, corrupt practices. They are motivated by this blackened mentality so that there is no spiritual understanding to guide. This corruption expresses itself as a worship of the elements of creation rather than the Creator. This corruption expresses itself in the form of dishonoring of one's own physical body. We looked at the scriptural specifics in reference to this concerning, first of all, the dishonoring of the female body through the practice of lesbianism. The Scripture that we looked at was verse 26, which said, "For this cause, God gave them up unto to vile affections, for even the women ..." And you remember that the Greek says, "Their females," because it is stressing their lack of true womanhood, and stressing the sexual factor which is involved in their perversion: "Their females did exchange their natural use (that is, the natural sexual relationships of a woman) for that which is against nature – that which is against God's divine order.


Verse 27 picks up the horrible picture relative to the male side. We begin with the declaration: "And likewise, also the men." The word "and" is the Greek word "te," which is a connecting particle which indicates to us a close connection between verses 26 and 27. That's why it's put in there – to show that the women were terrible in this respect. They were unbelievably so. But immediately, Paul says, "I want to make it very clear that there is a close connection between what the women were doing and the men, and they were equally bad. It indicates that men who have been abandoned by God were involved in the same kind of sexual perversion as the females were:

"And likewise:" The word "likewise" is the Greek word "homoios," which means "in like manner." The men were doing the same kind of thing that the women were doing: "And likewise (or in like manner), also the men." Here again, you do not have the normal word for "men." The word here in the Greek is "arsen," because it is the word for "male." Here again, the Holy Spirit stresses the fact that this is not an "aner," which is the normal word for "man" – man in his splendid manhood, because we are not dealing with human beings who have manhood. They have no manliness. And furthermore, it wants to use the word "male" in order to stress the sexual aspect of the perversion that's involved here. The consequences of the darkened minds of these people, because of their rejection of doctrine, is expressed specifically in that which is specifically male in the way of sex.

So, the language here, again, in comparison to the female, verse 26 uses the word "male:" "And likewise also the males, leaving the natural use of the female." "Leaving is the Greek word "aphiemi," which means "to forsake." They forsook (they abandoned) normal male sex. Aorist is the tense here, which indicates that they did this at the point where their minds became darkened. They departed from heterosexual practices. The active voice indicates that they deliberately chose to do this. I cannot stress that enough to you – that homosexuality is a problem of the soul as lesbianism is. It is not something you're born with. It is something you elect to do. It is something you choose to do. It is a participle, indicating that here is a principle. Here, in particular, it is expressing the circumstances of this particular version.

This is an aorist participle, which indicates that it's the action that comes before the main part of the sentence. The action here is "leaving." The main part of the sentence is "burning" (a sexual passion). First, they left their normal male function in sex, and then they descended into the perversion of that function. Likewise, also, the males, abandoning the natural (which means 'according to nature') use (the heterosexual pattern of male sex) of the female (again stressing sex structure of the female), burned." The word "burned" is "ekkaio." "Ekkaio" refers to physical passions. It means "inflamed with a sexual drive." One man is inflamed toward another. They burn in their lust, one toward another.

This is not the kind of burning that you read about in 1 Corinthians 7:9. There it is another kind of sexual passion on the part of a man. But in 1 Corinthians 7:9, it's a commendable kind of passion because that is the desire of the right man for his right woman. That's a different Greek word. That's the Greek word "puroo." And that kind of burning is legitimate. But the burning of "ekkaio" is a degrading, debased, immoral, corrupt kind of attitude and desire. This is in the aorist tense. It's at the point in the past when they began this abrupt switch in desires. It is passive in voice, indicating that these poor characters, having developed and accepted a darkened mind, were unable to defend themselves from this sort of thing. They were abandoned by God, and now they were carried away by what they had created for themselves.

Burning in their Lust

What they had created was described here as: "Burning in their lust (in the spirit of) a longing appetite." This is the general word for evil of all kinds (referenced here as sexual evil): "They burned toward one another." The Greek word is the word "allelon." That means "mutually" or "reciprocally." These males we're looking to each other for a mutual, reciprocal relationship. And then it spells it out: "Men with men." Again, it uses the words "male with male," and the "with" is actually the little Greek word "en." Here it means "by means of:" "Men, by means of men." It identifies the specific sexual perversion after forsaking God's heterosexual order – that men, by means of men, were accomplishing this particular perversion:


"Men, by means of men, working." The Greek word is "katergazomai." This means "to achieve." This is a very descriptive word. A male with another male, achieving, under these circumstances, something here. And it is middle voice: "Achieving for themselves" (toward each other). They are achieving something constantly, which the Bible says, "Is unseemly." And the word unseemly here means "indecent." It's the word "aschemosune." This is the word to describe a shameful sexual practice – one with absolutely no redeeming values.

This is the cover word for obscenities and for pornography in the world of entertainment of one kind and another. It is justified on the fact that it has socially redeeming values. The Word of God says that this kind of unseemly conduct (indecent conduct) never has redeeming social values. You would have to take that out of some liberal court, such as we have in this country, to pass down a wording like that – that there is a perversion; there is an obscenity; and, there is an indecency that can ever have redeeming social values – that somehow, someplace along the line, this sort of practice can be of benefit to people.

Well, God is not mocked. "Whatsoever man sows, that shall he also reap." The result is that the Bible tells us that these men, working male with male, achieving that which is indecent, then receiving." The word "receiving" is the Greek word "apolambano." This little preposition "apo" means "back," and "lambano" means "received." So, what we have here is "receiving back" or "receiving in return for." They received in return for this conduct, that they smugly thought they were getting away with, something from God that was horrendous in itself. They receive an effect upon their own physical bodies. It said, "They received this in themselves." This was that recompense, or that reward (that which was a return). It connotes here a retribution of their error (their "plane"), and the word "plane" means delusion. That's a good word. Their error here is called their delusion (their perversion).

A Fitting Retribution

They received a reward which was fitting. The word "fitting" here is the Greek word "dei," which means "necessary." It was necessary, or we would say, "It was inevitable." They received within themselves the results of their perverted actions. We won't go into what happens to a homosexual physically in the process of this perversion. The results are of a variety of kinds, and they are by divine judgment, and they don't concern us at this moment. The thing that this passage is pointing out is that once a person has said "No" to God; has said, "No" to doctrine; or, has ignored the Word of God, so that he never has doctrine, then that mind goes dark. And when that mind goes dark, it's the kind of a mind that sucks in all kinds of evil and perversions and misconceptions. And eventually, it expresses itself in a physical way – here, in one of the most degraded ways.

So, let's put it all together. Verses 26 and 27 say this: "On account of this (exchanging the truth of divine viewpoint for the lie of human viewpoint, the God handed them over to dishonorable sex passions; for even their females exchanged their natural pattern in sex for that which is contrary to the natural functioning of female sex." Verse 27: "And in like manner also, the males, having forsaken the natural function of sex with the females, burned in the sphere of sexual desire toward each other; males by means of males, achieving that which is indecent, and receiving back in return within themselves the retribution of their perversion, which was a necessity by the divine laws of morality."

God's Abandonment

Now, beginning at verse 28, the apostle Paul then turns to the subject of God's abandonment – being abandoned by God. Verses 28-30 spell out how terrible this is, and where a person goes. Now, I know, as we look at these things, you may be inclined to say, "Not I; other people, yes. Debased people, yes. But not I." So, I preface all this by reminding you that everything we read in these verses comes only from one place. It comes from within the human soul out of the old sin nature. Therefore, this is in you today. This is in every one of us today. All we have to do, in order to start letting some of these things, in one way or another, surface within us, is for us to have resistance to instruction in the Word of God, and resistance to God's viewpoint, because when you resist God's truth, there's only one other thing you can do, and that is to have accepted the lie. That's exactly what Paul says these people did. They exchanged God's truth for a lie. And the result was a darkening of the mind. And out of that darkened mind, the old sin nature was able to bring up the things that we'll be looking at.

God will Abandon you

So, starting at verse 28: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge." First of all, notice that these people abandon God. The word "and" is the Greek word "kai," which is another little connecting word. It shows that it's connecting what the heathen did with what God did. What you're going to find here is that these people abandoned God. The day came when God said, "All right, I will abandon you." You have this little world connecting those two factors which are going to be shown to us in this verse – that you go ahead and abandon God, and there will come a time when He will abandon you. While you may know that in theory, if you ever experience that in practice, you will know what a pitiful condition this is.


"Just as" is the Greek word "kathos." "Kathos" goes back to verse 21. In verse 21, we have described for us how all this began with these people, because: "When they knew God (when they had divine viewpoint and enlightenment), they glorified Him not as God; neither were thankful. But they became empty in their own perceptive minds, and their stupid directive minds (consequently) were darkened." That verse explains what has happened. This way "just as" refers back to verse 21 – "Just as these people did not like." The world "like" is the Greek word "dokimazo." Here's what this tells us. "Dokimazo" is a word that's used to describe a test for something with a view to approving it. It is like sometimes somebody gives you a piece of cake, and you taste it because it looks beautiful, and it smells delicious. And you are going to sample it by taste in order to confirm that it is really a great piece of cake. That would be described as "dokimazo." You are testing it in order to approve what you believe is there – in order to prove this thing.

It is used for establishing the value of metal. In the ancient days, they would simply trade with one another, not with metal coins, but with ingots of gold and silver. They would weigh these things, and they would test these things, in order to ascertain that it was pure gold or pure silver. What they were doing was "dokimazo" the thing.

Now, the heathen, with their revelation that they had received from creation about God, had received some divine viewpoint information, and here's what they did. They took their reason, and they looked at this information that had come to them concerning God, and they decided to test this information against what they believed God should be like, and against their specifications concerning God. And when they did this, the heathen, by and large, concluded that they could not approve the God who was revealed to them through creation. Their reason dismissed this God. They went negative toward the revelation. And after they got through with their "dokimazo" test, they concluded that this God was not to their liking. So, they refused to worship him.

Consequently, they did not consider the information that they had received about this God through creation as having any merit. It wasn't worth something that they should remember. They had a high opinion of themselves and, consequently, a low opinion of God. Any time a human being has a high opinion of himself, he will always inevitably have a low opinion of God. This word "dokimazo" is in the aorist tense, which means the point in the past when they took this information from creation, and matched God up to it, and said, "That's not satisfactory. We cannot accept you as God." It is active voice. This was personal volition. It is indicative – a statement of fact.

They Disapproved of God

It adds the word: "that they did not like to approve." It uses the Greek word "ou," which is that strong negative. So, we may translate this portion this way: "And just as, after putting God, revealed to them through creation, to the test, for the purpose of approving Him, should He meet their specifications of their reason, and finding that He did not, they disapproved."

What did they disapprove? "Even as they did not like to retain." This is the Greek word "echo." "Echo" means "to keep." They did not choose to remember the information they had about God. Consequently, they dismissed Him from "their knowledge." They did not retain God in their knowledge. Here we have our old word "epignosis." This word in the Greek means full, complete, useful, accurate knowledge. It is the knowledge that we as believers hear with our minds. We hear doctrine. We hear God's information. In addition to our minds, we also have our emotions and our will. Then we have a human spirit. That is why we are spiritually alive. When we go positive to the information of doctrine in the mind, God the Holy Spirit stores that in our human spirit. And this becomes a great storage basin. God teaches our spirit. From here, we have direction given to our mentality.

That is why the mind of a Christian is a bright and enlightened place, because he has doctrine flowing automatically up to his mind. He has principles for living automatically going to guide him in all of his life situations. From there, the mind tells the emotions what to do. It governs our feelings. It tells our wills what to do. Here is a mind which is acting like a husband who is carrying his responsibility with his wife: guiding; making decisions; and, exercising the authority that God has placed upon him. So, the mind is placed in a position of authority, but it cannot exercise that authority in an enlightened way toward emotions and will unless the Word of God is up there.

Now, what we have down in the human spirit is "epignosis." Up in the mind, it's just "gnosis" knowledge. It's just something you learn. You will learn some things in this session. You will hear some things explained. God the Holy Spirit, if you are in a status of spirituality, having confessed all known sins, will enable you to understand that. Now you may believe it, or you may disbelieve it. As of this point, you just have it up in a storage area; in a considering area, so to speak. But you may say, "That I believe. Amen to that." Then God the Holy Spirit moves it down into the human spirit, and that comes up to the mind as enlightenment.

What these people had was an opportunity to bring enlightenment to their minds. God brought the enlightenment of creation. They said, "No" to it. They rejected it, and kicked it out. They immediately created a vacuum condition, and into the learning side of their mind flowed all of this vile doctrine of demons; human viewpoint; and, everything that was wrong and false. This was transferred over here to the decision-making side of the mind, and darkness flooded that part of the mind.

Now, what these people could have had here was "epignosis" guidance. Instead, the Bible says, "They rejected that." Creation gave them a knowledge of God. They looked at that, and they said, "Now let me see. I'm a smart and reasonable man. As I look upon the information that comes to me from creation concerning this God, I cannot accept it. I cannot bow to an authority such as I see reflected to me in creation. Therefore, they reject the full knowledge of that God could have come to them. And that's what it means when it says, "And even (just as)." They did not approve of retaining God in their understanding. They went negative toward this knowledge, and the deliberate denying of that information about God resulted in darkness.

When that mind is darkened in this way, then the mind is a helpless, wishy-washy victim. Then the emotions can go off in any direction, and the mind feebly tries to control the emotions but cannot. The world goes off in its own pointless direction, and the mind tries to make decisions and control it, but it cannot, because the mind has been enfeebled. This is the condition of the unenlightened heathen, as well as the unenlightened believer.

Now, what does God do when this condition of darkness develops in the mind? When the mind is in this condition, now a very terrible thing happens, for they have abandoned God. God comes to the point where He abandons them. It's just like sometimes you have a youngster at home that keeps bugging you to do something, and you say, "No, you can't do it." And he says, "Why can't I? I got this costume. It's a Superman costume. I've watched him on television. He gets on top of a building, and he goes zooming out through the street. I want to get on top of the house and zoom across the lawn." And you say, "No, you can't do that. You can't do that in your Superman costume." And he keeps bugging you, and he wants to do it. And finally, you say, "All right, go ahead and jump off the top of the house in your stupid Superman costume." So, he jumps off the house and breaks his leg, and you come by and say, "Now, do you believe me?"

You may think nobody would be dumb enough to do that, don't you. But the people who make Superman costumes don't think that nobody would be dumb enough not to do it, because I noticed on my old Superman costume that it said right there: "Not designed for flying." That's what it said. It's not designed for flying: "Warning: you can't fly in this costume." You can ask my number three son, because he had a costume like that, and that's exactly what it said in order to make it clear to parents who were going to be bugged by their kids not to give in to them.

However, when you become so dark and backwards in your thinking, finally the time comes when God does exactly that. He says, "All right, do you want to fly in your Superman costume? Go ahead and fly. See where it will get you. If you have to learn by destroying yourself, and by wounding yourself, then learn that way, since you will not learned by the enlightenment which I have given you.

God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind

So Paul says, "God gave them over to a reprobate mind." It is the God again (God the Father). The word "gave over" is one that we have had several times: "paradidomi." "Paradidomi" means "to hand over." God just hands over. This is aorist tense – in the past when they rejected that full knowledge that they could have had. Then God hands them over to their delusion. This is active. It is God's choice.

Now, we have had this word three times in Romans 1. Have you noticed? "Paradidomi" has cropped up three times in Romans 1 to describe God handing people over. You have it first in verse 24, where we are told that God handed the heathen over to corruption as a way of life. Because of their negative quality and the darkness they brought upon their minds, God abandoned them to live a life of corruption. We've looked at some of the expression of that corruption already. In verse 26, the word appears again. This time it spells out that God allowed them, and handed them over to dishonor their physical bodies. Now we have it a third time in verse 28. God, again, handed these people over.

A Reprobate Mind

This time it says that God hands them over to a reprobate mind. And the world is "adokimos." "Adokimos" means "not standing the test." You noticed, perhaps, that there is a relationship between "dokimazo" and "adokimos." That's exactly what you have, and you have a play on words in the Greek language. If you were reading this is the Greek, you would notice that the writer, the apostle Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, was making a play upon the words here. It means that, as God did not stand the test of their reason, so they will not stand the test of God's reason against them. The word means "not standing the test." Again, it is primarily used of testing metals for their values.

It did not Stand the Test

What is it that did not stand the test? It was their minds. The Greek world is "nous." The Greek means "their understanding." What this is speaking about is this learning side of the mind. This is where understanding takes place. The other side in the Greek is called generally the "kardia." That is the "heart." That is the place out of which the Bible tells us we make decisions. Consequently, if it is darkened, we make evil decisions.

So, here the minds have now been rejected by God, and disapproved by God. It signifies, in other words, a mind that God could not approve. They have learning (understanding) that God cannot approve. Why? Because when they were negative, they created a vacuum in the learning side of the mind. They sucked in all this falsehood; all this evil; all this human viewpoint; and, all this misconception. This place is a garbage pile. Everything these people understand; everything they think; and, everything they know is rejected, and cannot be approved under the judgment of God's standards. The perceptive mind refused to go positive to the information about God from creation. They refused to keep that information. They refused to convert it over to the other side as full knowledge (as "epignosis").

Consequently, the perceptive mind is filled with false spiritual information. This false information cannot meet God's test of what a mind should be. God has a standard of what our thinking should be. That's what this passage is saying. Whether you be a heathen or a believer, you better be concerned for your thinking for your mind, because God has a standard which is related directly to your blessing. If you think you have some problems in your life, it is in large measure because your mind is not approved by God. You have things in your thinking (in your understanding) that God condemns. You have things that are transferred over to the action side of your mind that are darkness, and which violate the kind of a mind that God approves. If God does not approve your thinking, then God will bless your decisions; your actions; and, your feelings. This is a play on words between "adokimos" and "dokimazo." Both of them mean "disapprove." The heathen disapprove of God as He was revealed to them; so, God disapproved of them. He disapproved of their mind. As the heathen reject God's thinking, so God rejects their thinking, and He leads them to stumble through life in their darkness, as Romans 1:21 tells us.

A Person Becomes an Animal

So, what does He do? "He abandons them to do ..." This is the Greek word "poieo." It explains now to us what it is that God is handing these people over to – the inevitable consequences of the mind that God disapproves. It is present (constant). It is active. It is infinitude, which indicates this is God's purpose: "He abandoned them to do those things which are not seemly," and the word "seemly" means "fitting" or "proper" or "becoming." He abandoned them to do things that were unbecoming. When the mind is abandoned by God, it does things which are not befitting of any human being. In other words, a person becomes an animal.

Now here are the marks of a human being who has descended to an animal level. I hope you understand that I did not make this up. I did not choose this passage of Scripture because I knew you were going to be in church today. Therefore, don't take it personally, because sooner or later in this list, something is going to strike a familiar chord and you're going to think I'm speaking to you. If anybody is speaking to you, it is God the Holy Spirit, and I trust that you will accept it accordingly. Here, in verses 29-32, we have the results of a disapproved mind.

Verse 29: "Being filled with all unrighteousness." "Being filled" is the Greek word "pleroo." It refers to the heathen back in verse 28 – these who did not like to retain God in their minds. The word "pleroo" means "to fill up a deficiency." These people have a deficiency because they have abandoned God. They have an emptiness in their minds, and it is going to be filled up. And the things that it is going to be filled up with are these things that are now to be described.

This feeling is passive, which means that you cannot keep from being filled with these kinds of things, and from these things being expressed in your life, because these are already in your old sin nature. Thus, if you have set up the condition of a darkened mind by abandoning God, which you do through rejecting the Word of God, then these things will be true of you.

Sins of the Mind

These sins are the sins of the mind that God disapproves.
  1. Unrighteousness

    First of all is unrighteousness. Unrighteousness is "adikia." This is the general terms for wrongdoing. It's the kind of wrong that you do from one person to another. This is all unrighteousness – all wrongdoing before people. This is the oppression of one person against another. George Orwell in his book 1984 says that if you want to have a picture of the future, just imagine a boot grinding forever into a human face. Imagine a boot stomping on a human face forever. That's a picture of the future in his book which envisions a totalitarian world. That's the kind of unrighteousness that this word describes – one person abusing another.
  2. Fornication

    The word fornication, which is next in line, is not in the Greek text. It is, of course, a sin which is disapproved and condemned elsewhere in Scriptures.
  3. Wickedness

    Next is wickedness. This is the Greek word "poneria." "Poneria" stresses the bad effects caused by evil. This word stresses the pain and the sorrow that comes from evil. We may describe it as a pernicious evil. The word pernicious means "destructive in character." This is an evil which is a malignant thing in itself. There is a quality of evil that crops up within us.
  4. Covetousness

    Next is covetousness. This is the Greek word "pleonexia." Covetousness is the desire to have more though you don't need more, or though you don't have a noble purpose for having more. One of the favorite covers for covetousness is to say, "Oh if I just had more money, I would do so many wonderful things for people. I would help the missionaries, and I would buy more tapes for the tape ministry." These people think that they're going to con God into saying, Oh, would you do that? Well, then I'll give you money." It is their way of seeking to gain more than they need, or than they may noble desire for. It expresses a frantic search for happiness. It includes also the idea of taking advantage of some simpleton.
  5. Maliciousness

    Next is maliciousness. The Greek word is "kakia." This is badness in quality or character rather than badness in the effects it produces, as wickedness was. This is an innate depravity or malice.
  6. Envy

    Next is "full of envy." "Full" means "full measure." "Envy" is the Greek word "phthonos." What is envy? Envy is the feeling of displeasure which is produced by witnessing or hearing of the advantage or prosperity of others. When something goes well for somebody else, you rise up with a spirit of greed and ill feeling. That's envy. It is not being able to be happy in the face of somebody else's prospering and commendation.
  7. Murder

    Murder is next. This is homicide. This is illegal killing of a human being. This is the normal act of the mind abandoned by God. Have you ever heard somebody say, "Oh, I'd like to kill you?" Have you ever said that? In the moment that those words passed your lips, you are reflecting a facet of the darkened mentality: "I'd like to kill you." Murder is one of the prime qualities of the old sin nature. Satan was a murderer from the beginning, and he is constantly motivating people to it.

    The newspapers this week carried the article about a 19-year-old who was looking over a house with an elderly mother. The house belonged to her son, and in the process of examining the house, he killed her. He murdered her. He choked her, and when she pushed his hands off her throat, he pulled a knife; stabbed her in the side; cut her throat; and, took her life. His trial has come up. His explanation was, "The demons made me do it. I don't know why I did it for." Well, the reason he did it is because deep within his soul lies the potential expression of murder. And because the mind was darkened toward God, that individual was in the position of abandonment by God – abandonment to the full consequences and expression of that sin nature. And something triggered within him that murderous quality that caused the death of an innocent person.

  8. Strife

    Next is strife. This is the Greek word "eris." "Eris" means contention and wrangling – snarling conversation. That's what this describes. Does that ever pose a problem for you – snarling conversation? That's the wrangling. That's "eris."
  9. Deceit

    Next is deceit ("dolos"). The word "dolos" means "guile." It's a word which is used in the Greek to describe the bait in a trap. It was to trap a person into something. It was an act of luring someone by deception into some loss or injury. There is within the human soul the desire to lure people into traps,
  10. Malignity

    Next is malignity. This is "kakoetheia." This means "an evil disposition." The "kakoetheia" person is the one who puts an evil interpretation on everything somebody says – an evil construction on everything somebody says. That is because he has a "kakoetheia" attitude. You want to put an evil interpretation on everything that you hear. That's a reflection of a mind that God has abandoned to the normal expressions of its darkness. It's a disposition to cause mischief.
  11. Whisperers

    Next is whisperers ("psithuristes"). This is a word that sounds like what it means. It is a whisperer. This is somebody who is a secret slanderer. It is not somebody who stands openly, but somebody who secretly comes up (and here's the picture here) and drops something into your thinking. It is usually under a pious pose, but it does injury to somebody else. The Bible strongly condemns gossip even if it's true. It is not your right to invade another person's privacy with dealing with it.
  12. Backbiter

    Next is backbiter ("katalalos"). This is one who speaks ill against others in open slander. This is one who's a detractor. It is the opposite of a whisperer.
  13. Haters of God

    Then those haters of God ("theotuges"). This can be either "haters of God" or "hated by God." Here, it is probably "haters of God."
  14. Insolent

    Next is insolent ("hubristes"). It connotes a person who has a quality of violence, and a violence which is triggered by an arrogance. He views himself as better than other people. Therefore, he is an insulting type.
  15. Proud

    Next is proud. The Greek word is "huperephanos". It describes an arrogant attitude – parading self with a haughty air, or esteeming your own merit above that of other people.
  16. Boasters

    Well, the list goes on, to boasters ("alazon"). An "alazon" is a quack or an impostor. This is somebody who has verbal pride, and he expresses it with an arrogance.
  17. Inventors of Evil

    Next is inventors of evil ("epheuretes"). This is one who devises things that are inherently evil. This is a person who devises new ways of expressing evil.
  18. Disobedient to Parents

    Next is disobedient to parents ("apeithes"). It means unwilling to be persuaded – spurning your parents, for those who beget children. This is an obstinate rejection of parental authority.
We have several more, and we want to look at those in a little more detail next time.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1975

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