Light and Darkness

Colossians 1:1-2


© Berean Memorial Church of Irving, Texas, Inc. (1995)

Our subject is "Prayer for the Colossians," number 32 in Colossians 1:9-14.

Colossians 1:9-14 discuss the prayer effort of the apostle Paul in behalf of the Colossian Christians. In Colossians 1:9, the apostle says, "For this reason also, since we heard of it," referring to the love of the Spirit of God, which was characterized by these Colossians who were living in the doctrines of the Word of God referred to in verse 8 – "For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you." He then proceeds to tell them what it is that he is specifically praying for them as a group (an assembly) of believers in the city of Colossae.

Full Knowledge

We noted that the primary petition of Paul is that God would fill the human spirits of the Colossian believers with the "epignosis" full knowledge of Bible doctrine. That's doctrine that you have been taught, such as in a setting like this, and which you have accepted with an "Amen." This is rarely done today. And it is a disgrace and a travesty upon the Christian community that churches have lost their way as instructors of doctrinal concepts. And it is a great tragedy when your sons and your daughters do not grow up where the Word of God is dignified, and where the instruction in the Word of God, in its intense, deep application of their lives is made available to them. It is a great travesty when something else, in the form of entertainment, is substituted for a relationship to God. And that is the great deception of Satan. All of us, and certainly our young people, need to learn that their whole life depends upon the Bible. Their whole significance, as a human being, depends upon the knowledge of the Word of God. And it is the responsibility of parents to see that their children are steered into that concept.

Now, when the Bible says, "Be in church to be instructed in the Word of God," don't let your children be someplace else. And in God's name, don't let them be where they're going to be fed corn cobs instead of the kernel of the grain. You're going to answer for that before the Judgment Seat of Christ someday. Have no mistake about that. And when the Word of God tells us that the place of believers to be on certain occasions is as a team, praying, then don't be someplace else. And don't let your children be someplace else, where their dignity as believers is being undermined, and where they're being cheapened by entertainment instead of the gathering together to learn to pray.

I'm yet waiting for some parent to come to me and tell me of a justifiable reason why I don't see their children in prayer meeting. And the reason is that they can't, because they know that someday they're going to stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ. And they're going to answer for that. And they don't want to face me now, because they know that I know better than that. I am instructed in the Word of God. Therefore, my heart goes out to the children, and my heart goes out to those parents. >Sometimes there are circumstances in life such that that's not possible to be at prayer meeting on Wednesday night: distance; or, work schedules. But most of the time, it is deliberate choice.

Something hit me recently as a biblical principle, as I watched people, through the years, who have been great servants of God. There were people that you could always count on, and people that you could depend upon, and then they begin drifting off. They're no longer there. They're no longer dependable. They're off someplace else. And it finally hit me. And I was telling somebody recently that the problem is that the great servants of God were people who didn't have a life. And when they didn't have a life, they had time for God. But all of a sudden, when they got a life, they were in this little rinky-tinky thing, and they were in this little rinky-tinky thing, and they were off getting ready to do this, and off getting ready to do that. And I say, "Is that a proper exchange for being a servant of the Most High God?" They look at you with wonderment. And suddenly, I realized that here's a person who, when they did not have a life, they had God. And the worst thing about it is that Christians don't encourage one another to get off the rinky-tink, and get back to where they didn't have a life, so that they could have time to be the noble people that God wants to see them be at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Isn't that strange? When they got a life, full of things to do, they no longer had a significant life that counted for eternity.

The apostle Paul is very much concerned that this is what's going to happen to the Colossian Christians. And when it does happen, their testimony, powerful as it was in that part of the Roman Empire, is to be diminished. And in time, it will be silenced. You should be very much concerned that when your spiritual gift, and your spiritual insights, and your capacities in the knowledge of the Word of God are diminished because you got a life finally, that you should back off and ask yourself whether it's worthwhile.

The Mind of God

In Colossians 1:9-14, the apostle Paul says, "The fundamental thing is to learn the mind of God. The only way you get the mind of God is when you have a pastor-teacher who is capable of teaching you the principles of doctrine, and your willingness to say "Amen," and to believe them. So, that which is informational knowledge now is stored in your human spirit as a Christian, and becomes operational information that will carry you through your life.

All the other elements in this prayer, and all the other petitions that Paul makes here, are all dependent upon this first and fundamental basic request – that their spirits be filled with the full knowledge of doctrine. If a believer does not have a reservoir of Bible doctrine in his human spirit, nothing that Paul says, and nothing that Paul prays for them, is possible. Without that capacity in the Word, none of this is possible for them.

That's why it's a great tragedy when you allow your children to be engaged in things that trivialize their relationship to God, and that make them think that they're doing something in entertainment, and say that it's inspiration. It's nothing.


The apostolic requests of blessing all flow, then, from doctrine in the life. For that reason, he prays that they would live their lives in a manner which is worthy of Jesus Christ. They couldn't possibly do that without a base of doctrine.

Please Christ

He also asks that they would please Jesus Christ in everything they do. There's no way you're going to please Christ without a basis of doctrine. That's your guideline for pleasing Him.

Bear Fruit

He asks that they would bear the fruit of divine good works in serving God the Father. There's no way you're going to produce divine good works without doctrine in the soul.

Spiritual Growth

He prays that they would grow daily in the full knowledge of doctrine, so that they could go into the deep things of the Spirit of God. Most Christians never go beyond the trivial, elementary, surface things of the knowledge of God. They never walk where they're awed by the presence of God.

By the way, if somebody in this congregation is disturbing by talking, you turn to them, and you give them a glower. Turn around, and cut them off. You are not to disturb other people who are trying to get something of the mind of God. We don't need spiritual grave robbers here.

You need the full knowledge of the Word of God so that you can go into the deep things. These are the things that finally give you an awe of the presence of God.

Now, it's wonderful if you had this early in life. Dr. Walvoord, the second president of Dallas Seminary, in a systematic theology class one day, we were discussing the concerns of people: what interests people; what they pursue in their lives; and, what kind of a life is significant to them. And after many years of experience, as a pastor, and a teacher, and a seminary professor, Dr. Walvoord said, "One of the things I've noticed is that as people get older, and they see their age clicking up to where checkout time is nearing, they become less and less interested in the trivialities of life, and what's going on in the world really." He said, "They begin to get more and more interested in the Word of God, and what's on the other side. And their focus begins to be on that."

His point was that that's a tragedy. That's a great tragedy. You should not have to wait until you're up in years, and facing the imminence of your arrival in God's presence, to start getting serious about spiritual things. That should become the norm from the days of your youth. And if it isn't, it's because someone hasn't taught you, or because you had the bad luck to have parents who allowed you to chew on corn cobs, or to do something that's entertainment, and trivialize yourself, and so degrade yourself as a prince or a princess of God. And the more your children, and the more we are involved with the world system, the more jaded we are, and the more calloused, and the more resistant.

Some of you come to me, and you say, "Hey, what has happened to this kid?" And you name somebody. Well, the kid is in the setting now of the world system, and the kid says, "This is great. This is my life. This is the way I am." And the resistance and the hardness is there. So, a life can go on. And the time can come for facing God. And about that time, you get serious about making your life worthwhile, so that there are treasures stored in heaven?

Now you can't always make your children do right, but you can do right by them by seeing to it that they are taught the Word of God. That's why we have Sunday school. That's why we have Training Union. That's why we have prayer meeting. That's why we have the church services. They are taught the Word of God, and they are not allowed to substitute something else for those gatherings of the saints. They are not permitted to degrade their own relationship to God as if it were no more than some little friendship on a human level. We have lost our respect and our reverence for God.

The Power of God

The apostle Paul also prays that they would be personally endued with the potential and the active glorious power of God. He prays for a quality of steadfastness and patience in living for God. It takes doctrine to do that. He prays for a spirit of joyfulness about them – joyfulness when the things are good, and when they're not so good. Only doctrine can do that. This is a spirit of gratefulness to God the Father for qualifying the believers: first, for salvation; and, then, for Christian service. What a great thing it is not only to be saved, but to be able to serve the Holy, Almighty, Living God, as a coworker with Him.


He prays that they would have a share in the inheritance of heaven as a co-heir with Jesus Christ. He prays that they would be living in the spiritual enlightenment of God's Word for victory in the angelic warfare, and for the life-changing experiences that come from the Word of God.

So, the apostle Paul prays for these Christians for some very great things. It makes a difference between being a significant person, and being an insignificant clod – from being a person of dignity, or being a person of contempt. And it all is dependent upon that simple little act of walking in to the church service; being instructed in the Word of God; learning the principles of doctrine; and, saying, "Hallelujah! Yes, Lord. That's for me."

Now what he is describing here is spiritual light and spiritual darkness. That's what we're talking about. And a small part of the world moves in spiritual light. Most of it moves in spiritual darkness. And the contrast between spiritual light and spiritual darkness is very real, and it is clearly identified in the Scripture. That contrast is pointed out to us in one place in the book of Acts 26:18. The apostle Paul, in describing, in his defense before King Agrippa, what it is that God said that he was called to do was, "To open their eyes" – the eyes of the lost Gentile unbelievers: "To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness," which is where they normally are, "to light; and, from the dominion of Satan," which is the area of darkness, "to the dominion of God," which is the area of light, "in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in me." That inheritance is heaven, and all that that connotes: "among those who have been sanctified." The word "sanctified" means "set aside" by faith in Jesus Christ to eternal life in heaven. It's just that simple.

Also, 1 Peter 2:9 indicates this contrast between light and darkness: "But you (Christians) are a chosen race. You're a royal priesthood" There is where we have our basis of being related to Christ the King so that we are a royalty: "a holy nation of people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

So, everybody begins life as a newborn infant in the realm of darkness. And that's where you will remain all of your life, and that's how you will die, and go out of this life, and you'll enter the eternal darkness of the lake of fire, unless God Himself makes a supernatural transfer of you by an act of His grace, and by His particular choosing of you, to bring you to an understanding in the enlightenment of the gospel (that faith in Jesus Christ) – unless God Himself transfers you out of that realm of darkness into the realm of the light of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Realm of Light

Let me show you a few things that God says is the realm of light – the things that characterize the things of light. This will help to give us a perspective on how we ourselves should live, and how we ourselves should evaluate all of the things that are constantly pressing on us from the world in which we live.

The Gospel

In 2 Corinthians 4:4, we're told that the gospel of the grace of God is light: "In whose case, the God of this world (that is, Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God." Now, what is the gospel? The gospel is that Jesus Christ has died on the cross. He paid for all of our moral guilt. Therefore, sin is no longer an issue. God is not dealing with you on how you're going to live, or how you're going to make any promises. The focus is strictly upon what God has done in Christ for your personal salvation by an act of His grace. That is light.

What is light is the statement of Jesus Christ in John 14:6: "No man comes unto the Father but by Me." Nobody comes to heaven except through Jesus Christ. That's light. What is darkness is for the Muslims to say, "No, no, no. Jesus is a great prophet, but Mohamed is His main prophet. He is the access of light." Do you see how Satan has twisted it? It is for the Hindus to say, "No, no, no. You are a God. Jesus came to his consciousness of godhood. You must come to your consciousness of godhood." That is darkness. The light is that only Christ is the way into heaven. The Jew says, "No, no, no. Jesus is not God." And they speak of Him contently, like the famous entertainer with the cigar – George Burns. And George Burns, very glowingly, was speaking about his religious views one time. And somehow, Jesus came into the picture. And he says, "Yes, Jesus was one of our boys." That should make your hair stand on end. But what was George Burns, whence he has gone into the holding station of Hades where he now resides. I can tell you that without any question of doubt whatsoever, because he, by that statement, said that Jesus was just a nice Jewish boy. He was not a God-Man. He was not the only way for anybody to get into heaven. So, George Burns rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Now His name has come to mean a great deal more to him, as he suffers in that place of burning.

So, the gospel of the grace of God is light. Any other way of salvation is wrong, including the Roman Catholic system of saying that: "Christ died for our sins, but now we must pay for all of our earthly sins here on earth. We must pay ourselves. We must do our penance to add to that, or we can't go to heaven." Or we denominational groups that say, "If you don't have water baptism to wash away your sins, even though it's a human work, and the Bible says that you can't get to heaven by any work. The fact is that you neutralize salvation if you throw in any works. The gospel of the grace of God – that's light. Do you see what light means? And most of the human race cannot grasp it.

You sit here without a full appreciation for that, because God has enlightened you (most of you – probably all of you). So, you understand that the gospel of grace means: "I accept a gift from God, and I don't try to pay Him for it." You understand that. Most of the human does not understand that. Man by nature does not think that way. And the only reason you do is because your blindness has been removed.

Bible Doctrine

The second point of light, that the Bible says is a great area of light, obviously, is the knowledge of Bible doctrine. 2 Corinthians 4:4-6: "For God, Who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." He has given us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. That's doctrine. That is the information.

Now, when you first walk into a place like Berean Church, you are surrounded by people who are pretty well advanced in the knowledge of doctrine. And a lot of things fly over your head, and fly by you, because you will have been born in darkness, and that's all you've ever known. And until the Word of God begins to accumulate in your understanding, and it changes your perspective, you don't know what life is all about. But the place of light is the knowledge of doctrine. So, what have we got?


We look out at Christendom, and we look at our church operations, and entertainment is where the light is. That's what the church service is about. No, that's not light. That's darkness. The idea of people getting up and telling what they think about Scripture, that's light. No, that's not light. That's darkness. It is the knowledge of doctrine by someone who can learn and understand it, and has a gift of communicating these spiritual truths. It is light. The light is doctrine – not the wisdom of man, and not the opinions of people on something that they think God has said. And when you draw people in by some kind of entertainment appeal to their sin nature, you have done them a great disservice. And this is what makes me hopping mad about parents letting their young people engage in an entertainment activity instead of being out there in prayer and the study of the Word of God, and so degrading their own personal lives, so that somewhere down the line, the chickens come home to roost. That is not light. That is darkness. That is not gold. That is fool's gold.

"Agape" Love

Then the Word of God tells us another thing that is the area of light, and that's the "agape" love of God. 1 John 2:10: "The one who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him." The one who loves, and that's the "agape" – that mental attitude which is free of any ill will; any resentments; and, any vengeance. It is not that this person has always treated you properly, but you're ready to forgive. This is the quality that God has exercised toward us in saving us. The one who has the "agape" love (mental attitude love) – not an emotional element here, who loves his brother, abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.

Now, your Christian brothers and sisters are not always the best people in your relationship. They are far superior to anything that you have out in the world, but they're not perfect. They're just like you: worms struggling with their own sin nature. But those who are walking in the light of the love of God, which only the Holy Spirit can put into you, are very gracious, kindly people, who give people a lot of slack, and who are out there ready to restore and to return those who have strayed away, because they foolishly substituted something else for doctrine.

I've had people say to me, "I don't come to Berean Church anymore because there's nobody my age there." Well, hooray! You'll find a lot of them your age weeping at the Judgment Seat of Christ. How will you like that, Buster Brown? You can just weep there for all that you have robbed yourself of, because you drifted off to someplace that's got a lot of hoopla, and a lot of people your age. And is that important? Has that given you something? Do you have some quality in your life because of that? You will find the most inane things for which people will give up the Word of God, in order to go to something that they think is better. Why? Because that's where the crowd goes. They'll rush to the charismatics: "There has to be something there. Look how many people are sitting there." They'll rush to some big denominational church: "There's got to be something great. Here's where God must be. Look at all these people here." And they completely are blinded by Satan's darkness. This could happen to a Christian. But a Christian who is a loving person is in love, first of all, with Jesus Christ. That is the place of light. Therefore, your focus is on the Lord, and not upon all these other trivial things.

The Glory of God

Another area of light is the glory of God. Isaiah 60:1-3 indicate that: "Arise, shine for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples. But the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." This is the prediction that the nation of Israel will one day come to its sense. It will one day finally come to the realization that their forefathers did a horrible thing in crucifying Jesus Christ, Who was, indeed, their promised Messiah savior. They will now return to Him, and they will become an enlightened people. And then all the nations of the world, who, because they are led by Satan, who have no spiritual enlightenment (they are in darkness) – Israel will become the light of God to all nations. And rulers and people will once more turn to Israel and the Jewish people, and say, "Tell us about the God of glory – the real and only true God."

In the New Testament, we had the same concept in 2 Corinthians 4:6 that we read a moment ago, which also stresses this point: "For God, Who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the one who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

So, where the glory of God is where there's light, obviously. Where is the glory of God? Where the truth is. Where the truth of the word is. That's what is the glory of God.

Also, the glory of God is diminished when you substitute secondary things. I cannot pound it (it seems) through the head of people. You should not be doing in your life what the unbeliever can do just as well, and who cannot do the Christian things that you can do. People are so benighted by that, that it's amazing.

I have a good friend in south Texas who has gone further than I would want to go. But the same concept that's been bothering him is the substitution of believers who should be displaying the glory of the light of God, doing things that they cannot do for the Lord, because they have a life for themselves. They're doing the things that the worldlings do, and could do.

So, my friend says that Christians should not be involved in any political matters. And he knows the Word of God. That's pretty heavy. I'm not sure I'm ready to go that far, but I know what he is driving at. What he's driving at is that Christians have gotten themselves a life that has detached themselves from the glory of God.

The Character of God

Then what is light is where the character of God is. 1 John 1:5: "And this is the message we have heard from Him, and announce to you that God is light. And in Him, there is no darkness at all." That's exactly what we're talking about. God is light. In Him there is no darkness. So, if God is light, how do I benefit by that? There is only one way. You have to have the mind of God. How do I get the mind of God? Through the Word of God. If you do not have the Word of God, you do not have the mind of God. And if you do not have the knowledge of the Word of God, you cannot have the character of God, which is light. So, God is light, because God is truth.

More specifically, we may zero in on the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the focus of everything with the Father, and everyone who deals with God the Father must deal with the Son. The person of Jesus Christ is light. John 8:12: "Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." Jesus says, "I am the only person that will give you the light of spiritual understanding. You cannot have spiritual enlightenment except through Me. It is My instruction. It is My word. It is My teaching. Only through Me will you have the light of God upon you. So we're back to all these religious groups that outright reject Jesus Christ as the Savior God; and, the Christian groups who diminish Him by trivializing His commandments; His word; and, His doctrine with all the things that they substitute for it as a way to have a relationship with God. You do not have a relationship with God through some fun and games entertainment. You have a relationship to God through the person of Jesus Christ, via the knowledge of the Word of doctrine. It's just that simple.

Truth and Good Deeds

Another thing that the Bible says is an area of light is the place of truth and of good deeds. John 3:21: "But he who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifest as having been wrought in God." People who do genuine good deeds are walking in the light of God. They're walking in the light of the truth of the Word of God. That's why their deeds are good.

Now, remember that there is such a thing as human good. That is produced by the sin nature in man. It's generally referred to by the codeword "compassion." And in the world system, the word "compassion" is thrown around, and what it is, is human good, out of the sin nature, that God completely rejects and condemns. It is not a good produced by the Spirit of God within us as the result of our walking in temporal fellowship with the Father.

"But he who practices the truth." You can't practice what you don't know. If you're in church, you'll get the know. Then it's up to you to say "Amen," and start practicing. Anybody who is interested in doing what God thinks, you're going to come to the light. You're not going to go to entertainment preaching. You're going to go to instructional preaching. And your deeds will then be manifest as having been wrought by God.


Another area of light are believers themselves. Ephesians 5:8 points this out: "For you were formerly darkness." Paul is speaking to the Ephesian Christians. "You were born in spiritual darkness. You were nothing but darkness until you accepted Christ as Savior, and then you were transferred out of Satan's kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light: "But now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." Believers are light because they're born-again. They now have the glory of God within themselves. And then he has to say to us, "Walk as children of light?" Isn't that sad?

Here's a human being that bears within his body, God the Holy Spirit as a permanent member who dwells with him for personal guidance through the Word of God, who has the light of regeneration in his soul, and we have to tell Christians to walk as children of light? Unless you know the system for controlling the sin nature, you will not do that. And it takes the Word of God; the grace system of perception; and, the spiritual maturity structure of the soul for you to walk as children of light. But this is what we as believers are supposed to be. We are not to walk as if we belong to Satan.

In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus Himself says to the believers, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do men light a lamp and put it under the peck measure, but on the lamp stand, that it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in heaven." Believers are to be the light of the Word of God, and they are to so live such that people look at us and they see God in all of His beauty, because it's reflected in us.

Then there's 1 Thessalonians 5:5: "For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness." There's a contrast very dramatically. We Christians are sons of light. We are the people of the day. We are not the people of the night.

Goodness, Righteousness, and Truth

Another area of light is goodness, righteousness, and truth. Ephesians 5:9: "For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth." People who are living in the light as believers that they are (the area of the light) are people who do the things that are good. They do the things that are righteous as per the principles and the standard of the Word of God. And they do the things that are the truth, which are the truth of Scripture. There are a lot of religious people going around the world, parading as representatives of God, who do not do the things of goodness. They do not do the things of righteousness. And they are certainly not in the truth. They are not the people of the light.


Now, in contrast to all this (and there are many more we could put together, but this is a basic little summary of what the Bible considers light), let's take a look at what the Bible considers areas of darkness. First of all, the kingdom of Satan is considered an area of darkness. Colossians 1:13, which we will soon get into: "For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His Beloved Son." There is a kingdom upon this earth that is the kingdom of Satan, and it is the kingdom of great darkness. And most of the people that you are associated with every day of your life are in that kingdom of darkness. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our struggle therefore is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers (demon powers), against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places."

The interstellar spaces are the area of activity of the demonic world, and they have access to this world under Satan's guidance. And the whole kingdom of Satan is described as spiritual darkness because it is wickedness. So, this includes anything to do with Satan's kingdom, which is world society. All of our nation is a system organized by Satan, and that's why world society is darkness. It is governed by rulers (agents of darkness), and it is filled with people of darkness.

As love is the area of light, so hatred is the area that belongs to darkness. 1 John 2:9: "The one who says he is in the light, and yet hates his brother, is in the darkness until now."

1 John 2:11, "But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." Any Christian who gets a spirit of hatred toward another believer suddenly has scales upon his eyes, and he goes spiritually crazy. Why do Christians, that we have known in the past, do such insane things? Because the devil has been allowed to blind their eyes to the reality of the difference between light and darkness. And they have chosen a spirit of bitterness, which is a variation of hatred, to take hold of them on something, and they become so bitter on that thing, that suddenly they are blinded to all spiritual enlightenment. And then they go on to their own self-destruction. Oh, they'll go to heaven but with how much less than they could have been.

The Power of Satan

Another area of darkness the Bible says is the power of Satan. Luke 22:53: "While I was with you daily in the temple, you did not lay hands on Me," Jesus says to those who have come in the Gethsemane to take Him: "But this hour and the power of darkness are yours." Who was moving those men to do this to Christ? Satan. The Roman soldiers and the Jewish leaders were all under Satan's control. Jesus says, "You never touched Me when I was in the temple, because you were afraid of the people. They knew that I was a righteous man. They knew that I spoke the truth. You didn't lay a hand on Me then. But you are able to do that here in this quiet garden of Gethsemane now, because God has now permitted this to be your hour, the power of darkness, the power of Satan. This is your time. This is your moment."

Evil Deeds

Any place of evil deeds the Bible says is an area of darkness. John 3:20: "For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." The place of evil is a place of darkness. And you don't want to have the light shown upon you. The place of darkness is a place of spiritual disorientation.


John 12:35: "Jesus therefore said to them, 'For a little while longer, the light is among you (Himself). Walk while you have the light, that darkness may not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes." So, anybody who is spiritually disoriented is that because he's walking in darkness. Why does a Mormon think he's going to become a God? Because he is spiritually disoriented. He is in the dark. He is in doctrinal darkness. And yet, here is a denomination that Satan has carefully nurtured, so that they can proudly stand up and say, "We build a temple. It costs several millions of dollars. We put them all over the world. And we lay cash down on the barrel head. We don't borrow money. We don't work on credit. God has prospered us. Yet, because they're in the darkness of the lack of knowledge of the Word of God, they're totally spiritually disoriented. They think that in those temples they are serving God, when those temples are citadels of Satan.

The Deeds from the Sin Nature

Certainly, the deeds that come from our sin natures are clearly the work of darkness. Romans 13:12-14: "The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness, and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, nor in sexual promiscuity and sensuality; not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh (the sin nature) in regard to its lusts." All that flows from the sin nature is the area of darkness. And I tell you here that he's speaking to Christians. Christians are being warned that the night on this world is almost gone. Jesus is imminently on the horizon to return. So, the day of spiritual enlightenment all over this world is going to be made very clear. So, let's get with it Christians. Lay aside everything that belongs to the area of the sin nature (these deeds of darkness), and put on the protective light of the Word of God.

Now, if you're smart, you'll say, "That's for me. I want to put on the protective knowledge of the Word of God, so that I can behave properly as a person who belongs to the day. I'm not carousing and boozing it up. I'm not in drunkenness. I'm not in sexual promiscuity. I'm not playing sensuality. I'm not in strife and jealousy. But I put on, as a garment, the Lord Jesus Christ, and I make no provision for the sin nature because He had none.

The deeds of the sin nature are the place of darkness. Ephesians 5:11-12: "And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them. For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret." All of these talk-show programs on TV are a disgrace, the Bible says, because they talk about things that people do from their sin natures that are nothing but degrading, and that are self-destructive to everybody who sits and listens. And yet, Christians will sit and listen to the most ungodly television programs, and not supervise their children in what they view.

All your association with your unbelieving friends is an association with darkness. 2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be bound together with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?" Now you meet somebody. This man or this woman attracts you, but they're not a Christian. Understand immediately that you have come upon somebody who is intense moral darkness. There's a gloom; there's a treachery; and, there's a great disaster. This person is the enemy of God, and you open your arms and take that person to your bosom? You're willing to date somebody like that? You're willing to go out and engage socially with somebody like that so that you get used to their evil? "Do not be bound together with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness." The Word of God says that the unbeliever is a dark place, and you must be on your guard when dealing with them, especially socially. What you should do is to recoil from the unbeliever instead of smilingly receive them.

World Peace

Anybody who believes in world peace is walking in an area of darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:3-4: "While they're saying," just before Jesus returns, "peace and safety, then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But you brethren (you Christians), you're not in darkness that that day should overtake you like a thief." You see world government coming on the horizon. You see the revival of the Roman Empire. You're not in darkness. You see, at the highest echelons of authority in this government (what the Bible calls moral abominations), are tolerated, and are protected, and are honored. You Christians should not go around like a bunch of ninnies, not recognizing that that is darkness, and the consequences for you and your children are very grave if that is permitted to be dignified.

I saw two lesbians on television yesterday. I think it was in the morning, on the "Good Morning, America" show. One of them was going to have a baby. And the one who was obviously the man in it was so jaded; so mannish; and, so hard. It was seen on the face, and it was just amazing to look at this face of this lady, and see the darkness of Satan upon her. She is a great entertainment star: a great singer. Therefore, she's a significant person because she can strum a guitar and sing. That makes her great. That makes her godly. That makes her spiritual. Baloney. It is an instrument of Satan. And you looked upon this face, and it was horrible to see, as with her arrogance, she declared what they were going to do no matter what anybody thought.

The world is looking for peace. The unbeliever is looking for a goodness that he does not possess. World peace is not going to come. And the people who influence our society are mistaken that they are going to find peace. We Christians know what is coming, and we should not act in toleration of these things that God has condemned.

The Lake of Fire

Certainly, the place of eternal lake of fire, hell itself, is a place of darkness. 2 Peter 2:4 says, "For if God did not spare the angels (those of Genesis 6, who intermarried with the women|) when they sinned, but cast them into Hades, and committed them to pits of darkness reserved for judgment." Hades is a place of darkness. And the lake of fire is going to be a place of darkness.

Take a look at the book of Jude 6: "And the angels who did not keep their own domain (their own relationship with angels), but abandoned their proper abode (the demon angels, and intermarried with these women), He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day." We know that they're in a compartment of Hades called Tartarus.

The Carnal Christian

We have one more instance of what the Bible says is an area of great darkness, and that is the carnal Christian. The Christian who's born-again, going to heaven, and out of temporal fellowship, is a very dangerous person. 1 John 1:6: "If we say that we have fellowship with Him (with Jesus Christ), and yet we walk in darkness (he's speaking to Christians here), we lie, and we do not practice the truth." A Christian who is out of temporal fellowship, with unconfessed sins, willingly and deliberately grieving the Spirit of God, and quenching the Spirit of God, and not walking by means of the Holy Spirit – that person is darkness. And now you must really be on your guard to have the discernment to see that this is a dark person, and that you do not associate with that person to the degree that they can influence your thinking.

Light or darkness, which will it be for you?

Our Father, we thank you for this, Your Word.

Dr. John E. Danish, 1995

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