You Will Become Rich

Colossians 2:18-19


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1995)

"The Error of Angelic Worship," number 23, in Colossians 2:18-19.

We have seen that the Christians in the church at Laodicea, the seventh church to which the Lord Jesus Christ has addressed a special letter – a church which was part of modern-day, Western Turkey, has been blessed with riches and accumulation of things. Some of these other churches, which existed at the same time and that same part of the world, were not so well off. This church was located in an area of great commercial and business activities, and they had opportunities to accumulate wealth, and God blessed them in that respect.

Now, whatever the Laodicean Christians were originally, their prosperity had made them lose their spiritual values, and they fell into spiritual reversion. It happened in a very subtle way. Many of them didn't even realize what was happening, and they had lost complete perspective of themselves. That is a terrible thing when that happens – that a Christian thinks more highly of himself than he ought to. These people had lost the church age prize that Colossians 2:18 speaks of – the prize of the spiritual power system of doctrine and temporal fellowship with God the Father, through the indwelling Holy Spirit – the result of supernatural living. This was not possible in the Old Testament under the Law system. But that is the prize for those who have accepted Christ as Savior.

These Laodicean Christians were neither icy cold (unsaved unbelievers), nor were they boiling hot (saved believers at super-grace level). They were just lukewarm toward the Lord Jesus Christ. They were just lukewarm toward attending church services. They were just lukewarm about accepting positions of service. They were just lukewarm about what they did with their money. And they were just lukewarm toward learning the Word of God, and the church-age revelation of doctrine. And worst of all, they were very lukewarm toward their mission of service.

For that reason, the Lord Jesus Christ could not deal with these people. He could not deal with them, on the one hand, as icy cold, unsaved people who needed the gospel of the grace of God; nor, could He deal with them as boiling-hot, saved people, ready to go in His service and in victory of Christian living. They were lukewarm. And as we pointed out, this Greek word "lukewarm" means spiritually nauseating. It means to be nauseated. And this lukewarm applied to their spiritual condition.

So, the Lord Jesus Christ threatens to vomit them from His mouth in disciplining them; that is, He will disassociate Himself from this local organization. Well, the church in Laodicea will go along, and keep going as a religious institution, and they'll keep doing religious matters. But they will be no longer have the Spirit – the forms will be there, but the Spirit will be gone. The view of the Laodiceans of themselves is recorded for us in Revelation 3:17. That is that they said, "I am rich." That means that they had great financial resources, and they did. "I have become wealthy." That means that they had accumulated things that money can buy, and they did. Consequently, they had the attitude that they had need of nothing. There was nothing lacking in their lives. They had not only what they needed, but there was nothing they desired that they didn't have.

So, instead of desiring the riches of the eternal rewards of heaven, they were satisfied with this moment in time in their lives. But the Lord Jesus Christ had a totally different view of them. And as Revelation 3:17 points out, the Lord says, "Because you say, 'I am rich; I become wealthy; and I have need of nothing, you do not understand, and you ignore from the revelation that has been given you that you are wretched, spiritually calloused, and hard-hearted toward God; you are miserable; you're to be pitied; you're not to be envied for your luxuries that surround you; and, you are poor, which means that you're helpless, cowering, fearful beggars when it comes to spiritual matters. And, worst of all, these people, who took great pride in their garments that they wore, were naked. God said, "Oh, yeah, you by all of your clothes at Neiman Mark-up, and you're all high class people. But the truth of the matter is: you're nothing. When I look at you, I see you devoid of garments – the garments of experiential righteousness.

Then the Lord Jesus Christ then declares he has a solution to this spiritual disorientation of the Laodiceans, so they may recover the blessings of their prize in grace Christianity – making their prize count for eternal reward.

So, in Revelation 3:18, He says that He has some advice for them. He says, "And I advise you." And this is what this word means. It means to advise. He's not commanding them, because grace leaves it open for you to make your choice. The word looks like this: "sumbouleuo." This is a word not of command. It is a word of advisement. And it's the kind of a word that describes somebody coming up; putting his arm around you; and, saying, "Now, listen. I'm your friend. In a confidential matter, I want to tell you something. You need to know this. And I hope you'll listen to Me, and that you'll take My advice." That's the tenderness of grace. And this was the advice for these believers to get out of reversionism, given by the Lord Himself. He says, "I give it to you." This includes the pastor-teacher who has led this congregation astray, as well as to the congregation as a whole.

He says, "Here's what you should do. You're interested in buying things." They always had a good time (these folks) because they had money. This often happens with folks who have money. It's something that is a fun thing to do. They go out, and they buy something. They might not need it, but these people were free to buy things. They had the resources. They didn't have to stop and ask the Lord, "Should I spend my money on this," or, "Lord, will you give me the money for this?" The Greek word is "agorazo." This is a word which is used to describe doing business in a marketplace. It means to buy or to sell.

It is used, for example, in Matthew 14:15: "And when it was evening, the disciples came to him (to Jesus), saying, 'This place is desolate, and the time has already passed. So, send the multitudes away (that the Lord had been teaching), that they may go into the villages and 'agorazo' food for themselves;'" that is, they may buy food for themselves.

Now, the Laodicean Christians lived in a in a great business center so they could relate to this advice. That's what business does. It buys and sells. And the Lord Jesus Christ here is advising the purchase of something to meet their dire spiritual destitution.

Now, this should have perked their ears up immediately. It is a point for them to realize the desperate spiritual need they had. They needed to take action to get out of their reversionism. And please remember, the word "reversionism" used to be one of the old words in the older previous generation. They called it "backsliding." What it means is somebody who is negative toward some issue of the Word of God: morality; conduct; Christian service; or, focus of desire. And they keep being negative. After a while, you start going downhill, and reversion means that no matter where you were on the scale of spiritual maturity and God's blessing, you go down to babyhood. And you revert all the way back down. It's a better word than backsliding, because it describes reverting back to nothing.

In the grammar, it's what we call an infinitive. It indicates, therefore, that this is the Lord's purpose for them. He wants them to return to spiritual prosperity. The Lord does not want any of us to be spiritually poor. He has promised to give us the logistics that we need for our lives: "I'll give you food. I'll give you shelter. I'll give you clothing. All of these things you may count on Me to provide for you. Now I ask you to seek first the Kingdom of God, and all of these things that you need, I will provide. Luxuriously? Not necessarily, but maybe. But adequately? Yes. Many Christians, as Paul points out to Timothy, have ruined their lives, and they pierce themselves through, because they don't want just money to be able to serve the Lord and carry on their lives of Christian service. They want great luxury so they can indulge in the world's attractions. And when it's all over, they have nothing. There is nothing so terrible as greedy self-indulgence.

So, the Lord says, "It is my purpose for you to buy something – to buy something that's really valuable, and you buy it from Me (from the Lord Jesus Christ). And in the Greek Bible, in the sentence, these words ("from me") are in the emphatic position, and they indicate that what they need, to get themselves back under God's blessing, and their hearts at peace, and a purpose in life, is to restore their divine viewpoint orientation. They can only get it from the Lord Jesus Christ. And how do you get it from Him? Through the teachings of Scripture.


And what He tells them to buy is gold: "You buy from Me gold." Obviously, we're dealing with something that is being used as a symbol or an analogy. The word for gold is "chrusion:" something made from gold, like ornaments or coins. Gold is the substance which is used. He says, "I want you to buy something that is like gold, in its valued. People buy gold. People store gold. They buy gold coins. They buy gold bullion. The reason for that is that gold has an intrinsic value in society. It has had that from time immemorial. And while all of the paper money will go downhill, or the other exchange rates, gold will always hold its value. And all of a sudden, you find that, where gold used to maybe cost $200 an ounce, now it's going to cost $350. Gold did not get more expensive. The money with which you buy gold was inflated, and became less valuable. So, it took more dollars to buy the same ounce of gold.


So, this is something that is not only valuable, but it doesn't lose its value. In this case, speaking of spiritual things, it's the gold that you'll take to heaven with you. This gold, furthermore, is pure. When you buy gold, you want to get (I don't know) 99.7% or something like that pure gold, such that it's quality gold, which has been refined through a process of fire and of burning out that which is the dross ("puroo") – refined. This is the word for "burning off the impurities."

In the past (someplace in your life), you have to come to the point where you decide to get rid of the impurities of your life. You decide to receive from God the purifying gold of the Word of God. You decide to go back to 1 John 1:9, and say, "I played the fool, Lord. I did this. I said this. My judgment was bad." And for some things that you do in life, you can't walk away from them. Those are the tough ones. The consequences are there. Every time you wake up in the morning, it's there. It's there. And that is even a greater burden.

Now, along here, you come to gold that has been refined by fire. The fire here is indicating the judgment of God. This spiritual gold has been channeled through the fire of God's judgment. Christ has made the provision for salvation. That's real gold. Christ has made the provision so that all of your sins may be forgiven. And all of your sins in time, upon confession and upon repentance and change will become forgiven. So, you may continue continued walking in the blessing of God.

It's so easy here for us to say that, because we've heard that so many times. We know that. But you must understand that most Christians, and most churches, you could look at them and said, "Do you have an understanding of temporal fellowship and 1 John 1:9?" They'd look at you blank. The biggest churches in town, filled with people to their eyeballs, wouldn't know that they're walking in religion. They're not walking in fellowship with God. They're walking in religion.

So, the Lord says, "You guys have a real bad problem. You think that your material well indicates that I'm blessing you. No. You have accumulated these things, and you have become materially rich, but you're poor. Consequently, in your experience (your godly walk) – it's not there. So, in My eyes, you can buy those really costly garments, but you're naked, where I'm concerned."

You Will Become Rich

So, the Lord says, "Get the real gold." Of course, He's referring to the Word of God. And the result will be that you become rich. This is the way to be rich: "plouteo." This refers to the possession of wealth. They thought they were rich, and they were wondering, "What's the Lord talking about? We're going to become rich? We already are rich." But all they were rich in was what? As we read to you this morning: you're born into the world. You brought nothing. When you die, I don't care how rich you are (rich as Croesus), you're going to leave it all behind. But that which has been invested in your Christian service ministry – that you will take with you.

So, what Jesus is telling John to write and tell these people, is that He wants these latest scenes to be truly rich. Do you see this word "plouteo?" We get the word "plutocrat" from that. A plutocrat is a rich person. And this is a condition in the Greek language. It's a potential. Right now, they're in spiritual poverty. But Jesus says, "You can always get back, and start building up your treasure trove. You can get back, and you can become rich where it counts for eternity.

So, you should never become discouraged that you served the Lord in some capacity within the context of your spiritual gifts, and your energy level; at your stage of life; your opportunities at the time that you're free; and, you wish that there were more people to help you. Scripture says, "God will not forget your service of love." And you don't want to join the people who are the country-club gang in Christendom. They do not have genuine wealth.

The advice to buy spiritual wealth analogous to what the Old Testament people were told. They were given the same instruction in Isaiah 55. Please turn to Isaiah 55. Here he is calling upon the Jews, who were also great for material things. They would say, "Wait a minute. That's not where it's at. Please remember that the Bible is always helpful in the expository setting, such as this church, and we have those nice new Bibles that you may borrow, there on the table there. If you walk in, and forgot to bring your Bible, pick one of those up. Isaiah 55 shows real spiritual blessings. How do you get them? Well, you don't get them with your money? The coin of purchase is faith in God.

So, Isaiah says, "Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters." He is speaking an analogy of spiritual thirst: "And you have no money: come; buy; and, eat. Come buy wine and milk without money, and without cost."

Someone was telling me that they got a thought during the morning sermon that they had an experience with a group of young people. Some were young adults. They were lower-IQ-scale people. You would almost describe them as retarded. And she said, "As I spoke with these people, they had great limitations. But when I asked him about spiritual things, their hands were flying up." And she said, "It made it so clear to me that spiritual understanding is not dependent upon human IQ." She was amazed of the things of God, that they so readily got hold of. It's a grace gift. And I knew exactly what she was talking about. I often have a whole congregation full of people like that. No, I'm just kidding you.

"Ho, everyone who thirsts, you will come to the waters of spiritual refreshment. You have no money. Come; by; and, eat." Most of your religious groups – if you're a Roman Catholic, how do you help get your loved ones out of purgatory? Money. You pay to have a Mass said in their behalf. Come and buy these luxuries, wine and milk, without money, and without cost. And then notice that material possessions are temporary, but spiritual maturity, and all that it gives us, will be ours forever.

Verse 2: "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance." He's talking about spiritual things. And there is so much – not the grain on the corn, but just the cob, that people buy in their religious experiences. They go to church services that are completely devoid of any spiritual nourishment – completely devoid of any instruction in the mind of God. And they sit there, chewing on the cob, and paying for it. And Isaiah says, "Why are you doing that, when God is ready to give you freely in abundance?"

Then he points out in verses 3-4 that the promises of God are to be trusted: "Incline your ear and come to me. Listen to what? To doctrine. Listen that you may live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David." David has been given promises; and, Abraham has been given promises. These covenant promises are unconditional. "You all have it already," God says to Israel. "Now, why are you looking out there to material things, instead of pursuing the joys of your heritage as being My special people?" And what are we Christians – the royal family of God. We're a royal priesthood.

Verse 4: "Behold, I've made him a witness to the peoples – a leader and a commander for the people. David is the one who was the great illustration to the Jewish people – a man who knew what it was to stumble, and to fall into great sin, and to confess it, and to come back on track, and, for the next 25 years of his life, he had the most magnificent experience of walking with God in service. Yet he was the man who could sit out there, and look up at the stars, and have those tender words of the heavens declaring the glory of God, and the awe with which he looked up there. And there are things that we have seen, that he never saw, because of our telescopes and our technology. He had no idea that, as far as the telescope can see, there are billions and billions of stars out there – the interstellar spaces, and the magnificence of God. And David looked up there, and he said, "I know You made that. And I know You made me. And if You have that power, I know I can trust You.

That's easy to say, but you and I both could start clicking off the names of people that we all know whose trust is in themselves, and whose greed overwhelms them, because they're not about to look to God to care for them. Their trust is not in a God. They can't look up into the sky, and see the magnificence of what took place.

I know of a lady who was brought for the first time to the Grand Canyon. And if you've ever stood on the edge of the rim of the Grand Canyon, it's an awesome sight. And if you know a little about the biblical forming of the earth's surface, you look at this great chasm, and those of us who have run through that on rubber rafts down the rapids, know what it is to look up and see 1,000-foot cliffs on each side of you. That carved out as the waters of the flood drained off. And all this woman could say was, "Well, it's a big hole." But those who understand God are awed by what He has done, because every time you look at the Grand Canyon, you remember the judgment of God of the great flood.

Then God exalts those who will obey His word. Verse 5: "Behold, you will call a nation you do not know, and a nation which knows You will run to You, because of the Lord your God, even the Holy one of Israel, for He has glorified you." This will especially be fulfilled, we're told, in the millennial 1,000-year kingdom, where gentiles will run to a Jew; grab hold of him; and, say, "Tell us about your God. Tell us about the God who created all this. Tell us about the God that we've been lied to, and deceived about, and that we have never really known." Those who obey His Word, He will honor, and others will come to them.

It is quite an honor when somebody has a serious need, and they want some prayer. Do they come to you and say, "Listen, I want you to pray with me about this. I want you to ask God." Why are they doing that? They're doing it because they have confidence that you're in touch with the Almighty, and that you are that because you are obedient to His Word. Therefore, they consider that you have the ear of God.

Now, when you lose all this, return from reversionism will restore you to spiritual prosperity. Verses 6-7: "Seek the Lord while He may be found." Yes, you can push yourself over the edge where He will no longer send the Holy Spirit to be calling out to you, and to be trying to draw you back in, and you will be permitted to go your way: "Seek the Lord while you have the opportunity to be found." If you push Him away once too often, He will leave you there. Call upon Him while He's near. When He's not near, you're in big trouble.

"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord. He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." These people in Laodicea needed to read this Old Testament passage. It was the same thing for the Jews: "Come on back. Make your confession, and the Lord will listen to you, and he will forgive."

In verses 8-9, God's divine viewpoint is alien to any mind of man which is not focused upon the Word of God – who does not know principles of doctrine. Verse 8-9: "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

When you read this verse, God was warning the Jew: "Don't play the fool, and go around telling us what you think is the way God works." Yep, you and I can stop and think now for a moment: "There's that lady. There's that man. They're very arrogant. They're very confident. They have no hesitancy of declaring what God thinks, and how He works. And because you know these people well, you know that they're totally in ignorance of reality. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. That does not mean that you cannot have God's thoughts. And it doesn't mean that you cannot have His ways. That's why we come to church. It is the exposition of the mind of God as recorded in Scripture. And when you accept that, and that becomes part of your human spirit guidance, then you will think God's thoughts after Him, and you will have God's ways after Him, and He will speak to your mind.

Do you want to hear about my latest adventure with my keys? Yeah, you can go ahead and giggle. This is getting to be really serious. Yesterday, I went rushing over to the office, after I'd made my tour over here, and got the handouts put out, with Mrs. Gitchel's help, put out, and get things set up. And I go went to the office, and opened my pack, and my office key was gone. It's a special key. It has another small key on the ring out to the foyer. I was dumbfounded. I walked out, and retraced my steps back to the house, and back up the stairs of the back of the building, and go inside, and I can't find them. So, I said, "Lord, that is a very valuable key. I don't know how those keys could have gotten off my pack, and I need to find them." I walked out the back door of the gym; stopped for a moment; and, then looked down. There at the top of the steps, lay my key. An angel had put it there between the time I looked earlier, and the second time I looked at it. It had to be that way. I could not be that dumb and blind – maybe that dumb; but, not that blind. There it was, exactly where I stood, looking around this porch. You know how you pull the keys out, and you're shaking this pack, and saying, "Here's where it could have fallen off." Some angel put it there when I wasn't looking. This is God giving you guidance, because I remember just looking out across the field here, and I thought, "Well, look down once more." Can you imagine how dumbfounded I was to look down, and there's that key?

So, the heavens are as high above the earth as His ways are beyond our ways, and His thoughts are beyond our thoughts. But we can learn them. That's what we do in Scripture. But if you're some dumb yo-yo that thinks that all of this is just human effort, then it'll never come together for you.

Furthermore, Bible Doctrine in the soul brings real wealth into your life (verses 10-11). Isaiah says, "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My Word be which goes forth from My Mouth. It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the manner for which I sent it." What is success with God and His Word? Its seed that He has planted for your prosperity? Yes, for your adequate care in time, and maybe for your considerable prosperity in time. But most of all, His Word is there to bring you the knowledge that will enrich you in eternity. It is the Word of God, and the Word of God, and the Word of God.

Yeah, you can read books. If you have a biblical frame of reference, it can be very helpful. But there is no substitute in the program of God for the local church with a God-appointed pastor-teacher in the pulpit, and a congregation which is willing to listen to the explanation of what is recorded in the Scripture, and a pastor-teacher which is willing to take the trouble, and to do the work of preparing and studying that Word, so that it is not just human-viewpoint opinion, or inspirational talk, but the realities of the Word of God. And then, the spiritual-maturity (the mature) type of believer is certain to be rich with personal happiness. In verses 12-13, Isaiah says, "For you will go out with joy. You'll be led forth with peace. The mountains in the hill will break forth, into shouts of joy before you, and all the trees in the field will clap their hands." You'll walk out in God's nature, and you'll think that there you are – walking in heaven itself. All of the world will be a glow around you in nature, and you will know that he is there, and he is there to bless you. Why? Because you took the trouble to come to church, to let the seed of the Word of God be planted in you.

Now, you tell me what better place you could have spent your evening tonight. I don't care if you are at home resting up. That's not good enough. I don't care if you're trying to save yourself a long drive. That's not good enough. It's a poor exchange. It's tough to find something that justifies not being in the presence of the Word of God.

Verse 13: "Instead of the thorn bush, the cypress will come up. Instead of the nettle, the myrtle will come up. And it will be a memorial to the Lord for an everlasting sign which will not be cut off."

So, when we read about the refined gold that Jesus is telling the people of Theodosia to seek, what's He talking about? It's the same thing that Isaiah is talking about – the mind of God recorded in Scripture. It is the Word of God recorded in what we call doctrine, which means the teachings.

David was a man of great sensitivity. He had a great respect for the majesty of God, and for who it was that he is dealing with. Please notice in Psalm 19:7-9. Here's a psalm of David: "The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring my soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true. They are righteous all together. They are more desirable than gold. Yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and the dripping of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them your servant is warned. In keeping with them, there is great reward.

Now, I don't care what enterprise you have in life. God will reward the believer who takes seriously the testimony of the Lord in Scripture. When you decide to get married, then you follow God's way, and God's orderly progression from courtship to marriage, and for the divine guidance of selectivity, the result will be divine blessings. But what do most people, even Christians, do? They all go on their physical feeling. They all make their choices on their emotional attraction. And do you know what? That good-looking doll you're looking at now – you want to look at her mother. That's how she's going to look someday. It has to be something more than such a true reality as that. There has to be that camaraderie of spirit and of soul, and then there can be true camaraderie of the Bible. All this is spelled out. Can you break the rules? Yeah, you can, but oh boy, what a mess it'll make! You'll walk around in life, carrying a burden that you never needed to carry, which was not what God intended for you.

That's what these Laodiceans were doing. They thought that they were high on the hog. But God said, "You will weep at the Judgment Seat of Christ," the Lord tells them, in effect, because you have wasted your life, thinking you had something with your material possessions.

In Psalm 19:10, David compares the Word of doctrine with pure gold. They're more desirable than gold – than much fine gold." So, here he's saying the same thing that the Lord is telling the Laodicean Church. Nothing is more valuable to a human being than to know the doctrines of Scripture. That is where it's at. That kind of spiritual wealth brings genuine happiness in the life of a person, as Psalm 19:8 points out here: "The precepts of the Lord are right. They will rejoice your heart. They're pure. They will enlighten your eyes."

When you follow the precepts of your society, they're wrong, and they will not delight your heart. How many people are living in a status of grim, grim grief now, because they followed the human viewpoint in society, and not the precepts of the Word of God? Such wealth bring genuine happiness. There will not be a frantic search for satisfaction and happiness. Bible doctrine is like gold refined in fire because it has passed through the fire of God's Holiness.

In Psalm 12:6, the psalmist says, "The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times. The Word of God – that's your true wealth. So, spiritual wealth is the ground of our security and our peace in life. If you know what your Father thinks, you have real well. And in the Word of God, Bible doctrine is gold.

Nowhere is this more poignantly pointed out than in the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross, suffering, and dying. Please notice Psalm 31:5. This is the verse which Jesus Christ quoted when He was on the cross, about to die. We have it recorded in Luke 23:46, where His is quoting Psalm 31:5: "Into Your hand I commit My Spirit. You have ransomed Me, Oh Lord God of Truth." David's complete statement suggests the basis of the confidence that Jesus Christ had at His death, in committing Himself to the Father, because in this verse, Jesus only quoted the first part: "Into Your hand I commit My Spirit." And what was the basis of His confidence and assurance, and His happiness? That all is going to go well; that He will be resurrected; and, that he will have covered the moral guilt of mankind. You have ransomed Me, O Lord God of Truth;" and, that means "God of Faithfulness." The Word of God is truth. So, God is faithful to His Word.

Thus, the happiness of Christ (the stability and His suffering on the cross) was Bible doctrine in His Human Spirit. All the while He was in that agony in His humanity, it was the Word of God that He had stored the principles of doctrine. He knew what the truth was about God. So, at this moment, He put Himself into that trust, the God of truth – the God of faithfulness. Jesus Christ knew with Whom He was dealing, and in Whom He was trusting. And that, folks, is real wealth – to be in temporal fellowship, and to have God speaking to your mind. That is wealth.

I can't imagine anything more valuable than to have Him speaking to your mind as you go through your day, and as you go through your life, alerting you; guiding; comforting; and, giving you good judgment. It is from Him, as He speaks to our minds. What Jesus Christ wants us to do is to exploit His victory on the cross as His royal family with our own purchase of the goal of doctrine – the coin of positive volition to Scripture. God's Word is the supreme wealth of the universe. What these people in Laodicea needed to do was to get back to the gold of the Word of God.

We will close with Psalm 138:2. This also was written by David. And he says, "I will bow down toward Your holy temple, and give thanks to Your Name, for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your Word according to all Your Name." Somebody asked me about that verse tonight (where it is). There you are: Psalm 138:2: "I will bow down toward that holy temple," because that's where God resided. So, it's bowing to the Lord: "I'll give thanks to Your Name. I'm going to be grateful for Your lovingkindness." The Hebrew word here in the New Testament is the word "grace." So, lovingkindness is for Your Grace. Here, in the system of the Judaism of the Mosaic Law, the grace of God was rampant: "And of Your Truth, for You have magnified Your Word (or Your promise) according to all Your Name."

What He is saying is that God has promised to do these things for us: to give us the gold of doctrine, and to make us rich in time, and certainly in eternity. It's the only way to live. There is no other way to go. And what He wants us to do is to capture that, and stay with it. As we will see, things got terrible in the lives of the Laodicean Christians – they, who should have had every opportunity in the world, because they had money. What things they could have done. Instead, they blew it all, because they did not understand this simple principle. They wouldn't go for the real gold: "I will bow down toward Your holy temple, and give thanks to Your Name, for your lovingkindness and Your truth, for You have magnified Your Word according to all your name."

Dr. John E. Danish, 1995

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