Lights in the World - PH49-01

Advanced Bible Doctrine - Philippians 2:14-15

© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1976)

Continuing on the subject of Christians as lights in the world, the seventh moral principle, as all of these moral principles, is designed to preserve human freedom. It declares, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." An illicit sex relation by a married person is usually termed adultery. However, as we pointed out, the Bible sometimes uses the Greek word for "fornication" also to cover sexual immorality on the part of people who are married. Sometimes the Bible does distinguish between married and unmarried sexual immorality with the terms "adultery" and "fornication" being applied respectively.

The seventh moral principle forbids all sexual relations outside of one's own marriage, and all perversions of sex as well. Sexual immorality is an attack upon one of the divine institutions, the divine institution of marriage, and it is destructive of soul and body. This is for the preservation of the human race. This kind of sexual breakdown leads to personal and to national weakness and destruction. Great civilizations, as a matter of fact, have been demonstrated to be the result of societies which exercise a disciplined control of sexual pleasures by restricting sex to marriage. When societies break down and begin to have an abandonment of the exercise of sex only within marriage, that civilization, inevitably, without exception, historically has gone to destruction. There has never been a great civilization that did not come into being as the result of restraints upon sexual expression within marriage. There has never been a great civilization that, once it eased that restraint, did not come to destruction and go out of existence.

William Barclay, in a book entitled The Ten Commandments for Today makes this observation in quoting another writer: "John H. Court says that the historian J.D. Unwin studied 88 different civilizations, and from the study discerned the following pattern: Every civilization is established and consolidated by observing a strict moral code; is maintained while this strict code is kept; and, decays when spiritual license is allowed. Any human society is free to choose either to display great energy or to enjoy sexual freedom. The evidence is that it cannot do both for more than one generation. It may well be that the lesson of history is that the loosening of sexual standards threatens the welfare of not only the individual, but also of the nation."

That is exactly the case. As a matter of fact, this very concept, if you have ever studied psychology, you will have discovered was a principle established by Freud himself--that where there is sexual license, a society cannot be created. It cannot build a great civilization.

Consequently, the communist world has seized upon this principle, and the last several years has seen a debasing of moral standards in the United States, as well as all over the world, that the world has probably never experienced before. Certainly our nation has never experienced this before. Behind it is the communist encouragement and promotion of the concept of sexual freedoms beyond the confines of marriage. The reason for this is because communism realizes that the way to bring weakness to a nation that it wants to destroy is by applying this factor to that nation: break down its morality, and there will come a weakness in the moral fiber of that nation that will begin to show itself by the fact that that society has a lack of will to resist aggression.

So we're talking about something which is very critical to us in this nation today. Since the early 60s, we have been seeing changes on the moral sexual level that have been unthinkable in the history of this country. The Jewish people, we have found, were surrounded by this sort of thing when they came into the Promised Land. As a matter of fact, sexual immorality was used as an expression of worship to the gods of Baal. The same conditions were true of the Greek and Roman cultures, into which New Testament Christianity came. Christianity returned to the seventh moral principle. It demanded uncompromising sexual purity outside of marriage, and fidelity within.

Marriage is a Commitment–Not a Contract

The biblical rule for marriage is that marriage is a commitment. I am amazed that many people don't know this. If you ask most Christians even what marriage is, few of them will say commitment. They just do not relate marriage and commitment together. If you don't understand that, and our society in general does not understand it, then you will open the doors to all kinds of immorality. Remember, marriage is a commitment. It is not a contract. A contract has exit options. A contract is an agreement that you can get in and out of.

Thus, it is a seeming justification for divorce, which is also condemned by the seventh moral principle. But marriage is a commitment, and it is a commitment where two people agree before God and make a formal statement of their intention to form a lifelong sexual partnership. This is consummated by the sex act; these people are forever bound to one another; and, there is no power on earth that can dissolve it. But that's what the Bible means when it says, "What God has joined together, let not man cast asunder," for the simple reason that man cannot break it. All he can do is to go ahead and enter another marriage relationship, which the Bible clearly says is an adulterous act. Because marriage is a commitment, there is no way out. Because it is a commitment, the results of the marriage are irrelevant. That's divine viewpoint.

All of human viewpoint rises up against this. Because marriage is a commitment, it is therefore irrevocable. The seventh moral principle is a commitment of two people before God, and therefore it is irrevocable. It can't be undone. No black-robed judge can sit in a court of law and bring his gavel down and say, "Divorce granted." He didn't grant you anything. All he severed was a legal contract that the state has established, but that's meaningless before God. That's an extraneous thing. Nobody went through anything of that sort in ancient days. You cannot separate what God has put together. God puts together not just the sexual act, but God puts together: when two people intend that their commitment is to marriage; they make this declaration before witnesses; and, they consummate with the sex act. Now you've got a marriage. Otherwise, all you've got is an act of immorality and a sin to be exited from and to be confessed.

So Christianity, very definitely, in an immoral climate, returned wholeheartedly to the biblical principle and the rule of commitment. For this reason, because it is a commitment, sex is not promiscuous. And for this reason, the expression of sex was restricted to marriage.

Factors that Contribute to Sexual Immorality

There are certain conditions, of course, that contribute to sexual immorality. There are physical factors and there are social factors that bring a person to that point. Don't make this mistake today by being so certain of yourself that this is no problem for you. Women drive their husbands to sexual immorality, and husbands drive their wives to sexual immorality, for physical reasons and for soul reasons. Nobody here is immune from it under the right conditions.

So let's look at a few of the factors, and I can't begin to cover this. I even hate to bring these up that I'm going to bring up because I don't want you to get the impression that we have in any way covered the ground. We're just going to touch upon it, because there's so much involved in this principle that we can't get bogged down too much in one area. But I think this will give you an idea and a direction that you can fill out for yourself.

Physical Factors

On physical factors, 1 Corinthians 7 points out a major reason for adultery within a marriage relationships. 1 Corinthians 7:3 says, "Let the husband render unto the wife her due, and likewise also the wife unto the husband." That is biblical language for sexual relationships. The reason is in verse 4: "The wife has not power (authority) over her own body, but the husband. And likewise, the husband has not authority of his own body, but the wife." They belong to each other. Once the marriage has been entered into, that wife has secured a male component to her own physical structure. That husband has secured a female component to his physical structure. The two are not complete until they're put together. They are not complete until they're married, and then they are finished. (If I may put it that way.) But it is a truism in the fullest sense of the word.

Denying Sex to Your Spouse

So this is the first basis. Sometimes people come by for discussing marital problems. It's amazing how often this question comes up, usually from women: "Should I retaliate by denying sex?" And I tell them, "If you want to hang yourself, go right ahead. But if you want to solve your problem, that's the last thing you better do, because you will drive him away. And if he does not have the moral strength and fiber not to pass off into immorality, you will nevertheless create a separation. If he does not have the moral fiber, you will drive him off into immorality. So that's the worst thing to do. Nor do you have the right to do it. This is a sin on the part of a man or a woman to deny a husband or wife this right? It is sin to be confessed."

Women's Dress

Secondly, it is obvious that in our day, one of the major sources of immorality is the way women dress. I have noticed how, in recent years, that the tendency to exposure has so permeated the little girls. In Berean Christian Academy, do you know the trouble that we have with little girls? The trouble we have is that little girls are concerned that they expose enough of themselves. You would think that the natural inclination would be to see that they cover themselves up. But no. When we get to summer camp or summer days, where shorts are in order, they're concerned that their shorts are short enough. They want to go just an eighth of an inch under too short.

They never argue, "Why can't we wear our shorts longer? Why can't we wear shorts almost maybe down to our knees? Why can't we wear dresses a little over our knees so we can sit there and relax when we do?" They never argue to make their dresses long enough so they can be comfortable when they move around.

It is amazing that this is not only true of little girls. It is true of big girls and of grown women, because the little girls learned it from the women. We have to be making speeches to grown women to wear dresses that cover up adequately. It is fantastic. You would think that this would be the normal inclination of a Christian woman's thinking: "I want to be sure that my clothing is, as per scriptural requirement, modest, as well as stylish." Do not equate modesty with being a lack of style. The Scriptures require that a woman be modest in her dress, and stylish to the hilt. Immodesty in dress is part of the last few decades of breakdown in the violation of the seventh moral principle.

So we find, and it's always sad to see, sometimes that we even see Christian women who run around with a low cut dress in front so they can expose their cleavage, and think that they are in the highest style and the highest beauty. Instead you look at them and you're sad for the fact that they have cheapened themselves. You wish that somehow they had caught the vision of who they are. They are the princesses of the living God, and they want to dress and look like the tramps of the streets. This is no small thing. I know that if you wanted to go out and buy a pair of modest shorts for your daughter, you'd be hard pressed to do it. You almost have to go out and buy her a beautiful pair of jeans and then cut them off, and go to the expense. Or you have to start doing your own sewing.

The people who are oriented to Satan's world are oriented to the styles that expose. If you think it's cute to dress your little girl up so that everybody can see her anatomy, you're sadly mistaken. You are vulgarizing her, and you may yet live to regret the day that you started dressing her like that, when she discovers that dressing like that opens interesting little doors to her with boys. So let's get it straight with the short and tight clothing; the low-cut dresses; and, the brief swimsuits.

Somebody said, "Have you seen the swimsuits for this season?" I haven't seen them. I said, "No, I didn't. Are they showing them someplace–some style show?" And they said, "You won't believe it. It is absolutely nothing more than what used to be known in the burlesque theater as paste-ons. That's it. It's just the briefest kind of paste-on so that maximum nudity can be created."

Do you know what's going to happen to the little girls? They're going to be just as nervous as they can be at the beach if they don't have enough of themselves showing. "And you say, "Isn't that strange?" You'd think a little girl would say, "I want to be sure that I've got enough of me covered up, not enough of me exposed." When we get to summer camp, we have to put out our annual edict. Two-pieced bathing suits for girls are out. Well, the girls find it harder and harder to buy one-piece bathing suits, so they have to buy two-pieced and then put a shirt over it. And they end up with three-pieced bathing suits.

Public Nudity in Entertainment

Well, we have public nudity in entertainment. One of the things that's interesting about those who act in public nudity in entertainment, is that they have observed the fact every performance is hard for them, because it is such a violation of innate breeding, rearing, and concepts that they have to steel themselves to be able to get out there on the theater stage, or in a movie, in complete nudity. That is because they're violating a basic law that God has written upon the inner soul.

Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity training is practiced in many public schools. It is a program of breaking down inhibitions. The idea is to sit in a circle and begin touching people, and continue touching people more and more. There are many groups that run weekend sensitivity programs, and there are many men who will unabashedly tell you that they are avid followers of sensitivity training courses, because they're out on the prowl for a mate. And they know that this is one of the best places to find some poor, susceptible, stupid woman because her inhibitions are going to be at a low ebb by the very practices of the weekend of sensitivity training.

Kissing was not Meant to Stop with Kissing

Any physical caressing, necking, or smooching with someone who is not your spouse is setting in motion what God has ordained to be a chain reaction. Caressing was never meant by God to stop with caressing. It was meant to go to kissing. Kissing was not meant to stop with kissing. Kissing was meant to go on, right down, step-by-step to physical sexual relationships.

Now smarten up, and stop pretending that we have something here that can be started at one end and not go all the way to the other end. Sooner or later, if you play with that, you will be burned, because you will not stop someplace along the line. You will find yourself on a runaway train. The Bible says, "Do not defraud." That means that you are not to bestir desires in somebody else of a physical nature that you do not have the right to fulfill and satisfy. Yet, as much as we shout and scream and yell and tell parents, "Be aware of this. Don't allow your son or your daughter, until they're out of high school, to find themselves in socially isolated situations one-on-one, because they do not have the controls to keep this chain reaction from being triggered at one end and going to the other."

Lack of Spiritual Rapport

And yet parents do it all the time. They're got these little high school kids going around one-on-one. Along with that comes the cute little practice, you know, of people who are beginning to court. They never can learn that the seventh moral principle requires an orderly progression in the courting. It begins at the spiritual level; it goes to the soul level; and, then it ends up, in marriage, at the physical level. But you know that we've got all these smart, cute, little, confident, characters who begin on the physical level, and they just do not believe you when you say, "If you start there, you will be so mentally disoriented, you will not be able to recognize soul compatibility or soul incompatibility with that individual. You will never establish spiritual rapport. You will constantly have a coldness in your spiritual relationship. You will never be able to enter in to a warmth into the things of the Lord. You will never be able to wholeheartedly respond with positive volition to instruction in the Word of God that's true and sound and accurate, because you did not begin on the spiritual level."

Body Contact

All of this is involved in this principle. Body contacts of a flirtatious nature are another thing. People think that's cute, and that's being coy. If you play that game, you may find yourself coasting down to a relationship and in immorality you didn't anticipate.

Social Factors

Well, there are social factors as well as these physical factors.


Needless to say, pornographic literature in magazines, which abound everywhere on our newsstands now, will debase the mind toward sex. It will give you a cheap attitude toward the physical body of men and women. Therefore, you play with that at a great personal hazard. You attend movies with nudity and with sexual practices and perversions at your great personal hazard. There are mental fantasies of sexual immorality that contaminate the mentality of the soul. Your mental conditioning by society is constantly in the direction that leads away from biblical attitudes. The Bible has a horror toward illicit sex, but our society does not. Everything that comes into your mind and into your thinking: television programs; articles; movies; reports; and listening to the entertainment world people, is not the reaction of horror toward sexual perversions and illicit sex, but of toleration. Pornographic pictures distort your emotions, and consequently, weaken your will.

A Weak Spiritual Maturity Structure

Worst of all, on the same level is a weak spiritual maturity structure. People who are blasé about the intake of doctrine are spiritual weaklings. Spiritual weaklings have a condition of soul where they are receptive to immorality. That's why we tell you that for a young person to be pure and chaste requires a hard-core structure of spiritual maturity in the form of doctrine in his human spirit. Without that in the spirit, you cannot maintain a stable attitude toward sex. A spiritual maturity structure, whether you're younger or old, is a key factor.


Certainly, music with the jungle beat contributes in a major way to destroy your soul in its resistance toward morality. You ought to think twice before you walk into your kid's room when you hear the radio on, and music with a jungle beat, and you permit it. When you hear it, you should say, "Turn it off." It's music that is designed for immoral purposes. If you listen to the lyrics, you'll see how clearly it is designed for that purpose. The lyrics help it a great deal. Several people have made some excellent studies on this and written some excellent books. One of these times in the future, we may go into this in more detail, but it is fantastic how music in the last 50 years has been used as a major instrument to lead into violation of the seventh moral principles. It's the beat and it's the words.


Certainly, if you're a person whose emotions dominate your soul (which ties back to not having a strong spiritual maturity structure), then you are a prime candidate for sexual immorality. The emotionally dominated soul is a prime candidate for illicit sex.

The Old Sin Nature

Well, it all comes back to the way we are. God made us, and God knows how we must function. God knew how we could function in a maximum way under the conditions of the Garden of Eden. But something very different has happened. Once sin entered the human race, and once an old sin nature became part of our souls, we have an abnormality interjected into what God had created. We have an abnormal condition. Therefore, there are certain things that are required for happiness with an old sin nature that were not required for happiness before there was an old sin nature. People have the impression that happiness now is indulging all of the desires of the old sin nature, particularly on the physical level. Now the social scientists are beginning to have some second thoughts. We've had 50 years of hippiedom. We've had 50 years of homosexuality and gay liberation movements being dignified. We've had 50 years now of increasing public nudity in entertainment. We've had 50 years of the drug culture. We've had 50 years of this whole scene of doing your own thing. People are discovering that they were not made that way, and that they cannot function on all of this glorious freedom that was described to them.

An article in The National Observer entitled "Social Suicides" by Daniel Henninger says, "A recent article in The Washington Post said that the suicide rate among young people in this country was increasing at an alarming rate. Among the various reasons given for the young suicides, the most interesting was that offered by Dr. Jerome Motto, formerly president of the American Association of Suicidology, and now professor of psychology at the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. Dr. Motto suggested that a lot of kids felt they didn't quite fit into the love generation–the new, open, unfettered lifestyle made popular by rock music; Charles Reich's The Greening of America; youth movies; and, advertising directed at the young.

"In Dr. Motto's view, some of the most sensitive and intelligent of the young detected a false note in all of this; weren't mature enough to assert their doubts; became depressed; and, killed themselves. Two liberal administrations proposed and passed new social policies, calling them "The New Frontier" and "The Great Society." Concurrent with this extraordinary upheaval of public policy, there occurred a radical transformation of personal values.

"With young people leading the way, a lot of us concluded that how we lived and looked was somehow inadequate. We decided to create new lifestyles for ourselves by doing our own thing, and letting it all hang out. Those phrases seem trite now, but they describe precisely what we did. A lot of what we did was harmless enough: longer hair; louder clothes; and, all that. Other changes were more substantial: freer; more guiltless sex; widespread use of drugs; communal living; guiltless divorce; an assortment of psychological therapies; and, a new female consciousness.

"All these things were full-blown frequently overlapping movements, each having its own elaborately articulated philosophy. To commit oneself to the sexual, drug, group therapy, or feminist movement, one had to be pretty well-prepared to toss overboard a lifetime's accumulation of personal values, prejudices, and hangups. The astonishing thing is how willingly many of us threw ourselves into the new consciousness without a moment's thought for the consequences of our commitment. If we did consider the consequences, we concluded that whatever they were, they would make us feel better.

"I think the returns are coming in now, and what we're getting is a large population of social suicides. People who made the long psychic swim out to those islands of personal happiness found they'd been oversold, and are now too emotionally wrung out to make their way back. These people are still among us, but they're drowning. But it seems to me that what the recent past should have taught us is that it's plain stupid to think a personal paradise awaits anyone willing to have his or her sex freed; consciousness raised; marriage opened; tea grouped; mind blown; or (imagined it) willing to become one's own best friend. Perhaps the rest of us ought to take another look at the various brands of personal happiness we bought recently. Rather than kill ourselves, just wise up."

Homosexuality and Lesbianism

I think that very well puts the consequences of 50 years of increasing violation of the seventh moral principle. We have already seen, in general, the areas of premarital sex and extramarital sex. But remember that the seventh moral principle covers the whole gamut of illicit improper sexual relationships–not the least of which is that of homosexuality. The biblical position divine viewpoint refers to this as "a great abomination." Sex of men with men is called homosexuality or sodomy; and, of women with women is called lesbianism. The practice is the result of negative volition toward divine viewpoint revelation. Romans 1:24-27 spell this out for us very clearly, and we will be going in detail on those verses in a future study, so I'll not pause there now. But that will spell out for you exactly what is involved in homosexuality; what an abomination it is; and, how it is the result of people who went negative to God's word.

The practice was widespread among the heathen people who surrounded the Jewish people in Israel. This was actually the purpose of the male prostitutes in the heathen temple when they came for worship. These male prostitutes were there for the practice of homosexuality. This evil in God's viewpoint was the reason for the condemnation and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19:1-11 tell us the horrid story of the men who came to visit Lot. The men of the city came; surrounded his house; and, assaulted the house for the explicit purpose of having Lot turn over these men who were his guests to be used in homosexual relationships.

Both male and female prostitutes were provided for the worship of the god of Baal in the temples. You can read about this in Deuteronomy 23:17: "There shall be no harlot of the daughters of Israel (a female prostitute), nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel (a homosexual prostitute). Thou shalt not bring the hire of an harlot (the payment to the female prostitute), or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord your God for any vow. For even both these are abominations of the Lord your God."

These were viewed as offerings. This is how you brought an offering. I'm not just talking, friends, about the heathen. I'm talking about the Jewish people. The Jewish people picked up this practice from the pagans around them. When they brought a money offering to God, the way they brought the money offering was that they brought this offering as a payment to the prostitute, male or female. This was an act of worship. It was bringing a money offering to God. Now, that's what this Scripture here in Deuteronomy, is talking about.

Israel frequently fell into imitating this worship. You can read about this in 1 Kings 14:24, 1 Kings 15:12, 1 Kings 22:46, and 2 Kings 23:7. It is unsparingly condemning a practice which is absolutely forbidden in the Old Testament. Leviticus 18:22 states the principle: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination." Where it was practiced, it was viewed as a capital crime punishable by death. Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lies with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

The New Testament world was shot through with the practice of homosexuality. In the society of Greece, it was not just a practice, but it was a way of life. It was a thing that everybody did. It is unbelievable as you go back and you read through the history books and the accounts of Greek culture and practice, how consistently this was practiced. The more intellectual level you were on, and the more cultured level you were on, the more homosexuality was involved as a way of life. It permeated from the bottom to the very top. As a matter of fact, Greece has been described as a pervert's paradise. This perversion was prevalent among intellectuals and aristocrats. It was prevalent among the philosophers. As a matter of fact, philosophical schools were passed on by the teachers, such as Aristotle, who was a homosexual, to his student, Hermias, who was his lover. Throughout the Greek world, teachers of these philosophical schools, who gave us these great Greek thoughts, passed their schools on to their male lovers.

Greek education was shot through with homosexuality. That's where the boys learned it. They learned it when they went to school. There was no way to avoid it. This theme runs throughout Greek literature. One of the outstanding pieces of literature concerning love is one written by Plato called Symposium. It is viewed as an epitome of a piece of literature on love. But most people don't realize that its homosexual love that it's talking about. It's an epitome of a perversion expression.

As a matter of fact, it was so widespread that even the Greek army was infected by it, if you can believe it. The army itself was shot through with this practice. Yet, never was homosexuality viewed as normal by the Greeks, and never was it legalized. We can't even say that about ourselves today. It was always illegal. Whatever enforcement was made of it, it was always illegal, and it was always viewed as a perversion. It was never viewed in any other light, though widely practiced. Even Plato was a homosexual when he wrote his book on envisioning the ideal country, the ideal state, rejected this practice in his concept of the ideal state. The Greeks knew they were enslaved, and they knew that only a madman would legalize this.

Well, if you thought the Greeks were bad, the Romans were worse. Roman society had inherited all the perversions of the Greeks, and they went on from there. They were indeed the fitting recipients of Romans 1:18-32. When you realize how homosexuality controlled Roman society from top to bottom, you'll appreciate Paul's reference and his condemnation of that (an explanation of that practice) in that opening chapter of Romans. It was naked, crude, course, and filthy in the deepest sense of those words. The victims were, of course, feminized. They were dressed in female attire and mannerisms.

There was a time when you could not see this in the United States. Men who go around as feminine homosexuals are called "queens" in the trades. The male homosexuals are called "butches." You never saw this, but now you do. As some of you know, I was in San Diego a couple summers ago, sitting in one of the great hotels in downtown San Diego. There was a great convention going on. There were these well-dressed men, and these very impressively attired women walking back and forth. I'm sitting there with my friend Paul Dirks, and we're talking, and Mrs. Danish and Mrs. Dirks were close by. And it was really funny. We're sitting and watching this crowd going back and forth, and all this hubbub of noise and overtone. And these women would say, "Oh, darling, where have you been. I haven't seen you in so long." And they were greeting one another, and we thought this was a big homecoming.

Then all of a sudden, four people woke up. I wish I'd have had my movie camera on us as the four of us looked at each other, and we said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yes. Do you realize that those women are men?" It just hit me. They fooled me for a while, which was kind of humiliating. But those women were men. ... This was the Gay Liberation Convention and they were nominating the king and queen of the movement.

There was a time when the police would have stormed in there and broken that thing up, and they'd have been hauled off to jail like nobody's business. Even in Rome, friends, they never legalized it. Of the first 15 Roman emperors, 14 of them were homosexuals. Only Claudius was straight.

It began with Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was notoriously known as the lover of King Nicomedes of Bithynia. He was succeeded by Augustus whom he had adopted. Augustus agreed to be adopted as Julius Caesar's son, to succeed him as emperor on the basis that Augustus would be Caesar's lover. The Emperor Tiberius was such a pervert that this is one thing we can't read publicly. You get the records of the descriptions by a historian likes Suetonius concerning the activities of Tiberius, and the translations. When you get it translated, the perversions are so gross that a lot of people don't even want to translate it. The Emperor Hadrian had Antinous as his lover. When Antinous died, he wept like a woman, and he had Antinous declared a god. The lowest pervert of all, however, was Nero. He was the lowest homosexual of the bunch. This is because he was so open and brazen that he publicly married his lover in an imperial wedding (a "White House wedding" they had). Then he led his male lover through the streets of Rome to the cheers of the crowds back to the palace.

Is it any wonder that Rome, the greatest empire on the face of the earth, unbelievably went to destruction? The national leadership of Rome brought the moral cancer of homosexuality to the lowest levels of Roman society. Yet Rome never legalized homosexuality. It never viewed it as anything but a bad thing. And yet it was worse in Rome than it was in Greece.

Well, when Christianity arrived, this was the scene. This practice is clearly forbidden by the New Testament Scriptures (as it is in the Old Testament Scriptures) in 1 Corinthians 6:9. Whatever a person's reason may be for being inclined to this perversion does not change the fact that God condemns it. A nation which persists in it; tolerates it; and, legalizes it is a nation which is certain to come under divine destruction. No nation has ever existed very long once it tolerated; legalized; and, widely practiced homosexuality.

In the United States, it is no longer illegal. It is dignified. It's called by such cute names as the gay liberation. It's no longer called a perversion. It's now called a deviation. The homosexual and the lesbian are viewed as mistreated; misunderstood; but, very sensitive souls. The Bible says that's human viewpoint; it violates the moral principle; it's an abnormal expression of sex; and, a society seals its own doom when it's tolerates it; when it promotes it; when it practices it; and, worst of all, when it legalizes it. The old sin nature has many tendencies to sin. This is one of them. None of these tendencies are justification for tolerating it. Homosexuality is at war with God, and it is hostile to the authority of the Bible.

There are a couple of other things that are major practices in this country, and we will get to that next time. If you've been shocked by what you've heard today, I can guarantee you that the worst is yet to come.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1973

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