The Age of the Jews, No. 8


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1974)

The final phase of the dispensation of the Jews is the tribulation period, and we are now looking at that. This tribulation period begins after the church has been removed at the rapture. Things on earth will be dramatically different during the tribulation period from God's order during the present dispensation in which we live, the dispensation of the church. This is the period in which the Jews are going to receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah. It is a period in which God's divine judgment is going to be poured out upon unbelievers and upon nations as a whole. It is a period of seven years duration with no true church anywhere on the earth; and, no Holy Spirit restraining the evil expression of the old sin nature.

As we noted last time, there will be four world blocs of power on the face of the earth. The ruler of the western block will in time become the dictator of the whole world. At that time, the goal of the United Nations, which is world controls, will be realized. The False Prophet will back up the Western ruler in the religious realm, and he will actually in time force the Jews to worship the image of the Western ruler. The tribulation world will have an arrangement which will result in struggles for power. There will be war, famine, and death.

Satan and the demons at the middle of this period will be cast out of heaven. This will be the result of a war out in space between Michael with the elect angels and Satan with his demons. Satan will be defeated, and at this point, he will be cast out of heaven so that he will no longer, and never again, be able to return there. He will in his fury come down to the earth and he will unleash a vast tide of anti-Semitism. There will be much evangelism during the tribulation period under the direction and leadership of 144,000 Jews and others, and many will be saved. The tribulation will be a time of climax for the world's conflict over the nation of Israel. That, of course, is exactly what is taking place today. The nations of the world are on guard against one another because of the Jewish state.

Our Secretary of State and most of the leading officials of the present administration belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The tribulation will be the time when the ambition of the CFR will be realized. This again is world controls; world organization; and, world direction to the resources of humanity. This of course is held in common with communism, but it is seeking to approach it in a different way without the violence that communism uses to establish itself. Both however will realize the goal of one world government.

Natural Phenomena

We are looking now at the end of the tribulation phase. This end will be signified, the Lord said, by certain signs out in the atmosphere. God is going to release some very rapid fire judgments, and this is at the very end of the seven-year period. These will come like mighty hammer blows upon humanity. There will be great evidences of something happening because of celestial and terrestrial disturbances which will be taking place. We have these described for us in Revelation 6:12 where we read, "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. And the stars of heaven fell onto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

If you'll note what these verses say, you can immediately see that this will be something indeed fantastically wondrous to behold. The sun itself will become black. Here it is, high noon, and the sun is a black spot up in the sky. The moon itself, when it appears at its high point, instead of being glistening white, will be red like blood. All over the earth will be meteorites falling in the form of stars which have fallen which will be striking the earth. The heavens themselves will be in a catastrophic turmoil such as somebody rolling up a sheet of paper. Islands will be moved and mountains will be moved. This, of course, is just about saying the same thing because islands are the top of mountains under seas. There will be great earthquakes. There will be great movements of the earth's structure all around the planet, not just in certain places. This is going to be something very frightening.

The result will be that brave people will find themselves in hysterical panic. Revelation 6:15 says, "And the kings of the earth (that is, the political people--the rulers), and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man (whether you're important on the social scale, or if you're not important--down at the bottom) hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." That statement is very interesting because here at the end of the Tribulation we see that these people know who is causing these things. They want to be hid from the face of the Lord Jesus Christ who is bringing about these destructive effects.

I must remind you that we are talking at this point about people that perhaps you know. These may be people who now are unbelievers and who will not accept Christ as Savior who will be living when these things take place. This verse is not describing some poor ignorant benighted natives off in some jungle area who are going to see some phenomena out in space, and not be able to interpret them and go into a panic. These are going to be the leaders of the world, and the people with all the high IQs, and they're going to go into a frap because they're going to see things out there and they are going to know that there is a God out there who is moving these things. They're also going to know that because these things are happening, something is about to happen. Something is in the wings about to come out on stage center.

Detached from Reality

One of the things that will arrive will be the final World War. History records for us a series of men who have had ideas on how to make this a better world. People grasp each one in turn with a vain hope that it would solve the world's problems, but it never worked because these men do not have divine viewpoint. Because they do not have divine viewpoint, they are detached from reality. The worst thing that can happen to a person is to be out of touch with reality. That is a terrible state in which to find oneself, and this is what the leaders of the world are in now. Again, I'm not telling you something about people who are ignorant, uneducated, or backwards. I'm talking about the people who are seemingly prepared for positions of leadership, and who are seemingly prepared to have opinions that are meaningful.

These people are detached from reality. They, in other words, do not qualify under the super grace status, of which we spoke in the previous session, which is the ultimate in reality. People who have super grace status have it because they have absorbed and inhaled the doctrines of the Word of God. They said, "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." They were the people who took the trouble to attend church; who took the trouble to sit and listen; who took the trouble to pay attention; and, who took the trouble to study the Word of God--to read it, to listen to recordings, and to go positive toward what God was saying. When you become rejectors of that, then you open the door to the lack of contact with reality that will characterize the whole world here at the end of the tribulation phase of the dispensation of the Jews.

So these people are going to have vain hopes of putting together a peace upon this world. Mind you, the devil cannot run anything right. Furthermore, man cannot solve his own problems. Therefore, they are both on a dead end street. The devil is trying desperately to bring about a perfect environment on the earth. Man is desperately listening to what Satan is telling him, and taking his human viewpoint, and trying to put these things into operation and trying to implement them. Every time, the thing blows up in his face. The thing seems like the absolutely best thing in the world to do, and what happens is that it blows up in his face. Well, the answer to world disaster and the answer to social problems and human needs is the Lord Jesus Christ and doctrine. These are the two things that modern man makes certain that he will ignore.

Because he is out of touch with reality, he does not recognize that God has certain divine laws by which governments and nations must operate--the divine laws of the functioning of the establishment. Because they do not know these things, we are constantly having examples of this within our government. I call these to your attention because I am trying to alert you to the fact of how the Bible is a book that has answers for today, for this very moment in your life, and how we are seeing things taking place in the leadership of this nation which demonstrate that it is out of touch with reality. Naturally, you and I lean back and we say, "Oh God, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could put a group of people in Congress and in the administration of this nation who were super grace Christians? What a fantastic thing would happen to this nation." Well, we once used to operate on those principles which we no longer do.

One of the examples of this lack of touch with reality I referred to a few weeks ago. I called your attention to the fact that the United States had joined in with a statement by the United Nations of exercising sanctions against Rhodesia. Rhodesia has certain racial policies which the U.N. decided that it did not approve of. The United States went along with economic sanctions against Rhodesia. In the process of this, our government passed an amendment to that sanction agreement which enabled us to buy chrome from Rhodesia. There are only three places in the world, by and large, where you can get chrome. One is Rhodesia; second is Russia; and, third is South Africa. We had been restricted from buying it from Rhodesia until some members of Congress said that is the most asinine thing in the world--the prices we are paying to one of our enemies, Russia, for the chrome that we have to have and that we have none of in this nation. Therefore they passed the amendment.

Well, I want to tell you to watch your Congress, Christian people, because the Senate has already passed a counter amendment to repeal the permission of our nation to buy chrome from Rhodesia. The Senate has approved it by a vote of 54 to 37. It was sponsored by a Democrat, and his bill is to re-establish the embargo on the Rhodesian chrome so that we will again be largely dependent upon Russia for a very strategic material. Now you say, "Why would the senator do that? Why would he press such a bill?" The amendment that was passed two years ago did nothing more than to prohibit our president from blocking importation of any strategic metal from a free world country if such metals were being imported from a communist country. All the amendment said was that the president cannot restrain (cannot place an embargo) upon our buying from a free country if we are buying the same thing from a slave country. So since we are buying it from the slave country of Russia, we could now again buy it under this amendment from a free country, namely Rhodesia.

How important is chrome? I want to read to you from "Human Events." This is a statement by another Senate Democrat who is the chairman of our Stockpile subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. Here is what this man who is in charge of stockpiling of strategic materials has to say about chromium. "Chromium is one of the most important and indispensable industrial metals. Current United States consumption of metallurgical chrome ore totals about 700,000 tons per year. None is mined in the United States or in North America. Ferrochromium is irreplaceable for the production of stainless steel and other types of high performance steels and super alloys where the chromium imparts vital resistance to heat and corrosion. About 10% of our domestic production of these steels goes directly to military and defense applications. Modern jet airplanes, nuclear submarines, and warships, for instance, cannot be built without metallurgical chrome. 85% of stainless steel is devoted to other essential uses such as oil refineries, hospital equipment, food processing machinery, and chemical plants. Only about 5% of U.S. chrome usage goes to household appliances and kitchen tools.

"When the United States began to designate strategic materials for stockpiling and defense purposes in 1939, chromium was one of the first four commodities to be listed." That is, in 1939, when our government made a list of what we had to have to survive as a nation, one of the first four things on the list was chromium. Without it, we die industrially. Without it, we die militarily.

You would say, "Why would that happen? Why should the senator do that for something so important?" Well here's why. The reason was really a very cheap and hypocritical way of currying favor with certain black leaders and political personalities. The senator expressed the reason why he felt we must repeal the Byrd amendment, which permitted us to buy chromium, and to put the embargo back on it. The senator said that when the United Nations Security Council has acted, that "has the same standing as a provision of our Constitution. It is the supreme law of the land." In other words, any time the United Nations places an embargo or makes a decision, and we do not veto it in the Security Council, it becomes the law of the land just like our Constitution. Now that's fantastic, isn't it?

What is the tribulation period going to be like? It is going to have one-world control. How many Americans are aware of this today? How many Christian Americans have enough sense and enough insights of relating these things together to see that right before their eyes, their very government leaders are pushing for this one-world control, and getting the American psyched and prepared for that kind of thinking.

Another writer in Human Events speaks about this same thing and refers to this attitude as pure mush. "The proponents of repealing the amendment argue that it is immoral to traffic with Rhodesia. Another senator said that the Ian Smith regime has consistently refused to grant the majority black population of Rhodesia the most basic rights of citizenship." The writer of the article goes on and says, "'We ought,' the senator suggested, 'to harmonize our policies with our principles. Our message,' he said, 'by word and deed ought to be a foursquare commitment to freedom for our own sake and for humanity's.'" In other words, the reason we are going to not buy chromium from Rhodesia is because they are mistreating their majority black population under Ian Smith's government, who's greatest crime really has been nothing more than disassociating itself from the British Empire, which may not have been too bad an idea to begin with.

Continuing in the article, the editorialist says, "What mush. The senator is entirely agreeable to trading with Russia which denies its people every basic right of citizenship. In Rhodesia, blacks vote; sit in Parliament; own property; and, attend an integrated university. Does the senator suppose that any Russian opposed to the Communist Party enjoy such freedoms? The senator's foursquare commitment is double standard hokum. There is not an ounce of morality in it." Then the article concludes. "The Senate's action will not hurt Rhodesia which can sell every ton of its chrome to other hypocrites in the family of nations. The action will serve only to make our steel and defense industries more dependent upon the kindness of our communist enemy, and it will evidence to a disbelieving and snickering world the fatuousness of the U.S. Senate at its worst."

Now that is a current event example that you should relate to the type of thing that is going to take place in the tribulation period. It is the kind of lack of reality thinking that possesses our government leaders today. The House of the United States Congress is picking up its business soon. Watch your television sets. The Senate has already said, "No more chrome from Rhodesia." See what happens now in the House. If the House agrees, and passes that embargo, you will have again the most fantastic demonstration of lack of reality. Our nation will be dependent upon our enemies in order to please a group of disoriented idiots who are working for a one-world control. These are the people who are deciding your destiny. These are the same people who also said, "Let's sell our food to our enemies." Business is leading to our own self-destruction because we have men who are detached from reality, and who think that our enemy is not any longer what it is. Well, history does record vain attempts at bringing peace to the world, but because these leaders constantly deny the divine laws of establishment, all of their efforts are to naught.


Well the Word of God tells us that at the end of the tribulation, the four world power blocs are going to be locked together in one final gigantic war. We have this referred to throughout the Old Testament. For example, in Zachariah 14:2, we read, "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle." And again you see that the Jew is the focal point of the conflict of nations. "And the city shall be taken; the houses rifled; and, the women ravished, and half the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city." This has not yet taken place. This is a future situation.

In the prophecy of Joel 3:14, we have another verse relative to this: "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." The world powers are locked together in a momentous decision of war. Satan, of course, and the old sin nature are behind all wars. We have this taught in James 4:1-2 and in Revelation 20:3 and 8. Satan creates wars of aggression. Wars of aggression require the response of defense of those who are the victims of this aggression. This too is biblical. God approves defending your national entity. Revelation 19:11 and 15 indicate to us that Satan will be resisted by God in these wars of aggression.

Now what Satan is going to do is to summon the four power blocs to do battle in the Middle East. His purpose of gathering them together, of course, is to exterminate the Jew. In Revelation 16:13-14, we have this described for us: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (demons), and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of demons working miracles." Notice that again--you people who have not yet caught on--that demons and Satan can work miracles. It is really fantastic how this can elude people, and how often the Bible refers to the fact that Satan and demons are fantastic miracle workers. Most people still can't catch on. They think the only miracle that occurs always comes from God. "These spirits (demons) work miracles that go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." This has not yet taken place.

All four blocs of nations will desire Palestine. The reason they want Palestine is because Palestine is strategically located geographically. The nation that controls Palestine will control Europe, Asia, and Africa, and thus the wealth of those areas. Any aggressor against Palestine, however, in the tribulation is, of course, going to have to face the king who has appointed himself as Israel's protector. The Jews have accepted him. Now Satan fans the greed of these nations for the material wealth that is possessed by Israel and its strategic location. He will fan this greed in order to destroy the Jews. So he uses these demon spirits to move the nations against the Jews.

So the attack is launched. We have this attack, near the end of the tribulation, described for us in Daniel 11, and it goes like this. First of all, the general plan of operation is that the king of the South (the bloc of the South) invades Palestine with the Afro-Arab armies. In Daniel 11:40, we read, "And at the time of the end shall the king of the South push at him" (that is, at the dictator of Israel). Then the king of the North with his Russian armies joins in this attack. Picking it up in the middle of verse 40: "And the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships."

Incidentally, that's very interesting because you know what Russia is doing today, don't you? Russia is building a fantastic navy. She is outstripping us on every account on every type of vessel. That is why Russia wants to have the Suez Canal open. She is now coming to be a dominating world power as a naval power, and she needs the Suez Canal in order to have access to the places in the world where that Navy is going to operate. She didn't need it before. She needs it desperately now. Our secretary of state has made it possible. The result of this conflict has given Russia the chance to open the Suez Canal. I hate to play prophet, but just wait and see. I'll be very surprised indeed if the Suez Canal is not now reopened. That's what Russia, obviously it would seem, needed and wanted all along in this conflict. That's why she supplied the Arabs and egged them on into the attack.

"So with many ships he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass through. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown. But these shall escape out of his hand: even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon." These probably will be the territories to which the Jews, who obey the instructions given to them in the book of Matthew, that when they see these things happening, namely when they see the image of the Western ruler put up in the rebuilt temple as the object of worship, they should get out of Jerusalem and flee from Judea. If they flee to these territories, these are the very areas that will escape the hand of the attack of the king of the North. It is probably in these territories that the Jews will find their maximum protection.

Then the king of the North pulls a double-cross, and he overcomes his ally, the king of the South, and he occupies the entire Middle East. Verse 42: "He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of Egypt, and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps." The kings of the East hear about this, and they begin marching. So the Eastern Bloc moves into the picture against the king of the North. Meanwhile, the king of the West has also rushed in to aid and protect Israel to whom he is committed. When the king of the North gets word of these movements, he rushes back north through Palestine exercising vengeance as he goes.

Verse 44: "But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him. Therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to sweep away many. Gentile nations, here raging against the Jews in one way or another, are all thinking that they can get rid of God and of His Word and of His people. This is what Psalm 2 is referring to when God is said to be laughing at the nations. Psalm 2:1: "Why do the nations rage and the peoples imagine a vain thing?" This is talking about the tribulation--the end of the tribulation period, and the arrangement of God's household at that point. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying, 'Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.'"

Now when I tell you that the nations of the world are tied up in an unrealistic view of life, and that the leaders of the world are detached from reality, here you have a biblical example of how far that lack of reality will carry them. They are actually saying here, "Why don't we fight God?" Now, in heaven's name, how insane do you have to be to say, "Let's fight God?" You know it was just a few years ago that the liberal theologians came up with what they considered a brilliant new idea. They announced their new idea that God is dead. Everybody was talking about God being dead. If you had any rationality at all, even if you were an unbeliever, you would said, "You know, that's a really kind of funny statement. God is dead?" That's like an atheist saying, "I don't believe in God, and I thank God that He has given me the sense to know that." There is something wrong in that.

So these people here are going to say, "Let's fight God." Mind you, this is what's going to happen in the final battle in the land of Palestine when up there they look, and here comes Jesus Christ. Here come all the angelic hosts with Him. Here comes Christ riding upon that stallion in a brilliant array of glory, and all the church saints with Him. And there it is: Dennis Williams, Dale Cravens, and Mr. Rouch carrying a sign saying, "Down with the antichrist," or some crazy thing like that. And there it is. They're going to look up and they're going to say, "There's where our enemy is. Let's stop fighting one another. We're going to fight God."

It's absolutely inconceivable how far these men go off their rocker. What does God do? Verse 4: "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in derision." Now that strong language. God sits up there and He laughs. He holds them in derision because that's exactly what a person out of touch with reality deserves.

Verse 8 says, "Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession." He is speaking to His Son. "You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." That's reality. What these nations think they're going to do in opposing God is not reality. God who laughs at them says, "I'll tell you what the reality is. The reality is that My Son is going to walk in here. He's going to have a rod of iron in His hand, and He's going to walk through this place like somebody walking through a pottery factory, and He's going to smash things left and right. He's going to splatter the nations of the world and all of its leaders with their lack of reality all over the countryside." Now that's a God who knows how to make war. He is a God who has created principles of divine establishment. While the world may deviate and drift away from those, when He gets down to things, He's going to operate upon those principles that are inherently true within the structure of His own being.

So we come, consequently, in all of this rising tide of unreality against God to what is called the Armageddon campaign. This is the final setup that God is going to make in the tribulation period. The Armageddon campaign consists of four main battles. They are decisive conflicts. Number one will be the siege of Jerusalem. You may read about this in Zachariah 12:2 and in Zachariah 14:2. The second strategic battle will be that of Armageddon on the plain of Megiddo. This is described in Revelation 16:16. Then there will be a third decisive battle in Jehoshaphat's Valley which we read about in Joel 3:1-2. Finally, there will be the battle of Edom which is described in Isaiah 34:1-6 and Isaiah 63:1-6.

Now the result of all this conflict will finally climax with the return of Jesus Christ described in Revelation 19:11-21. When the nations who have been fighting each other see Him coming, they will join forces against Him. Revelation 19:11-21 describe for you how Jesus Christ tears them to shreds. It puts into historical perspective what Psalm 2 says He will do with a rod of iron in His hand, smashing them like they were clay pots. During this time, there will be a Jewish underground of resistance against the forces of the king of the West and against the nations of the world who are battling to exterminate the Jew under Satan's direction. The Jews will be greatly outnumbered, and they will be in very grave danger.

Zachariah 12:6 describes this resistance: "In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheath. And they shall devour all the peoples round about them." This is guerrilla warfare activity on the part of the Jews. "On the right hand and on the left, and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem." This Jewish resistance movement will try to be stopped, of course, by the leaders of the world in various ways. One of the ways in which they will try to stop the resistance movement, particularly in the defense of Jerusalem, is going to be by sending out false information concerning the return of Christ. The word will be given out that there is no longer any need to resist because the Messiah has arrived.

That's what Matthew 24:23 tells you: "Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not." They are warned that when the information goes out, and they are told Christ has returned, "Don't believe it." When Christ returns, I don't care where you are on the face of the earth, you are going to look up there, and you are going to see it. You will know it, and there'll be no doubt about the fact that He has returned. So you won't have to have anybody coming to you with a white flag and saying, "We want to announce to you that Christ the Messiah has returned. There is no need for you to resist. Come and lay down your arms." These people will know that God, who always protects His people and keeps His promises, is going to strike down those who oppress them.

So the freedom fighters are going to continue, and they are going to be sustained because they know some right doctrine. Therefore, they are connected with reality. Therefore, they possess both spiritual and battle courage. The courage that comes to a man on the field of battle comes to him because he is oriented to right principles of thinking. Even if he is an unbeliever, because of his training in his home; because of his training in his social circle; or, because of his training in school, he may have been given the proper principles of divine viewpoint relative to government; to nations; to divine national entities; and, so on. The result is that that man with that insight will have battle courage. The conscientious objector is disoriented to the Word of God. That's why he does not envision himself in battle, and would certainly on the field of battle not likely have courage. These men do because they are oriented to God's Word.

Now at the lowest point of the Armageddon campaign, there appears the Lord Jesus Christ. This will be preceded by something that God has done before on the face of the earth. When God is about to make a dramatic move, it has been His fashion to cover the earth with darkness. The earth was blanketed thus at Calvary at the death of Christ. It was almost like one final warning. Here it is: I'm telling you once more. Make your decision before the hand of God falls upon you. It happened in Egypt too that God covered the land of Egypt with darkness. It was his way of saying I'm giving you one final warning so that you may change. This is going to happen again in the tribulation period.

Joel 2:31-32 tell us about how this will happen at the end of the tribulation period. "The sun shall be turned into darkness; the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." At this particular point, with darkness blanketing the earth, you may call upon the Lord; that is, you may believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and you will be born again. There is a time for salvation. There is your time for salvation. There is your time for receiving Christ. Many people have received him at a point of great blackness and darkness within their own experience. It was at that point that God was giving them their final opportunity of receiving Him.


Suddenly, with this darkness passed, the earth will burst into a blaze of light. There will appear in the sky the Lord Jesus Christ with the angelic host and with the human army, namely the church. Where are the Old Testament unbelievers at this point? Have you got that straight? There is a first and second resurrection. Who is in the first resurrection, in general? All believers are in the first resurrection. Who is in the second resurrection? Unbelievers. The first resurrection is all believers. The second resurrection is all unbelievers.

However, the first resurrection is in stages. The first resurrection begins with whom? The Lord Jesus Christ. First comes the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the first fruits of resurrection. Who is next? The church. Now the church comes. Are the Old Testament Saints raised at the rapture? No. They are left in the grave. At the rapture of the church, only believers are raised. Christ is raised; we Christians are raised; and, then after the tribulation is over, there is a third stage of the first resurrection. Who is that? Old Testament saints. This is because their history is not complete until after the tribulation is over. The tribulation is the end of the dispensation of the Jews. Therefore they are not raised except in their order.

Now God does this in order to make it clear that he separates the dispensation of the church from the dispensation of the Jews. We do not interrelate the two. The believers of the church age have a resurrection before the tribulation. The believers of the Old Testament era have a resurrection after the tribulation period. What about all those people killed in the tribulation? All those people who were killed who were believers in the tribulation are raised at the end of the tribulation period also. Are they part of the church or part of Old Testament saints? Old Testament saints. None of this body is part of the church which is a unique special group. That's the elite. That's the United States Marine Corps of eternity. Nobody is in the church except those who have entered it now during the age of grace. The rest are on Old Testament grounds. When does the second resurrection take place--the unbelievers? When are they raised? At the end of the millennium. That's when God wraps it all up.

So all this is in a proper order. The people who come back with the Lord at this blaze-of-glory appearance (the Second Coming) are only church saints. The purpose of His coming is to deliver the Jews to take vengeance on their oppressors, the gentiles. The Lord lands on the Mount of Olives. It splits in two--north and south. There's a fault line there today. You may find this described in Zachariah 14:4-5 that says, "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives (which is before Jerusalem on the east), and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley. And half the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south. And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach into Azal. Yea, you shall flee as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah King of Judah. And the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with you."

All of the angelic and human enemies of the Lord are then judged (Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 19:15). Then the Lord sets up the last dispensation which is the dispensation of the kingdom which is his millennial rule on earth. Then we have all of the saints of all of the ages singing the hallelujah chorus that you find in Revelation 19:5-6: "And a voice came out of the throne saying, 'Praise our God all you servants and you that fear Him both small and great.' And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and like the voice of many waters and like the voice of mighty peals of thunder saying, 'Hallelujah, for the lord God omnipotent reigns.'" That's going to be a very marvelous and a very wonderful day.

There is one other factor that we need to consider before we close the dispensation of the Jews. We will take it up next time. That deals with Matthew 24 and 25. You might like to read that before the next session, starting with the last three verses of Matthew 23. In Matthew 23:37-39, the Lord makes a statement that then raises some questions in the minds of the disciples so that the Lord presents what is commonly called the Olivet Discourse. This is a discussion on the Mount of Olives in which He explains to them what is going to come to pass. It sort of ties up all of these things that we've been saying about the tribulation. So we're going to summarize it and put it all together. Also, we're going to try to give you some true interpretive perspective on this passage of Scripture which is often very much misinterpreted. It is fantastic how Matthew 24 and 25 are distorted. This is primarily because the people who are reading it insist on applying what it says to the wrong dispensational compartment.

So we thank God for what He has done for us, and we thank God for the chorus of praise that you and I are going to be able to share in together because He who loved us and gave Himself for us has made it possible.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1971

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